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    sábado, abril 19, 2014

    pela cochlea: Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Titch - Zabadak (1967)

    Momento histórico: encontramos outra Terra no Universo

     Concepção artística do planeta Kepler-186f: mesmo tamanho da Terra e capaz de abrigar água em estado líquido

    Por Salvador Nogueira :

    Desde a descoberta do primeiro planeta a orbitar uma estrela similar ao Sol, em 1995, a humanidade estava à espera deste anúncio. Finalmente ele chegou, com toda pompa e circunstância, num artigo publicado no periódico científico “Science”: encontramos um planeta praticamente idêntico à Terra em porte orbitando outra estrela numa região que o torna capaz de abrigar água líquida — e vida — em sua superfície.

    leia mais
    Momento histórico: encontramos outra Terra no Universo | Mensageiro Sideral - Folha de S.Paulo - Blogs

    Alternancia de Poder

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    Brasil tem metade das mortes de ativistas ambientais no mundo - Jornal O Globo

    • Segundo levantamento divulgado pela organização Global Witness, de 908 assassinatos, 448 ocorreram no Brasil
    • Apenas 1% dos casos resultou em condenação; relatório denuncia a ‘cultura endêmica da impunidade’

Extração ilegal de madeira em Goianésia (GO)

    "Batista acredita que o número de assassinatos divulgado pela Global Witness está “totalmente subestimado”. De acordo com ele, as lideranças camponesas são mortas devido à sua resistência ao avanço da agropecuária:

    — Para o plantio de uma cultura, desmata-se um quilombo inteiro.

    Os madeireiros são os responsáveis pela derrubada da mata na Amazônia. Depois deles vêm a pecuária e a indústria da soja. O avanço dessas atividades econômicas sobre áreas protegidas esbarra no direito de populações indígenas e nos trabalhos defendidos por ativistas ambientais.

    — A floresta é repleta de áreas de fronteira agrícola, e o governo não consegue acompanhar o ataque a essas regiões. "

    leia reportagem de Renato Grandelle
    foto Marizilda Cruppe
    Brasil tem metade das mortes de ativistas ambientais no mundo - Jornal O Globo

    In “Game of Thrones” Food is power -

     "Game of Thrones" recap: Food is power

    Follow the Food.

    “Game of Thrones” recap: Food is power -

    Memórias de Macondo

    Eu trabalhava no Pasquim que naquela época ficava em frente ao Parque Lage. Tinha acabado de chegar no Rio e não conhecia as pessoas daqui. Achava a cidade estranha, sentia falta dos amigos de BH e do cenário cultural mineiro do qual fazia parte. Wilma, minha mulher, tinha sofrido um acidente terrível do qual saíra inválida, sem conseguir andar.  Meu programa era antes e depois de ir ao jornal ficar no Parque Lage. Levava comigo cem anos de solidão. 

    Conhecia Garcia Márquez, resenhara ninguem escreve ao coronel para o diário de minas, o coronel que precisara 75 anos de sua vida, contadas minuto a minuto, para responder, merda, Mas Macondo descortinou um mundo. Entrava na mata do Lage, me envolvia com os sons do silencio, e lia, lia, lia. Em casa, elaborava árvore genealógica dos personagens e desenhava um mapa de Macondo. 

    Muito anos depois, ainda me recordo das tardes remotas em que Gabriel Garcia Márquez me levou para conhecer o gelo, e os buendias arcádios e aurelianos que foram meus companheiros nos tempos do sozinho.


    sexta-feira, abril 18, 2014

    Garcia Marquez no Céu

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    pela cochlea: Norm West - Baby Please (1966)



    "His grandfather, Garcia Marquez said, was ''a former colonel who told endless stories of the civil war of his youth, took me to the circus and the cinema and was my umbilical cord with history and reality.'' Grandmother was ''always telling fables, family legends and organizing our life according to the messages she received in her dreams.'' She was ''the source of the magical, superstitious and supernatural view of reality.'' 

    His stories, he recalled, often started from one initial visual image. '' 'Leaf Storm,' for example, began from a flash of myself as a little boy, sitting on a chair in the living room,'' he said. The initial image for ''No One Writes to the Colonel,'' he went on, came ''when I saw an old man looking at fish in the market of Barranquilla.'

    'For ''The Autumn of the Patriarch,'' ''my only book which I have not lived myself, I read everything I could about Latin American and especially Caribbean dictators over a period of 10 years. On top of that I talked with whomever I could who had a related experience. Then I traed to forget everything and forced myself to work purely from my imagination so that no event could be linked to a real one. But the dictator became the most autobiographical character of all. Excluding the aspect of power, which I have not known, of course, many of my personal feelings, obsessions, ideas, nostalgias, superstitions, are attributed to the patriarch. No doubt there are affinities between power and fame. I think the loneliness of power and the loneliness of fame are much alike.'' 

    read the interview with Marlise Simons :


    How Game of Thrones Designed Joffrey’s Wedding


    Joffrey’s royal wedding needed to embody everything tacky and expensive about the boy king, and for Sunday’s episode, “The Lion and the Rose,” written by George R.R. Martin himself, the show’s producers went for even more ostentatiousness than was in the book source material. And it was an especially tricky — and secretive! — production: The reception was shot in 100-degree heat in Croatia over five days (longest wedding ever), and most of the meticulously handmade props and set pieces were created and shipped in from Belfast. As with most weddings, it all went off gorgeously, except for that one thing that happened.  

    read article by Denise Martin
    and see the pics: 
    How Game of Thrones Designed Joffrey’s Wedding -- Vulture

    A tradicional Charge de Santa Ceia

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    Obituary: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    "In 1965, the idea for the first chapter of One Hundred Years of Solitude came to him while he was driving to Acapulco.

    He turned the car, drove home and locked himself into his room with six packets of cigarettes a day for company.

    He ...
    emerged 18 months later to find his family $12,000 in debt. Fortunately, he had thirteen hundred pages of phenomenal best-selling text in his hands.

    The novel's first printing in Spanish sold out within a week, and during the next thirty years One Hundred Years of Solitude sold more than twenty million copies and was translated into more than thirty languages.

    The New York Times called it the first piece of literature since the Book of Genesis that should be required reading for the entire human race."

    'Game of Thrones' showrunners talk royal wedding twist


    " The trick with any long, lavish, production-heavy sequence like this one is that at a certain point, people start to think something: “It’s been 15 minutes in one setting, something momentous is going to happen in this sequence.” And the only way they don’t think that is if you constantly keep them engaged in the things that are happening. So one of the major tricks to pull off in a scene like this is to keep people in the moments with all the characters interacting with one another and not let them think about the bigger picture, about why we’ve been at this wedding for 15 minutes."

    read more
    'Game of Thrones' showrunners talk royal wedding twist | Inside TV |

    Construtoras entregam Itaquerão

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    "O que importa na vida não é o que acontece contigo, mas as coisas que voce lembra e como você as lembra."
    - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


    O belo discurso do Prêmio Nobel, de Garcia Márquez

     "A venerável Europa talvez pudesse ser mais perceptiva se tentasse nos ver em seu próprio passado. Se ela recordasse simplesmente que Londres levou 300 anos para construir seu primeiro muro, e mais 300 para ter um bispo; que Roma labutou numa penumbra de incertezas por 20 séculos, até que um rei etrusco a fizesse entrar para a história; e que a pacífica Suíça de hoje, que nos deleita com seus leves queijos e simpáticos relógios, derramou o sangue da Europa como soldados mercenários, no final do século XVI. Mesmo no alto da Renascença, 12 mil lansquenetes pagos pelo exército imperial saqueou e devastou Roma e trespassou oito mil de seus habitantes na espada."

     leia aqui: 
    (1) Braulio Tavares - Aqui, o belo discurso do Prêmio Nobel, de Garcia...

    pela cochlea: sempre tive perna - letuce

    Não tenho medo de dizer adeus, sou curiosa
    Não tenho cara pra dizer talvez, quem sabe abril?
    Pode vir chumbo, pode vir a moça, pode vir você
    Tô com alho na calcinha, lambuzada de sal,
    Quem é que vai saber?

    quinta-feira, abril 17, 2014

    G1 - Escritor Gabriel García Márquez morre aos 87 anos

     O escritor Gabriel García Márquez (Foto: Divulgação)

    A obra-prima de García Márquez vendeu, até hoje, mais de 50 milhões de exemplares. É considerado, ao lado de “Dom Quixote”, de Miguel de Cervantes, um dos livros mais importantes da literatura em língua espanhola. Foi traduzido para 35 idiomas. Exemplo máximo do realismo fantástico – gênero característico do boom latino-americano da segunda metade do século XX –, “Cem anos de solidão” se passa na fictícia aldeia de Macondo e acompanha, ao longo de gerações, a saga da família Buendía.

    Foi a época em que fui quase completamente feliz. Gostaria que minha vida tivesse sido como naqueles anos em que escrevi ‘O amor nos tempos do cólera’”, afirmou García Márquez ao “New York Times” três anos após a publicação de “O amor nos tempos do cólera”. Aqui, o autor resgata a verdadeira história da paixão de seu pai, também Gabriel, por Luiza, sua mãe. O pai dela reprovava a relação e conspirava contra. No livro, o casal se chama Florentino e Fermina. “Todas essas coisas para mim são parte da nostalgia. Nostalgia é uma fonte incrível para inspiração literária, para inspiração poética”,

    G1 - Escritor Gabriel García Márquez morre aos 87 anos - notícias em Pop & Arte

    Acabô Gabo


    "O maior amor do mundo (ou da literatura, o que talvez dê no mesmo) foi criado por ele, o de Fermina Daza e Florentino Ariza em "O amor nos tempos do cólera". No dia da morte de Gabriel García Márquez, que sinto como a de alguém íntimo (embora só o tenha encontrado uma vez, aqui no Rio, para uma entrevista ao saudoso JB), só consigo lembrar do trecho final desse livro, na tradução de Antonio Callado. E suspeitar, como o comandante diante do amor dos dois, de que "é a vida, mais que a morte, a que não tem limites". 

    "O comandante olhou Fermina Daza e viu em suas pestanas os primeiros lampejos de um orvalho de inverno. Depois olhou Florentino Ariza, seu domínio invencível, seu amor impávido, e se assustou com a suspeita tardia de que é a vida, mais que a morte, a que não tem limites.

    — E até quando acredita o senhor que podemos continuar neste ir e vir do caralho? — perguntou.

    Florentino Ariza tinha a resposta preparada havia cinqüenta e três anos, sete meses e onze dias com as respectivas noites.

    — Toda a vida — disse.""

    Recuerdos da Anistia

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    Daffy Duck, Glorious Archetype of Selfishness, Is 77. Here Is His First Cartoon.

     "Chuck Jones describes the first time he encountered within himself the voice he would one day associate with Daffy. The moment came at his sixth birthday party. After Chuck blew out the candles on his cake, his father handed him a knife and told him to cut as large a piece for himself as he wanted.

    At this point Daffy Duck must have had, for me, his earliest beginnings, because I found to my surprise and pleasure that I had no desire to share my cake with anyone. I courteously returned the knife to my mother. I had no need for it, I explained; I would simplify the whole matter by taking the entire cake for myself. Not knowing she had an incipient duck on her hands, she laughed gently and tried to return the knife to my reluctant grasp. I again explained that the knife was superfluous. It was impossible, I pointed out with incontrovertible logic, to cut a cake and still leave it entire for its rightful owner. I had no need and no desire to share. "

    read more:
    Daffy Duck, Glorious Archetype of Selfishness, Is 77. Here Is His First Cartoon. | Mother Jones

    A Londres cool vai morrer?

    "No Chelsea, um charmoso bairro londrino, a língua dominante pode ser o russo em dias devotados ao consumo de luxo. A mesma sequência de ruelas com casas de portas coloridas que foi cenário para as melhores e mais loucas festas de Mick Jagger e sua turma na época da swinging London agora é habitada pelos oligarcas amigos do presidente Putin, muito bem recebidos pelo mercado imobiliário, com suas malas de dinheiro precisando ser lavado.  "

    “Eu vejo um futuro sombrio, povoado por tristes e estrelados michelins, ao lado de lojas vendendo candelabros de três mil libras (R$ 12 mil). Vai ficar parecido com Genebra e Paris, que já passaram por uma limpeza social”, reclama Alex Proud, um galerista e dono de clubes noturnos de Londres, numa irada coluna no “Daily Telegraph”

    leia a coluna de HELENA CELESTINO
    A Londres cool vai morrer? - Jornal O Globo

    Roubado é mais gostoso

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    pela cochlea: RUFUS THOMAS - SOPHISTICATED SISSY (1967)

    Matt Zoller Seitz, do Vulture, escreve uma interpretação interessante do encontro (e os diálogos) entre Don Draper e a viúva no avião: aquilo seria um sonho, durante a viagem noturna, com Don recriando seus conflitos e dilemas.

    quarta-feira, abril 16, 2014

    Man ruins Game of Thrones with series of novels full of spoilers

     martin dance Man ruins Game of Thrones with series of novels full of spoilers

    The entertainment industry was today warning fans of the popular HBO series Game Of Thrones to avoid ‘at all costs’ a series of books by a rogue enthusiast named George R.R. Martin, who has written five whole volumes consisting solely of spoilers for the popular television show.

    Man ruins Game of Thrones with series of novels full of spoilers

    Vice Marina!

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    ‘Mad Men,’ Welcome to Disneyland «

    "Mad Men is a show that defies easy categorization, because it qualifies for so many: suspense, melodrama, farce, comedy, tragedy. At its core it is existential horror, like Waiting for Godot or reality. There’s nothing as easy as a supernatural component or thematic metaphor to tie it up with a bow. Like real life, Mad Men is littered with false doors and loose threads. There’s no hero’s quest for vengeance, no big crime to be unraveled, no zombies to kill. There are no manipulative plot twists or their cousin, deus ex machina, no easy ways out, and maybe no way out at all. This might frustrate a viewer looking for traditional clues and obvious arcs, but it’s satisfying on a much deeper level. The show’s big mysteries might be subtler, but they are richer, more universal questions. Who are we? What are we doing here? Why do we fall in love or out of it? Why do we grow old and die?"

    "There is still the odd faction of Mad Men viewers who want Don Draper to jump off a building, simply because it would release the tension the show has been building up for years in one glorious burst of steam. But that would be too easy, a tidy ending rather than a realistically messy one. Mad Men deals in complications that mirror the ugly underbellies and dead ends of genuine human lives. The show is an open text, in which the viewer is complicit in their own interpretation of the presented facts. You are forced to draw on your own personal experiences in order to read those offered to you by the show. If you want to remain an optimist about the world, then the show’s inherent cynicism may strike you as a fault, but if you’re a pessimist you might just view it as pragmatic realism. The ad might be perfect, the orgy might be massive, and maybe you’ll be seated next to a beautiful woman on the plane. They’re all just false endings. There’s always another day to conquer, and it never really gets any easier or more fun. There are peaks and valleys, wins and losses, but mostly there’s a lot of flat, ugly middle. The victories that you spend forever building end up being as ephemeral as fireworks, sparkling briefly before quickly fading back into the endless blackness of the nighttime sky."

    Molly Lambert has an interesting analysis & review of the show:

    Tirateima do tal impedimento

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    pela cochlea: Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light

    No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
    I never knew daylight could be so violent
    A revelation in the light of day

    Grand Visions Fizzle in Brazil - Deu no New York Times

    "Brazil plowed billions of dollars into building a railroad across arid backlands, only for the long-delayed project to fall prey to metal scavengers. Curvaceous new public buildings designed by the famed architect Oscar Niemeyer were abandoned right after being constructed. There was even an ill-fated U.F.O. museum built with federal funds. Its skeletal remains now sit like a lost ship among the weeds.

    As Brazil sprints to get ready for the World Cup in June, it has run up against a catalog of delays, some caused by deadly construction accidents at stadiums, and cost overruns. It is building bus and rail systems for spectators that will not be finished until long after the games are done.

    Some economists say the troubled projects reveal a crippling bureaucracy, irresponsible allocation of resources and bastions of corruption. "

    read the article by Simon Romero
    with photos by Daniel Berehulak - 

    Grand Visions Fizzle in Brazil -

    Roubado é mais gostoso!

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    Westeros de George Martin é assim:
    quando acontece uma coisa que gostamos com uma pessoa de quem não gostamos resulta numa coisa que não gostamos com uma pessoa de quem gostamos.


    terça-feira, abril 15, 2014

    Mo Ryan 'Mad Men' Season 7 Premiere Review: Flying Solo


    "We're down to the core fans now, those who accept that what "happens" on this show has a particular flavor, mood and style. Those "happenings" can consist of a significant look, a weighted silence or a crushing realization. Things often "happen" when the camera is focused on the back of a character's head. This is a show that loves ambiguities, digressions and oblique angles. Not many shows could pull that off, but "Mad Men" has the kind of cast that makes watching people think and react a real pleasure most of the time. "

    "The guy is trying. The question is, as ever, is he trying hard enough? Is he too damaged? Will a fast-changing society consign Don Draper to the dustbin of history? And never mind his career: What does happiness, or even contentment, look like for Don Draper?"

    read review by Mo Ryan :
    'Mad Men' Season 7 Premiere Review: Flying Solo:

    pela cochlea: Frank Turner - Love Ire & Song

    Well a teacher of mine once told me
    That life was just a list of disappoints and defeats
    And you could only do your best,
    And I said "That's a fucking cop-out, you're just washed up and your tired,
    and when I get to your age I won't be such a coward"
    But these day I sit at home, known to shout at my TV
    And Punk Rock didn't live up to what I hoped that it could be
    And all the things that I believed with all my heart when I was young
    Are just coasters for beers and clean surfaces for drugs
    And I packed all my pamphlets with my bibles at the back of the shelf

    Mude Já!

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    Casamento púrpura

    Ansioso por discutir com amigos virtuais os acontecimentos de domingo à noite, mas me contendo para não estragar a festa de casamento para quem ainda não compareceu.

    Meu palpite é: quem engendrou a parada foi Madama Tyrell. Tem um olhar dela para a taça de vinho...
    Embora Sir Dontos: como ele tinha um esquema já pronto para retirar Sansa dali?

    Ana Pinta acha que não tem a ver com o vinho e sim com o bolo.


    Tony Belotto: A banalização do mal

    Comentamos com ar distraído sobre como estamos todos “anestesiados” pela violência e de como perdemos a capacidade de nos chocar e nos surpreender por ela

    " No Brasil até a banalização do mal parece xumbrega, mais tosca do que o conceito proposto por Hannah Arendt. Nosso mal é primitivo, aleatório. Aqui não é preciso nenhuma ideologia ou hierarquia para o mal se espalhar como uma praga corriqueira, uma prosaica dengue comportamental numa floresta de arbustos retorcidos. Vivemos a bananização do mal. "

    leia a coluna de Tony Belotto
    A banalização do mal - Jornal O Globo

    A nova onda da internet: o yousselfie

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    Edward Snowden's prize

    NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden speaks via videoconference at the
    Edward Snowden didn’t win a Pulitzer on Monday, but he might as well have.
    In a move certain to be interpreted as a vindication of the former government contractor’s efforts, the Pulitzer Prize Board on Monday awarded The Guardian US and The Washington Post with its coveted Public Service award for reporting on the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance practices.

     read article by DYLAN BYERS
    Edward Snowden's prize - Dylan Byers -

    segunda-feira, abril 14, 2014

    11 'Game of Thrones' Characters React to Purple Wedding

     see the rest:
    11 'Game of Thrones' Characters React to Purple Wedding

    pela cochlea: The In Crowd by The Pair Extraordinaire (1965)

    Juntos & Embolados

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    Exposição conta a trajetória do principal jornal de resistência à ditadura

    "Ricky Goodwin, curador da mostra e um dos integrantes da patota do subversivo jornal, conta que se trata de uma exposição de denúncia e de humor. “Ver esta exposição dá uma tristeza de constatar os absurdos cometidos, mas também dá vontade de rir diante das piadas contra o regime. Tanto que a epígrafe da exposição é um desenho do Ziraldo com os dizeres: ‘Só dói quando eu rio’. E o riso foi justamente uma das armas do Pasquim para combater nessa luta extremamente desigual contra as forças da opressão. Uma arma eficiente, pois as gargalhadas desmoralizam.”

    leia a materia de Vanessa Aquino
    e veja uma galeria de imagens

     Exposição conta a trajetória do principal jornal de resistência à ditadura - Diversão e Arte - Correio Braziliense

    Arquivo Morto(s)

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    George Bush's Paintings Aren't Funny

    "Bush’s portraits of world leaders are copied from Google Image Search. Since the birth of photography, most artists have used photo reference, but I’m a bit disappointed that he didn’t take advantage of his unique access to his models. After all, Bush wouldn’t want to pull a Shepard Fairey and have some disgruntled photographer come after him for copyright infringement. It’s embarrassing enough that bands are suing because their music was played to torture prisoners at Guantánamo."

    "I don’t say this to criticize Bush. I still can’t paint in oils. Waiting for each layer to dry before you do the next is torture—though not the kind Bush is familiar with." 

    read article by Molly Crabapple :
    George Bush's Paintings Aren't Funny - Molly Crabapple - POLITICO Magazine

    valparaiso virou valinferno


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