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"Those concerned about the war in Gaza have been able to hold an unprecedented panel on Palestinian human rights. And at a press conference on Tuesday organized by the Uncommitted movement, doctors told heartwrenching stories of what they’ve seen. But they have not been allowed to address the convention as a whole."
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Here Is the Speech That the Uncommitted Movement Wanted To Give at the DNC | Portside
Bloody fingers on a purple knife
Flamingo drinking from a cocktail glass
I'm on the lawn with someone else's wife
Admire the view from up on top of the mast
Hey little bird, fly away home
"In the indictment, which followed a seven-month investigation and grand jury proceedings, prosecutors accused several of the defendants of enabling Mr. Perry’s ketamine use despite being aware of his history of drug abuse and addiction, and his attempts to stay sober.
Editors’ Picks
“These defendants took advantage of Mr. Perry’s addiction issues to enrich themselves,” Martin Estrada, the United States attorney for the Central District of California, said at a news conference Thursday in downtown Los Angeles.
“They knew what they were doing was wrong,” he continued. “They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Mr. Perry. But they did it anyway. In the end, these defendants were more interested in profiting off Mr. Perry than caring for his well-being.”
read the story by Julia Jacobs and Matt Stevens
‘Shoot Me Up With a Big One’: The Pain of Matthew Perry’s Last Days – DNyuz
Late French film star wanted his pet Belgian malinois Loubo ‘put to sleep’ and laid beside him in grave
"You would never guess it from a film still. You could never imagine
that, alone among her contemporaries, Gena Rowlands had the power to
gaze into the lens of a camera and shatter every assumption about a
woman’s psyche."
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