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    sábado, outubro 01, 2011

    Ouvindo Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell cantando com Velvet Underground

    O efeito Scarlet Johansson

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
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    sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2011

    O efeito Scarlet Johannson

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
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    Butter Cow Lady: A mulher que esculpia em manteiga

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    From 1960 until her retirement in 2006, Ms. Lyon’s butter sculpture was among the must-sees at the Iowa State Fair, attracting lines that snaked around the building where it was displayed in a refrigerated glass case. (One inspired writer likened the experience to “the viewing of the Pietà in the Vatican.”)

    In the late 1970s, Ms. Lyon began expanding her repertory. In 1994, with fair officials' approval, she made a life-size butter sculpture of Garth Brooks, her first of a living person. Soon afterward, she followed with Elvis Presley, John Wayne, a diorama of “Peanuts” comic-strip characters, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, a reproduction of “American Gothic” by Grant Wood (Mr. Petersen’s mentor) and, in 1999, her most ambitious work, “The Last Supper.”

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    Google+'s Real-Name Policy: Identity vs. Anonymity

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    One policy, however, has made some people downright furious: Google forbids the use of pseudonyms, telling members that their identities must be the same as in the real world.

    The requirement has helped keep the quality of the discourse on Google+ high. It's also permitted Google to begin tying users' true names to their interests as reflected in their use of Google services, providing it with a treasure trove of consumer data potentially worth billions. But it runs contrary to long-standing traditions in the online domain, where many people use names that are fictional — sometimes obviously so, and sometimes not.


    Listening to Itamar & Serena Assumpção - Procurei

    eu procurei

    aquela coisa pra te dar

    e não achei


    Listening to Itamar & Serena Assumpção - Procurei

    eu procurei

    aquela coisa pra te dar

    e não achei


    Videogames: It’s Perverse, but It’s Also Pretend

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    Many people assume that video game violence is consistently and unspeakably awful, that little Jacob spends most afternoons torturing victims to death. But these people haven’t played many video games. The state drew its examples of depravity almost exclusively from an obscure game called Postal 2, which, surveys show, is rarely played by children or young teens. The game is deliberately outrageous; you can, for example, impale a cat on your gun as a makeshift silencer. A trailer for Postal 3, said to be out later this year, encourages players to “Tase those annoying hockey moms or shoot them in the face!”

    This may sound disturbing, but it’s also ridiculous. And young people know it: as one 13-year-old said during a study I conducted at Harvard, “With video games, you know it’s fake.”

    As the court opinion notes, traditional fairy tales are chock-full of violence; a child experiences and learns to manage fears from the safety of Mom or Dad’s lap. Similarly, a teen can try out different identities — how it feels to be a hero, a trickster, a feared or scorned killer, or someone of a different age or sex — in the safe fantasy world of a video game.


    O efeito Scarlet Johannson

    (Petropolis, RJ)
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    segunda-feira, setembro 26, 2011

    Especialistas alertam para perigo de revisão de obras artísticas à luz de novos valores

    Cesar Baima
    — Não se pode exigir de um autor do século passado ou retrasado uma visão com as ideias de hoje — diz. — Em vez de esconder as manchas do passado, temos que trabalhar com os professores como explicar e discutir com seus alunos as palavras que o autor usou, dentro do contexto dele. ■
    — Claro que nos livros de Lobato vamos encontrar passagens que tratam os negros de uma maneira considerada normal na época dele, mas que é chocante hoje — reconhece Luciana Sandroni. — Parece que queremos esquecer que o Brasil foi o último país a abolir a escravidão, mas no contexto histórico de Lobato isso era normal. Se ele era adepto ou não da eugenia, isso é a pessoa dele. Estamos falando do escritor e do texto que ele legou. Isso é sua obra, tão genial e inovadora que é um marco na literatura infantil. Isso é o que permanece.

    domingo, setembro 25, 2011

    Palavras: Manoel de Oliveira

    Disse certa vez que um diretor é como um assassino. E assim como um assassino não consegue evitar o ato de matar, um diretor não consegue evitar o ato de filmar. É a sua própria atração em si e é fatal por não ter nada a ver com a vida. A vida é outra coisa.

    - Manoel de Oliveira.

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