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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sábado, dezembro 08, 2012

    Lula no flagra!

    (Curitiba, PR)
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    More Believe In Space Aliens Than In God

    More Believe In Space Aliens Than In God According To U.K. Survey

    Niemeyer, onde o traço faz a curva


    exposição organizada por Roberto Ribeiro
    com curadoria de Ricky Goodwin 


    sexta-feira, dezembro 07, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Koto Song (IN MEMORIAM)

    Nurse Who Fell For Royal Radio Prank Found Dead

    : For those who haven't been following this story closely: Early Wednesday morning, 2Day FM hosts Mel Greig and Michael Christian called the private hospital where the duchess was being treated, pretending to be Prince Charles and the Queen. Jacintha Saldanha, a duty nurse, answered the call because there was no receptionist around, and connected the pair with one of Kate's bedside nurses who then went on to talk about the duchess's condition and care. The radio hosts played their conversation on air and, given the topic, the prank quickly went viral. 

    The Australian radio station apologized for the prank earlier this week, with the hosts describing the phone call at the time as a light-hearted gag they didn't think would actually work, and saying they were "sorry if we've caused any issues." It's worth pointing out, however, that this isn't the first time that 2Day FM has run into trouble with a prank. The station was slapped with a five-year license probation back in 2009 for violating Australian regulations after a gag involving a lie detector went horribly wrong, ending with a 14-year-old girl disclosing on air that she had been the victim of rape.

    Kate Middleton Radio Prank-Suicide: Receptionist who fell for 2Day FM prank reportedly commits suicide.

    Niemeyer, onde o traço faz a curva


    exposição organizada por Roberto Ribeiro
    com curadoria de Ricky Goodwin 


    Daily Kos: Michonne or Maggie? Race, Gender, and Rape on The Walking Dead TV Series

    "As I wrote about here, The Walking Dead TV series has little to no interest in developing its African-American characters. The graphic novel has several black male characters who are integral to the story, and are not sideshow stand-ins that are included because of a sense of multicultural political correct noblesse oblige. By contrast, the AMC series has (the now dead) "T-Dog"--a character that was a glorified black man servant chauffeur to the white characters, a black gollum mute with few lines, who lived only to serve and protect the other survivors.

    The Walking Dead TV series is ultimately a story about how white male authority is enduring in a world populated by the undead.  "


    Daily Kos: Michonne or Maggie? Race, Gender, and Rape on The Walking Dead TV Series:

    ponto final, quer dizer, curva final

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)

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    Janio de Freitas: Arrastão político

    A pretendida eliminação dos contratos vigentes para a exploração do petróleo, e respectivos royalties, é uma nova modalidade de ação política por parlamentares, governadores e partidos, inspirada pela mentalidade que se dissemina no Brasil atual.
    Agrupar-se em maioria para tomar bens e direitos de minoria surpreendida e indefesa é - na política, na praia, na rua - arrastão. O lugar, a ocasião e o que é tomado (ou pretendem tomar) não faz diferença.

    leia artigo
    Com Texto Livre: Arrastão político:

    Niemeyer, onde o traço faz a curva

    desenho de CAVALCANTE

    da exposição organizada por
    Roberto Ribeiro & Ricky Goodwin


    pela cochlea: the birds - the doll who says no no no no no

    Luis Antonio Simas : MEMÓRIA DEMOLIDA

     A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, encarada pelos homens do poder como um balneário de grandes eventos, Disneylândia tropical do século XXI, está sendo destruída em suas referências mais profundas. A sanha modernizadora, afeita aos grandes negócios, é aquela que esmaga o intangível e o que não é mensurado pelas regras do mercado financeiro: a cultura carioca e os seus lugares de memória; elos poderosos de ligação com o passado, lições vivas da ancestralidade de um povo que, contra o efêmero de escusas transações, sacralizou em rituais de celebração da vida as praias, esquinas, botequins, sobrados e escolas deste nosso terreiro; a Guanabara.

    leia artigo

    quarta-feira, dezembro 05, 2012

    Niemeyer, onde o traço faz a curva


    exposição organizada por Roberto Ribeiro
    com curadoria de Ricky Goodwin 


    Via IRIS: BRÓDER (Jefferson De, Brasil, 2012)

    E vai entrar no ar... o noticiário barra-pesada

    Marcadores: ,

    segunda-feira, dezembro 03, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: The Bryan Ferry Orchestra - Slave To Love [20's Jazz Version]

    Internet Freedom: Governments are cooperating on surveillance in other, less obvious ways.

    "The Internet is often seen as a place of chaos and disorder, a borderless world in which anonymous trolls roam free and vigilante hackers wreak havoc. There are fears governments are secretly maneuvering to restructure and rein in the anarchic Web we have come to know and love, perhaps even ushering in a new era of pervasive surveillance. So just how real is the threat of change and what might it mean?" 

    ITU Summit: What role will the U.N. play in governing the Internet? - Slate Magazine:

    Sentindo-se em gaza

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)

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    War: What America Knows Best

     Washington may be mobilized for permanent war. Special operations forces may be operating in up to 120 countries. Drone bases may be proliferating across the planet. We may be building up forces in the Persian Gulf and “pivoting” to Asia. Warrior corporations and rent-a-gun mercenary outfits have mobilized on the country’s disparate battlefronts to profit from the increasingly privatized twenty-first-century American version of war. The American people, however, are demobilized and detached from the wars, interventions, operations, and other military activities done in their name. As a result, 200 Marines in Guatemala, almost 78% of global weapons sales, drones flying surveillance from Australia -- no one here notices; no one here cares.

     War: it’s what we do the most and attend to the least. It’s a nasty combination.

    read Tom Dispatch here
    War: What America Knows Best | Alternet:

    Folha de S.Paulo - Tec - Finlandesa de 9 anos é flagrada baixando música e tem notebook confiscado - 30/11/2012

    O IP (endereço eletrônico) do PC da menina havia sido flagrado pelo grupo quando ela buscava uma canção da artista pop finlandesa Chisu. Notificado pelo grupo, o pai da garota se recusou a pagar uma multa de 600 euros. 

    Folha de S.Paulo - Tec - Finlandesa de 9 anos é flagrada baixando música e tem notebook confiscado - 30/11/2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Lotte Lenya - Alabama Song (Kurt Weill), 1933


    john waters chooses his best films of 2012 -

    Deus seja lavado!

    (Ribeirão Preto, SP)

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    Jornalista lembra drama de colega palestino que perdeu bebê em bombardeio em Gaza

    Jornalista lembra drama de colega palestino que perdeu bebê em bombardeio em Gaza - BBC Brasil -

    Pela COCHLEA: I've Heard That Song Before - Harry James & Helen Forrest (Sammy Cahn / Jule Styne)

    domingo, dezembro 02, 2012

    E ainda dizem que o livro tá ultrapassado!
    Dá gosto ver o interesse dessa turma da Rosemary pela leitura.
    Viviam encomendando livros...


    Pegadinha no elevador

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)
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    O holocausto cognitivo - Jornal O Globo

    Os exemplos usados até agora (a caixa do supermercado, o garçom, o motorista de táxi, a rede municipal carioca) podem sugerir erroneamente que a percepção de um holocausto cognitivo nasce do elitismo, do preconceito de classe. Não. O processo de emburrecimento — ou, ao menos, de preguiça mental — não afeta apenas o ensino público ou as classes C, D e E, como bem sabe qualquer um que tenha apurado o ouvido no Leblon ou no Jardim Europa. Generalizou-se no Brasil uma espécie de conformismo com a leseira e a superficialidade. E, nos casos graves, até um certo orgulho delas. Sim, este fenômeno é mundial, mas com consequências devastadoras sobre um país que já costumava figurar na zona de rebaixamento dos indicadores sociais e educacionais." 

    leia coluna de Arthur Dapieve
    O holocausto cognitivo - Jornal O Globo:

    Israel: Palestine Funds Withheld Due To UN Statehood Bid

     Israel says it will withhold more than $100 million in taxes and other funds the Jewish state collects on behalf of Palestinians to punish them for their successful bid to win U.N. statehood.

    This was the second act of reprisal by Israel. On Friday, Israel announced it would press ahead plans to build thousands of settler homes.

    read more
    Israel: Palestine Funds Withheld Due To UN Statehood Bid:

    Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea

    The North Korean news agency does not have much of a reputation for factual accuracy. When the country’s former dictator Kim Jong Il died in December 2011, it reported a rock carving glowing brightly and ice near his presumed birthplace to have cracked “so loud, it seemed to shake the Heavens and the Earth” in mourning of the Dear Leader. While he was alive, Kim reportedly invented the hamburger, wrote 1,500 books in three years while at university, and shot eleven holes-in-one the first time he played golf (a feat verified by his 17 bodyguards).

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    Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

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