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    sábado, setembro 01, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Caetano Veloso - Um Dia (1966)

    eu nao to indo-me embora
    to so preparando a hora de voltar

    The Assassination of Clint Eastwood by the Coward Mitt Romney

    They screwed up the un-screwuppable. This was like having one of the featured guests at the State of the Union drop his trousers on camera. If you botch that, how are you going to execute the more complicated constitutional duties? Mitt Romney can't handle Clint Eastwood trying to do him a favor, and he wants to take on unfriendly negotiations with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Vladimir Putin?

    Even if you don't like Romney or support his politics, you're supposed to acknowledge that he knows what he's doing. He could have acted like he knew what he was doing. "I liked the speech," he could have said. "I thank Clint for giving it." Instead, we get a panicky and mean-spirited organizational freakout, with anonymous staff trying to deflect responsibility.

    readthe article By |
    Clint Eastwood, GOP convention: The Romney campaign sells out its surprise speaker. - Slate Magazine

    Clint Eastwood speaks for the cranks and undermines Romney's message.

    Romney wanted to paint a picture of a conservative movement that has room at the table for the voices of people of color and women. Eastwood looked out at the crowd and said, to wild applause, "I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we—we own this country." Despite the incoherent, bumbling aspects of his speech, this sentiment—that we, not they, own this country—came across loud and clear. And with that, all of Romney's hard work putting together a list of speakers that screamed "diversity" and "milquetoast" collapsed, and all before the candidate himself had a chance to speak.

    Clint Eastwood's convention speech undermines Romney's message.

    Dalcio explica bem o que acontece com o PSDB

    (Campinas, SP)
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    Oldest Message In A Bottle: 97-Year-Old Note Sets New World Record

    The bottle was released on June 10, 1914, by Captain CH Brown of the Glasgow School of Navigation, who used bottles with messages as part of a scientific experiment to chart water currents. The launch of this particular bottle, which carried a postcard promising six pence to the finder, was noted in Brown's logbook, according to Guinness.

    Oldest Message In A Bottle: 97-Year-Old Note Sets New World Record:

    sexta-feira, agosto 31, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Moons // "Bloody Mouth (Watchtower Version)

    A secret art project in the Olympic zone that the public could not visit

    "I've always liked the Olympics," he says, "but when you've got Jeremy Hunt saying we've decided not to have an austerity Olympics, we mustn't hold back, when we're cutting the School Sports Initiative, that's an interesting conundrum. Legacy is a ghastly word. Politicians talk about the legacy of the games to east London and I think what they're concerned about is what their legacy will be. Does east London benefit from all this regeneration or is it negative to have this completely alien infrastructure dropped into it and its heritage stripped out? I was trying to ask a question: what sort of Olympics do we really want? Why does it have to be like this?"

    In another room we find Legacy 3: a battery-powered television screening a DVD of the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics. Franglen intended to contrast the triumphal spectacle with the fact that 21 of the 22 venues built for the games now lie empty. "All these buildings in Athens are derelict and guarded and you're in a derelict, guarded building,"

    His original plan was to finish it by May and leave it as an installation for urban explorers. "I was thrilled by the thought of someone discovering it and going, what the hell is this? They'd take photographs and discuss it and it would grow, the same way the plants are growing." But the heightened security associated with the Queen's jubilee and the Olympics has slowed him down and kept most visitors away. Now, he says, this article, and a documentary filmed by a friend, will be Legacy's only exposure to the public. "It's been cut off at the knees," he says sadly.

    London 2012: The hidden Olympic legacy | Art and design | The Guardian

    Advogados do mensalão explicam o inexplicável

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)

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    Chiquinha, Jô Soares e o Boneco-Piroca

    Desalojada, filha de sem-teto luta para ir à escola em SP

    Enquanto policiais mandavam um grupo de sem-teto esvaziar um prédio invadido na avenida Ipiranga, centro de São Paulo, na terça-feira, Júlia, 7, só pensava em não deixar para trás todo o seu material escolar --mochila, três cadernos, lápis e borracha.

    Folha de S.Paulo - Cotidiano - Desalojada, filha de sem-teto luta para ir à escola em SP - 31/08/2012

    quinta-feira, agosto 30, 2012

    Código Florestal vai enfrentar nova barganha ruralista

    Três meses depois de a presidente Dilma vetar trechos do novo Código Florestal que reduziam a proteção ambiental, o Planalto vê a repetição do impasse, com tintas mais fortes. Se antes produtores rurais aprovaram anistia para quem desmatou ilegalmente, agora querem liberar novos desmatamentos.

    Código Florestal vai enfrentar nova barganha ruralista - Jornal O Globo

    Pegando touro a Cunha

    (Recife, PE) 

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    Agent Orange Vietnam Cleanup Started By U.S.

    The U.S. military dumped some 20 million gallons (75 million liters) of Agent Orange and other herbicides on about a quarter of former South Vietnam between 1962 and 1971, decimating about 5 million acres (2 million hectares) of forest – roughly the size of Massachusett

    The Agent Orange issue has continued to blight the U.S.-Vietnam relationship because dioxin can linger in the environment for decades, entering the food supply through the fat of fish and other animals.

    Agent Orange Vietnam Cleanup Started By U.S.

    quarta-feira, agosto 29, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Chrissie Hynde, Domenico, Moreno & Kassim – The Empty Boat (Caetano Veloso)

    Como vive e o que pensa Marcelo Freixo

    Como vive e o que pensa Marcelo Freixo, o deputado na linha de tiro das milícias e candidato azarão a prefeito do Rio de Janeiro

    : Ficção e realidade se fundiram na vida pública de Freixo de forma indelével desde 2010. Quando surgiu a ideia de se tornar personagem de um novo filme do diretor que fizera Tropa de Elite, temeu ser odiado para sempre. O filme fez com que espectadores em várias salas aplaudissem cenas com sessões de tortura policial. A esquerda havia considerado o filme tóxico. “Vou arriscar, o Padilha não é fascista”, decidiu Freixo, que havia participado de dezenas de debates com o cineasta. E assim, Marcelo Freixo inspirou o personagem Diogo Fraga, o professor de história e depois deputado estadual de Tropa de Elite 2. “Eu estava aflitíssimo no dia da estreia no Festival de Paulínia, desesperado mesmo”, ele diz.

    leia a matéria por DORRIT HARAZIM

    Bronca de Fred repercute

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
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    "You didn’t build this country, Mitt Romney — we all built it."

     “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody!” she said. “You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you all were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. ...

    “You built a factory, and it turned into something terrific or a great idea? God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”

    read Nicola Kristof's column
    The Secret Weapon - All of Us -

    In the Name of the Future, Rio Is Destroying Its Past

    Indeed, the Rio Olympics are poised to increase inequality in a city already famous for it. 

    No favela can claim greater historical importance than Rio’s first — Morro da Providência — yet Olympic construction projects are threatening its future. 
     In the name of Olympic improvements: almost a third of the community is to be razed, a move that will inevitably destabilize what’s left of it. 

     Homes are spray-painted during the day with the initials for the municipal housing secretary and an identifying number. Residents return from work to learn that their homes will be demolished, with no warning of what’s to come, or when. 

    Combine this with the city’s “divide and conquer” approach — in which residents are confronted individually to sign up for relocation, and no communitywide negotiations are permitted — and resistance is effectively squelched.

     The economic, social and psychological impacts of evictions are dire: families moved into isolated units where they lose access to the enormous economic and social benefits of community cooperation, proximity to work and existing social networks — not to mention generations’ worth of investments made in their homes. 

    read the full article

    Trabalho escravo em empresa de irmão da senadora Kátia Abreu

     Katia Abreu fala tanto que é uma nova versão de ruralista mas parece que sua família adota arcaicas praticas

    A Superintendência Regional de Trabalho e Emprego do Tocantins (SRTE/TO) libertou 56 pessoas de condições análogas à escravidão da Fazenda Água Amarela, em Araguatins (TO).

     Com base no serviço de consulta pública, é possível verificar que a Fergumar mantém cadastro irregular junto ao Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Renováveis (Ibama). A empresa teve quatro áreas embargadas em São João do Paraíso (MA), em julho de 2006, por exercer atividade potencialmente degradadora sem licença ambiental; desmatar florestas sem autorização do órgão responsável; e devastar florestas ou demais formas de vegetações de preservação permanente.

    leia mais 
    Repórter Brasil ::. Libertação envolve empresa de irmão da senadora Kátia Abreu

    segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2012

      Pela COCHLEA

    Kiko Dinucci, Juçara Marçal, Thiago França - Umbigada


    Rio takes Olympic baton as skeptics fear it will fumble

    The exuberant celebrations which greeted the decision to award Rio the games are giving way to trepidation in this seaside metropolis of 6.5 million people.

    Rio takes Olympic baton as skeptics fear it will fumble | Reuters

    Fora dos trilhos

    É brincadeira, né (no mau sentido). Para construir os novos bondes que supostamente recolocarão em ação essa linha importante (e interessante) do transporte público - em Santa Teresa- a Prefeitura carioca contrata a empresa que fora (ir)responsável pela manutenção dos bondes anteriores, e que pelo seu descaso conduziu a situação até esse ponto final enferrujado de mortes, tragédia, abandono.

    ps - Enquanto isso, inaugurado o novo trem construido para circulação no metrô carioca, descobre-se que, quando para, seu piso paira 22 cm acima do piso das estações...

    A morte de Neil Armstrong

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    Os paraísos fiscais e a nova aristocracia

    O Brasil tem 36 pessoas neste grupo seleto. Juntos, controlam 151 bilhões de dólares. Nada mal para uma nação emergente. Quando se fala em taxar estas colossais fortunas ou acabar com as jurisdições secretas, os novos aristocratas ofendem-se. Os governos encolhem-se. Na base da pirâmide as pessoas comuns ralam e pagam as contas. Até quando?

    leia artigo de Daniel Aarão Reis:
    Os paraísos fiscais e a nova aristocracia*

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