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Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.
O Brasil tem a sétima população mundial, mas foi o segundo em número de óbitos por covid-19, com 700 mil. Essa discrepância não é obra da mãe natureza, mas resultado de uma política negacionista tomada pelo governo Jair Bolsonaro e aliados, que demoraram a comprar vacinas e incentivaram a livre contaminação.
Hoje, Dia de Finados, é bom momento para lembrar aos brasileiros que perderam alguém ou que se importam com a vida que os crimes cometidos contra a saúde pública entre 2020 e 2021 seguem praticamente impunes.
Certamente, os atos do ex-presidente pesaram contra a sua reeleição, mas a resposta política é apenas parte da equação. Se não houver punição firme aos envolvidos, a mesma coisa pode ser repetir na próxima pandemia. E sim, a ciência aponta que haverá outras.
A CPI da Covid, instalada no Senado Federal em 2021, teve 67 sessões, 215 quebras de sigilo, 1.582 requerimentos, terminando com o pedido de indiciamento de 78 pessoas, entre eles o ex-presidente Bolsonaro por “expor” deliberadamente a população a risco concreto de infecção em massa”.
Ela pediu o seu indiciamento por charlatanismo, prevaricação, infração de medida sanitária preventiva, emprego irregular de verba pública, epidemia com resultado de morte.
O inquérito contra ele está sob responsabilidade do STF, mas é mais fácil ele ser condenado por surrupiar joias dadas ao Brasil pelos árabes do que ser punido pelo que a CPI apontou.
Enquanto isso, vamos vendo a política tentar reescrever essa história.
O prefeito de São Paulo Ricardo Nunes deu uma cadeirada discursiva no Zé Gotinha e abraçou o pior do bolsonarismo-raiz ao afirmar que era contra a obrigatoriedade da vacina durante esta eleição. Entende-se que, em nome do voto, candidatos comam salgado em boteco duvidoso, beijem filhote de cachorro de rua e deem bom dia para cavalo, mas abraçar uma posição que matou milhares é abrir o alçapão no fundo do poço.
"And to regain the White House, Trump needs to cover not just the pandemic but a lot else with the mists of time, including his attempt to overturn an election and his incitement of January 6’s insurrectionist attack, a trade war with China that cost the US hundreds of thousands of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars in GDP, his love affairs with dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, his broken vows to boost infrastructure and to replace the Affordable Care Act with a better and cheaper program, his two impeachments, and nine years of chaos, scandals, and mean-spirited, racist, and ignorant remarks.
That’s a lot of forgetting to rely upon, and the fact that Trump still has a good shot at victory is a sign that he can successfully stuff much of this history into the mental recesses of the electorate. Fortunately for him, the nature of human memory plays to Trump’s favor—even, perhaps especially, when it comes to a pandemic.
Historians have long observed how quickly the so-called Spanish flu of 1918, which killed 50 million worldwide and nearly 700,000 in the United States, vanished from public conversation. As George Dehner, an environmental historian at Wichita State University, observed in his book Influenza: A Century of Science and Public Health Response, “the most notable historical aspect of Spanish flu is how little it was discussed,” resulting in “a curious, public silence."
READ MORE>> Millions Have Amnesia About the Worst of Trump’s Presidency. Memory Experts Explain Why. – Mother Jones
"For all their free-form interludes, the Dead’s songs had clear landmarks and structures — some of them far trickier than the band’s nimble performances would let on. Lesh could stick to a riff, as he dutifully did in the intro to “Touch of Grey,” the Dead’s only Top 10 (and only Top 40) single. But when the verse arrived, he was footloose again: nudging, scurrying, syncopating from below. His bass lines held hints of Bach, jazz, bluegrass, blues, Latin music and far more, as he sought out new interstices each time through a song.
“I wanted to play in a way that heightened the beats by omission, as it were, by playing around them, in a way that added harmonic motion,” he wrote in his memoir. “I wanted to play in a way that moved melodically but much more slowly than the lead melodies sung by the vocalists or played on guitar or keyboard. Contrast and complement: Each of us approached the music from a different direction, at angles to one another, like the spokes of a wheel.”"
read article by Jon Pareles
Phil Lesh Didn’t Hold Songs Down. He Lifted Them Higher. – DNyuz
"Taking the stand in France’s biggest ever rape trial, Patrice N, 55, an electrician from the southern town of Carpentras, said he was a “jovial” guy and a fun dad who once trained youth football teams and had a “great respect for women”.
He denied the charges of rape, claiming rape had never been his intention. “To my mind, it was a game,” he told the court."
read more>>
as this might be to say of the only American president found legally
liable for sexual abuse, the only leader of the free world accused of
dangling a TV gig in front of a porn performer seemingly as an
enticement for sex, the only commander in chief to publicly denigrate
the sexual attractiveness of both Heidi Klum (“no longer a 10”) and
Angelina Jolie (“not a great beauty”), I don’t believe Donald Trump
hates women. Not by default, anyway. “When it comes to the women who are
not only dutifully but lovingly catering to his desires,” the
philosopher Kate Manne wrote in her 2017 book, Down Girl, “what’s to
The misogyny that Trump embodies and champions is less
about loathing than enforcement: underscoring his requirement that women
look and behave a certain way, that we comply with his desires and
submit to our required social function. The more than 25 women who have
accused Trump of sexual assault or misconduct (which he has denied), and
the countless more who have endured public vitriol and threats to their
life after being targeted by him, have all been punished either for
challenging him or for denying him what he fundamentally believed was
his due.
At the micro level, Trump’s misogyny can be almost
comical, in an absurdist sort of way, like the time in 1994 when he
fretted over whether his new infant daughter would inherit her mother’s
breasts, or when he tweeted to Cher in 2012, “I promise not to talk
about your massive plastic surgeries that didn’t work.” On a larger
scale, the legislative and cultural shifts he fostered during his four
years in the White House are so drastic that they’re hard to fully
parse. Until 2022, women and pregnant people had the constitutional
right to an abortion; now, thanks to Trump’s remade Supreme Court,
abortion is unavailable or effectively banned in about a third of
states. The MAGA Republican Party is ever more of a boy’s club: All 14
representatives who announced bids to become House speaker after the
ouster of Kevin McCarthy were men; the victor, Mike Johnson, has blamed
Roe v. Wade in the past for depriving the country of “able-bodied
workers” to prop up the American economy. Online and off, old-fashioned
sexists and trollish provocateurs alike have been emboldened by Trump’s
ability to say grotesque things without consequences.
glee in smacking down women has filtered into every aspect of our
culture. If, as the literary critic Lionel Trilling wrote, “ideology is
not acquired by thought but by breathing the haunted air,” then Trump
has helped radicalize swaths of a generation essentially through
poisonous fumes. He didn’t create the manosphere, the fetid corner of
the internet devoted to sending women back to the Stone Age. But he
elevated some of its most noxious voices into the mainstream, and
vindicated their worst prejudices. “I’m in a state of exuberance that we
now have a President who rates women on a 1–10 scale in the same way
that we do,” wrote the former self-described pickup artist Roosh V on
his website shortly after the election.
By now, misogyny has bled
into virtually every part of the internet. TikTok clips featuring
Andrew Tate, the misogynist influencer and accused rapist and human
trafficker who has said that women should bear some personal
responsibility for their sexual assaults and frequently derides women as
“hoes,” have been viewed billions of times. (Tate has denied the
charges against him.) In 2021, before Elon Musk bought Twitter and
oversaw a spike in misogynistic and abusive content—not to mention
reinstating the accounts of both Trump and Tate—the Tesla entrepreneur
and men’s-rights icon tweeted that he was going to inaugurate a new
college called the Texas Institute of Technology & Science (TITS).
Boys on social media are being inundated with messaging that the only
qualities worth prizing in women are sexual desirability and
submission—a worldview that aligns perfectly with Trump’s. Misogyny, as
my colleague Franklin Foer wrote in Slate in 2016, is the one ideology
Trump has never changed, his one unwavering credo. Seeking to dominate
others with his supposed sexual prowess and loudly professing disgust at
women he doesn’t desire has been his modus operandi for decades. Any
woman who challenges him is “a big, fat pig,” “a dog,” a “horseface.”
would four more years of Trump mean for women? It’s hard to conclude
that Trump was moderated by the presence of his daughter in the West
Wing, exactly—or, for that matter, by any of the advisers who thought
they could temper his worst instincts before they ended up fleeing in
droves. But what’s most chilling about a possible second Trump
presidency is that he would certainly now be unchecked. The advisers who
remain are the ones who bolster his darker impulses. It was Trump’s
adviser Jason Miller, Axios’s Mike Allen reported, who psyched him up
between segments of his 2023 CNN town hall as he became more and more
aggressive toward the moderator, Kaitlan Collins. “Are you ready? Can I
talk? Do you mind?” Trump jeered at her. Anyone who’s ever witnessed an
abusive relationship could instantly recognize the tone.
"Whatever the case may be, Trump has continued to make plainly dangerous
and stunning remarks.
They are the sorts
of ideas that would have been shocking to hear from any mainstream
politician just a decade ago. And yet, today, Trump—arguably the single
most influential figure in the United States—says these things, and they
hardly register. Consider the following examples, all from just the
past few months:"
"Rather than challenge Harris openly on gender, Trump digs and jibes indirectly, persistently talking about the need for “strength” in leading the country and bashing America’s enemies. “Strength” is his code for “male” or “manly”. His running mate, JD Vance, has cut out the “childless cat lady” talk – but his foul sexism lives on behind glib words. Viewed this way, the election could be said to boil down to a contest between Trump’s “strength” and Harris’s “joy”, her successful campaign motif. It’s Mars against Venus. Or, in its simplest form, man versus woman."
Kamala Harris has a problem with men. Will misogyny cost her the election? |
To dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not go
"I wanted all woman victims of rape - not just when they have been drugged, rape exists at all levels – I want those woman to say: Mrs Pelicot did it, we can do it too.
When you’re raped there is shame, and it’s not for us to have shame – it’s for them.
It’s true that I hear lots of women, and men, who say you’re very brave. I say it’s not bravery, it’s will and determination to change society."
"O major foi apresentado no evento, segundo a reportagem, como o “braço do secretário [de Segurança Pública de São Paulo] Guilherme Derrite na construção do Muralha Paulista”. O objetivo da reunião era “convencer síndicos a cederem as câmeras dos próprios condomínios da região central da cidade para o programa”.
No encontro, Fernandes explicou que as imagens captadas pelas câmeras podem ser direcionadas em até oito segundos para os telefones celulares de policiais em patrulha na região, facilitando a identificação de pessoas com passagens policiais. “Não precisa rodar reconhecimento facial nem nada, nem outro tipo de algoritmo de inteligência, porque isso nós vamos rodar. […] Não precisa ser uma alta resolução. Uma boa câmera comprada na [rua] Santa Ifigênia já resolve”,"
leia reportagem de Caio De Freitas & Rubens Valente
Privacidade: Muralha Paulista, o projeto de vigilância de Tarcísio em SP
Vinicius Torres Freire :
"Vai se fechando cada vez mais o círculo de ferro da feudalização da política: barões do Congresso mandam dinheiro para os feudos, elegem mais prefeitos, que ajudam a eleger mais deputados, já com orçamentos gordos a facilitar a reeleição e favorecidos pela direitização geral do povo e pela esquerda desmiolada. O Orçamento vira pó.
O que quer o direitão vitorioso, afora o óbvio? Não sai uma ideia dali —até Michel Temer tinha programa. Os direitões não se articulam com setor social mais prestante e pensante ou com grupos de tecnocratas ou estudiosos nem para fingir que se ocupam de dar rumo a essa nossa mixórdia. No máximo, os que se ocupam da política-politiqueira tratam de "bastidores", fofocas e ninharias sobre o que vai fazer um desses tipos do direitão para levar mais poder e dinheiro."
You need some sympathy well so do I
You've got your troubles, I've got mine
"After all, how could you truly write fiction in a world — and I’m not just thinking of Donald Trump (though I most distinctly am thinking of him) — that seems ever more fictionalized? How could you write fiction in a country whose former president and presidential candidate used the word “I” 317 times in a single speech or, in another, spun a tale of near death in an almost-helicopter crash in which nothing he mentioned actually happened? He even — all too conveniently — put the wrong “Brown” (Kamala Harris’s pal Willie Brown instead of California governor Jerry Brown) in the copter that didn’t come close to going down with him on board. Oh, wait, maybe there actually was a helicopter with him and another cast of characters entirely that did at least come closer to going down! And just in case you hadn’t noticed, he’s already claiming, in a strikingly repetitive fashion, that Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential campaign and Kamala Harris’s nomination together represent nothing short of a “coup” in the Democratic Party: “This was an overthrow of a president. This was an overthrow… They deposed a president. It was a coup of a president. This was a coup.”"
more in the article by Tom Engelhardt
"Corrida eleitoral nos EUA parece confirmar
que Partido Republicano deixou Carlos Gustavo Poggio
de ser uma agremiação na concepção
clássica do termo (organização que representa ampla gama de interesse,
com lideranças substituíveis e uma ideologia que prevalece sobre as
posições individuais) para se tornar um veículo personalista de devoção a
Donald Trump, algo estranho à tradição do país. Mais que apenas
escolher o próximo ocupante da Casa Branca, pleito em novembro poderá
ter impacto profundo na estabilidade política do país."
"What he is signaling, again, is that crime is related to Blackness. Crime is related to immigrants who are not white. Crime is the thing — it is that dystopian vision that white Americans need to be fearful of all of these folks of color, that they cannot walk outside their doors without being attacked, without being mugged, without being shot, that the cities — you know, so, when he was talking about, you know, these cities have just burned down to the ground — except the people who live in those cities know that those cities have not burned down to the ground — again, it is this way of defining cities, these urban areas, and urban areas become synonymous with folk of color, that these urban areas are unsafe, and so white Americans are not safe in America as long as we have all of these folks of color. And then he links that in — he links that with immigrants coming in. And when he says “immigrants,” he means immigrants of color coming into the United States, again, linking that with crime, so, again, raising that sense of fear. Fear, fear, fear. And when he says, “I’m the only one who can solve this,” what he’s basically saying is, “I’m your white savior.”
And so, that is what that dystopian vision is about. So, although crime is going down, he’s saying, “You can’t trust the FBI’s statistics. You can’t trust your eyes. You can’t trust how you’re living. You can’t trust that you’re in the park and enjoying yourself. You can’t trust that you’re bicycling and having no problems. You can’t trust that you’re going to the grocery store, no problem. You can’t trust the way that you’re living your lives, because I’m telling you that you are not safe. You are not safe.” And that is the signal that he’s sending, a racialized fear of crime. "
more in the interview with Carol Anderson
conducted by Amy Goodman
His approach to the environment: ignore it.
by Zoë Schlanger
the last Saturday before Donald Trump took office, in January 2017, I
watched the controlled chaos of a hackathon unfold in a library at the
University of Pennsylvania. Volunteer archivists, librarians, and
computer scientists were trawling government websites, looking for data
sets about climate change to duplicate for safekeeping. Groups like this
were meeting across the country. Flowcharts on whiteboards laid out
this particular room’s priorities: copy decades of ice-core statistics
from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; scrape the
Environmental Protection Agency’s entire library of local air-monitoring
results from the previous four years; find a way to preserve a zoomable
map of the factories and power plants emitting the most greenhouse
The fear was that the incoming administration would pull
information like this from public view—and within a week, it did. By
noon on Inauguration Day, the Trump administration had scrubbed mentions
of climate change from the White House website. By May, officials had
taken down the EPA’s page laying out climate science for the general
public, as well as 108 pages associated with the Clean Power Plan, the
landmark Obama policy meant to curb emissions from power plants—months
before the Trump administration tried to repeal the policy altogether.
administration’s goal was to bury the issue of climate change. Nothing
was done to address it; the very mention of it was knocked from the
national agenda—and, by extension, the international agenda. If Trump
returns to office, he will surely double down on this strategy.
the global implications: The United States would probably exit from the
Paris Agreement again, Michael Gerrard, the founder and director of the
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, told me.
Despite its status as the wealthiest big emitter, the United States
continues to express little to no interest in substantially funding
global climate action, even during Democratic administrations. For now,
though, at least the country is still at the table for international
climate talks. Pulling out of Paris might be a largely symbolic move,
but it could have a domino effect. “India, Indonesia, Brazil—if they see
the U.S. is not acting, it’s easy for conservative politicians in those
countries to say, ‘These big rich guys aren’t doing anything; why
should we?’ ” Gerrard said.
Domestically, it would in some ways
be harder now for Trump to meaningfully alter climate policy than it was
when he first came to office. Electric vehicles have become popular,
and solar power will likely be the cheapest source of electricity in
basically every country by 2030. Heat pumps have proved to be
fantastically efficient, and a bipartisan consortium of 25 governors
just agreed to quadruple the number of them installed in homes in their
states. One consequence of the Trump administration was the emergence of
a new kind of subnational climate diplomacy: Mayors and governors began
meeting with international leaders to discuss the issue on their own.
During a second Trump term, these efforts would surely pick up again.
addition, certain new climate-friendly policies are so good for
Republican states that their representatives probably won’t want to
touch them. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 promotes clean power by
offering major tax credits to individuals and businesses that make or
use renewable energy, and most of that money is likely to flow to red
But a second Trump administration could still do major
damage. The fossil-fuel lobby would work to dismantle climate policies.
Groups led by the Heritage Foundation and the America First Policy
Institute are already making a “battle plan” to block electricity-grid
updates that would allow for solar and wind expansion, to prevent states
from adopting California’s car-pollution standards, and to gut
clean-power divisions at the Department of Energy, among other things.
a second Trump term, the EPA would no doubt be threatened with budget
cuts, as it was during the first. Staffers would likely retire en masse,
as they did before, and enforcement of climate policy would slow or
But the first thing to go will likely be the
websites—again. The U.S. has no law against a government agency deleting
pages from its own websites, even if the information on them is in the
public interest. “We have been telling the Biden administration that
this is a real vulnerability,” Gretchen Gehrke, a co-founder of the
Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, told me. For now, all of
the data sets that those teams of hackers scraped the first time around
are still housed on private servers, just in case.
Como costumeiramente ocorre, as eleições municipais de 2024 não se marcaram pela nacionalização. Nem o eleitorado vota no município com a cabeça na política nacional, nem os pleitos municipais antecipam o resultado da subsequente disputa presidencial. Embora isto seja mais verdadeiro para pequenas e médias localidades, não deixa de valer para grandes, onde muitas disputas se resolvem só no segundo turno.
Apenas no caso da eleição para a Câmara dos Deputados a conquista de prefeituras e cadeiras nas Câmaras Municipais importa nacionalmente, pois constrói uma rede de articulação político-eleitoral relevante para candidatos cuja votação (apesar da regra proporcional do pleito) é primordialmente de natureza local, numa distritalização informal. Eleições majoritárias de base territorial ampla —governador, senador e presidente— têm outra dinâmica. Para elas, até ajuda dispor de uma ampla rede de correligionários implantada localmente, mas está longe de ser decisiva.
Por isso mesmo, em sentido oposto, o patrocínio de grandes padrinhos nacionais tem efeito marginal nas disputas locais. Em certos casos pode até servir de bússola para o eleitor desavisado saber dos alinhamentos políticos de candidaturas pouco conhecidas; o efeito, porém, é reduzido. Eis porque a ausência de Lula e Jair Bolsonaro durante a campanha paulistana foi secundária para a eleição. Embora de saída fosse mais fácil associar Guilherme Boulos a Lula do que Ricardo Nunes a Jair Bolsonaro, depois, mesmo com as vinculações claras, o voto em cada um dos candidatos obedeceu a outros critérios.
Primeiro, importou mais a avaliação da gestão, centrada nos temas locais. Nunes nunca foi um sucesso de crítica e público, mas sua avaliação jamais foi das piores, como revelaram seguidas pesquisas. O Datafolha divulgado em 24 de outubro mostrava Nunes com 26% de ótimo/bom, 28% de ruim/péssimo e 45% de regular, números muito próximos aos de levantamentos anteriores.
Como frequentemente ocorre quando o incumbente disputa a reeleição, o eleitorado prefere não trocar o certo pelo duvidoso, e a maioria dos ocupantes do cargo se reelege —até no caso de administrações medíocres. Esse foi o fator decisivo a favor de Nunes, não o apoio titubeante de Bolsonaro ou o engajamento intenso de Tarcísio de Freitas.
Em segundo lugar, conta a rejeição dos postulantes, especialmente no segundo turno, em que são sobretudo as rejeições que importam. No caso paulistano, o último Datafolha antes da votação mostrava que Boulos tinha nada menos que 52% de rejeição, contra 37% do prefeito. Uma distância de rejeições dessa magnitude se torna proibitiva para a candidatura mais rechaçada; seria necessário algo excepcionalíssimo para permitir sua vitória.
Resta agora avaliar o que estas eleições municipais deixam como saldo para o futuro próximo da política brasileira. Apesar dos resultados eleitorais em si contarem pouco para a disputa presidencial por vir, o comportamento dos atores importa. Em São Paulo, mas também noutros lugares do país, Bolsonaro mais contribuiu para alienar potenciais aliados do que para os manter a seu lado. Sua vacilação em se envolver na campanha de Nunes; as menções prioritárias ao vice bolsonarista na chapa, pondo o prefeito de lado; seu flerte com a candidatura antissistema de Pablo Marçal; e, não menos significativo, seu aparecimento repentino quando a reeleição de Nunes já parecia garantida, querendo aparecer na foto e levantar a taça sem ter contribuído para a conquista, tudo isso deixa sequelas.
Tal rescaldo do oportunismo e da deslealdade de Bolsonaro não se resumem a São Paulo. Sua atuação em Goiânia e Curitiba, atacando aliados e traindo alianças, também estão registrados. Nisso, Lula foi mais prudente ao se envolver pouco. Mais do que evitar levar consigo a culpa por eventuais derrotas, o atual presidente escapou à armadilha de criar desafetos. Já seu predecessor, nem tanto. E 2026 está logo ali. Nisto, a disputa municipal importa para a competição nacional que se aproxima.
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