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    sábado, abril 13, 2013

    Ding dong! The wicked witch is dead! (7) : THE BEAT...STAND DOWN MARGARET (DUB)

    Beloved Movies Roger Eberts Didn't Like

    "Stanley Kubrick's 'A Clockwork Orange' is an ideological mess, a paranoid right-wing fantasy masquerading As an Orwellian warning. It pretends to oppose the police state and forced mind control, but all it really does is celebrate the nastiness of its hero, Alex."

    see the gallery
    Roger Ebert Reviews: Beloved Movies He Didn't Like (PHOTOS)


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    sexta-feira, abril 12, 2013

    Em 1994, um grupo de militantes britanicos chamado Class War marcou uma manifestação em Trafalgar Square para as seis horas da tarde do primeiro sábado após a morte de Margaret Thatcher. A convocatória ainda está valendo. Amanhã a juripoca vai piar.

    Se não é necessário, demolir para quê? -


     Sob a justificativa de “transformar o Maracanã e o Maracanãzinho em locais mais atrativos e confortáveis ao público”, dois templos do esporte brasileiro estão prestes a serem demolidos. Mas se o sentimento entre atletas, técnicos e dirigentes órfãos do Estádio de Atletismo Célio de Barros e do Parque Aquático Júlio de Lamare era de tristeza e resignação, diante do que parecia ser inevitável, por conta das exigências da Fifa para a Copa do Mundo-2014, tudo mudou radicalmente desde a tarde da última quarta-feira.

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    Se não é necessário, demolir para quê? - Esporte - Notícias de esporte e futebol do Extra Online | Jornal Extra - Extra Online:

    Ding dong the wicked witch is dead (6) : The Exploited - Maggie you cunt

    Donas de casa tentam se acostumar à vida sem empregada

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    Stolen Laptop Sends Mystery Pictures from Iran

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    Stolen Laptop Sends Mystery Pictures from Iran

    Ding dong the wicked witch is dead (5): Anti-Pasti - No Government


    Qual o futuro da Carioca?

     Comerciantes da tradicional rua da Carioca – quarteirão histórico e tombado no centro do Rio – têm trabalhado sem a garantia de que poderão manter o negócio no local nos próximos meses por causa do aumento do aluguel.

    Em um dos casos, o valor cobrado mensalmente passará de R$ 10 mil para R$ 68 mil.

    Os comerciantes acreditam que o reajuste é uma forma de expulsá-los do local para ser feito um shopping, o que é negado pelo Opportunty.

    leia mais
    SkyscraperCity - View Single Post - Centro do Rio de Janeiro [Thread Oficial]

    quinta-feira, abril 11, 2013

    Do Hitchcock and The Girl reveal the horrible truth about Hitch?


    : Hitchcock had harassed actor Tippi Hedren on the set of 1963's The Birds to the point of physical and psychological collapse. During the filming of the followup, Marnie, Hedren claimed that he also "made an overt sexual proposition", and when she resisted "became threatening", saying he would ruin her career. He never forgave her for turning him down, and refused thereafter to call her by her name. She became simply "that girl".

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    Do Hitchcock and The Girl reveal the horrible truth about Hitch? | Film | The Guardian

    Django Unchained: is its portrayal of slavery too flippant?


    Trash-talking, know-nothing, wannabe-hipster white boy dares focus his sleazy sensibilities on the American holocaust of slavery.

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    Django Unchained: is its portrayal of slavery too flippant? | Film | The Guardian:

    Torcida do Liverpool canta a morte de Margaret Thatcher

    Infância Clandestina | Trailer Oficial #1

    Convivencias & contradiçoes entre a vida de militantes da luta armada nos anos 70 da américa latina e a realidade do cotidiano familiar e social mas com um diferencial: tal como em O ano em que meus pais sairam de férias, a historia (Historia) é vista pelos olhos  de uma criança, filho da clandestinidade.

    Baseado na própria infancia do diretor argentino Benjamim Ávila.

    Ele está descontrolado!

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    Johnny Marr on the Smiths, Morrissey and putting politics back in pop


    With the release of his first solo album The Messenger, the former Smiths guitarist talks about finally embracing his old sound, David Cameron and why he and Morrissey don't talk any more

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    Johnny Marr on the Smiths, Morrissey and putting politics back in pop | Music | The Guardian

    DING DONG THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD (4): The The - Heartland

    This is the place, where pensioners are raped,
    & the hearts are being cut, from the welfare state,
    Let the poor drink the milk, while the rich eat the honey,
    Let the bums count their blessings, while they count the money.

    The ammunition's being passed, and the lords been praised,
    But the wars on the televisions will never be explained,
    All the bankers gettin sweaty, beneath their white collars,
    As the pound in our pocket, turns into a dollar.

    Cora Rónai: Incompetencia Olímpica

    Ao contrário de todo mundo, acho que ter sido escolhida sede das Olimpíadas foi uma das piores coisas que podiam ter acontecido ao Rio. Junte-se a isso a famigerada Copa, e a desgraça está feita.

    A questão não é o que os turistas dirão de nós; a questão é o que vai acontecer, e o que já está acontecendo, conosco. Tanto a Copa quanto as Olimpíadas têm funcionado, até aqui, como carta branca para tudo o que é descalabro.

    leia coluna de CORA RONAI
    Incompetência olímpica | cora rónai | internETC.


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    quarta-feira, abril 10, 2013

    ‘Game Of Thrones’ Power Rankings: Week 2 | NewNowNext

    We have a new family on top, and boy are they fun. The Tyrells have everything; a rich and witty old matriarch in Lady Olenna, a smart and conniving hottie who likes to show off her assets (and apparently hates anal) in Margaery, and a closeted homo (who does not share his sister’s opinion) in Ser Loras

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    Game Of Thrones’ Power Rankings: Week 2 | NewNowNext: 

    pela cochlea: hefner - the day that thatcher dies

    We will laugh the day that Thatcher dies,
    Even though we know it's not right,
    We will dance and sing all night

    Ding dong, the witch is dead, which old witch?
    The wicked witch.
    Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.

    Biblioteca virtual do Wikileaks traz documentos confidenciais sobre a ditadura militar brasileira

    Vários desses despachos mostram que a missão americana acompanhava de perto os relatos de tortura e de censura à imprensa. Também há dezenas de registros de treinamentos policias e militares, sempre encorajados pelo próprio Henry Kissinger, que primava por ter uma relação próxima com o Brasil


    Biblioteca virtual do Wikileaks traz documentos confidenciais sobre a ditadura militar brasileira | Catraca Livre – SP/Rio Grátis:

    Charge Madura

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    Game of Thrones: Our Weekly Westeros Scorecard - The Telefile Blog - TV Shows & TV News - TV Reviews | TWoP

    Oleanna's Best Smackdown: "Loras is young and very good at knocking men off horses with his stick. That does not make him wise." Over/under on the chances she intended "knocking men off horses with his stick" to be a euphemism for something?

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    Game of Thrones: Our Weekly Westeros Scorecard - The Telefile Blog - TV Shows & TV News - TV Reviews | TWoP

    pela cochlea: Elvis Costello- Tramp the dirt down

    And now the cynical ones say that it all ends the same in the long run
    Try telling that to the desperate father who just squeezed the life from his only son
    And how it's only voices in your head and dreams you never dreamt
    Try telling him the subtle difference between justice and contempt
    Try telling me she isn't angry with this pitiful discontent
    When they flaunt it in your face as you line up for punishment
    And then expect you to say thank you straighten up, look proud and pleased
    Because youve only got the symptoms, you haven't got the whole disease
    Just like a schoolboy, whose heads like a tin-can
    Filled up with dreams then poured down the drain
    Try telling that to the boys on both sides, being blown to bits or beaten and maimed
    Who takes all the glory and none of the shame

    When england was the whore of the world
    Margeret was her madam

    terça-feira, abril 09, 2013

    Vladimir Safatle: Canonizando Margaret


    "Não existe esse negócio de sociedade. Existem apenas homens e mulheres individuais, e há famílias." Foi com essa filosofia bizarra que Margaret Thatcher conseguiu transformar o Reino Unido em um dos mais brutais laboratórios do neoliberalismo."

    leia colina aqui
    Com Texto Livre: Canonizando Margaret

    Kim Jong-Un Style

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    PALAVRAS: Ken Loach

    Vamos privatizar o seu enterro. Colocamos em licitacao e contratamos a proposta mais barata. ERA O QUE ELA GOSTARIA.

    - Ken Loach  

    Amargaret Thatcher

    photograph by Danny Martindale

    segunda-feira, abril 08, 2013

    Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is Dead!

    'Game Of Thrones,Power Ranking: Who's Winning After Season 3, Episode 2'?

    This week's episode was less about brute power than it was about the subtleties of influence. Some players were skilled manipulators, while others remained oblivious to the way the current runs.

    Joe Satran: 'Game Of Thrones,' 'Dark Wings, Dark Words' Power Ranking: Who's Winning After Season 3, Episode 2'?

    Your Guide To The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters For Dummies

    Your Guide To The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters For Dummies

    Charge SacanIca

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    O estúdio de Millôr – por Cristiano Mascaro


    Julia Kovensky e Jovita Santos de Mendonça, da coordenadoria de iconografia do IMS, passaram uma semana de março no estúdio de Millôr Fernandes inventariando todo o material que viria em seguida para o instituto, onde ficará abrigado por dez anos, de acordo com o contrato de comodato. O trabalho foi acompanhado pelo fotógrafo Cristiano Mascaro, que registrou os últimos momentos do local onde Millôr trabalhou por décadas, sua pequena usina de criação em Ipanema, no Rio de Janeiro. As fotos abaixo são uma amostra do que Mascaro documentou nos cinco dias, retratando de detalhes da mesa em que o artista desenhava até imagens amplas do estúdio, que deixou de existir. Nessas imagens, no entanto, ele sempre poderá ser lembrado.

    leia mais
    O estúdio de Millôr – por Cristiano Mascaro - Blog do IMS

    pela cochlea: Marku Ribas - Kazumbanda (in memoriam)

    domingo, abril 07, 2013

    'Game of Thrones' Season 3: Love It Or Hate It, You Won't Be Able To Look Away


    "The version of "Game of Thrones" that executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have created is a meditation on power and its slippery attractions, and perhaps power itself is the lead character in their take on the story -- it's often the entity receiving the most in-depth characterization. In this tale, power and loyalty are locked in a hypnotic dance of betrayal, compassion and confusion. Martin created -- and the HBO show has brought to vivid life -- a set of memorable outsiders who are doing their utmost to storm various bastions of power and privilege, and even their losses are fascinating. I can't look away."

    read article by Mo Ryan
    Maureen Ryan: 'Game of Thrones' Season 3: Love It Or Hate It, You Won't Be Able To Look Away:

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