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    sábado, setembro 08, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Andrew Bird - A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left

    and here's how they replied
    you're what happens when two substances collide
    and by all accounts you really should've died
    stretched out on the tarmac
    six miles south of North Platte

    Joe Sacco ganha prêmio literário nos EUA

    O quadrinista-jornalista Joe Sacco é o novo vencedor do Pen Literary Awards, concedido anualmente pelo Pen Center USA. Sacco receberá a honra pelo conjunto da obra na categoria "Literatura Gráfica".

     leia mais
    Joe Sacco ganha prêmio literário nos EUA > Quadrinhos | Omelete

    How this year's Oscar contenders warn of America's fall | Film | The Guardian

     From Killing Them Softly to Queen of Versailles, the autumn's big US films paint a harrowing portrait of a country gripped by class envy, loss and fear of ruin

    Autumn movie preview: how this year's Oscar contenders warn of America's fall | Film | The Guardian:

    Outra Charge Independente

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    Palavras: T. S. Eliot

    Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? 

    - T. S. Eliot


    Pela COCHLEA: Grimes - Genesis

    How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet

    The site that once had the best social tools, the most vibrant userbase, and toppest-notch storage is rapidly passing into the irrelevance of abandonment. Its once bustling community now feels like an exurban neighborhood rocked by a housing crisis. Yards gone to seed. Rusting bikes in the front yard. Tattered flags. At address, after address, after address, no one is home.

     It is a case study of what can go wrong when a nimble, innovative startup gets gobbled up by a behemoth that doesn't share its values. What happened to Flickr? The same thing that happened to so many other nimble, innovative startups who sold out for dollars and bandwidth: Yahoo.

    How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet

    sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2012

    Palavras. Elizabeth Warren

    As pessoas sentem que há uma armação do sistema contra elas. E eis a parte dolorosa: elas tem razão. O sistema está armado contra elas. Olhem em volta. Companhias petrolíferas se empanturram de bilhões em subsídios. Bilionários pagam alíquotas de impostos menores do que suas secretárias. 

    - Elizabeth Warren


    Clint Eastwood explains his chair speech

     "They’ve got this crazy actor who’s 82 years old up there in a suit," Eastwood said. "I was a mayor, and they’re probably thinking I know how to give a speech, but even when I was mayor I never gave speeches. I gave talks."

    Clint Eastwood explains his chair speech to the Carmel Pine Cone:

    Obama: it could have been worse

    The  video that should have been shown before Obama's acceptance speech :

    The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
    Hope and Change 2 - Barack Obama: It Could Have Been Worse
    Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook


    Pedro Dória: Quem tem medo do Face?

    O novo livro de Andrew Keen sugere que as redes ameaçam nossa privacidade. Verdade. Mas é ameaça difícil de cumprir

     Mark Zuckerberg, o fundador do Facebook, não é o único no Vale do Silício que repete o mantra: a privacidade acabou, só você que não viu. Só que não é totalmente verdade, e Zuckerberg é a prova disso. Quando decidiu se casar, ninguém soube até o dia em que ele próprio achou por bem tornar público. Busque na internet: de que músicas ele gosta? De que livros? Em que restaurante costuma jantar? Com que amigos bebe cerveja ou vinho quando é sábado?

    Quem tem medo do Face? - Jornal O Globo:

    Charges Independentes

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    Doctor Who returns to BBC America: Sadness, mortality, and wisdom in science fiction.

    The most nakedly emotional show on TV just might be the nerdy British series with time-traveling and aliens.

    As the New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum noted in a recent article, in the last two seasons, the Doctor has found his soul mate, River Song (Alex Kingston). Although they run into each other at hot spots across the universe, their timing is awful, because they’re heading in opposite directions. “Every time we meet I know him more, he knows me less,” she says. “I live for the days when I see him. But I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away.” It’s a sad fate not unlike the perspective of a woman losing a spouse to Alzheimer’s. Her next line makes the tragedy more explicit: “The day's coming when I'll look into that man's eyes—my Doctor—and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me.” Still, she won’t let the Doctor see her diary, because she wants to protect him from “spoilers.” Even if love is doomed, we should enjoy it.

    The Doctor also comforts us as our own memories fade. Sometimes, to maintain the structural integrity of the universe, he must wipe his companions’ memories clean. When Donna Noble—played with chippy gusto by Catherine Tate—realizes that after many wonderful adventures together, he’s going to send her back to her unglamorous life as “a temp from Chiswick,” she begs for a reprieve. But like a real doctor, he must sometimes be the bearer of bad news. “I am so sorry,” he tells her, “But we had the best of times.” It’s a comfort.

    Doctor Who returns to BBC America: Sadness, mortality, and wisdom in science fiction. - Slate Magazine

    quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2012

    Charge de pai pra filho

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    quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2012

    Movie Studios Are Forcing Hollywood to Abandon 35mm Film. But the Consequences of Going Digital Are Vast, and Troubling

    By 2013, film will slip to niche status, shown in only a third of theaters. By 2015, used in a paltry 17 percent of global cinemas, venerable old 35 mm film will be mostly gone.

    Movie Studios Are Forcing Hollywood to Abandon 35mm Film. But the Consequences of Going Digital Are Vast, and Troubling - Page 1 - Film+TV - Los Angeles - LA Weekly:

    Saudades de Mad Men? Veja o elenco cantando um sucesso de Rick Astley

    Enquanto isso, na CBF...

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    - Em 60 dias, Franco reverte ações de Lugo no Paraguai

    Na política interna, o que se viu foi a rápida aprovação de medidas às quais Lugo resistia --como a autorização para plantio de algodão transgênico-- e decisões sobre a gestão de terras já consideradas pelos sem-terra uma "contrarreforma agrária". Uma delas foi o pedido de Franco ao Congresso para sancionar uma lei que permite vender, a "preço de mercado", terras que seriam destinadas à reforma agrária.

    leia reportagem de Isabel Fleck & Flavia Marreiro
    Folha de S.Paulo - Mundo - Em 60 dias, Franco reverte ações de Lugo no Paraguai - 23/08/2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Monster - Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross and Bon Iver

    I'ma need to see your fucking hands at the concert

    Anjos da Morte

    Drones revolucionam a maneira como os países participam de guerras 

    As organizações de direitos humanos denunciam que os aviões assassinos mataram 4.000 civis, sendo mais de 200 crianças desde 2004 no Paquistão, na Somália e no Iêmen. Uma iemenita só precisou de 140 caracteres no Twitter para explicar a situação: “Querido Obama. Quando um míssil lançado por um drone mata uma criança no Iêmen o pai dela certamente vai à guerra contra você. E isso não tem nenhuma relação com a al-Qaeda. Garanto”.

    leia a coluna de HELENA CELESTINO
    Anjos da Morte - Jornal O Globo:

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