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    sábado, agosto 24, 2024

    As chances de Pablo Marçal


    Circulo dos cartunistas no Inferno



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    Here Is the Speech That the Uncommitted Movement Wanted To Give at the DNC



    "Those concerned about the war in Gaza have been able to hold an unprecedented panel on Palestinian human rights. And at a press conference on Tuesday organized by the Uncommitted movement, doctors told heartwrenching stories of what they’ve seen. But they have not been allowed to address the convention as a whole."



    Here Is the Speech That the Uncommitted Movement Wanted To Give at the DNC | Portside

    Tim Buckley - Pleasant Street

    The sunshine reminds you of concreted skiesYou thought you were flying but you opened your eyesAnd you found yourself falling back to yesterday's liesHello, Pleasant Street, you know she's back againYou wheel, you steal, you feel, you kneel down



    Getulio Vargas 50



    Marcadores: ,

    Grace Slick pretendia colocar LSD no martini de Nixon


    Deu Fim Delfim





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Ezra Collective - Victory Dance

    sexta-feira, agosto 23, 2024

    Maurice Williams & The Gladiolas - Little Darlin'

    My dear I was wrongerTo try to love twoAhh uha uha uha uhaKnowing well that my loverWas just for youUh only you


    quinta-feira, agosto 22, 2024

    Tom Waits - Jockey Full Of Bourbon

    Bloody fingers on a purple knife
    Flamingo drinking from a cocktail glass
    I'm on the lawn with someone else's wife
    Admire the view from up on top of the mast

    Hey little bird, fly away home

    House is on fire, children are alone

    BEATLES - Piggies (Esher Demo)

    Have you seen the little piggiesCrawling in the dirt?And for all the little piggiesLife is getting worse,Always having dirt to play around in

    ‘Shoot Me Up With a Big One’: The Pain of Matthew Perry’s Last Days

     Matthew Perry, with a mustache and goatee, stands outdoors in front of some trees in a black leather jacket and a gray shirt.

      "In the indictment, which followed a seven-month investigation and grand jury proceedings, prosecutors accused several of the defendants of enabling Mr. Perry’s ketamine use despite being aware of his history of drug abuse and addiction, and his attempts to stay sober.
    Editors’ Picks

    “These defendants took advantage of Mr. Perry’s addiction issues to enrich themselves,” Martin Estrada, the United States attorney for the Central District of California, said at a news conference Thursday in downtown Los Angeles.

    “They knew what they were doing was wrong,” he continued. “They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Mr. Perry. But they did it anyway. In the end, these defendants were more interested in profiting off Mr. Perry than caring for his well-being.”

     read the story by Julia Jacobs and  

    ‘Shoot Me Up With a Big One’: The Pain of Matthew Perry’s Last Days – DNyuz

    Teleféricos em Favelas



    Marcadores: ,

    Alain Delon’s family refuse to put down dog actor wished to be buried with | Alain Delon |

     Alain Delon's family refuse to put down dog actor wished to be buried with  | Alain Delon | The Guardian1,200 × 630

     Late French film star wanted his pet Belgian malinois Loubo ‘put to sleep’ and laid beside him in grave


    Alain Delon’s family refuse to put down dog actor wished to be buried with | Alain Delon | The Guardian

    quarta-feira, agosto 21, 2024


    40 000



    Marcadores: ,

    Sergio Sampaio



    The Zodiacs- "Stay" 1967 (in memoriam MAURICE WILLIAMS)

    Oh, won't you stay, just a little bit longerPlease let me hearYou say that you will, say you will

    Gena Rowlands: A Life in Pictures


     A black-and-white portrait of Gena Rowlands, resting her head on folded arms. She wears her hair in a quintessential 1960s bouffant.


     "You would never guess it from a film still. You could never imagine that, alone among her contemporaries, Gena Rowlands had the power to gaze into the lens of a camera and shatter every assumption about a woman’s psyche."


    terça-feira, agosto 20, 2024

    Mísia - Love Will Tear Us Apart

    When routine bites hard and ambitions are lowAnd resentment rides high, but emotions won't growAnd we're changing our ways, taking different roads
    Then love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart again

    n memoriam MISIA

    domingo, agosto 18, 2024

    Escola Municipal Pedro Bruno


    Dupla Personalidade


    Marcadores: ,

    Doris Day



    For What It's Worth - The Staple Singers

    There's something happening hereBut what it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with a gun over thereTelling me I got to beware
    I think it's time we stopChildren, what's that sound?Everybody look, what's going down?

    Silvio Santos vem ai





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Dia do Fotografo


    Marcadores: ,

    Qual o maior problema de sua cidade; Educação, Saude, Hamas ou Maduro?




    Escolas sem papel higiênico, falta de remédios em postos de saúde, quadras e parques jogados às traças, creches em quantidade insuficiente, transporte público caro, acúmulo de lixo e sensação de insegurança são desafios de muitas cidades. Mas para uma parte do eleitorado o principal tema a ser discutido nas eleições municipais é o terrorismo do Hamas ou a violência de Maduro. Sejam em debates na TV, em brigas nas ruas de grandes cidades ou em propaganda eleitoral (ilegalmente antecipada), a impressão é que estaremos escolhendo um ministro das Relações Exteriores ou um secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, em outubro, e não alguém para cuidar dos problemas do território em que vivemos.

    É grave a situação no Oriente Médio após o ataque terrorista do Hamas deixar mais de 1.100 mortos em Israel e a resposta do governo de Benjamin Netanyahu ser um crime de guerra com quase 70 mil cadáveres em Gaza. Da mesma forma, é extremamente preocupante que o governo de Nicolás Maduro esteja escondendo as atas eleitorais que provariam o resultado da eleição e reprimindo violentamente os protestos da oposição.

    Mas transformar os dois temas em assuntos centrais do pleito municipal interessa a 1) quem não é capaz de produzir um debate qualificado sobre as demandas da população da cidade em que deseja ser prefeito ou vereador; 2) a grupos interessados em excitar o eleitorado mais radical, acordando a ultrapolarização existente, para ser instrumentalizado na campanha. Em ambos os casos, perde o interesse da cidade.

    Essa estratégia é, claro, hipócrita porque quando tratamos de Gaza/Israel e Venezuela, estamos falando de violações a direitos humanos. Ironicamente, muitos dos mesmos grupos e personagens que cobram um posicionamento sobre os direitos humanos fora do Brasil são aqueles que pisam nos direitos humanos aqui dentro com discursos misóginos, homotransfóbicos, fundamentalistas e violentos. Precisamos falar de direitos humanos sim, o respeito desse mínimo civilizacional lá fora, mas também aqui dentro, nos municípios. Só que falar sobre soluções para fora é muito mais fácil.

    Carmen Costa | Lágrimas de sangue (Mirabeau, Pedro de Almeida e Carmen Costa) 1958

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