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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sábado, março 08, 2014

    Self-Styled Siren: Let's Talk About Kim Novak

     "So let’s say — just as a hypothetical for-instance — you are an 81-year-old star whose last movie was in 1991 and who hasn’t been to the Oscars in many a long year. Not that you were ever nominated for one in the first place; you were, after all, a sex symbol for most of your career. As the evening approaches, the anxiety sets in. Harsh lights, you think. High-definition cameras. And a public that remembers you chiefly as the ice goddess whose beauty once drove James Stewart to the brink of madness.

    And even back then, when you were 25 years old, you worried constantly that no matter how you looked, it wasn’t good enough.

    So a few weeks before the ceremony, you go to a doctor, and he says, “Relax honey. I have just the thing to make you fresh and dewy for the cameras.”

    And you go to the Oscars, so nervous you clutch your fellow presenter’s hand. And the next day, you wake up to a bunch of cheap goddamn shots about your face.  "

    Self-Styled Siren: Let's Talk About Kim Novak

    Dia Internacional da Mulher

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    Feliz Dia da Mulher !

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    Anthony Garotinho e a tentativa de sabotar a pacificação nos morros -

     DOSSIÊS O deputado Anthony Garotinho e o ex-chefe de polícia Álvaro Lins em 2003. Entre suas armas, estão a ameaça e a perseguição (Foto: Alexandre Brum /Ag. O Dia  )


    "As autoridades já esperavam essas dificuldades. A surpresa são os novos inimigos: os sabotadores da pacificação. O objetivo desse grupo também é territorial, mas no campo político. Suas armas são as ameaças, a perseguição, a produção de dossiês e uma série de outros artifícios para instalar o medo na população e desacreditar a segurança pública. Esses agentes do subterrâneo têm endereço conhecido e comando estabelecido. Eles operam num bunker na Rua Senador Dantas, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Na liderança do grupo, estão o ex-governador Anthony Garotinho e o ex-chefe da Polícia Civil Álvaro Lins. "

    Anthony Garotinho e a tentativa de sabotar a pacificação nos morros - ÉPOCA | Tempo

    pela cochlea: Tom Zé - Aviso Aos Passageiros

    Antes de entrar
    No elevador
    Verifique se o mesmo
    Encontra-se parado
    Neste andar

    É proibido fumar
    A lotação permitida
    - máxima seis pessoas -
    Contando paletós e vestidos,
    420 quilos, 420 quilos.

    sexta-feira, março 07, 2014

    Via Iris: INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS (Joel & Etan Coen, EUA, 2013)

    Llewyn Davis é insuportável, chato, folgado, encostado, metido, um folk singer sem talento que tenta acontecer. E se voce espectador não for um curtidor dos Irmãos Coen, afinado com seu estilo insólito, achará este filme também chato, sem perceber que, de certa forma, é muito engraçado. E uma tiração de sarro com todo a cena folkie do Village início dos anos 60 (Dylan taí nesse meio).

    Dizem que é melancólico. Sim, tadinho do Llewyn, tudo lhe dá errado, embora nem dê para ter pena dela. Mas eu ri bastante.

    True Detective finale theories: vote for your favorite with these pulp magazine covers.

    Pulpit rock

    True Detective is not just the title of a TV series. From 1924 to 1995, it was the name of a pulpy “true crime” magazine that, especially in its early days, had terrifically lurid covers advertising the shocking stories within.
    We decided to pay tribute to those wonderful covers and guess at the revelations in this weekend’s finale at the same time. Below, you’ll find five magazine covers, each one fingering a single suspect as the Yellow King. Who do you think it is? Pick your favorite cover and share it with the world by clicking on one of the buttons below.

    True Detective finale theories: vote for your favorite with these pulp magazine covers. (PHOTOS)

    Sky Ferreira’s Facebook Message Highlights the Fine Line Between Internet Misogyny and Sexual Harassment


    Part of calling the web your home turf is, of course, dealing with the haters. We all know the rules: don’t read the comments, don’t feed the trolls, etc. etc. But online hatred can and often does go too far, particularly when the comments cross over into harassment. Ferreira took to Facebook yesterday to discuss both her own experience of this, and the blanket misogyny of the web.

    read more
     Sky Ferreira’s Facebook Message Highlights the Fine Line Between Internet Misogyny and Sexual Harassment – Flavorwire:

    Seleção tá pronta?

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    Watch A Powerful Twist Happen As This Girl Grows Up A Second Per Day

    : What this young girl lives through here is happening in several countries around the world today. And children are often the ones who suffer the most.

     Watch A Powerful Twist Happen As This Girl Grows Up A Second Per Day

    Já tô gostando dessa Copa!

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    Veríssimo: O Alarme

     Luis Fernando Verissimo

    "Na falta de um sentinela para nos alertar que os bárbaros estão tomando conta, resta confiar no nosso instinto. Quando chegará o momento que nos convencerá que isto aqui não tem jeito mesmo, e a procurar uma saída? Será que o momento já veio e já foi e nós não notamos? E sair pra onde? Pra dentro, para a alienação e a burrice induzida, ou para fora, com o euro caro desse jeito?"

    leia a coluna do VERÍSSIMO
     O alarme - cultura - versaoimpressa - Estadão:

    mad men: MILTON GLASER

    pela cochlea> Roberto Silva - OH, seu OSCAR (Ataulfo Alves & Wilson Batista)

    Não posso mais - eu quero é viver na orgia !!!

    Shepherd of the City’s Rebirth, Rio’s Mayor Feels the Strains, Too


    Mr. Paes has a point. Political leaders across the country may have thought that landing these mega-events would open the way for widespread celebrations of Brazil’s emergence as a developing-world powerhouse, with Rio dazzling in its resurgence. But as Mr. Paes acknowledges, things have not quite worked out that way.

    read the profile by SIMON ROMERO
     Shepherd of the City’s Rebirth, Rio’s Mayor Feels the Strains, Too -

    photo Marizilda Cruppe

    Todo carnaval um dia chega ao fim

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    Suplicy reencontra Joan Baez, mas diz que desta vez não terá 'beijo forte'

    Agora entendemos a obsessão do Suplicy por Blowin in the Wind:

     O senador e a cantora no teatro Tuca, em SP, nos anos 1980

    Baez faz parte das dezenas de histórias pitorescas que cercam o senador. Na década de 80, numa visita ao Brasil, eles quase teriam namorado, não fosse o fato de o petista ter pedido antes autorização para sua então mulher, Marta Suplicy. Que teria negado.

    leia mais na coluna da BERGAMO
    Suplicy reencontra Joan Baez, mas diz que desta vez não terá 'beijo forte' - 07/03/2014 - Mônica Bergamo - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

    quinta-feira, março 06, 2014

    Não vai ter torcida!

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    Bancada ruralista quer flexibilizar o Código Florestal

    "Caso tenham a concordância do governo, as medidas sugeridas podem favorecer grandes proprietários rurais que desmataram
    A bancada ruralista quer permitir que seja feito um cadastro para cada matrícula de um imóvel rural, em vez de um cadastro pela área total do imóvel.

    Isso porque é comum que imóveis rurais grandes estejam divididos em áreas menores com diferentes registros. Se o Sicar aceitar o cadastro por matrícula, é possível que o proprietário se beneficie com regras para pequenas propriedades, apesar de o imóvel rural ser um só."

    leia reportagem de AGUIRRE TALENTO: 
    Na FOLHA: Bancada ruralista quer flexibilizar o Código Florestal - Notícias Agrícolas

    terça-feira, março 04, 2014

    pela cochlea: Grupo Rumo: Carnaval do Geraldo

    The Ideal ‘True Detective’ Soundtrack: A Southern Gothic Spotify Playlist


    The incidental score has been great, as has the choice of songs, but still, there’s a whole bunch of Southern Gothic-influenced sounds that could fit on the show’s soundtrack. So to tide you through until Sunday, here’s a speculative Spotify playlist of 15 songs that’d make a fine True Detective OST.

    The Ideal ‘True Detective’ Soundtrack: A Southern Gothic Spotify Playlist – Flavorwire

    THE KIDNAPPING CASE. - Narrative of the Seizure and Recovery of Solomon Northrup

    The original article in the New York Times, 1853

    THE KIDNAPPING CASE. - Narrative of the Seizure and Recovery of Solomon Northrup. INTERESTING DISCLOSURES. - View Article -

    Sucesso no Carnaval de 2014

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    O Carnaval da nossa cidade não morre , enquanto a gente estiver aqui na rua fazendo música. 

    (Albino Pinheiro)


    It’s Horrible to Be an Old Woman in Hollywood, Kim Novak Edition


    "Hollywood may value youth above all else, but as we learned last night, there’s nothing sorrier than an older woman who tries to look young. Because Minnelli’s face has been nipped, lifted, and filled, even the nice-to-a-fault DeGeneres joked that Minnelli has been reduced to an imitation of herself. (The line registered as offensive to both Minnelli and the trans community.) And 81-year-old Vertigo star Kim Novak—who was roundly mocked for turning up onstage, two decades after her last movie, exhibiting extensive plastic surgery—might as well be dead. As comedian Rob Delaney cruelly joked: “Will they have time to edit Kim Novak into the In Memoriam section?” Even Matthew McConaughey’s mother, who last night aspired only to the role of proud parent, was eviscerated for rocking a keyhole-neck gown that gave the world a peek at her cleavage, which apparently only young women are allowed to possess. Twitter commentators deemed the view “leathery,” “ancient,” “inappropriate,” and “terrifying.”

    read article by AMANDA HESS

    Kim Novak, Liza Minnelli, and June Squibb at the Oscars: How Hollywood treats aging actresses.

    O Carnaval é o momento histórico do ano. Paixões , interesses , mazelas, tristezas, tudo pega em  si e vai viver em outra parte.
    - Machado de Assis (1896)


    pela cochlea: June Hutton - Day By Day (Paul Weston & Sanny Cahn) 1955

    segunda-feira, março 03, 2014

    John Travolta called Idina Menzel Adele Dazeem: What's Your Travolta name?

    When John Travolta called Idina Menzel "Adele Dazeem" at the Oscars, he created a new standard for superstardom: You're no one until you've had your name mangled by a confused, squinting John Travolta. What's your Travoltified name? Find out with our handy widget!
     John Travolta called Idina Menzel Adele Dazeem: What's Your Travolta name?:

    10 Things We Learned Following The Oscars on Social Media

    "One of the most surreal moments in this year’s ceremony was when DeGeneres, bravely clad in all-white, went down into the crowd with three takeaway pizzas – and a genuine delivery guy – to divvy them out among the carb-fearing celebs. It was heartening how many seemed keen to get a slice of the action – perhaps mindful of the fact they were on international television with an unlined stomach and a free bar.

    Chiwetel Ejiofor tried to swipe a whole box to himself; Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep both went in with elbows flying. Harrison Ford proved himself an expected master of logistics – get your plate underneath quickly to prevent a toppings landslide, Harrison, that’s the way. Even Martin Scorsese looked at home with a recycled paper plate. Good old Jared Leto took a slice for his mum."

     read more
    10 Things We Learned Following The Oscars on Social Media | Alternet

    Esta fantasia nunca sai de moda

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    Rumo a uma nova guerra?

    Avatar" As perspectivas são pessimistas: o parlamento da Crimeia, invadido por pistoleiros pró-russos; seus aero
    portos tomados por soldados vestidos de uniforme russo; e o avanço de caminhões e helicópteros militares também russos. Dá a impressão de que nos encaminhamos rumo a uma nova Guerra da Crimeia.

    Sebastopol continua definindo seu caráter russo de acordo com essa mentalidade de lugar. As lembranças da Guerra da Crimeira agitam os mais profundos sentimentos de orgulho e ressentimento frente ao Ocidente. Embora a Rússia tenha sido derrotada, sempre apresentou a guerra como uma vitória moral. Nicolás I é um dos heróis de Putin porque lutou pelos interesses da Rússia contra todas as grandes potencias. Seu retrato está pendurado na antessala do despacho presidencial no Kremlin."

     Rumo a uma nova guerra? | Internacional | Edição Brasil no EL PAÍS

    pela cochlea: Deixa Sangrar - Gal Costa (Caetano Veloso)

    Deixa o mar ferver
    Deixa o sol despencar
    Deixa o coração bater se despedaçar
    Chora depois mais agora deixa sangrar
    Deixa o carnaval passar

    domingo, março 02, 2014

    Tem gente passando o carnaval de ressaca

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    Oscars 2014: 10 things to look out for at this year's ceremony | Film |

     Oscar host Ellen DeGeneres

    "Upon being nominated for this year’s Academy Awards, each contender qualified for an official Oscar goody-bag worth an estimated $80,000. The bag contains luxury holiday vouchers, a home-spa system, a “vaginal rejuvenation” treatment called the O-shot (the perfect Mother’s Day gift) and a tube of “horse shampoo”. We’re as yet unsure whether this last item is a cleaning product for your horse or a shampoo that leaves the nominee smelling like a sweating, incontinent thoroughbred that’s just run in the Derby. Wrinkled noses and the sound of gagging may clear up the mystery.  "

    Oscars 2014: 10 things to look out for at this year's ceremony | Film |

    pela cochlea: Cartola - Sala de Recepção

    Habitada por gente simples e tão pobre
    Que só tem o sol que a todos cobre
    Como podes, mangueira, cantar?

    Pois então saiba que não desejamos mais nada
    A noite, a lua prateada
    Silenciosa, ouve as nossas canções

    Alain Resnais: 60 years of sensational cerebral film-making | Film |

     Delphine Seyrig in a scene from Last Year In Marienbad

    "His Hiroshima Mon Amour, a long and intensely realised “conversation” between two lovers, French and Japanese, played by Emmanuelle Riva and Eiji Okada, which debate the meaning of memory, perception and existence — after a section of the film which recounted in documentary style, the effects of the Hiroshima bomb. The provocative cymbal-clash of history and personal narrative, the refusal to offer a clear narrative meaning, the infusion of geo-political dismay and intense eroticism — it was all sensationally provocative." 

    readit here: 
    Alain Resnais: 60 years of sensational cerebral film-making | Film |

    As provas de que não era mesmo quadrilha

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)

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    True Detective: The women on the show are treated badly. But there’s a good reason.


     "Ignoring women may be the show’s blind spot, but it is also one of its major themes. True Detective is explicitly about the horrible things that men do to women, things that usually go unseen and uninvestigated. No one missed Dora Lange. Marie Fontenot disappeared, and the police let a rumor stop them from following up. Another little girl was abducted, and a report was never even filed. “Women and children are disappearing, nobody hears about it, nobody puts it together,” Rust told his boss Sunday night, outlining what he believes is a vast conspiracy in the Bayou. Rust is haunted by women who aren’t there—his ex-wife and his dead daughter—while Marty cannot deal appropriately with the women who are."

    read Willa Paskin's review:

    True Detective: The women on the show are treated badly. But there’s a good reason.

    pela cochlea: Aracy de Almeida - Quem Vem Pra Beira do Mar (Dorival Cayymi)

    O carnaval é a expressão da nossa alegria . O ruído , o barulho, o tantã , espancam a tristeza que há em nossas almas, atordoam-nos e nos enchem de prazer. - Lima Barreto (1915)


    Alain Resnais, whose complex, intellectual films include ‘Hiroshima, Mon Amour, ’ dies at 91


     "It has often been said that half of the fashion photography of the past 50 years owes a debt to “Marienbad.”

    The movie represented an effort to “determine if it is possible to represent, even roughly, the mechanics of thought, not in reality, but in the minds of the characters,” Mr. Resnais told a reporter at the time.

    Attempts to discern a plot, discover a hidden message or make an emotional connection with the characters in “Marienbad” are doomed to failure. “Marienbad” is best followed as if it were a string quartet, a ballet or a mysteriously animated painting that changes ever so slightly as you watch."

    read washington post's obit: 

    Alain Resnais, whose complex, intellectual films include ‘Hiroshima, Mon Amour, ’ dies at 91 - The Washington Post

    Utilidade pública: o que abre e o que fecha no Carnaval

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