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Postagens [Atom]
Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.
Facebook deu certo por acaso. Zuckerberg
estava no lugar certo, na hora certa, com o produto certo. Isto fez do Facebook um sucesso. O produto, não seu modelo de negócio,
insustentável no longo prazo. O Facebook tem sua
receita baseada num modelo ultrapassado, mesmo diante de uma base de clientes
como nenhuma empresa jamais possuiu. Ao invés de criar um modelo de negócio
inovador, o Facebook priorizou o aumento da base.
Acreditou ser este o fator principal de geração de valor para a empresa.
Google+ está chegando. Ele vai destruir o Facebook. O
Google, sim, construiu um modelo vencedor, disruptivo,
com fórmula complexa e eficiente, que é o Adwords/Adsense. Um modelo que beira a perfeição. E uma empresa que
é capaz de criar um sistema como este atinge um grau de competitividade, que a
torna imbatível diante de players como o Facebook.
Read more at www.aarffsa.com.brDe
todo modo, o maior responsável pela morte do Facebook
não será o Google. Seu algoz é o próprio Facebook,
por causa de um modelo frágil, sujeito a questionamentos sobre privacidade e de
usabilidade tosca. O Google vai apenas acelerar o processo.
Marcadores: pitacos
14 Facts From 'Today I Learned' Reddit Posts
Read more at www.huffingtonpost.comToday I Learned, or "TIL," is a space for users to share tidbits of information that may not be widely known, but that others may find fascinating. While the factoids are rarely newsworthy or highly relevant to our day-to-day lives, trivia junkies will appreciate the minutiae on display here.
Mr. Edwards’s career spanned nearly the entire recorded history of the blues, from its early years in the Mississippi Delta to its migration to the nightclubs of Chicago and its emergence as an international phenomenon.
Read more at www.nytimes.comOver eight decades Mr. Edwards knew or played with virtually every major figure who worked in the idiom, including Charley Patton, Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf. He was probably best known, though, as the last living link to Robert Johnson, widely hailed as the King of the Delta Blues. The two traveled together, performing on street corners and at picnics, dances and fish fries during the 1930s.
“We would walk through the country with our guitars on our shoulders, stop at people’s houses, play a little music, walk on,”
Mr. Edwards’s career spanned nearly the entire recorded history of the blues, from its early years in the Mississippi Delta to its migration to the nightclubs of Chicago and its emergence as an international phenomenon.
Read more at www.nytimes.comOver eight decades Mr. Edwards knew or played with virtually every major figure who worked in the idiom, including Charley Patton, Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf. He was probably best known, though, as the last living link to Robert Johnson, widely hailed as the King of the Delta Blues. The two traveled together, performing on street corners and at picnics, dances and fish fries during the 1930s.
“We would walk through the country with our guitars on our shoulders, stop at people’s houses, play a little music, walk on,”
A rebel slogan painted in Misrata during the fighting salutes "the brigade for purging slaves, black skin". A consequence of this racism has been mass arrests of black men, and gruesome killings – just some of the variousatrocities that human rights organisations blame rebels for.
An explanation for this can be found in the weaknesses of the revolt itself. The upsurge beginning on 17 February hinged on an alliance between middle class human rights activists and the working classes in eastern cities such as Benghazi. Rather than wilting under repression, the rebellion spread to new towns and cities. Elements of the regime, seeing the writing on the wall, began to defect. Military leaders, politicians and sections of business and academia sided with the rebels.
there was no institutional structure able to express this movement, no independent trade union movement, and certainly little in the way of an organised left. Into this space stepped those who had the greatest resources – the former regime notables, businessmen and professionals, as well as exiles. It was they who formed the National
Read more at m.guardian.co.ukTransitional Council (NTC).The dominance of relatively conservative elites and the absence of countervailing pressures skewed the politics of the rebellion.
Aristocrata esnobe e maneta toca piano com uma mão só,
uma mão tão forte que volta da morte para se vingar!
Muito muito trash.
O paulista Danilo Beyruth foi o grande vencedor do 23o Prêmio HQMix. Seu álbum "Bando de dois" (Zarabatana Books) lhe rendeu três estatuetas (a deste ano homenageia o cartunista Glauco): "Edição Especial Nacional", "Desenhista Nacional" e "Roteirista Nacional". O livro, uma espécie de história de cangaço ao estilo faroeste, também foi eleito o melhor do ano em enquete realizada neste blog no fim do ano passado. "Bando de dois" estava na lista de 15 dos 20 convidados a eleger os melhores títulos de 2010.
Autor do recente "Birds", Gustavo Duarte foi outro que recebeu mais de um prêmio, ambos pela revista sem falas "Taxi": "Caricaturista" e "Publicação Independente Edição Única (one-shot)".Read more at oglobo.globo.com
In his 2003 Oscar acceptance speech, Michael Moore denounced President Bush and the invasion of Iraq. Overnight he became the most hated man in America. In an exclusive extract from his new book, Here Comes Trouble, he tells of the bomb threats, bodyguards and how he fought back
Read more at m.guardian.co.uk'I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it … No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out [of him]. Is this wrong? I stopped wearing my 'What Would Jesus Do?' band, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore', and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realise, 'Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death.' And you know, well, I'm not sure."Glenn Beck, live on the Glenn Beck show, 17 May 2005
Marcadores: palavras
O clima de um filme pode ser captado em apenas uma cena? O trabalho de Gustaf Mantel sugere que sim. Ele vem se dedicando a criar GIFs animados com cenas de grandes clássicos do cinema. O sujeito fez o favor de reunir em imagens boa parte dos filmes do Stanley Kubrick.
Read more at oglobo.globo.comReforçando a sugestão, no Tumblr do Gustaf tem vários outros filmes...
The Robert Crumb controversy: What happened to freedom of speech?
For artists, it's the ancient tale. Picasso was regarded as a dirty old perv by politicians. aacÉdouard Manet was pilloried for his casually erotic nudes. Francisco de Goya, Caravaggio, Andy Warhol, Tracey Emin: they all felt the heat.
Crumb's 'rape fantasy' cartoons are, actually, often about strong women turning the tables on men: one victim terrifies an attacker by leaping into a crazily sexy pose.
Most 15-year-old boys you know would find it hilarious and titillating, along with Crumb's gags about farts.
Rape victims - and women generally - are probably less likely to appreciate the joke.
This is the principal occupational hazard of art: not everybody is going to like it. Crumb might be tartly honest about his youthful screwed-upness, but he doesn't pretend to be surprised when people object to the notion of women as vaginas-on-legs or his depictions of African Americans as big-lipped golliwogs. He set out to shock.
Read more at www.dailytelegraph.com.auFunny, I thought civilisation was about everyone being allowed to have a say. I don't think anyone wants to hurt Crumb. But plenty of people want to express a view about his work. Some of them don't like it. Is that so shocking?
One by one the monsters trample.
Through woods and dirt they feed.
What sort of world and plight for our children must we leave?
Let us burn the nation’s budget.
Let’s send boys overseas to fight ghosts in the desert instead of teaching them to give and lead…
In Time the trees die and light will fade
But I hope for a new breath, a new life to take me away…
Hacked Off: The art show that's driven Banksy up the wall
The Keszler Gallery in the Hamptons, Wall Street's favourite holiday destination, is facing stern criticism from Banksy representatives and his fans after attempting to sell two high-profile works of public art, which were originally intended to brighten up the streets of Bethlehem.
The pieces, referred to as Stop & Search and Wet Dog, were stencilled on to prominent walls in the West Bank city during a visit by the British artist in 2007. They disappeared shortly afterwards, only to re-emerge at the Keszler Gallery in Southampton Village late last month.
News of the sale has angered Banksy enthusiasts, who argue that the works were meant for public consumption. They argue that street art is meaningless – and therefore value-less – outside of its original context, and say that foreign art dealers had no right to participate in their removal.
The gallery takes an opposing view. It insists that the pieces, among seven large Banksy works in its new show, were legitimately purchased and exported from the Palestinian territory. If left unprotected in their original location, they were in severe danger of deteriorating, and by now would almost certainly have been vandalised.
Read more at www.independent.co.ukNot everyone's convinced, though. "I just find this so sad," said Sebastian Buck, who runs the street art blog Unurth. "Some hedge fund dude is going to be able to buy these things that would otherwise have remained out in public for thousands of people to enjoy. Street art is meant to be viewed in its natural environment, not in a gallery or in some rich guy's house. That's why it's called street art."
Enric González
El País
Nem o Afeganistão nem a Líbia jamais tiveram instituições sólidas, ou um sistema judiciário à margem das tradições clássicas, ou uma classe média, e isso torna improvável que se transformem em sociedades do tipo ocidental em um futuro previsível. Acontece que as palavras "liberdade" e "democracia" funcionam nesses casos como código que justifica intervenções bélicas de tipo neocolonial, e encobrem tanto o desconhecimento como os interesses pouco confessáveis.
O que já se intui com alguma clareza é que o livro de referência para interpretar esses compassos introdutórios não parece ser "O Choque de Civilizações", de Samuel Huntington, no qual se vaticinava uma era de conflito permanente entre o Ocidente e o islã, mas sim "Orientalismo", de Edward Said. Em sua obra, o ensaísta palestino proclamou que o Ocidente só era capaz de olhar para o mundo árabe através de um caleidoscópio de preconceitos e de um profundo complexo de superioridade, e por isso sua visão sofria uma distorção que de alguma forma alcançava a visão que os próprios árabes tinham de si mesmos.
Read more at m.noticias.uol.com.br
Por enquanto, ficam muitas perguntas sem respostas. E o fragor revolucionário aumenta dia a dia.
Smutty show a comic outrage
A SELF-CONFESSED sex pervert whose explicit comic drawings cannot be shown in Australia is to deliver a talk and hold a special exhibition at the Sydney Opera House.
Cartoonist Robert Crumb's visit, funded by the Opera House and endorsed by the City of Sydney, has sparked outrage with sexual assault crisis groups describing the France-based American artist as "sick and deranged".
Crumb, a "seminal" cult comic cartoonist from the 1960s regarded by fans - including the City of Sydney - as legendary, and a genius, is renowned for extreme drug-fuelled drawings, depicting incest, rape, paedophilia and bestiality.
"These cartoons are not funny or artistic - they are just crude and perverted images emanating from what is clearly a sick mind," she saidRead more at eddiecampbell.blogspot.com
Muito interessante a incorporação da linguagem dos quadrinhos - e principalmente a dos videogames - uma estruturade musical onde ao inves de repentinamente os personagens começarem a dançar e cantar, começam a lutar - mas o filme é bobinho de doer.
Why I can't visit Sydney
the right-wing media sharks at the Sunday Telegraph verily jumped on this juicy morsel. Me, I know nothing of Australian politics. I had no clue that there were such nasty right-wing media manipulators there. Crumb was somebody they could use against the liberals in the City of Sydney . They obviously did a little research, made some calls to the right people, like ''anti-child abuse campaigner'' Hetty Johnston, and got them to rant about what a bad person I am, that ''the Sydney Opera House was endorsing the depraved thought processes of this very warped human being'', ''These cartoons are not funny or artistic - they are just crude and perverted images emanating from what is clearly a sick mind.''
''Cartoonist Robert Crumb's visit, funded by the Opera House and endorsed by the City of Sydney, has sparked outrage with sexual assault groups describing the France-based American artist as 'sick and deranged'.''
Read more at www.smh.com.auThe worst part is the apparent irresponsibility of these cynical media hacks. What if I'd gone there, and what if some Mark Chapman-type person who'd read that article decided the world needed to be cleansed of scum like R. Crumb? (Mark Chapman shot John Lennon.) This possibility worried Aline deeply.
Crumb cancelled visit fearing assassination
THE celebrated cartoonist Robert Crumb says he cancelled his headlining appearance at Sydney's Graphic festival next weekend over fears he might have been attacked or, like John Lennon, even killed.
Read more at www.smh.com.auBreaking his silence over his withdrawal from the Sydney Opera House festival, the American comic-book giant said he had been alarmed by the ''hateful Machiavellian tactics'' behind a recent newspaper article labelling him a sex pervert and, he believed, implying he was a child abuser. His wife, Aline, feared for his safety in Australia and told him: ''That's it, you're not going.''
Andando de madeugada pelas ruas esfumaçadas de uma cidade argentina de interior, deparei com Floreal, saído de prisão, voltando pra casa, mas evitando sua casa, sua mulher, reencontrando memórias, fantasmas e as cenas de opressão que o assombram.
Belissimo filme de Solanas, recheado dos tangos rasgados e piazollas interpretados bebadamente por Goyeneche e bandoneons.
Absolutely Fabulous is back – so crack open the Bolly and Stolly
Read more at m.guardian.co.ukFashion-mad PR guru Edina Monsoon and inebriated magazine editor Patsy Stone are to return to our screens in three new episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, the BBC has confirmed.
Marcadores: sonhos
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