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Have Golden Locks, Seeking Hammer
If you can’t remember what you saw, then there’s no harm in seeing it again. There is no reason to go to this movie, which might be another way of saying there’s no reason not to. Something like that seems to be the logic behind “Thor,” and as a business plan it’s probably foolproof.
the kind-of-O.K. aspects of “Thor” have the effect of making it more depressing, rather than less. The movie cannot be an interesting, appalling train wreck because it lacks the spoiled grandeur of ambition gone off the rails. You can’t sit and marvel (as it were) over what went wrong because nothing, at the level of execution, really has gone wrong.
And that is depressing. A howling turkey is at least something to laugh at, and maybe even something to see. But “Thor” is an example of the programmed triumph of commercial calculation over imagination.Read more at
Texto de Aldo sobre Código Florestal estimula crime ambiental, diz Ministério do Meio Ambiente ---
Outro ponto do relatório de Aldo, classificado pelo ministério como desastroso, é abertura de crédito a produtores que cometeram infrações ambientais.
- Você continua financiando o destruidor do meio ambiente. Corte de crédito a desmatadores foi essencial para termos chegado à menor taxa histórica do desmatamento na Amazônia. Se isso for mesmo alterado, não vamos continuar conseguindo combater o desmatamento nem na Amazônia, nem no cerrado, nem na caatinga.
Voltamos à situação em que o crime ambiental compensa. A implicação prática disso é desastrosa -Read more at
Vítima de misterioso acidente, a ex-guerrilheira Inês Etienne Romeu tenta recuperar a fala e o pensamento
Única sobrevivente da Casa da Morte, centro de tortura do regime militar em Petrópolis. Responsável depois pela localização da casa e do médico-torturador Amílcar Lobo. Autora do único registro sobre o paradeiro de Carlos Alberto Soares de Freitas, o Beto, que comandou Dilma Rousseff nos tempos da VAR-Palmares. Última presa política a ser libertada no Brasil. Aos 69 anos, Inês Etienne Romeu tem muita história para contar. Mas ainda não pode. Vítima há oito anos de um misterioso acidente doméstico, que a deixou com graves limitações neurológicas, ela luta para recuperar a fala.
Desde que abandonou a carreira de bancária em Belo Horizonte, nos anos 1960, para mergulhar na luta armada, a vida da ex-guerrilheira tem sido uma sucessão de acontecimentos agudos, muitos deles dramáticos e outros esplêndidos.Read more at
U.S. Says it Recovered Porn Collection from Osama Compound
The unofficial disclosure is the latest embarrassment to Bin Laden’s legacy.
The pornography was found among the thumb drives and other electronics recovered by U.S. soldiers who carried out the raid, the news agency reported, and consists of “modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive.”
The officials stressed that they do not know if the pornography belonged to Bin Laden,
But the report of pornography isn’t going to make it any easier for Bin Laden sympathizers who want to remember the man as a warrior who was fighting the U.S. to the bitter end.
For the past decade, right-wingers have been chest-thumping about being tough
on jihadism, while promoting policies that create far more jihadis and
delighted Bin Laden. It's like bragging about how much you hate lung cancer
while demanding everybody smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
Osama Bin Laden is dead, but our foreign policy is still giving him what he
wanted. We are still bleeding cash creating bleeding countries and more
enraged people.
the numbers, and you find we are spending $1.5bn a year on each al-Qa'ida
fighter in Afghanistan. Is there anyone, except the private defence
contractors making a fortune, who thinks that is a smart use of cash?
Same with the name, Operation Geronimo. The imperial mentality is so profound, throughout western society, that no one can perceive that they are glorifying bin Laden by identifying him with courageous resistance against genocidal invaders. It’s like naming our murder weapons after victims of our crimes: Apache, Tomahawk… It’s as if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes “Jew” and “Gypsy.”
Lets look at a few of these famous royal weddings that ended in divorce.
Marcadores: artigos
Marcadores: palavras
Read more at mubi.comFirst of all, I have to say that the poster for this year’s festival may be my favorite of them all. The festival has used beautiful black and white photographs of actresses before (Monica Vitti in 2009, Marlene Dietrich in 1992) but those posters have often been let down by their uninspired typography and layout. But this year’s poster, which uses a Jerry Schatzberg photograph of Faye Dunaway at her most gorgeous (a restored print of their wonderful 1970 film Puzzle of a Downfall Child is playing in Cannes) has almost perfect type. The ultra thin “64” especially—with its parallel diagonals framing her face, and the sharp corner of the 4 echoing her bent legs, which themselves are centered in and extending from the circled bowl of the 6—is as elegant as Dunaway herself.
Derrubadas voltaram a ganhar ritmo no Estado; superintendente do Ibama afirma que é uma "calamidade ambiental"
"É uma calamidade ambiental. Nos últimos anos, jamais vi um pico de desmatamento tão grande, aberto e acintoso como esse", lamentou o superintendente regional do Ibama, Ramiro Hofmeister.Read more at
Marcadores: musicas
Read more at como o de Milton Coitinho dos Santos, de Bagé (RS), e o da família Silva, de Belo Horizonte (MG), que receberiam por músicas que não compuseram, têm causado certa perplexidade.
Uma pergunta, porém, parece tão relevante quanto aquela que diz respeito ao destino do dinheiro pago aos compositores-laranja.
Por que, de repente, esses casos, todos antigos, se tornaram públicos?
"É uma calamidade ambiental. Nos últimos anos, jamais vi um pico de desmatamento tão grande, aberto e acintoso como esse", lamentou o superintendente regional do Ibama, Ramiro Hofmeister.
A milicada americana aproveita o júbilo vingativo dos cidadãos para atestar que sua linha de torturas (e outros desvarios) estava certa. Quando as evidências são pelo contrário. O depoimento anexo, de um torturador, reforça como a tortura é ineficaz (independente de questões morais).
Military interrogator: Torture 'slowed down' effort to find bin Laden
Read more at www.dailykos.comOne of the things that people aren’t talking about is the fact that one of the people that was confronted with this information that bin Laden had a courier is Skaykh al-Libi, who was held in a CIA secret prison and was tortured and who gave his CIA interrogators the name of the courier as being Maulawi Jan. And the CIA chased down that information and found out that person didn’t exist, that al-Libi had lied. And nobody is talking about the fact that al-Libi caused us to waste resources and time by chasing a false lead because he was tortured.The other thing that’s being left out of this conversation is the fact that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed certainly knew the real name of the courier, whose nom de guerre or nickname was Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. But Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had to have known his real name or at least how to find him, a location that we might look, but he never gave up that information. And so, what we’re seeing is that waterboarding and enhanced interrogation techniques, just like professional interrogators have been saying for years, always result in either limited information, false information or no information.
Read more at mubi.comFirst of all, I have to say that the poster for this year’s festival may be my favorite of them all. The festival has used beautiful black and white photographs of actresses before (Monica Vitti in 2009, Marlene Dietrich in 1992) but those posters have often been let down by their uninspired typography and layout. But this year’s poster, which uses a Jerry Schatzberg photograph of Faye Dunaway at her most gorgeous (a restored print of their wonderful 1970 film Puzzle of a Downfall Child is playing in Cannes) has almost perfect type. The ultra thin “64” especially—with its parallel diagonals framing her face, and the sharp corner of the 4 echoing her bent legs, which themselves are centered in and extending from the circled bowl of the 6—is as elegant as Dunaway herself.
Osama fumava maconha para aliviar a dor nos rins???
When President Obama ordered a raid on a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, killing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials discovered some interesting personal items. From Coca-Cola to marijuana to a Viagra-like supplement, here are a few of bin Laden’s favorite brands and products.
See more at
Autoridades americanas colocaram teoria tentando explicar o pasmo mundial diante da incipiência do esconderijo de Osama - por que não havia guarda-costas? maior esquema de segurança ? - por ele estar se sentindo em casa, tranquilo, protegido pela escolha insólita de local e possivelmente pelos militares paquistaneses das bases próximas.
Read more at www.lospaziobianco.itTra le sue tante creazioni, ci piace ricordare le avventure dell’affascinate vampira-genetica Cibersix, con i disegni di Carlos Meglia, la divertente commedia di Loco Chavez con Horacio Altuna, la “scandalosa” Chiara di notte disegnata da Jordi Bernet, le tante collaborazioni con Eduardo Risso (Boy Vampire, Borderline, Chicanos…) e con Domingo Roberto Mandrafina (Dragger, The Big Hoax, The Iguana), fino alle ‘esperienze di lavoro con Breccia padre e figlio: Un tal Daneri con Alberto Breccia nel del 1975 e la saga di Alvar Mayor con Enrique Breccia.
Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Irma Thomas, Allan Toussaint, Lucinda Williams, Neville Brothers, Robert Plant, entre outros!
Marcadores: musica
neither the Pentagon nor the White House is talking about the role the dog played in Sunday's operation,
It's possible that the commandos brought a specialized search dog, which would have been sent in ahead of the humans to find explosives or people hidden inside the building. Or they might have used a "combat tracker" dog instead—one of a newer class of military animals developed by the Marines just a year ago. These are taught to pick up the scent of a particular individual, usually from a footprint or a few drops of blood, and then follow the trail. If Bin Laden had heard the choppers coming and fled the scene, a combat tracker dog could have been used to track him down as he high-tailed it through the streets of Abbottabad.
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