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    sábado, julho 13, 2013

    Russian guard service reverts to paper records after NSA leaks |

     "Any information can be taken from computers. Of course there exists means of protection, but there is no 100% guarantee that they will work. So from the point of view of keeping secrets, the most primitive method is preferred: a human hand with a pen or a typewriter."

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    Russian guard service reverts to paper records after NSA leaks | World news |

    sexta-feira, julho 12, 2013

    Charge Mouse

    (Campinas, SP)

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    quinta-feira, julho 11, 2013

    pela cochlea: tUnE-yArDs - Doorstep

    Policemen shot my baby as he crossed right over my doorstep
    Policemen shot my baby crossing right over my doorstep
    His arms were so close you could see the blood pulsing through both his wrists
    Don't tell me the cops are right in a wrong like this
    Cause policemen shot my baby as he crossed right over my doorstep

    Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages


    Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users' communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company's own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian.

    The documents show that:
    Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web chats on the new portal;
    The agency already had pre-encryption stage access to email on, including Hotmail;
    The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism to its cloud storage service SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users worldwide;
    Microsoft also worked with the FBI's Data Intercept Unit to "understand" potential issues with a feature in that allows users to create email aliases;
    Skype, which was bought by Microsoft in October 2011, worked with intelligence agencies last year to allow Prism to collect video of conversations as well as audio;
    Material collected through Prism is routinely shared with the FBI and CIA, with one NSA document describing the program as a "team sport".

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    Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages

    PT vai às ruas

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
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    Daft Punk - Get Lucky ft. Pharrell Williams (Sesame Street Version)

    Brazil's Leaders Opt for Circuses Without Bread

    : Modern politicians have redefined the phrase ‘bread and circuses,' first coined by the Roman writer Juvenal, by arguing that investing hundreds of millions, and even billions, of dollars attracting and staging mega-circuses like the Olympic Games and the World Cup will provide bread of another sort, a sort of Keynesianism-on-steroids bet on the economic benefits of government investing in sports. Brazilians have become the latest people disenchanted by the hollow promises of this modern equation.

    All of this was predictable. The 1976 Montreal games almost bankrupted the city, which spent decades digging out of debt. The Athens games in 2004, which Greece wanted so desperately to host because they fell on the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympics, were sold to the people of the country as costing under $2 billion. The $16 billion actual cost helped thrust Greece into its present fiscal predicament.

    Until now these failures haven't mattered substantially to big sports events like the Olympics and World Cup because there's always a city or country ready to step up, hoping that hosting an event of that nature will thrust the place into worldwide eminence at whatever the cost.

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    RealClearMarkets - Brazil's Leaders Opt for Circuses Without Bread

    10 coisas que se você não muda, como vai mudar o Brasil?

    leia aqui
    10 coisas que se você não muda, como vai mudar o Brasil? | Sensacionalista: um jornal isento de verdade

    quarta-feira, julho 10, 2013

    pela cochlea: Paulinho da Viola - Pra que Mentir (Vadico-Noel Rosa)

    Se tu sabes que eu te quero
    Apesar de ser traído
    Pelo teu ódio sincero
    Ou por teu amor fingido?!

    Raquetadas no Plebiscito

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    Ronaldo Lemos: Reação brasileira à espionagem é antiquada

    O mesmo governo que repele a ação dos americanos adota medidas similares por meio da Anatel (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações). 
    A agência criou um sistema que permite acessar os registros de todas as ligações telefônicas feitas no país. Passou a obrigar provedores a guardar os registros de acesso de todos os usuários para fins "criminais".
    E está propondo nesta semana (por coincidência) norma que obriga empresas de telefonia a revelar à polícia a localização exata de qualquer usuário de celular, imediatamente e por mera solicitação, sem o controle do Jjudiciário.

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    Portal de Notícias - Senado Federal

    United Stalkers of America

    (Curitiba, PR)
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    terça-feira, julho 09, 2013

    Edward Hopper's art, through his wife's eyes - Telegraph

    Edward Hopper's paintings often depict isolation. But as a new book of his sketches reveals, the artist had an unsung − and sometimes waspish − collaborator: his wife.

     The past century is littered with the turbulent relationships of artist couples: Picasso and Dora Maar, Pollock and Lee Krasner, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo… It’s often been hard to tell where support ends and competition begins. As interesting as any pairing – if less famous – were Edward Hopper and his headstrong wife, Jo.

    Edward Hopper's art, through his wife's eyes - Telegraph

    pela cochlea: Haydn String Quartet No.1 in E flat major, Op.20, H.3/31 (1&2)

    Charge ingrediente

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)

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    Daniel Aarão Reis: A primavera chegou no inverno -

    " A questão é saber em que medida os partidos continuarão a dominar o regime democrático, como o têm feito até hoje.

    Propostos, nas formas atuais, em fins do século XIX, eles se construíram como estruturas centralizadas e hierárquicas, correspondendo a um tipo de civilização industrial em declínio há décadas. Como registrou Jean Viard, a sociedade de redes aprofundou o descompasso entre a dinâmica dos partidos e as exigências atuais da cidadania. Não à toa, desde os anos 1960 evidenciam dificuldades em representar as sociedades. O primeiro grande sinal desta tendência, em escala planetária, veio em 1968, ano quente de questionamentos, quando os partidos foram surpreendidos em cuecas, a reboque dos acontecimentos, catando cavaco atrás das passeatas. De lá para cá, em quase todas as convulsões da história contemporânea, da queda de ditaduras à desagregação do socialismo, passando pelas primaveras que se têm sucedido mundo afora, os partidos têm tido participação discreta, ou nula.
    No entanto, protegidos por instituições tradicionais, cultivam ainda a ambição — desmedida — do monopólio da representação política, o que não está mais de acordo com as sociedades complexas que passaram a existir a partir da segunda metade do século XX."

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    A primavera chegou no inverno - Jornal O Globo

    segunda-feira, julho 08, 2013


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