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    sábado, junho 25, 2016

    Extreme closeups of animal eyes / Boing Boing

    Photographer Suren Manvelyan continued his series of stunning closeups of eyes by focusing on non-humans

    see the gallery

    Extreme closeups of animal eyes / Boing Boing

    Mind the gap

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    Chico Junior conta as suas impressões sobre o líder sindicalista Lula na década de 70.

    Chico Junior conta as suas impressões sobre o líder sindicalista Lula na década de 70.
    "As pessoas falam, de maneira preconceituosa, que Lula não sabe falar, que Lula é burrro... Porra nenhuma! O cara é de uma inteligência fora do normal"

    veja o debate sobre o Lula em
    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois - Lula
    Canal Brasil, segundas às 20 horas
    terças às 16:30; domingos às 11 horas

    vI: ORFAOS DO ELDORADO (dir Guilherme Coelho, bas Milton Hatoum, Brasil, 2015)

    Coelho documentarista de PQD, Fala Tu e curtas, dirige ficção baseado no livro de Milton Hatoum (um de meus autores preferidos). O filme corre nem tanto pelos fatos narrados no livro como na recriação do clima e dos mistérios amazonicos exalados pela escrita de Hatoum. E nisso é muito bem sucedido, com bom resultado imagístico


    'Game of Thrones': Battle of the Bastards director speaks out


    " I watched every pitch field battle I could find (footage of real ones too), looking for patterns — for what works, what doesn’t, what takes you out of the moment, what keeps you locked in. The big reference was Akira Kurosawa’s RAN. Interestingly one of the things I noticed is that staging of these battles through the years has changed dramatically. Back in the day you’d see these huge aerial shots of horse charges and there were two big differences. First, it was all real — no CGI or digital replication. And second, often when the horses would go down, you can kind of tell they got really hurt. Nowadays you’d never get away with that, and nor would you want to.

    Also, the more I watched these scenes the more I felt like those aerial shots that are now so synonymous with a final charge they kind of take you out of the moment. That is to say, you experience this moment as an objective observer in all its glory with no sense of danger from the inevitable impact of hundreds of these huge stampeding animals. I was interested in what it must feel like to be on the ground when that sh— happens. Absolute terror? A moment of clarity? What goes through your head when you are right in the thick of it?"

    read the interview by James Hibberd​

    'Game of Thrones': Battle of the Bastards director speaks out |

    "No momento exato, na hora certa, Lula entrou no ônibus da História."

    Mario Augusto Jakobskind fala sobre o entrevistado desta semana em As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim.
    "No momento exato, na hora certa, Lula entrou no ônibus da História."

    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    Canal Brasil - segundas às 20:00
    Terças às 16:30; Domingos às 11:00

    pela cochlea: Serj Tankian - "100 Years"

    Video for the composition "100 Years" co-composed by Serj Tankian and John Psathas. The video is a somber commemoration to honor the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian victims of the first genocide of the 20th century.

    Double-deckered brexit

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    "O Zelig de Woody Allen se manifestou no Lula"

    Luiz Antonio Mello compara o Lula de hoje e o
     Lula da época de sua primeira entrevista ao Pasquim, em 1978.
    "O Zelig de Woody Allen se manifestou no Lula"

    veja mais
    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    reprise Domingos às 11:00

    If you’re young and angry about the EU referendum, you’re right to be

    “I’m so angry,”
    wrote one Twitter user. “A generation given everything: free education, golden pensions, social mobility, have voted to strip my generation’s future.” Another statement, from a commenter on the Financial Times website that has been widely shared, summed up the sense of furious betrayal among the young: “The younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of its predecessors.”

    If you’re young and angry about the EU referendum, you’re right to be | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett | Opinion The Guardian

    Ministry of Silly Walks

    sexta-feira, junho 24, 2016

    Chegou a hora da fogueira

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    pela cochlea: The Busy Twist - Friday Night

    Sirkis comenta o Lula

    Alfredo Sirkis comenta sobre o Lula.
    "Ele conseguiu com que a classe operária ascendesse ao consumo."

    veja mais
    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    reprise Domingos às 11:00

    Pirate Bay Co-Founder to Sue Record Labels For Defamation

    "The Helsinki District Court ordered Sunde to pay $395,000 (350,000 euros) for music shared illegally through the site by its users.

    In addition, he faces an additional one million euro fine if the infringements continue in the future, even though he has no control over the site.

    The ruling came as a shock to the former Pirate Bay spokesman. Not just because he didn’t share anything himself, but also because he hasn’t been involved with the torrent site for a decade.

    Sunde informs TorrentFreak that he wasn’t aware of the Finnish case until after the verdict was handed down, which suggests that he wasn’t served properly. However, he certainly doesn’t plan to let things go. On the contrary, he’s hitting back with a lawsuit of his own, accusing the record labels of defamation"

    read more

    Pirate Bay Co-Founder to Sue Record Labels For Defamation - TorrentFreak


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    JAGUAR e a sua opinião a respeito do LULA.

    JAGUAR e a sua opinião a respeito do LULA.
    "Ele não me convence."

    veja mais
    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    reprise Domingo às 11:00

    País de estupradores


    quinta-feira, junho 23, 2016


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    pela cochlea: YES - Roundabout (Live at the Rainbow Theater)

    In and around the lake
    Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there

    Qual a pergunta que você gostaria de ter feito ao Lula?

    Perguntamos a tres pessoas que participaram da entrevista original que Lula deu ao Pasquim em março de 1978:
    qual a pergunta que você não fez e que gostaria de ter feito?

    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    Canal Brasil - segunda 20/06 às 20:00
    Terças às 16:30; Domingos às 11:00

    ‘Game of Thrones’ Jon Snow’s Revelation: He Should Never Rule

    'Game of Thrones' Jon Snow's Revelation:

    " All that blood was shed because Jon did exactly what Sansa warned him against — he fell into a trap set by Ramsay. Yes, the action was exciting and terrifying and gave you a great sense of what it was like to be inside a grinding, seemingly endless battle.

    And yet, throughout the whole thing, in my mind, I was yelling at Jon. The more printable version of my rant goes something like this: “You nitwit, before the battle, you told Ramsay that the two of you could settle this without needlessly killing many men — but thanks to your rashness, that’s exactly what transpired! You knew that it was likely that Rickon would die, and that the awful Ramsay would bait you in some horrible, sadistic way. And yet you fell for it. Why literally pile hundreds, if not thousands, of dead bodies on top of Rickon’s corpse for no reason? If the plan was to let Ramsay’s army come to you, let Ramsay’s army come to you! Don’t diverge from the plan that would save lives simply because he got to you and you’re angry!”

    read article by Maureen Ryan >>

    ‘Game of Thrones’ Jon Snow’s Revelation: He Should Never Rule | Variety

    The 10 best Euro myths – from custard creams to condoms

    EU directives: some are hard to swallow

    "Heard the one about the EU banning bagpipes? Bendy cucumbers? Children blowing up balloons? Or the one about it renaming yoghurt “fermented milk pudding”? What about the madness of the EU’s directives on eggs which, if you believe the various rumours, have to be stamped with the home address of the farmer, must not be sold by the dozen and can no longer be called “eggs”.

    In September 1994, the Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail and Daily Express all reported that “curved bananas have been banned by Brussels bureaucrats”.

    Inventing Euro myths has been something of a sport for the British press for nearly 30 years. The EU’s Euromyths website, which offers officials in Brussels a chance to rebut media accusations of meddling, features about 650 reports."

    read article by Kate Lyons

    The 10 best Euro myths – from custard creams to condoms | Politics | The Guardian

    Pó Pó Pó Pó Pó Pó

    (Recife, PE) 

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    Ponto alto da entrevista do Lula

    Perguntamos a dois participantes da entrevista original de Lula para o jornal Pasquim
     qual havia sido, para eles, o ponto alto daquela conversa histórica.

    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    Canal Brasil - segunda 20/06 às 20:00
    Terças às 16:30; Domingos às 11:00

    pela cochlea> Johnny Marr - The Messenger

    Who wants to be a messenger?
    Who wants to be the messenger?

    O caso Abdelmassih e a cultura do estupro

    "O caso Roger Abdelmassih é um exemplo claro de como as instituições e autoridades brasileiras têm sido historicamente permissivas em relação ao estupro e a outras formas de assédio sexual masculino." 

    "Pior do que estuprar, porém, é dedurar. Muitas denúncias de estupro não prosperam porque os outros machos (e também mulheres) que participaram, viram ou ficaram sabendo do ato compartilham um estranho código de honra em que impera a hipocrisia e o silêncio."

    leia artigo de Vicente Vilardaga​ >> | O caso Abdelmassih e a cultura do estupro

    quarta-feira, junho 22, 2016

    João Ferrador: o desenho do Laerte na camiseta do Lula

    Quando Lula chegou na redação do Pasquim, em março de 1978, para a sua entrevista, trajava uma camiseta branca com um desenho do João Ferrador dizendo seu bordão: "Hoje eu não tô bom". Um desenho do Laerte,
    Este personagem nasceu numa seção do jornal de sindicato Tribuna Metalúrgica, "Bilhetes do João Ferrador", em 1972, onde o jornalista Antonio Carlos Felix Nunes denunciava as péssimas condições dos trabalhadores. Com o tempo, virou mascote do jornal, em forma de desenho, nas mãos do cartunista Otávio.
    Quando o movimento dos metalúrgicos do ABC começou a tomar forma, em 77 - numa reação que viria a sacudir o país, sob a liderança de Lula e outros sindicalistas - João Ferrador, agora desenhado por Laerte, foi o símbolo dessa luta,.
    A versão Laerte apareceu não só no Pasquim mas foi difundido em vários lugares. "Hoje eu não tô bom" era bradado na voz de trabalhadores por todo o país. Laerte criou cartuns e tiras com o JF, que foi um ícone da imprensa sindical.
    Leia um depoimento do próprio Lula :
    “O João Ferrador são todos e cada um dos trabalhadores. É o símbolo de nossa consciência e da nossa dignidade. Só por isso ele foi criado. Inicialmente, pareceu de perfil – cara e bonezinho, escrevendo seus bilhetes. Mandava nossos protestos às autoridades. E, à medida que cresceu nossa organização e começamos a conquistar espaços no campo das batalhas contra os patrões, ele se revelou de corpo inteiro. Então, sua linguagem e seus gestos se tornaram mais ousados. Assim popularizou-se essa figura na qual todos nós nos encarnamos. Hoje, para destruí-la, as autoridades teriam mesmo de prender e arrebentar todos os trabalhadores.”

    As Grandes Entrevistas do Pasquim
    Episódio Dois: Lula
    Canal Brasil - segunda 20/06 às 20:00
    Terças às 16:30; Domingos às 11:00


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    Vi: THE APARTMENT (dir Billy Wilder, EUA, 1960)

    É Billy Wilder. O fato bastaria para resultar num filme genial. 
    Lançado como comédia, é um filme meio triste, ao simpatizarmos com o personagem de Jack Lemmon, coagido a emprestar o seu apartamento para seu chefe se encontrar com a mulher que ele (Lemmon) ama. E a mulher é Shirley MacLaine. Um clássico, daqueles de se rever sempre, de tempos em tempos
    Shut up and deal !


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    Has Game of Thrones Solved Its Woman Problem? -- Vulture

    "If season six is leading us to what some people are calling the Bastard Bowl, a.k.a. a showdown between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton, then continuing to emphasize how little regard Ramsay has for women — or, to be fair, humans in general — will, in theory, only make it more satisfying if and when he ultimately gets punished. But what would be even more satisfying is if Jon Snow isn’t the one to deliver that final, crushing blow. With any luck, after Ramsay goes a few solid rounds with Jon, Sansa Stark will jump in and ultimately put an end to Ramsay’s endless cycle of abuse. That’s a narrative twist that would be absolutely in line with what seems to be the show’s renewed commitment to treating its female characters with more respect and restraint. (Actually, if the show really wanted to show restraint, it would enable Sansa to punish Ramsay without engaging in vengeful violence. But this is Game of Thrones and that kind of enlightened, anti-eye-for-an-eye thinking may be too much to expect.)"

    read article by Jen Chaney >>

    Has Game of Thrones Solved Its Woman Problem? -- Vulture

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