Folia S.A.

Os megablocos de celebridades dominam a paisagem, enquanto os responsáveis pela retomada do Carnaval de rua saem de cena
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Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.
Os megablocos de celebridades dominam a paisagem, enquanto os responsáveis pela retomada do Carnaval de rua saem de cena
"Nosso 8 de março já não tem o mesmo significado daquele mobilizado por mulheres que lutavam por
uma sociedade mais justa no início do século passado. Hoje, flores, bombons e parabéns, aliados a mensagens que ressaltam nossa feminilidade ou elogiam nossa “força”, predominam os discursos que rodeiam essa data. Parece que utilizar o Dia Internacional da Mulher para falar sobre equiparação salarial, reivindicar creches para todas as crianças ou discutir direitos reprodutivos caiu em desuso."
Diante do avanço do movimento
conservador das tradwives, precisamos
resgatar o sentido original do Dia da Mulher
Tem a saída à francesa: não dar tchau pra ninguém. Tem também, aprendi outro dia, com um amigo judeu, a saída à judaica: ficar dando tchau e não ir embora nunca. Segundo ele, pra um povo perseguido por tanto tempo e com mães especialistas em causar culpa, ficar ouvindo repetidamente "mas tão cedo?", "fica mais um pouco!", "nem conversamos direito!" é uma espécie de reparação emocional. (Disclaimer: esta crônica, ao citar o judaísmo, não fará nenhum comentário sobre a guerra, os atos atrozes do Hamas e a política de extermínio de Netanyahu. Meu amigo nasceu no Tatuapé, é corintiano, come arroz com feijão, trabalha com limpeza de caixas d’água e não tem nada a ver com os conflitos do Oriente Médio.)
Voltando ao tchau. Além da saída à francesa e à judaica, tem a pior de todas, a saída infinita: a do cidadão que se oferece pra te dar carona e não vai embora nunca. Você pega o celular pra chamar um Uber e a suposta boa alma diz —alto, pra outros ouvirem— "imagina, te levo!". Basta você guardar o telefone no bolso, ele olha pro lado e fala pra uma turma: "ei, pessoal, sobre a viagem da Páscoa, vamos organizar as compras?". Você tenta, com jeito, dizer que prefere chamar o Uber, não tem problema, tá tudo bem, mas o cara insiste: "De maneira nenhuma! Eu te levo!". É você botar novamente o celular no bolso e: "Então, pessoal, eu posso ir no Atacadão, vamos fazer a lista? Alguém aí é intolerante à lactose?". Ele finge estar fazendo um favor a você, mas no fim você é que está fazendo um favor a ele, deixando-o posar de bom cidadão. Por essas e outras, sou contra o tchau.
O oi é fundamental. Quem não dá oi tá no mesmo círculo do inferno de quem destrata o garçom. Aquela olhadinha pro chão da pessoa que te conhece, vindo pela calçada, por preguiça de simplesmente erguer as sobrancelhas, levantar a mão e mandar um "opa!" é razão suficiente para ter a entrada barrada nas portas do céu.
Você tem que dar oi. Se não por educação, ao menos por interesse. Quando eu tinha uns 12 anos, entrei no prédio e não dei oi ao porteiro. Meu pai falou: "Meu filho, tem que dar oi pras pessoas. Primeiro, por respeito. Segundo: vai que alguém é assassinado aqui, interrogam os moradores, aí vão dizer: aquele adolescente do 142 era estranho. Fechado. Quieto. Entrava no prédio e não dava oi pra ninguém".
Se o oi é um ato de respeito (ou autopreservação), o tchau costuma ser o auge da hipocrisia. Em poucas situações mente-se tanto quanto nas despedidas. "A próxima vai ser lá em casa!" "Precisamos nos ver de novo!" "Vamos tomar uma cerveja semana que vem?" "Segunda-feira eu te ligo pra falar desse projeto, mas tá tudo certo, vai rolar!"
Pensando bem, o tchau, disfarçado de simpatia, é um ato de puro
egoísmo. Tipo: "Olha, estou privando você agora da minha presença,
lamento muito que sua vida vá seguir com esse buraco que deixo ao me
ausentar. Te dou um abraço de consolo" —e ainda espera-se um comentário
de lamentação. "Mas já?" "Tão cedo?"
Ou, pensando melhor, pode ser o contrário, o tchau pode ser um momento de fragilidade, em que você abre um flanco pra "claro, amanhã leio seu romance de 476 páginas!", "claro, eu fico com seus três cachorros na viagem" ou, pior, dependendo da sua insegurança e do que você prometeu no momento, "marcado amanhã, às seis da matina, no Ibira, pra começar o treinamento pra São Silvestre!". Poderia terminar essa crônica com um tchau. Não o farei.
+ So what have Elon and the Droogs been up to this week?
+ Even though the FDIC is funded by banks, not the federal tax dollars, Musk’s team of droogs raided its employee databases and ordered the mass firings of federal bank examiners. What could go wrong that didn’t already go wrong to bring the FDIC into existence? A lot in the crypto/meme-coin late-capitalist economy.
+ Consider Argentina, where the anarcho-capitalist and Trump acolyte Javier Milei is now under investigation for encouraging his followers to buy the LIBRA crypto, which soon collapsed by 96%, wiping out $4.4 billion of its market cap in just a few hours.
+ Here’s Yanis Varoufakis on Milei’s crypto scam:
On Friday 14th, Argentina’s President Milei tweeted about the $LIBRA coin, encouraging his followers to buy it on the grounds that it would “help fund small businesses and start-ups”. As if that weren’t enough, he shared a link for people to buy it online. Naturally, within a few hours, $LIBRA’s price shot up. Many more people, trying to escape the poverty that Millei’s policies have subjected them to, rushed in to buy. Alas, soon after the price of $LIBRA crashed and they lost their money.
This is a standard tactic by crypto scammers. It is known as a ‘rug pull’: draw in naïve buyers only to stop trading and run with their money. But when the President of the country does it, it is more than a scam, a scandal. It is a crime.
More broadly, this incident confirms how dangerous the illusion of apolitical, non-state, money is. Money can never be anything other than state-based. That we need to democratise our public money is, of course, crucial. But any attempt to privatise money, however well-meaning its adherent might be, is bound to end in tears and to empower an oligarchic circle. End of story.
+ Danny Nelson reports for Coinbase that months before the memecoin scandal Hayden Davis, a co-creator Libra, bragged of sending money to Javier Milei’s sister saying of the Argentine president in a December text message: “We can also have Milie tweet and meet in person and do promo. I control that nigger. I send $$ to his sister and he signs whatever I say and does what I want. Craziest shit.”
+ In an interview on Argentine TV, Milei claimed it wasn’t his fault investors who saw his Tweets about Libra were scammed, “I didn’t promote it; I just shared it”.
+ Is the Libra hustle that much different than the Trump Family meme-coin pump and dump, where Trump and select insiders made off with more than $100 million trading fees and the small investors seduced by Trump’s pre-inauguration endorsement lost billions in the apparently legal swindle?
"There is no evidence that Trump is a figure of deep thought or serious insight. There is no evidence that Trump is anything other than what he’s been for his entire time in the public eye: an ego-driven creature of boundless envy and vicious, overlapping resentments. Those resentments have led him on a grand tour of retribution against the public."
read column by Jamelle Bouie
Trump Promised Retribution. Turns Out He Had a Very Big Target in Mind. – DNyuz
A organização da COP30 (conferência do clima da ONU), que ocorrerá no final do ano em Belém, já é abalada pelo governo de Donald Trump. Os EUA deixaram o Acordo de Paris e promoveram um terremoto na política internacional, o que está obrigando o Brasil a adiar o anúncio de seu programa para o evento e eventualmente adaptá-lo diante das "novas circunstâncias".
A nova situação levou Brasília a iniciar consultas diplomáticas para coletar opiniões e posições de governos em todo o mundo, em um cenário inesperado de ruptura internacional criado pela Casa Branca.
Nesta quarta-feira, o presidente da COP30, André Corrêa do Lago, fará um discurso na ONU, convocando governos de todo o mundo para relançar a "crença e entusiasmo" pelo multilateralismo como resposta à crise. Diante dos temas introduzidos por Trump na agenda global, haverá ainda um apelo para que o mundo trabalhe de forma coordenada.
O embaixador, na próxima semana, ainda publicará sua primeira carta aos governos, delineando os trabalhos e as prioridades para 2025.
Corte de recursos pelo mundo
Dentro do governo brasileiro, porém, a constatação é que "momento é desafiador". O problema não é apenas a decisão de Trump de sair do Acordo de Paris. A avaliação dos organizadores da COP30 é que, ao modificar sua política de segurança e a aliança com a Europa, Trump forçará governos do Velho Continente a gastar mais recursos com seus orçamentos militares e na compra e produção de armas.
A consequência poderia ser uma redução do dinheiro para a questão climática, inclusive na cooperação internacional. Diplomatas temem que, sem dinheiro, a agenda seja colocada em segundo plano.
De fato, nesta terça-feira, a União Europeia sinalizou a existência de um compromisso de US$ 800 bilhões para defender e reconstruir a Ucrânia, diante da invasão russa.
Se a negociação já vivia um clima negativo, o mal-estar foi ampliado nas últimas semanas. No governo brasileiro, existe a constatação de duas frustrações. A primeira é dos emergentes diante da realidade de cortes de recursos pelos EUA. Mas a segunda frustração é que, entre os países ricos, haverá uma pressão para que europeus, japoneses e outros cubram o buraco deixado pelos americanos nas contas do combate ao clima.
A isso tudo se soma o fato de que a ciência revela que o mundo tem muito pouco tempo para evitar um colapso climático.A avaliação é que, se há 25 anos, o mundo poderia esperar pelo final do governo Trump e eventualmente retomar a agenda climática, a crise atual não permite que esse período seja desperdiçado. Para a diplomacia, a janela de atuação está se fechando.
"A cena não deixa de ser insólita. O cineasta Walter Salles sobe ao palco para receber das mãos da atriz Penélope Cruz a estatueta do Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional para seu "Ainda Estou Aqui", retira os óculos do bolso interno do paletó e os coloca no rosto, apalpa o bolso externo direito à procura do discurso e só aí se dá conta de que não está ali."
leia reportagem de antonio mello
"While making “The Package,” a forgettable 1980s thriller, he angrily delayed a nighttime shoot on the streets of Chicago because of what he perceived as a flaw in the script. His character, an expert marksman, was called upon to fire his weapon nine times at a fleeing bad guy. With the temperature near zero, he got into an extended debate with a producer, arguing that his character was too skilled with a gun to keep missing like that."
"Flooding the ether with bad ideas isn’t Trump’s unique know-how — it’s standard autocratic fare. Hannah Arendt used the word “preposterous” to describe the ideas that underpinned 20th-century totalitarian regimes. Bad ideas do a lot of the work of building autocracy. By forcing us to engage with them, they make our conversations, our media and our society dumber. By conjuring the unimaginable — radical changes in the geography of human relationships, the government and the world itself as we have known it — they plunge us into an anxious state in which thinking is difficult. That kind of anxiety is key to totalitarian control.
Life under autocracy can be terrifying, as it already is in the United States for immigrants and trans people. But those of us with experience can tell you that most of the time, for most people, it’s not frightening. It is stultifying. It’s boring. It feels like trying to see and breathe under water — because you are submerged in bad ideas, being discussed badly, being reflected in bad journalism and, eventually, in bad literature and bad movies."
read column by M.GESSEN
Opinion: The barrage of Trump’s awful ideas is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do
"Relatives arrived, eager to help. But with Israel’s punishing siege still blocking new equipment from entering the enclave, no one had drills or other power tools to break through the rubble.
“We used what we could find: shovels, picks and our bare hands,” he said.
After hours of digging, they finally reached the flattened floor where his family had lived.
Mr. al-Dibs found parts of a skeleton that he believed belonged to his son Hasib, who was 8. But he could find nothing of his wife and 6-year-old Habib — only a few charred fragments of bone that crumbled as he tried to grasp them between his fingers.
An Al Jazeera television segment filming retrieval efforts in the neighborhood caught on camera Mr. al-Dib’s realization that he would never find their bodies. Trembling with fury, he shook out some white plastic body bags.
“I brought big shrouds! And little shrouds! So I could put their bodies inside! But I found their bodies reduced to ashes!” he screamed.
Then, as his 12-year-old daughter Fatima, in a bright yellow jacket, ran up to the ruins, sobbing and calling out the names of her younger brothers, Mr. al-Dibs gently pulled her away: “Oh Habib! Oh Hasib! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”
“They were deprived of a last goodbye,” Mr. al-Dibs said."
more in the report by Erika Solomon
Aaron Boxerman and Rawan Sheikh Ahmad
With Fighting Stilled, Gazans Face New Trauma: Searching for Their Dead – DNyuz
Jeffrey St. Clair>>
While contemplating the incipient collapse of our Republic from an inside job, I dipped back into the six-volume edition of Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that Alexander Cockburn gave me as a Christmas present years ago. Gibbon’s prose style is ornate, featuring wide-ranging and winding sentences that often end abruptly, like a dagger plunging. It takes some pages–and there are entire mountain ranges of them–to get used to his baroque rhetorical rhythm. Still, once you do, the book really picks up steam and roars along through decade after decade of unrivaled imperial villainy, personal cupidity and political turpitude.
Like a historical geologist, Gibbon pinpoints the first major seismic fault triggering the fall of the Empire during the reign of Commodus, the sadistic son of the stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose Mediations are much promoted (though little practiced) by today’s TechBros. Through much of Commodus’s reign, the man by his side was the conniving Cleander, who became chamberlain of the Empire and commander of Commodius personal death squad, the Praetorian Guard. Here’s Gibbon’s acute (and very timely for our own perilous predicament) assessment of how the Commodus/Cleander partnership worked:
" [Cleander] entered the palace, rendered himself useful to his master’s passions, and rapidly ascended to the most exalted station which a subject could enjoy. His influence over the mind of Commodus was much greater than that of his predecessor [Perennis, who Cleander had killed], for Cleander was devoid of any ability or virtue which could inspire the emperor with envy or distrust. Avarice was the reigning passion of his soul, and the great principle of his administration. The rank of consul, of patrician, of senator, was exposed to public sale, and it would have been considered as disaffection if anyone had refused to purchase these empty and disgraceful honors with the greatest part of his fortune. In the lucrative provincial employments the minister shared with the governor the spoils of the people. The execution of the laws was venal and arbitrary. A wealthy criminal might obtain not only the reversal of the sentence by which he was justly condemned, but might likewise inflict whatever punishment he pleased on the accuser, the witnesses and the judge.”"
Sound familiar?
Cleander, like Elon Musk, was not a natural-born citizen of the Empire. He came to Rome from Phyrgia, orchestrated hundreds of killings to demonstrate his loyalty, and made a bundle as the hatchet man and chief extortionist for the Emperor until he briefly eclipsed Commodus’s glittering raiment and lost his head for this hubristic transgression.
It was comforting to learn that I’m not the only former punk who found solace in Gibbon’s sprawling work. So did Iggy Pop, who wrote a piece for Classics Ireland about why he spent so many nights on the road reading the Decline and Fall:
" In 1982, horrified by the meanness, tedium and depravity of my existence as I toured the American South playing rock and roll music and going crazy in public, I purchased an abridged copy of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Dero Saunders, Penguin). The grandeur of the subject appealed to me, as did the cameo illustration of Edward Gibbon, the author, on the front cover. He looked like a heavy dude.
Being in a political business, I had long made a habit of reading biographies of wilful characters – Hitler, Churchill, MacArthur, Brando – with large profiles, and I also enjoyed books on war and political intrigue, as I could relate the action to my own situation in the music business, which is not about music at all, but is a kind of religion-rental. I would read with pleasure around 4 am, with my drugs and whisky in cheap motels, savouring the clash of beliefs," personalities, and values played out on antiquity’s stage by crowds of the vulgar, led by huge archetypal characters.
"Over the course of his nearly 80-year career, Jules Feiffer tried his hand at everything–comic books, political cartoons, editorials, comics history, plays, films, animation, children’s books, graphic novels … and he was hard at work on his next book when he passed away on Jan. 17, just shy of his 96th birthday.
In celebration of Feiffer’s life and legacy, The Comics Journal reached out to some of Feiffer’s friends, colleagues and admirers and asked them to share appreciations and anecdotes from those who knew and loved him"
"Cientistas políticos americanos argumentam que a democracia nos EUA está à beira da ruína em seus principais pilares neste segundo mandato de Donald Trump. A isso se seguirá, dizem, não uma ditadura clássica, mas um modelo de autoritarismo competitivo. Embora nesses casos a ordem liberal pareça preservada, autocratas no poder usam sistematicamente a máquina do Estado para reprimir a oposição, usar brechas da lei a seu favor e fortalecer seu poder."
Jefrrey St. Clair>>
Werner Herzog should remake Fitzcarraldo as a climate change thriller, but instead of lugging a steamship over the mountains, try the even more surreal-but-real task of pulling it up the dried-out riverbeds of the Amazon…
Photo:Divulgação observatório do clima.
+ Someone asked me, who could possibly replace Kinski? Aye, that’s the rub. The only actor I can envision in the role, who has a similar anarchic on-screen presence, is Lars Eidinger, (Irma Vep and Babylon Berlin), who says his new film, The Light, directed by Tom Twyker, explains “why the world’s on the brink: we’re governed by people who have a narcissistic personality disorder.”
"A wife, wearing a nightgown and her hair uncovered, lies down next to her husband in bed. An older man and woman, drunk on red wine, dance wildly and discuss the complexities of sex and nudity at their age. A distressed young woman navigates the sexual advances of a male employer in a job interview.
These scenes may seem to be simply ordinary life snippets on the big screen. But their existence — in three Iranian films released over the last few years — is nothing short of extraordinary, representing a new era of filmmaking in Iran’s storied cinema."
read article by Farnaz Fassihi
A New Age of Iranian Cinema Is on Display at the Oscars – DNyuz
"For most of North American history, Indigenous peoples lived under a devastating form of authoritarianism, confined to impoverished reservations and denigrated as inferior outsiders in the only place we’ve ever known as home. Through the residential schools, we were even deprived of the right to raise our own children.
But those schools failed. And Indigenous peoples are still here. “Sugarcane” is a testament to the stories yet to be told — stories of a people who survived a genocide, who have urgent things to say and unique stories to tell. We maintain a way of seeing the world that is deeply familial, communal, spiritual, rooted in place and tradition, and in that sense, human and universal. And we’ve only begun to tell our stories."
read article by Julian Brave NoiseCat
I’m an Indigenous Filmmaker Up for an Oscar. Here’s What I Hope Happens Next. – DNyuz
"Ms. Ito says that “Black Box Diaries” is running into resistance, despite having a Japanese director, because it shines a light on a topic normally kept in the shadows: how the legal system and society, more broadly, look unfavorably on women who come forward to say they were sexually assaulted.
“This film is not just about sexual violence. It’s about power, corruption and systemic problems,” Ms. Ito said. “I am making many people uncomfortable, that’s for sure.”
read report by Kiuko Notoya and Martin Fackler
Why a Japanese Oscar Contender Isn’t Being Shown in Japan – DNyuz
"As marchinhas de carnaval e os sambas-enredo vão além do entretenimento, representando expressões culturais e parte do patrimônio histórico do Brasil. Esses ritmos refletem aspectos sociais e políticos de diferentes períodos e são utilizados, muitas vezes, como meios de crítica, exaltação ou resistência. Da ditadura à democracia, diversas composições acompanharam eventos relevantes da história nacional, registrando percepções e posicionamentos de uma parcela da sociedade brasileira.
Confira dez canções que jogam luzes sobre assuntos políticos, de agora e do passado:"
De Getúlio a Marielle: 10 músicas que mostram como carnaval é política
"Miranda, uma atriz e stripper que interpreta Lulu, a melhor amiga de Anora, diz que recebeu a tarefa de ajudar Madison a soar como uma verdadeira prostituta de Nova York.
"Compartilhei um PDF com termos e gírias que somente as strippers de Nova York entenderiam", ela revela.
Uma dessas palavras era whale (baleia, em inglês), que, explica Miranda, "é um cliente que é como um poço sem fundo de dinheiro. Ele vai fazer sua noite. E não vai fazer você trabalhar muito para isso".
Anora: as prostitutas da vida real que ajudaram a fazer o filme vencedor do Oscar
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