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    sábado, fevereiro 10, 2024

    Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain


    We climbed and we climbed
    Oh, how we climbed
    My, how we climbed
    Over the stars to top Tiger Mountain

    Forcing the lines through the snow

    Quando a casa cai





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    The Price of Netanyahu’s Ambition | The New Yorker

    A painted portrait of Netanyahu. "In 2021, Netanyahu was voted out as Prime Minister after a dozen years; over time, his divisive rhetoric and ever-expanding arrogance alienated even some of his most loyal aides and ministers. And so he decided that he would write a memoir, not unlike his idol, Winston Churchill. “Bibi: My Story,” which was published in Hebrew and English in 2022, is a self-admiring tome, in which he is right in every argument, the hero of every anecdote. Across some seven hundred pages, he portrays himself as the singular guardian of Israel, his father’s son. Even when he appeared amenable to compromise—as when he delivered a speech at Bar-Ilan University, in 2009, that conveyed a wary and highly conditional openness to a Palestinian state—he did so tactically, to ease pressure from internal political currents and, more often, to get American Presidents off his back. In this instance, Barack Obama.

    Most of his American interlocutors long ago came to understand the dodge. “The Bar-Ilan speech was part of his bullshit,” Martin Indyk, a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, told me. “We met a day or two after the speech. He was all puffed up and he said to me, ‘All right, I said it, now can we get on to dealing with Iran?’ "

    read article by David Remnick​

    The Price of Netanyahu’s Ambition | The New Yorker:

    Fronteira entre a burrice e a autoconfiança é muito tenue no Bolsoverso



    “Senhores, todos vão se foder. Eu quero deixar bem claro isso. Eu quero que cada um pense no que pode fazer previamente porque todos vão se foder.” A declaração de caráter profético foi feita pelo então ministro da Justiça, Anderson Torres, em uma reunião de caráter golpista em 5 de julho de 2022.

    O objetivo era cobrar engajamento para a difusão de mentiras sobre o sistema eleitoral e, ao mesmo tempo, buscar formas de utilizar a estrutura do Estado brasileiro a fim de se manterem no poder.

    A reunião foi gravada e o vídeo encontrado na casa do ex-faz-tudo de Jair Bolsonaro, o tenente-coronel Mauro Cid. Sim, uma reunião golpista foi gravada. O que mostra que a fronteira entre a burrice e a autoconfiança é muito tênue no Bolsoverso, o universo paralelo da extrema direita. Ou tinha alguém, desde sempre, registrando tudo como garantia.

    A profecia se cumpriu. Torres veio a ser preso após os atos golpistas de 8 de janeiro de 2022, quando já estava à frente da Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Ficou quatro meses atrás das grades. A conivência e a falta de organização da Polícia Militar do DF diante dos golpistas foi fundamental para a destruição da Praça dos Três Poderes.

    Os melhores momentos do encontro - que juntou, além de Torres, o então presidente Jair Bolsonaro e os generais Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, Braga Netto, Augusto Heleno e Mário Fernandes - estão descritos na decisão do ministro Alexandre de Moraes. Ele autorizou, nesta quinta (8), operação da PF que investiga uma organização criminosa que tentou um golpe.

    “Nós vamos esperar chegar 23, 24, para se foder?”, questionou Bolsonaro, deixando claro que não precisaria “botar tropa na rua, tacar fogo, metralhar” se as mentiras sobre a Justiça Eleitoral fossem devidamente espalhadas. Para permanecer no poder, dobrou a aposta, foi para o tudo ou nada e tentou junto com seus assessores e aliados levar a cabo um golpe de Estado. Quase deu certo, mas não deu. Ele culpa uma conspiração contra ele, mas o que essa reunião mostra é que quem conspirou contra si mesmo foi ele. “Nós vamos esperar chegar 23, 24, para se foder?”, questionou Bolsonaro. Sim, ao que tudo indica, 2024 é o ano.


    Olivia Rodrigo - all-american bitch

    I am light as a feather I'm as stiff as a board I pay attention to things that most people ignore And I'm alright with the movies that make jokes 'bout senseless cruelty That's for sure And I am built like a mother and a total machine

    sexta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2024


     We hear a lot of noises outside, almost every member of our hosting family and the other families staying here are moving around. I get worried, did something bad happen? During the seconds that it takes my sister to go and open the door to see what is happening, my panicking mind goes through a whole plan: I will take this bag, we will get the cats. We cannot take anything else, no time to put shoes on.

    My sister tells me that everything is OK. It seems that a woman and her children who evacuated recently and had nothing with them were knocking on doors and asking for help. So everyone starts going through their belongings and giving them anything they could share. I would not say “anything they did not want or had a lot of” because this is a luxury we forgot about a long time ago.

    I go out and see a pile of stuff: there are women’s clothes, deodorant, tissues, sheets and some food cans. My sister gets cheese and some food as well. One of the other hosted family members whispers to the grandmother of the hosting family. They both look at the feet of the children, noticing the torn sandals they are wearing. Immediately, everyone goes inside and brings shoes for adults and children and adds them to the pile.

    The grandmother asks the woman to give anything that does not fit to those around her in other tents. Before the woman and children leave, the grandmother goes inside again and brings some loaves and a few bottles of water. “I wish I could give you more,” she says.

    It all happens in front of me like a cinematic scene, everyone trying to help. No one stopped for a second to question if they should keep something to themselves. On their way out, the grandmother asks the woman to come from time to time, maybe she could help her with something.

    I ask the grandmother if she knows the woman, but she does not. What I admire most is the grandmother giving her the bread. These days, everyone is trying to maintain enough food to survive. She shares an old proverb that her own grandmother taught her: “Bites deter hardships.” It means that food – that you feed to others, or any kind of help in general – will push away many bad situations and bad things around you. Any good you do, will get back to you.

    However, it startles me how my brain, in any normal situation, would always think about the worst-case scenario. It feels like the blessing of having a normal life is taken from us, for ever.

     ‘I think of the many flowers I have received and gifted throughout the years.’ A child in Rafah smells roses bought from a boy selling them, 21 January. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images


    Minhas fotos mais interessantes postadas em 2023 (33)


    My Girl - Stevie Wonder

    I've got sunshine on a cloudy dayWhen it's cold outside, I've got the month of MayI guess you'd sayWhat can make me feel this way?
    My girl, my girl, my girl

    Jessica Williams - Round Midnight (Thelonius Monk)

    The Yanomami are suffering


    A year on from a major operation by Lula’s government intended to rid the Yanomami territory of illegal gold miners, the Yanomami are suffering an acute health crisis, and hundreds of children are severely malnourished, Figures from the official health service in the Yanomami area show:

    + The incidence of malaria increased 61% in 2023, with at least 25,000 cases.

    + Levels of flu have also increased dramatically, from 3,203 in 2022 to 20,524 in 2023 – an increase of 640%.

    + 308 Indigenous people have died (Jan – Nov 2023), most of them children under five.

    quarta-feira, fevereiro 07, 2024

    Bee Gees Massachusetts 1967

    Feel I'm goin' back to MassachusettsSomething's telling me I must go home
    And the lights all went out in MassachusettsThe day I left her standing on her own
    in memoriam BARRY GIBB

    terça-feira, fevereiro 06, 2024



    Ser verdadeiramente radical é tornar a esperança possível ao invés do desespero inevitável.

    Raymond Williams

    domingo, fevereiro 04, 2024

    O cabeça do esquema





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    MELANIE & MILEY CYRUS Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma (2015)


    “The Only Thing Keeping Me Standing Is the Suffering I’m Seeing”: A Journalist in Gaza


     "Every single time I saw the crazy bombardments around my home and my neighborhood, I couldn’t stop myself from filming, but I had this fear inside me. I’m afraid for my family, I’m afraid for my kids, and I know that there’s nothing that’s going to protect them; if they do get targeted, like Wael’s family was targeted, no one is going to do anything about it. Okay, people are going to cry, people are going to be sad, but I’m going to lose my family. I might be lost with them as well. I’ve seen many journalists, other colleagues who have lost their families in many of the bombardments and the attacks. I felt constant fear. That even affected my work a little bit—I felt like I was always breaking down.

    The only thing that’s really keeping me standing, keeping me going to work every day and standing in front of the camera to speak, is the suffering that I’m seeing, the constant bombardments that never stop, the ongoing killing of people and civilians around me. If I let these people down, who is going to speak out for them? Who’s going to tell the world their stories? Who’s going to tell the world that Gaza is still under constant attack, that people are being killed every single day, that there is fear of ongoing bombardments through the night, that people are still under the rubble, that hospitals are under siege, that there is not enough humanitarian aid entering the Strip, that the struggle is real, that diseases are spreading widely among people, that the despair in the eyes of children is the only thing that you can see?"

    read report by By Youmna El Sayed

    How low can Joe go?


    According to the latest ABC News poll, only one-third of US adults say they approve of Biden’s job performance, a record low for his presidency and for any president in the last 15 years.

    + Do the political limbo: how low can Joe go?

    + In a new poll by Detroit News, 17% of Michiganders say Biden deserves a new term. He trails Trump 47/39 in Michigan in the poll.

    + Asked at a presser on the South Lawn of the White House, if US/UK airstrikes are working in Yemen, Biden said: “Well, when you say ‘working’–are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they going to continue? Yes.”

    + In other words, the bombing will continue until our internal poll numbers improve.


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