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Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.
"Recentemente, o ouvidor das Polícias de
São Paulo, Cláudio Aparecido da Silva,
envolveu-se em uma acalorada discus
são com policiais que rondavam o velório
do menino Ryan da Silva Andrade Santos,
de 4 anos, atingido por um disparo de fu-
zil durante uma desastrada operação da
PM em Santos. Nos últimos meses, torna-
ram-se recorrentes os episódios de intimi-
dação aos familiares de vítimas da violên-
cia policial, lamenta o ouvidor, igualmen-
te preocupado com o aumento de 78% das
mortes causadas pelas forças de seguran-
ça do estado de janeiro a agosto de 2024,
na comparação com o mesmo período do
ano anterior. Para Silva, o fenômeno es-
tá diretamente relacionado à postura le-
niente do governador Tarcísio de Freitas
e de seu secretário de Segurança Pública,
o capitão reformado Guilherme Derrite,
sempre dispostos a justificar os abusos da
tropa. “O problema é que, na prática, não
há efetiva fiscalização da atividade poli-
cial – ninguém para garantir que ela cum-
pra sua função de forma ética e responsá-
vel. Isso é extremamente grave, desespe-
rador e beira a barbárie.” Confira, a seguir,
a entrevista concedida a CartaCapital."
Sob a presidência do Brasil, o G20 lançou uma iniciativa para conectar governos que tentam combater a fome com países, bancos e organizações interessados em contribuir financeiramente e tecnicamente para isso. Os diplomatas vão ficar irritados com a comparação, mas o mecanismo criado funciona como um “Tinder” contra a miséria com o objetivo de dar match.
Agora, durante a Cúpula Social do G20, o clube das nações mais ricas do mundo, que foi realizado no Rio, a Aliança Global contra a Fome e a Pobreza anunciou compromissos concretos de 41 países, 13 organizações internacionais e 18 organizações não governamentais e filantropias. Este é um subconjunto do total de países e organizações que decidiram se integrar à Aliança como membros fundadores. A composição total de membros será anunciada nesta segunda (18), na Cúpula de Líderes do G20.
Acostumados a lermos notícias sobre desgraça e problemas, isso merece um tanto de nossa atenção devido ao potencial real.
Palestina e Líbano (que sofrem com os bombardeios de Israel), Benin, Burundi, Chade, Chile, Equador, Libéria, Nigéria, Omã, Peru, Togo, Tunísia e Zâmbia estão liderando a iniciativa entre os que fazem compromissos para serem apoiados ou financiados. Entre os planos anunciados está o de criar ou melhorar os registros nacionais de beneficiários e sistemas de pagamento para transferências de renda - algo semelhante ao nosso CadÚnico.
Ao mesmo tempo, governos como os de Portugal e do Reino Unido estão ampliando a colaboração com organizações como as agências da ONU para alimentação e agricultura, trabalho, infância e bancos de fomento para expandir o apoio financeiro e técnico para os países de baixa e média renda que anunciaram os compromissos.
Em toda a reunião multilateral fala-se da importância de combater a fome (pois todo mundo é contra a fome e, nesse sentido, o Brasil acertou em colocar o tema como prioridade de sua presidência), mas poucas ações concretas são postas na mesa para melhorar o enfrentamento à questão para além da doação desconectada e pontual. Se conseguir ainda que uma fração disso, o Tinder já terá levado prazer a muita gente.
Jeffrey St. Clair >>
+ A Middle East History Moment with Pete Hegseth: “Open up your Bible. God granted Abraham this land. The twelve tribes of Israel established a constitutional monarchy in 1000 BC. King David was their second king and established Jerusalem as the capital. Jews were fighting foreign occupiers for centuries, ultimately maintaining a presence there. And right now, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, are trying to erase the Jewish ties to Jerusalem, as we speak. I’ve been there multiple times. They’re trying to make it look like Jews were never there. The most important aspect of this is the international community granted sovereignty to the Jews, to the Jewish state, after World War II, and Israel has had to fight defensive war after defensive war, with every country coming to crush it, ever since then just to exist.”
+ Of course, this was almost precisely the position Bill Clinton took when he scolded Arab-American voters in Michigan for being hesitant to vote for Harris.
+ More Hegseth: “Zionism and Americanism are the front lines of Western civilization and freedom in our world today.”
+ Back in 2019, Hegseth bragged on FoxNews about never washing his hands and claimed he couldn’t remember washing them once in the past 10 years.
+ Hegseth wants women on KP duty, not in combat: “I’m straight up just saying we should not have women in combat roles. It hasn’t made us more effective, hasn’t made us more lethal, has made fighting more complicated.”
+ Sen. Tammy Duckworth responding to Pete Hegseth saying women shouldn’t be allowed to serve in combat: “I would ask him, ‘Where do you think I lost my legs? In a bar fight?’ I’m pretty sure I was in combat when that happened.”
+ Using his direct pipeline to Trump as a FoxNews contributor, Hegseth convinced Trump to pardon three service members convicted or accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, including Eddie “the Blade” Gallagher.
+ From 2012 to 2015, Pete Hegseth was CEO of Concerned Veterans for America, an NGP funded by the Koch brothers’ network, whose top priority was privatizing Veterans Administration health care. Hegseth’s leadership of the organization came under scrutiny after he hired his brother at an annual salary of $69,497.
+ A social conservative, Hegseth’s two marriages ended in divorce after extra-marital affairs, one with a staffer and another with a FoxNews producer who later bore his child.
+ Vanity Fair reported that on Thursday, the Trump transition team held an emergency meeting over newly surfaced allegations of sexual misconduct by Pete Hegseth involving a woman he had what is described as an “inappropriate” encounter with in Monterey, California, in 2017. Hegseth apparently told the transition team that the relationship was consensual and had been investigated by the Monterey police, who declined to file charges. A case “he said, she said,” according to Hegseth, which is hardly the most exculpatory denial. Say this much, Trump hasn’t picked a team of incel fanboys.
+ NBC News’ Elise Jordan put together a timeline of the latest allegation against Hegseth. (A point of clarification: Hegesth’s second wife was previously his mistress, who he’d had an affair with during his first marriage.)
+ Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Independent Veterans of America: “Hegseth is undoubtedly the least qualified nominee for SecDef in American history. And the most overtly political. Brace yourself, America.”
"Magyar, a scholar of autocracy, isn’t interested in calling Donald Trump a fascist. He sees the president-elect’s appeal in terms of something more primal: “Trump promises that you don’t have to think about other people.”
Around the world, populist autocrats have leveraged the thrilling power of that promise to transform their countries into vehicles for their own singular will. Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban vowed to restore a simpler, more orderly past, in which men were men and in charge. What they delivered was permission to abandon societal inhibitions, to amplify the grievances of one’s own group and heap hate on assorted others, particularly on groups that cannot speak up for themselves. Magyar calls this “morally unconstrained collective egoism.”"
Opinion: This is the dark, unspoken promise of Trump’s return
"Ambos os documentos expressam o entendimento de que os países ricos conseguiram alavancar suas economias graças a um longo período de emissões de gases-estufa. Por essa razão, devem financiar as ações para a transição climática nas nações em desenvolvimento."
"So sorry, Elon Musk, but the bromance is not going to last. I know the president-elect put you on the phone with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine the night after the election. And I know that in Donald Trump’s victory speech, after obligatory but abbreviated nods to his “beautiful wife,” his “amazing children” and his “feisty” vice president-elect, he celebrated your super-genius as only he could, in a disjointed, discombobulated, wildly overextended paean and declaration of love. “Oh, let me tell you, we have a new star,” he said. “A star is born, Elon.”
Yet therein lies your problem, Mr. Musk. There’s room for only one star, one genius in the Trump White House. As the president-elect has told us time and again, he is one smart fellow and a “very stable genius.” He is not going to share his victory and center stage with anyone. And why should he? What more would you have to offer, having spent in excess of $100 million to help secure his election?""
read article by DAVID NASAW
Jeffrey St. Clair >>>
It’s been a hallucinatory week, which I hope explains my momentary lapse of reason in believing that an unshackled and restored Trump might follow through on his vow to drive the neocon contagion from the halls of executive power, if only out of revenge for plotting against him for the last eight years. After all, this was the man who evicted John Bolton. (The right side of my brain reminds me that this was also the man who hired John Bolton and the equally evil Elliot Abrams.)
The early visions were promising. Trump slamming the door firmly in the face of two neocon job applicants, Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo, the man who plotted the assassination Julian Assange, acted on my political psyche with the chimeric allure of Lemon tekking a dose of Psilocybe cubensis, which are currently popping up in pastures all along the Oregon coasts. But before reaching peak high, the whole exciting illusion began to melt into some Daliesque hellscape populated by a grotesquerie of neocons, Christian nationalist end-timers, and billionaire defense contractors.
First, news broke that Trump had tapped Lil Marco Rubio for Secretary of State, then a mini-Goebbels himself, Stephen Miller, as his deputy Chief of Staff. This was quickly followed by the termagant from Albany, Elise Stefanik, as UN ambassador, resumé-embellisher John Ratcliffe at the CIA, Christian fundamentalist Mike Huckabee as ambassador to Israel, and FoxNews star Pete Hegseth to run the Pentagon. The fantasy had dissolved into another Bad Trip.
Like capitalism itself, neoconservativism seems endlessly adaptable, capable of filling any void, assuming any visage, from Rumsfeld to Hillary Clinton. Trump’s rogues gallery aren’t the apex neocons of the Bush-Obama-Clinton-Biden era. There’s no pretense of intellectualism. These are the grunts. This is neoconservatism run by the gut. The very wise Stephen Walt referred to Trump’s national security peaks as a Team of Lackeys. But in the Man’s own coarse, simplistic language, they’re just Trump’s Chumps, hand-picked for their obsequiousness and blind fealty to their boss. People who follow orders and don’t ask questions. Whether they’re competent enough to implement Trump’s plans remains to be seen.
Trump rolled out his cabinet of curiosities like a carnival barker at a tent show, with the introduction of each new act yielding a louder gasp from the audience… Rubio is the most peculiar case. But then, he is a peculiar man who has fashioned his political career in Florida out of a histrionic hostility toward Cuba while largely concealing the fact that his family fled the island to escape the dictatorial grip of Fulgencio Batista. Some may find it odd that Trump picked Rubio off the trash heap where he’d flung him after Rubio signed on to a Senate report documenting Russia’s courting of the 2016 Trump campaign, particularly its entreaties to Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. But there’s no loyalty stronger than the rehabilitated man. And Rubio had been put through a process of Trumpian operant conditioning: abuse, humiliation, exile, supplication, return, reward. Rubio has bent the knee, licked the boots (or Ferragamo’s in Trump’s case), and kissed enough ass to be sent forth to excoriate the rest of the world with his juvenile style of bluster and bombast.
Rubio’s hectoring brand of anti-diplomacy will accompanied by the coruscating keening of his backup singer, Elise Stefanik, who impressed Trump with her McCarthyite scolding of Ivy League presidents for their laxity in not violently crushing the campus anti-genocide protests last spring. It’s hard to envision a UN ambassador more ill-equipped for the job than Biden’s Linda Greenfield-Thomas, the hapless enabler of Palestinian genocide, may fill the bill as Trump’s one-note Jeanne Kirkpatrick–one shrill note at that.
Someone said that instead of a cabinet to Make America Great Again, Trump had drafted a team to Make Greater Israel. You’ll scan futilely for any peacenik libertarians or even hardcore isolationists in this gung-ho retinue, all of whom seem eager to greenlight the immediate annexation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories on route to more glorious (and insane) confrontations against Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, China and any stubborn nation that refuses to hand over its lithium to Elon Musk. Not only aren’t there any guardrails in sight, there’s not even a handbrake.
"About 50,000 government officials, policymakers, investors and campaigners will gather in Azerbaijan this week in the hope of answering a trillion-dollar question: how much money should go each year to helping developing countries cope with climate-related costs?
The aim of the UN’s Cop29 climate talks in Baku, which is being called the “climate finance Cop”, is to establish a new annual climate financing target to replace the current $100bn pledge, set in 2009, which expires at the end of this year.
To this end, a new Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF) will be under consideration. It aims to draw on voluntary contributions from fossil-fuel-producing countries and companies to support developing nations’ climate projects.
For polluters who would rather not pay, campaigners are calling for climate taxes. Billionaires and fossil fuel giants are in the crosshairs of environmental NGO 350.org, which plans to hold them accountable for their outsize impact on the planet in a new campaign. The group argues that funds generated through taxing the ultra-rich could be used both for domestic policies and programmes to lower carbon emissions, and for international climate finance to ensure “those most responsible for the climate crisis contribute to its solution”.
more in the report ny JILLIAN AMBROSE
Cop29 could change the financial climate for the world’s wealthy polluters | Cop29 | The Guardian
A execução de Vinícius Gritzbach, delator do PCC, no terminal 2 do aeroporto de Guarulhos, em São Paulo, uma área de segurança, à luz do dia, mostra que estamos caminhando a passos largos para nos tornarmos um narcoestado.
Gritzbach é réu por lavar dinheiro do tráfico de drogas para o PCC através da compra de imóveis, postos de gasolina e criptomoedas. Para reduzir sua pena, ele havia fechado um acordo de delação premiada, entregando esquemas de lavagem da facção, mutretas com agenciamento de jogadores de futebol e até corrupção de policiais e delegados.
É preciso sublinhar o que aconteceu: o maior aeroporto do país e um dos maiores do mundo, principal porta de entrada para visitando ao país, que recebeu 41,3 milhões de passageiros em 2023, foi palco de, ao que tudo indica, uma operação de vingança ou de queima de arquivo que não se importou com a multidão que lá estava. Como isso, houve outros três feridos. O motorista de aplicativos Celso de Morais foi baleado nas costas e levado à UTI, Willian Santos, funcionário de uma terceirizada do aeroporto, foi atingido na mão e no ombro e Samara de Oliveira ficou ferida superficialmente no abdômen. A imagem que isso reforça ao Brasil e ao mundo é de criminosos sentem-se à vontade de fazer o que querem na hora que desejam, com a certeza da impunidade.
Moradores das periferias podem retrucar que isso acontece com eles diariamente, com as mortes causadas pelo tráfico de drogas, por milícias ou por policiais — e terão toda a razão. Mas o fato de uma execução ocorrer em um local que, teoricamente, é um dos mais seguros do país, monitorado pelas Polícias Federal e Militar, mostra mais do que ousadia e audácia. Aponta a certeza de eles veem o país como território deles.
E enquanto isso, crianças, como Ryan, de apenas 4 anos, morrem em em uma comunidade pobre de Santos (SP), durante uma operação policial, após seu pai, uma pessoa com deficiência física que usava muletas, também ter sido morto em outra operação policial há nove meses, mostrando o fracasso das políticas de alta letalidade de Estados como SP, RJ e BA. O tempo para evitar que nos tornemos um narcoestado está acabando.
Quite a lot, it seems. In 48 races that saw donations by cryptocurrency’s biggest Pac, Fairshake, every candidate backed by the industry has won, Bloomberg reports. More than 60% of that cash supported Republicans or opposed Democrats, per Bloomberg.
The industry placed its biggest bet in Ohio, where Republican Bernie Moreno faced off against popular incumbent Democratic senator Sherrod Brown. Moreno received $40m from cryptocurrency companies. Brown chaired the Senate banking committee and wanted tighter regulation on digital currency. Earlier this year, crypto companies spent $10m to attack Katie Porter, a proponent for more stringent cryptocurrency laws, in the California senate primary. Porter lost. Protect Progress, another pro-crypto Pac, spent $10m each on Senate races in Arizona and Michigan where crypto wasn’t much of an issue. Both its favored candidates had voted in support of the industry on key bills, though.
In addition to the long-term benefits of a friendly, less restrictive regulatory environment, the crypto industry has made immediate financial gains. Bitcoin is trading at record highs, breaking $75,000 late Tuesday night.
Fairshake did not make a contribution in the presidential race but stands to benefit from its outcome anyway. Trump sells his own cryptocurrency now and supports the industry with his full throat, reversing his position on crypto from his first term. Musk has acted as a hype man for cryptocurrency, particularly Dogecoin, years before it was popular. (Harris neither embraced nor rejected the crypto.)
Musk especially seems amenable to one of crypto’s highest priorities – the firing of Gary Gensler, the securities and exchange chair.
Coinbase, the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, gave Fairshake $25m. Coinbase’s CEO, Brian Armstrong, wrote the day after the US election: “DC received a clear message that being anti-crypto is a good way to end your career.” He may be right. The industry is second in political contributions only to fossil fuel companies, according to the consumer advocacy non-profit Public Citizen.
Jeffrey St. Clair >>
+ Bernie Sanders: “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them. First, it was the white working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo. And they’re right…Will the big-money interests and well-paid consultants who control the Democratic Party learn any real lessons from this disastrous campaign? Will they understand the pain and political alienation that tens of millions of Americans are experiencing? Do they have any ideas as to how we can take on the increasingly powerful Oligarchy which has so much economic and political power? Probably not.”
+ Murtaza Hussain: “Suppressing the Bernie movement in 2016 effectively destroyed the Democratic Party. That was a turning point year GOP also had an insurgency with Trump but they ultimately worked with him to some new kind of synthesis. The Democrats never got past their decrepit ancien regime.”
+ The Democrats have tried to extinguish every insurgent movement within the party, from Eugene McCarthy in 1968 to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow coalition in 1984/88. They didn’t even have the sense to coopt their ideas and organizing methods. They tried to quash those, too.
" Few jobs will be created through re-industrialization and the absence of immigrants will hurt — instead of improve — the labor market payoffs of many natives. All the while the real incomes of the less well-off will be reduced by a surge of tariff-induced inflation that bond and gold markets are now already anticipating.
When backed into a corner by policy failure, the greatest danger, then, becomes Donald Trump’s and his strategists’ inclination to suffocate opposition.
The hour of political authoritarianism arrives, when the new wagers to create economic affluence among the less well-off and to resurrect the old kinship relations of industrial society turn sour and generate disenchantment among Trump’s own following.
Trump then may well want to make sure that his disenchanted supporters — as well as those who always opposed Trumpism — will not get another chance to express their opinions.
If the scenario Kitschelt depicts comes to pass, American voters will finally get to see the real Donald Trump — when it may be too late to do anything about it."
read essay by THOMAS EDSELL
"Donald Trump’s nomination of the former Florida congressman Matt Gaetz to be attorney general, a flagrant provocation that is, like a pulpy B movie, so bad it’s good.
While Trump’s choice of Gaetz to lead the Justice Department is a clear sign that his second administration will be catastrophically chaotic, vengeful and corrupt, that should never have been in doubt. Trump made no secret during his campaign of his desire to persecute his political enemies. Anyone he chose as attorney general would share his interest in turning the justice system into the enforcement arm of the MAGA movement. The selection of Gaetz just rips the mask off. With it, Trump is trolling not just his defeated opponents but many of his craven establishment supporters. It’s like Caligula trying to make his horse a consul."
read article by Michelle Goldberg
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