Palavras: Steve Jobs
É o agente que mais transforma a vida.
- Steve Jobs
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Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.
As protests spring up in cities across the country, authorities are thinking up creative ways to contain this peaceful uprising.
2) No Umbrellas
5) No Sitting or Lying Down
10) No Masks
Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
she's in love with the world but sometimes these feelings can be so misleading
she turns and says "are you alright?"
I said "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating"
Read more at flavorwire.comYesterday, Patti Smith’s first major photography exhibition, Camera Solo, opened at the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut. Smith opened the show, which boasts 70-odd intimate black and white photographs shot with either a vintage Land 100 or a Land 250 Polaroid camera, a multi-media installation, and a video work, with an hour-long performance that doubled as a birthday salute to Rimbaud, her ultimate muse. Many of the gorgeous, misty photographs are inspired by artifacts from some of Smith’s favorite artists, from museums she has visited around the world, and many are from her personal life, making the show as a whole feel like a complex view of her world and the things that inspire her. For those that can’t make it to Hartford, or who just can’t get enough, an accompanying book, Patti Smith: Camera Solo, is also slated to come out at the end of the month. Click through to see a few images from the exhibition, and let us know what you think in the comments.
45% das casas brasileiras não tem rede de esgoto.
Can a dog deserve an Oscar? At the first Academy Awards, presented in 1929, the charismatic German shepherd who fought off gangs of villains in movies like “Clash of the Wolves” and “Jaws of Steel” won the vote count for best actor, but the Academy blinked, recalculated and gave the honor instead to Emil Jannings. Not that the public would have necessarily protested an Oscar for Rin Tin Tin. “He is a human dog,” one fan wrote to his trainer, “human in the real big sense of the word.”
As for Jannings and his colleagues, there may have been some doubt.
“Big” is certainly the word for the sweeping story of the soulful German shepherd who was born on the battlefields of World War I, immigrated to America, conquered Hollywood, struggled in the transition to the talkies, helped mobilize thousands of dog volunteers against Hitler and himself emerged victorious as the perfect family-friendly icon of cold war gunslinging, thanks to the new medium of television. Whether he was rescuing a damsel in distress with a crane or herding bad guys on the frontier, Rin Tin Tin “played out the founding principles of the nation,”Read more at
Mr. Feinstein began as a photographer for Columbia Pictures in the 1950s, shooting pictures of movie stars like Judy Garland and Steve McQueen. But he found his true calling after hours, and outside the office, in taking pictures of stars as they moved through the real world: among the Hollywood photos he became known for was one of a heartbroken Marlene Dietrich at Gary Cooper’s funeral and another of Marlon Brando at a civil rights march facing counterdemonstrators taunting him with racist signs.
Tornou-se fácil esquecer até que ponto a história de nossos problemas econômicos é ultrajante. Por isso, caso vocês tenham esquecido, lá vai uma peça em três atos.Read more at
No primeiro, os banqueiros aproveitaram a desregulamentação para operar sem controle (e receber remunerações principescas), criando imensas bolhas com empréstimos irresponsáveis. No segundo, as bolhas estouraram -mas os contribuintes resgataram os banqueiros.
E, no terceiro ato, os banqueiros demonstraram sua gratidão se voltando contra as pessoas que os salvaram, transferindo seu apoio a políticos que prometeram manter baixos os impostos que eles pagam e destruir a modesta regulamentação pós-crise. Dado esse histórico, como não aplaudir os manifestantes?
Já era questionável investir tanto dinheiro numa reformulação de estádio - agora com essa tabela tapera da Copa 2014 é questão de se questionar ainda mais torrar um bilhão num Maracanã que, apesar de ser o maior estádio do brasil, só recebera a seleção brasileira num jogo (que corre bastante risco de nem acontecer)...
Read more at“What is the music of #OccupyWallStreet?” NPR music critic Ann Powers asked on Twitter over the weekend. As the movement rolls on after a weekend that brought hundreds of arrests and lots of publicity, we think that’s an excellent question. From the hippie ’60s to the riot grrrl ’90s, every great political struggle has had a soundtrack of its own. And while past anthems like Crass’s “Do They Owe Us a Living?” and Dead Kennedys’ “Kill the Poor” are certainly applicable to Occupy Wall Street’s critique of economic injustice and capitalism run amok, we think new music is vital to new movements. With that in mind, we’ve taken a stab at compiling some great politically conscious songs that have come out in the past five years. Add your suggestions (or, you know, gripe about “kids these days”) in the comments.
Se o Ministro dos Esportes é inocente das acusações que estão sendo feitas, só o tempo e as provas dirão. Mas a imagem dos senadores Álvaro Duas e Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (PSDB) e dos deputados federais Ronaldo Caiado e ACM Neto (DEM), cercando e protegendo o PM, dono de extensa folha corrida, como se fosse ele fonte impoluta da verdade, na esperança de pegar alguma falha do governo para justificar sua pífia atuação, é mais do que vergonhoso. É degradante.
Culture Buzz
In 1987, an episode of Fox's short-lived sitcom Second Chance correctly predicted the year in which Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi would die.
The audience rips into applause as St. Peter damns him to hell.
Para o sociólogo Stephen Duncombe, ser amorfo é uma das grandes vantagens do Ocupem Wall Street, que foge do modelo tradicional de esquerda que vinha se repetindo desde os anos 1960.
— O que é interessante neste movimento é que, como eles se posicionam como “Nós somos os 99%” e não têm uma plataforma unificada, ele é muito mais aberto para pessoas que não pensavam em si mesmas como sendo engajadas politicamente, e que estão encontrando sua voz política agora
ao retomar temas que não vinham sendo discutidos nos EUA há mais de 30 anos, como a justiça social e a distribuição de renda, o OWS abre espaço para que sindicatos e a ala mais à esquerda do Partido Democrata assumam a defesa das demandas reprimidas.
— O que vamos ver é que atores institucionais que têm acesso ao poder vão se mover para ocupar esses espaços. Não para açambarcar o Ocupem Wall Street, mas para usar a energia que foi despertada a fim de exercer pressão.
Fernanda Godoy
Índice de 50% é o mais alto já registrado; tendência pode causar mudança nas leis
Read more at Gallup diz que o apoio à legalização passou de apenas 12% em 1969 para 30% em 2000 e 40% em 2009. No ano passado, outra pesquisa do instituto revelou que 70% dos norte-americanos eram favoráveis a permitir que os médicos pudessem receitar a maconha como analgésico.
Durante algum tempo, ele transitou entre o repórter socialmente responsável (ao menos para o público) e o piadista sem-noção, oriundo de uma escola cujo escracho vale mais que mil paródias. Se é rindo que se corrigem os costumes, o Rafinha piadista e sua trupe (sim, porque não estava sozinho) pareciam inverter ou desprezar a própria função: os pobres que continuassem pobres, os feios que seguissem feios, os ladrões que continuassem ladrões e os indignados que rissem de tudo, porque rir era o fim e não o meio.
De alguma forma, colocar puta, traficante, ator e viciado no mesmo balaio parecia engraçado. E, por um motivo aparentemente inexplicável, o mesmo ator que defendia os injustiçados dos políticos não parecia desmentir o comediante que chutava todo mundo, injustiçados inclusive.
Rafinha dormiu justiceiro e acordou “estuprador”. Um dos papéis havia sido tirado dele.
Matheus Pichonelli
Marcadores: sonhos
60 years since the television debut of ‘I Love Lucy.’ A look back at fun in Season 1:
1. Implementing an immediate ban on all private contributions of money and gifts, to all politicians in federal office, from Individuals, Corporations, Political Action Committees, Super Political Action Committees, Lobbyists, Unions and all other private sources of money to be replaced by the fair and equal public financing of all federal political campaigns. We categorically REJECT the concept that money is equal to free speech because if that were so, then only the wealthiest would have a voice. These actions must be taken because it has become clear that politicians in the United States cannot regulate themselves and have become the exclusive representatives of corporations, unions and the very wealthy who spend vast sums of money on political campaigns to influence the candidates’ decisions and ensure their reelection year after year.
. A complete reformation of the United States Tax Code to require ALL citizens to pay a fair share of a progressive, graduated income tax by eliminating loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and deductions, subsidies (e.g. oil, gas and farm) and ending all other methods of evading taxes.
New comprehensive regulations to give the Environmental Protection Agency expanded powers to shut down corporations, businesses or any entities that intentionally or recklessly damages the environment and/or criminally prosecute individuals who intentionally damage the environment.
11. Immediate passage of the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration and border security reform including offering visas, lawful permanent resident status and citizenship to the world’s brightest People to stay and work in our industries and schools after they obtain their education and training in the United States.
12. Recalling all military personnel at all non-essential bases and refocusing national defense goals to address threats posed by the geopolitics of the 21st century, including terrorism and limiting the large scale deployment of military forces to instances where Congressional approval has been granted to counter the Military Industrial Complex's goal of perpetual war for profit.
20. An immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and a substantial increase in the amount of funding needed for veteran job placement and the treatment of the physical and emotional injuries sustained by veterans in these wars. Our veterans are committing suicide at an unprecedented rate and we must help now.
His victory came after one of the most bitter and vituperative run-ups to the prize in living memory - not among the shortlisted writers, but from dismayed and bemused commentators who accused judges of putting populism above genuine quality.
Much of the row over the shortlist has stemmed from Rimington's own prioritisation of "readability" in the judging criteria
Read more at Sense of an Ending, Barnes' 11th novel, explores memory: how fuzzy it can be and how we amend the past to suit our own wellbeing. It tells the story through the apparently insignificant and dull life of arts administrator Tony Webster.
O grande problema no trato da questão é o risco cada vez maior de ser taxado de sexista quem enxergue a mulher segundo as suas diferenças em relação ao homem.
Na verdade, um dos aspectos mais distintivos das sociedades segundo o seu grau de evolução foi (e ainda é) o tratamento dispensado ao sexo feminino.
Não é a beleza feminina como instrumento da sensualidade que cria a mulher-objeto, mas sim a sua transformação em meio apartado de um fim — o ideal de toda mulher independentemente de seus atributos físicos. Privá-la de seus atributos de beleza e sensualidade no recesso de sua vida marital é constrangê-la à própria negação, independentemente das formas de relação por que vier a optar.
Sérgio Paulo Muniz Costa
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