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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sábado, dezembro 24, 2011

    Unusual Santa Claus Traditions from Around the World

    It’s thanks to centuries of Byzantine, Greek, and Scandinavian myths and folklore that this Christmas, some guy will put on a red velvet suit and fake beard to sit on a throne in Walmart, taking kids’ toy orders. But Santa wasn’t always the generous man in Walmart, nor is he everywhere today. That man is just one of the many evolutionary paths taken by tales of deities, sprites, animals, and St. Nicholas. In other countries, the patron saint of giving inherited different traits, leaving Santa with quite a few doppelgangers around the world, including goats, monks, and wise men who travel on camelback. Below the jump, we take you on a tour of Santa’s many representations around the globe.

    Playing for Change: FELIZ NAVIDAD

    This holiday video was recorded live in Brazil, and is dedicated to each and every one of you.

    Let's celebrate our time together on this earth and work towards creating a better future for everyone.

    Feliz Navidad | Playing For Change from Playing For Change on Vimeo.


    My Christmas with Gaddafi's spokesman

    Moussa Ibrahim at Ros Coward's house, Christmas 2010
  • It doesn't seem highly likely that those who dispatched Gaddafi to his grisly end will be very forgiving to someone who, as the dictator's minister of information, was seen as the public face of the regime and who spread Gaddafi's inflammatory messages. But why should I care about the fate of a Gaddafi loyalist and whether he is tortured or not? Because only last Christmas, Moussa was in my home with his German wife and new baby. I cooked them a traditional roast dinner and we played with the baby. Moussa was very hands-on, changing nappies and rocking the baby to sleep. Perhaps more surprisingly, we toasted the Tunisian uprising over several glasses of good red wine, to which Moussa was always extremely partial.
    – he was talking about trying to set up journalism courses and teach western journalistic concepts in Libya. From his thesis he seemed to be an idealist, believing in the power of digital technology to free individuals. He certainly saw himself as a moderniser, following the pathway Tony Blair had opened up to end Libya's pariah status. So when he suddenly appeared as Gaddafi's spokesman, it was something of a shock.
    Moussa's language changed utterly. He started to talk, like Gaddafi , of "rats" and "dogs", encouraging people to resist to the death. This was someone who we felt had the chance to exercise influence, or escape and publicly humiliate the regime. Instead, he had fled with Gaddafi.

    O amigo oculto do Planalto (2)

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    A gallery of Iraqi War Photographers

    Their War at Home

    Nearly nine years of war in Iraq have produced a growing cadre of world-class, homegrown Iraqi news photographers. Some started out with little technical knowledge but a strong desire to document their country’s experience. Within months, they were producing work that became increasingly crucial to the world’s understanding of Iraq. These are the stories of five of those photojournalists, with a sampling of their images.
    Read more on LENS »
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    sexta-feira, dezembro 23, 2011

    Dictators Get the Deaths They Deserve


    Western leaders and intellectuals find Colonel Qaddafi’s lynching distasteful — Bernard-Henri Lévy worried it would “pollute the essential morality of an insurrection” — yet there are sound political reasons for the public culling of the self-proclaimed king of kings. Colonel Qaddafi’s tyranny was absolutist, monarchical and personal. The problem with such dictatorships is that as long as the tyrant lives, he reigns and terrorizes. As Churchill put it, “dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount.”
    Only death can end both the spell to bewitch and the prerogative to dominate —
    But such comebacks may be history: the cellphone videos, which show Colonel Qaddafi being beaten, and later, the bullet holes in his dead body, rob his last followers of the mystique necessary to lead an insurgency in his name, charged with all the excitement of a (Saddam Hussein-style) heroic leader on the run. His preposterously exuberant cult of personality was surely shattered by the spectacle of his pathetic demolition.
    ALL tyrannies are virtuoso displays over many years of cunning, risk-taking, terror, delusion, narcissism, showmanship and charm, distilled into a spectacle of total personal control. Tyrants are the greatest of all actor-managers —
    the narcissist envisages his downfall only as a mise-en-scène featuring his followers, family and country, consumed in his bonfire of egomaniacal nihilism. Colonel Qaddafi must have planned to die in battle like Richard III and Macbeth, or to kill himself. Yet this monstrous poseur totally bungled his own death.

    O amigo oculto do Planalto (1)

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    Votação de lei polemica que pode comprometer a internet é adiada

    A votação do SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), que atinge diretamente gigantes de internet como a Google, foi adiada para 2012. A lei que pode dar fim à internet como conhecemos hoje, nos Estados Unidos, foi levada paraa Câmara de Representantes

    Além de derrubar por completo sites denunciados por troca ilegal de arquivos sob regime de direito autoral ou venda de produtos irregulares, o SOPA exigirá que motores de busca na internet como o, redes de anúncios on-line, provedores de acesso e empresas de pagamento digital suspendam serviços fornecidos aos sites. Mais ainda, o SOPA pode tornar a internet americana tão vigiada quanto a da China, examinando pacotes trocados entre internautas em buscas de irregularidades. Basta a decisão de um juiz e a perseguição estará instalada.

    Assim não tem graça!

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    quinta-feira, dezembro 22, 2011

    Listening to Ed Lincoln : Chochise !!

    Todos conhecem o recém-falecido ditador Kim Jong-il. Poucos sabem q ele tinha 1 irmão + fotogênico: Kim Jong-phil

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    Mr. Toledano had taken existing political propaganda paintings from North Korea and China and had them re-created in Chinese factories, replacing the Great Leaders with his own image and adding humbling, humorous captions. Meet Kim Jong Phil. See him immortalized in oils as he conducts world domination meetings, performs storied heroics and lectures the troupes: “It’s true. I am utterly fascinating.”

    Tostão : Após a aula do Barcelona, é preciso refletir, discutir e agir

    Os professores catalães foram excepcionais. Não sei se os alunos, técnicos, jogadores, dirigentes e jornalistas prestaram atenção na aula e se querem aprender. Muitas vezes, a soberba não deixa. Preferem dizer que os times brasileiros são ótimos, cheios de craques e que o futebol de bolas aéreas e chutões é emocionante.

    Aprender não é apenas acumular conhecimentos nem memorizar milhares de informações. É compreender algo mais profundo


    Mesmo os Líderes Supremos morrem um dia

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    Palavras: VERÍSSIMO

    Christopher Hitchens, que morreu terça-feira passada, era uma figura contraditória: não acreditava em Deus mas acreditava no Bush.

    - Luís Fernando Veríssimo

    quarta-feira, dezembro 21, 2011

    Listening to Romulo Froes : Um labirinto em cada pé

    The 11 Most Unintentionally Creepy Christmas Ornaments

    Dica de ANA PINTA -

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    Here's the thing: modern day Christmas is pretty weird already. It's a conglomeration of legends involving everything from a supernatural home invader with flying pack animals to a talking snowman.

    So when it comes time to make holiday decorations, the line between festive and nightmarish is razor thin. That's how we wound up with...


    A maior homenagem ao Líder Supremo: Kim Jong-il looking at things

    looking at rice
    the dear leader liked to look at things.

    Uísque Johnnie Walker tenta derrubar cachaça João Andante - agora com link liberado

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    Embalagens da cachaça mineira João Andrante e do uísque Johnnie Walker

    O desenho das duas marcas é representado pela figura de um andarilho, embora de classes sociais distintas: enquanto um é lorde, o outro é um jeca, ou capiau, conforme o regionalismo mineiro.


    E o Santos foi à (barce)lona


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    9 Kim Jong Il Parodies

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    By all accounts, the life of Kim Jong Il was as mysterious as his death. The enigmatic ruler of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea led a secluded life highly guarded by the state media, and nearly everything about his personal life (including his age) was the subject of speculation throughout his 17 years as dictator.

    Often, this speculation was fueled by the diminutive dictator's odd interests and appearance. With his pompadour hairstyle and 5'2" frame propped on platform shoes, Kim's eccentric appearance made him an easy target for parody. And Kim's strange list of interests, including a passion for James Bond, Hennessey cognac, car racing and Eric Clapton, gave comedians a lot more to work with as they parodied the dictator on late night TV, sketch comedy shows, in film and more.

    See more at

    Uísque Johnnie Walker tenta derrubar cachaça João Andante

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    O desenho das duas marcas é representado pela figura de um andarilho, embora de classes sociais distintas: enquanto um é lorde, o outro é um jeca, ou capiau, conforme o regionalismo mineiro.


    terça-feira, dezembro 20, 2011

    Film Quarterly - Complete Archive (1945 - 2011)

    Presentão de Natal para quem vive e respira o Cinema.

    Coleção completa digitalizada desta que junto com o Cahiers é a melhor revista teórica da arte filmada.

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    More than a glimpse behind the scenes, Film Quarterly offers serious film lovers in-depth articles, reviews, and interviews that examine all aspects of film history, film theory, and the impact of film, video, and television on culture and society.
    Serious film lovers will find in-depth articles and reviews that examine all aspects of film history, film theory, and the impact of film, video, and television on culture, society, and the academy. Interviews with filmmakers of all kinds, from both the United States and abroad, venture behind the images to demystify their art. Reviews of current and recent books keep the reader abreast of the field; no other journal provides this kind of coverage of film studies publications.

    Ouvindo e vendo B. Dolan & Toki Wright & Buddy Peace & Jasiri X & Sage Francis : FILM THE POLICE

    Kim Jong Il Talks Film and Filmmaking, In His Own Words

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    Kim Jong Il

    The late Kim Jong Il was so passionate about the North Korean film industry that, according to the BBC, he once kidnapped a South Korean director and his actress wife and forced them to make films for him, while also imprisoning them separately for over five years.

    Jong Il also fashioned himself as something of a film theorist. He wrote multiple books outlining his views on the cinema, beginning with "On The Art of Cinema" in 1973, and continuing up to "The Cinema and Directing," which was then translated into multiple languages, according to publishing notes from the Korean Friendship Association in 1987. His book is a sort of field guide for moviemakers in North Korea.

    Some of Jong Il's most astute observations made in "The Cinema and Directing" have been outlined below:


    Papo de Quadrinho consultou autores, editores e jornalistas que cobrem quadrinhos para saber o que pensam das novas regras. As opiniões foram divididas em “Contra”, “A Favor” e “Em termos”.

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    Um debate tem agitado a comunidade quadrinística nas últimas semanas: o projeto de lei que determina cotas de publicação para quadrinhos brasileiros e acena com incentivos fiscais (leia a íntegra no final desta postagem).

    Papo de Quadrinho consultou autores, editores e jornalistas que cobrem quadrinhos para saber o que pensam das novas regras. As opiniões foram divididas em “Contra”, “A Favor” e “Em termos”.

    E fique de olho, pois à medida que novos depoimentos chegarem, este post será atualizado.

    Reflexos de Yokohama

    Quem apanhou de goleada também foi a imprensa brasileira, que passou os últimos dias equiparando Santos ao Barcelona e promovendo disputas midiáticas acirradas para ver quem era o melhor do mundo, se Messi ou Neymar..

    A disparidade entre umas coisas e outras é abismal, mas o espetáculo que o Barcelona promoveu domingo não surgiu do nada. Vem jogando assim há algum tempo, vide sua anterior partida importante, contra o Real Madrid. Basta ver como um time esteve no seu campeonato (Brasileiro) e como um está no seu campeonato (Espanhol).

    Repete-se agora o espanto de Zagallo quando foi atropelado pelo carrossel holandes.

    Neymar teve uma grande atuação na partida. Sim, mas foi depois do jogo, na entrevista protocolar, quando às lagrimas humildemente reconheceu que o Barcelona tinha dado uma aula de futebol (atitude bem distante do seu técnico ranzinza e marrento).

    Pena que as lições não serão assimiladas por aqui. Pois as diferenças não estão apenas no futebol, ou em conceitos táticos ou em talentos de jogadores. Estão em conceitos de vida. Cito uma: a valorização da educação. Na criação de jogadores, por exemplo.

    O Brasil, tão metido a viralata de estirpe, vai ficando para trás em várias áreas, mesmo no futebol onde tanto se vangloriara. O país precisa mudar, e rápido, "revendo seus conceitos" e reformando políticas, esportes, sociedades, de alto a baixo. Na mesma semana do mundial leio artigo comparando: China tres mil e tantas patentes de novas invenções neste ano, Índia mais de mil, Brasil... 157. Corruptos são isentados de culpas e o comandante destacado para moralizar um batalhão de nefastos é ele próprio um bandido de farda. 


    segunda-feira, dezembro 19, 2011

    Ouvindo Paul Simon : Getting ready for Christmas Day

    Getting ready for Christmas Day

    And let me tell you, namely, the undertaker, he's getting ready for your body

    Not only that, the jailer he's getting ready for you

    Christmas day. Hmm? And not only the jailer, but the lawyer, the police force

    Now getting ready for Christmas day, and I want you to bear it in mind

    (Paul Simon)

    Ouvindo Paul Simon : Gettin ready for Christmas Day

    Getting ready for Christmas Day

    And let me tell you, namely, the undertaker, he's getting ready for your body

    Not only that, the jailer he's getting ready for you

    Christmas day. Hmm? And not only the jailer, but the lawyer, the police force

    Now getting ready for Christmas day, and I want you to bear it in mind

    Barry Feinstein, photographer behind striking album covers for Bob Dylan, George Harrison and Janis Joplin

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    Barry Feinstein's iconic photograph of Bob Dylan at the Aust ferry terminal in 1966
    Although he made formal portraits when he had to, his instinct was for the dramatic moment or the telling detail. He memorably accompanied Marlon Brando to a civil rights rally and captured the actor being jeered at by racist counter-demonstrators. When he was given access to Marilyn Monroe's room a few hours after her suicide, he photographed the bottle of pills by her bedside.

    A 10-minute photoshoot with Dylan produced the intense portrait that became the cover of the singer's third album, The Times They Are a-Changin'. Shot from below, it is all angles and stark atmosphere. It was the first of several iconic record cover portraits by Feinstein. They include Pearl by Janis Joplin (the photo session happened the night before she died of a drug overdose), and All Things Must Pass by George Harrison, in which the ex-Beatle sits in his garden at Friar Park, Henley-on-Thames, surrounded by ornamental gnomes.


    O Amansador de Cães

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    Se Dilma não vetar, Código Florestal deve passar pelo STF

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    Outro ponto polêmico aprovado na Câmara e que permaneceu no substitutivo do Senado é a isenção de áreas de reserva legal em propriedades menores, de até 4 módulos rurais. Além do medo de que proprietários fracionem suas terras para que se enquadrem nos quatro módulos, há o perigo de que alguns estados tenham quase sua totalidade desmatada. Cristina de Godói, do Ministério Público de São Paulo, afirma que no Espírito Santo, 90% das terras estão ocupadas por pequenas propriedades, deixando o estado sem reservas.

    “Ao invés de respeitar a possibilidade do estado de desenvolver seu potencial, ele estimula que todos desenvolvam o modelo econômico da terra arrasada e da agricultura mecanizada”, diz Gisi. Estados na Amazônia Legal que tiverem 65% da área sob reservas indígenas


    Barcelona faz barba cabelo bigode e topete

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    Os republicanos tem uma nova proposta de plano de saúde pública: diga não às doenças.
    - Mark Russell

    Veríssimo: Alemanha finalmente domina a Europa

    Não é a primeira vez que a Alemanha dita, ou tenta ditar, os destinos da Europa, nem a primeira vez que se apresenta como um modelo a ser imitado, ou seguido, por todo o mundo. Pode-se mesmo dizer que a história da Europa nos últimos dois séculos foi a história da sua acomodação em torno da Alemanha e suas pretensões políticas, econômicas e geográficas — uma acomodação nem sempre possível e que em duas ocasiões acabou em guerras mundiais.

    Ironicamente, depois de invadir meia Europa durante as duas grandes guerras e ser rechaçada, a Alemanha finalmente consegue transformar os europeus em súditos, pelo menos do seu reich econômico. E sem disparar um tiro.

    domingo, dezembro 18, 2011

    Ouvindo Luciano Pavarotti & English Chamber Orchestra : Una furtiva lacrima, by Donizetti

    Jerry Robinson: Been There, Done That

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    Next to Gil Kane, Jerry Robinson has been there and done that more than any comic artist I know. Like Kane, he was more than a drawer: He was a writer, historian, entrepreneur, photographer, political activist. His career spans virtually the entire history of the comic book, from the time he started working with Bob Kane on Batman on 1939 to today; currently, he’s the President and Editorial Director of Cartoonists International, Inc. and the Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate.

    This interview brings us through the early ’60s (and on to the present) when he effectively ceased drawing comics and started what I consider his second career in as a newspaper strip cartoonist, historian, political activist, and owner of his own international strip syndicate. Robinson’s recollections of the early years of comic books is invaluable and his observations on the creative people who comprised the inchoate industry sharply etched. Of particular interest, in my opinion, is his recollection of the writer Bill Finger, his unheralded contribution to Batman, and his tragic decline. Robinson successfully lobbied the Eisner Awards to include the Finger Award (a not inappropriate name in more ways than one) to be given to an outstanding writer (which was won this year by Jerry Siegel and Arnold Drake).


    Jerry Robinson: Been There, Done That

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    Next to Gil Kane, Jerry Robinson has been there and done that more than any comic artist I know. Like Kane, he was more than a drawer: He was a writer, historian, entrepreneur, photographer, political activist. His career spans virtually the entire history of the comic book, from the time he started working with Bob Kane on Batman on 1939 to today; currently, he’s the President and Editorial Director of Cartoonists International, Inc. and the Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate.

    This interview brings us through the early ’60s (and on to the present) when he effectively ceased drawing comics and started what I consider his second career in as a newspaper strip cartoonist, historian, political activist, and owner of his own international strip syndicate. Robinson’s recollections of the early years of comic books is invaluable and his observations on the creative people who comprised the inchoate industry sharply etched. Of particular interest, in my opinion, is his recollection of the writer Bill Finger, his unheralded contribution to Batman, and his tragic decline. Robinson successfully lobbied the Eisner Awards to include the Finger Award (a not inappropriate name in more ways than one) to be given to an outstanding writer (which was won this year by Jerry Siegel and Arnold Drake).


    Time do mensalão comemora

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    Ivan Lessa: Nossa justiça é mais justiceira

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    Ivan Lessa em ilustração de Baptistão

    "A Escola Nacional de Magistratura incluiu em seu banco de sentenças o despacho pouco comum do juiz Rafael Gonçalves de Paula, da 3ª. Vara Criminal da Comarca de Palmas, em Tocantins. A entidade considerou de bom senso a decisão de seu associado, mandando soltar Saul Rodrigues Rocha e Hagamenon Rodrigues Rocha, detidos sob a acusação de furtarem duas melancias:


    Listening to Caetano Veloso & Gal Costa singing Domingo

    Roda, toda gente roda

    Ao redor desta praça

    Esta tarde está morta

    E a rosa, coitada

    Na praça e na porta

    Na sala, na tarde do mesmo jardim

    Que dia espera por mim

    Nova, perdida, cara

    Não há madrugada

    esperando por mim

    Alan Moore talks Guy Fawkes masks

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    Alan Moore at the Edinburgh international book festival in 2010.
    Says Moore: "I think it's appropriate that this generation of protesters have made their rebellion into something the public at large can engage with more readily than with half-hearted chants, with that traditional, downtrodden sort of British protest. These people look like they're having a good time. And that sends out a tremendous message."

    "I find it comical, watching Time Warner try to walk this precarious tightrope." Through contacts in the comics industry, he explains, he has heard that boosted sales of the masks have become a troubling issue for the company. "It's a bit embarrassing to be a corporation that seems to be profiting from an anti-corporate protest. It's not really anything that they want to be associated with. And yet they really don't like turning down money – it goes against all of their instincts." Moore chuckles. "I find it more funny than irksome."


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    Lições de Rin Tin Tin - DORRIT HARAZIM

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    Há muito foi-se o tempo em que o mundo contava com homens públicos que podiam envergar a roupagem de estadista sem parecer ridículos. Sabiam falar a seus povos, levá-los a se sentir parte de uma nação. Hoje tem prevalecido a mediocridade de quem ocupa algum poder. Ela se manifesta sobretudo pela dislexia entre o que é dito e o que se quer dizer. Ou, pior ainda, entre o que é dito e o que se quer esconder.
    Diante desse palavreado oficial que castiga de forma compulsiva o noticiário mundial, o silencio da leitura de “Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend” é um bálsamo.


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    Pictures: A River People Awaits an Amazon Dam

    Kayapo children play in a Xingu River tributary, Brazil

    The Power of Water

    The dam's threat to the Kayapo is not new. An earlier plan to dam the Xingu was abandoned in the 1990s in the face of local and international protest, in some cases led by the Kayapo. The new Belo Monte plan, however, appears to be moving forward, despite criticism that it will fail to generate the amount of electric power its backers expect. Brazilian government officials are not budging, and say the dam will move forward in the face of opposition. They argue the dam is necessary to help power the developing country.

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