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    sexta-feira, junho 22, 2012


    Angela Merkel ordena novo pacote de austeridade para os gregos: jogadores não podem passar do meio-campo.

    Alemanha x Grécia já se enfrentaram antes !

    quinta-feira, junho 21, 2012

    21 Other Comic Book Characters Who Should Come Out of the Closet

    In late May, DC Comics announced one of their major characters who was previously identified as ‘straight’ would officially change his sexual orientation to ‘gay’. The story attracted major media buzz, but as any comic book fanboy (or girl) will tell you, LGBT themes in mainstream American comics have been prevalent for decades.

    Of all the entertainment mediums, the comic book industry has arguably led the charge in bringing LGBT issues to the forefront of the public forum. So  we’re taking a look at other comic book characters who’ve predominantly been ‘classified’ as heterosexual that could probably be gay or bi-sexual. Are we judging based on archaic stereotypes? In some cases, yes. But, it’s all in good fun, so check your PC at the alternate dimension. 

    see gallery here
    21 Comic Book Characters Who Should Come Out of the Closet:

    Charges Malufadas

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    Alemanha: Vá, lute, mas não vença a EuroCopa!

    Uma vitoria alemã na Eurocopa pode trazer consequencias ruins para o país

    O fato doloroso é que uma vitória alemã sobre o resto da Europa reforçaria a noção que muitos europeus já cultivam: a de que o continente é governado por uma nova superpotência regional.

    leia o artigo
    Vá, lute, mas não vença! - Esporte - Extra Online

    quarta-feira, junho 20, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA; Caetano Veloso and David Byrne - (Nothing But) Flowers

    Caetano Veloso and David Byrne - (Nothing But) Flowers (Live at Carnegie Hall) mp3 Stream Online -

    Enquanto isso, na casa do Salim...

    potoca de Ricky Goodwin 

    fotografia:Epitácio Pessoa


    Euro 2012: Spain are victims of their own success

    Spain finished top of their group to qualify for the quarter-finals – but there was no sense of success or celebration


    They are victims of the fact that they are expected to destroy the opposition in every single game, meaning that anything less is treated as failure. And they are victims of the fact that the teams that they are expected to destroy every game are content simply not to be destroyed. Every team Spain face adapt their game to protect themselves. Attacking teams become counterattacking ones, or simply stop attacking altogether.

    Euro 2012: Spain are victims of their own success | Sid Lowe | Football | The Guardian

    O que Luiza achou na horta

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    Ray Bradbury Taught Generations of Readers How to Dream

    Bradbury was the perfect author for dreamy kids, kids who can spend hours finding the figures in clouds, or who get lost in reveries about desert islands or space colonies on parched planets. The Martian Chronicles, Dandelion Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes all have solid plots and characters, but the best parts are pure reverie—what it’s like to while away twilight on a front porch swing, or the feeling of almost uncontained excitement when a carnival pulls up on the edge of town. It was as though Bradbury was our secret ally, the first grown-up we ever ran into who broke with the party line and sided with us. Reading a Bradbury story, you heard this voice whispering, your parents and teachers will tell you that you’re wasting your time with all this daydreaming, but I’m going to tell you they’re wrong—time spent indulging your imagination is anything but time wasted. That was his message, and we took it to heart.

    read article by Malcolm Jones
    Ray Bradbury, Dead at 91, Taught Generations of Readers How to Dream - The Daily Beast

    Lula & Maluf: Tudo em Famiglia

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    terça-feira, junho 19, 2012

    Carta Maior - Meio Ambiente - Rio+20: Só 4 de 90 metas ambientais têm avanço

    Apenas quatro dos 90 objetivos ambientais mais importantes acertados nos últimos 40 anos tiveram avanços significativos. O número é inferior ao de objetivos que tiveram retrocesso: oito no total. Outros 40 registraram poucos avanços e 24 praticamente não apresentaram nenhum progresso.

    artigo completo:
     Meio Ambiente - Rio+20: Só 4 de 90 metas ambientais têm avanço

    O que precisa acontecer ainda para que as autoridades do futebol usem bolas com sensores de linha de gol (e outras tecnologias)?

    Pela COCHLEA: Miriam Makeba - Ndodemnyama(Beware, Verwoerd!.)

    A cidade dos vivos

    A defesa do corpo da cidade e dos  desaparecidos constitui gesto de reação diante da amnésia da história e das diversas práticas de ignomínia. Casas e corpos que reclamam um horizonte ético no modelo de intervenção urbana. 

    Para Carlos Nelson, “cada lugar em uma cidade está carregado do que aí aconteceu antes; é um símbolo do próprio passado. Mas é também um molde do que poderá acontecer daí para a frente”.

      Nas páginas de A cidade antiga, de Fustel de Coulanges, pode-se observar como as cidades gregas e romanas foram edificadas a partir da guarda e evocação de seus mortos. Antes de Atenas ou Minerva, contavam os ancestrais da família, os deuses lares. A transmissão dos nomes dos falecidos era determinante para a respectiva sobrevida. Cada casa era um templo, onde se veneravam os despojos, o fogo sagrado e as libações, de que o patriarca era sacerdote. Para Fustel, essa foi uma das razões pelas quais as pequenas cidades gregas teriam vencido o formidável exército persa: estava em jogo a memória da cidade, dos vivos e dos mortos, do passado e do futuro, profundamente ligados.

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    Academia Brasileira de Letras - Artigos:

    Torero visita Sarneylândia

    Uma mesma pessoa dando nome a dois logradouros? Seria um engano de placas? Quando voltei ao hotel, consultei o mapa da cidade e vi que, além do presidente e do governador, também o Senador José Sarney fora agraciado com o nome de uma avenida. Decidi dar uma olhada na lista telefônica para verificar se havia outras homenagens. E havia. No total, a cidade tem uma ponte, três avenidas, duas ruas e uma travessa batizadas com o nome, digamos, artístico de José Ribamar Ferreira de Araújo Costa.

    artigo completo
    Carta Maior - José Roberto Torero - Sarneylândia

    segunda-feira, junho 18, 2012

    Charge Congelada

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    Football's dark side casts ominous shadows on the streets of Krakow

    Already we have had the monkey chants that polluted a Holland training session at the Wisla Krakow stadium and, just as shockingly, something that strayed suspiciously close to an attempted cover-up. Listen to the footage and it is not merely a handful of people involved, as Uefa tried to purport, but hundreds. It is the ghastly "ooh ooh" noises that symbolise only one thing, and it was pitiful in the extreme that Uefa, as well as a number of Dutch journalists, tried to pass it off as something it very obviously wasn't.

    The Ukraine coach, Oleh Blokhin, will inevitably be asked to explain his comments, in the New York Times in 2006, that "the more Ukrainians that play in the national league, the more examples for the young generation – let them learn from Shevchenko or Blokhin and not some Zumba-Bumba they took off a tree, gave him two bananas and now he plays in the Ukrainian league".

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    Football's dark side casts ominous shadows on the streets of Krakow | Football | The Observer

    I Never Owned Any Music To Begin With


    : I am an avid music-listener, concert-goer, and college radio DJ. My world is music-centric. I've only bought 15 CDs in my lifetime. Yet, my entire iTunes library exceeds 11,000 songs.

    As I've grown up, I've come to realize the gravity of what file-sharing means to the musicians I love. I can't support them with concert tickets and t-shirts alone. But I honestly don't think my peers and I will ever pay for albums. I do think we will pay for convenience.

    I Never Owned Any Music To Begin With : All Songs Considered Blog : NPR

    Pela COCHLEA: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Big Time - directed by jim Jarmusch

    Game Of Thrones suggests a new way to tell stories on TV

    It suggests a genuinely new way to tell serialized stories on TV: by organizing episodes around theme, rather than plot.
    Briefly, the traditional way to structure an episode of a serialized drama on television involves taking the season’s major goal (Walter White wants to set up a meth-dealing operation), then breaking it down into smaller, component parts (he needs to contact someone who can move his product). Each episode can then be about one of those parts, allowing for a traditional three-act structure with a beginning, middle, and end. When done perfectly, as on The Wire or Breaking Bad, this can feel so organic that viewers don’t even realize the longer story is actually a long series of interlocking smaller stories. There’s also the less-used method of telling a long series of short stories about individual characters that gradually cohere into a central mass by season’s end. Mad Men, The Sopranos, and Lost have all used this strategy, but it’s murderously difficult to pull off, so few shows even attempt it.

     read article by Todd VanDerWerff
    In restructuring its foundation, Game Of Thrones built a bigger, better second season  | TV | For Our Consideration | The A.V. Club

    domingo, junho 17, 2012

    Fofocas da EuroCopa

    As autoridades ucranianas estão fulas com a delegação alemã de futebol.
    Primeiro, os germânicos, embora joguem a primeira fase na Ucrânia, preferiram montar se hospedar na menos ferrada Polônia. Declarações de dirigentes alemães criticando a ditadura ucraniana tampouco foram bem recebidos.

    Como retaliar diretamente a Seleção Alemã pegaria mal em seus esforços de apresentar uma competição bem organizada, promoveu-se uma sacaneada pelas beiradas. O voo com cartolas, esposas de jogadores e jornalistas voltando do jogo da Alemanha em Kharkiv passou sufoco (literalmente). No embarque não havia ônibus para levá-los ao avião na pista distante. Após caminharem, ao chegarem no aparelho, não havia escadas para subirem até as portas. Finalmente vieram escadas, todos se acomodaram, mas o avião ficou retido na pista por 200 minutos até liberarem sua decolagem. Detalhe: no interior do avião parado na pista, sob o sol, o calor era de 45 graus. Com o ar condicionado desligado.

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