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    sábado, julho 14, 2012


    Why does Fifty Shades of Grey turn British women on?

    So has James created the latest commercial genre for our age – what the commentator India Knight has called "the porn version of cupcakes and Cath Kidston"? Or does her racy trilogy answer a deeper, unmet need among women readers?

    Whether the Grey books are porn dressed up as romance, or romance dressed up as porn, remains up for debate. Whatever the answer, it is absolutely clear that for a while there will be nothing so good for flogging books as books about flogging.

    read the article by Vanessa Thorpe
    Why does Fifty Shades of Grey turn British women on? | Books | The Observer

    sexta-feira, julho 13, 2012

    Charge Bichada

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    Mais uma planta criminalizada: Anvisa proíbe Salvia divinorum 

     “Nunca houve nenhum tipo de problema registrado ligado ao uso da Sálvia, ao contrário por exemplo, da planta Comigo-Ninguém-Pode, que é extremamente venenosa e há relatos de acidentes envolvendo crianças e animais que tiveram contato com ela, mas ela é liberada para uso ornamental. Então há um grande paradoxo aí. Não há um marco regulatório de nada”, completa Carneiro.

    leia mais
    Mais uma planta criminalizada: Anvisa proíbe Salvia divinorum | Revista Fórum

    Demóstenes à Meliés

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    The Rolling Stones 50 years in pictures

    see the gallery :
    The Rolling Stones -

    Pela COCHLEA: Django Reinhardt & Josette Daydé - Cou-Cou - Paris, 01.10.1940

    quinta-feira, julho 12, 2012

    France says farewell to the Minitel –precursor of the internet -

    It is known as the "Little French Box", a 1980s design classic now seen as the ultimate in beige plastic kitsch. But once it was an audacious precursor to the world wide web, introduced the first cybersex into people's living rooms and had a user-friendly design that may have inspired Steve Jobs's first Macintosh computer.

    Yet, on Saturday, the plug will finally be pulled on the Minitel machine, France's one-time pride and joy, 30 years after its launch. And while the nation marvels at the fact that 800,000 of the clunky terminals with massive buttons are still in circulation, the Minitel is shedding its square image and enjoying a moment of mass nostalgia.

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    France says farewell to the Minitel – the little box that connected a country | Technology | The Guardian

    Ernest Borgnine’s Most Memorable Moments

    Oscar winning actor Ernest Borgnine died on Sunday at the age of 95. The star was known for playing blustery characters with hearts of gold and had a penchant for playing villains. While he won his best-actor Oscar for Marty back in 1955, Borgnine has made an impact on succeeding generations by continuing to crank out work in Hollywood well past retirement age and by playing roles on television shows like Airwolf, ER, and voicing Mermaidman on Nickelodeon’s SpongeBob Squarepants along with his McHale’s Navy costar Tim Conway.

    see the movie clips
    Ernest Borgnine’s Most Memorable Moments | NewsFeed |

    terça-feira, julho 10, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong-Duke's Place

    André Trigueiro: é leviano resumir a tese do aquecimento global a uma conspiração

    Como imaginar que esse suposto “movimento orquestrado em favor do aquecimento global” seja ainda mais poderoso do que o lobby dos combustíveis fósseis (ou mesmo das empresas do setor automobilístico), a quem a hipótese da elevação da temperatura do planeta pela queima de óleo, carvão e gás tanto incomoda por razões óbvias? É inegável o poder que as companhias de petróleo ainda possuem para financiar campanhas, definir políticas públicas e os resultados de Conferências da ONU, como foi o caso recentemente da Rio+20, onde não se conseguiu reduzir em um único centavo aproximadamente 1 trilhão de dólares anuais em subsídios governamentais para os combustíveis fósseis no mundo inteiro. 

    As modelagens do clima não explicam totalmente as variações de temperatura em função das emissões de gases estufa. Ainda assim, há hoje mais certezas do que dúvidas de que o planeta está aquecendo e que os gases estufa emitidos pela Humanidade contribuem para esse fenômeno. 
    As oscilações naturais de temperatura do planeta em eras geológicas, a interferência do Sol nos fenômenos climáticos e todas as outras possibilidades que explicariam o que está acontecendo hoje são objeto de inúmeros estudos e pesquisas. Mesmo assim, segundo a corrente majoritária de cientistas, não há, até o momento, outra explicação mais convincente e embasada para explicar as mudanças climáticas, do que a interferência humana.

    artigo completo: 
    G1 – André Trigueiro – Mundo Sustentável


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    Documentário mostra os impactos da construção da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte na cidade de Altamira


    segunda-feira, julho 09, 2012

    Charge Divina

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    Petrobrás domina Baía da Guanabara e complica vida dos pescadores

    Pescar na Baía de Guanabara virou sinônimo de navegar em águas perigosas.
    A principal linha de investigação da DH é a que liga os crimes a uma disputa feroz por áreas de pesca.

     Lauro cita um outro fato que ajudaria a aumentar o clima de tensão na Baía. Ele afirma que há um conflito cada vez mais acirrado entre os pescadores e a indústria petrolífera, com o aumento das zonas de exclusão de pesca — ou seja, em áreas do mar onde passam dutos das empresas, a atividade é proibida.

    reportagem completa de Emannuel Alencar
    Draco investiga ameaças feitas a pescadores - Rio - Extra Online:

    foto Custódio Coimbra

    Pela COCHLEA: The Who - Heat Wave 1967

    Deu no New York Times: As Growth Ebbs, Brazil Powers Up Its Bulldozer


    “The government is pressing ahead with projects of pharaonic proportions, when areas like basic sanitation need urgent attention,” said Sergio Lazzarini, an economist at Insper, a São Paulo business school, who has written widely on Brazil’s state capitalism. The investment push is already showing signs of strain. So many infrastructure projects have been approved at once, including stadiums for the World Cup soccer tournament in 2014 and hydroelectric plants in the Amazon, that the government is having a hard time spending all the money allocated. For instance, just a fifth of the $7 billion budgeted for highway projects in 2012 has been spent.

    The officials at the helm of Brazil’s state-controlled companies argue that the nation still needs such sprawling projects to consolidate the gains in reducing inequality. “It’s a catalyst of job creation,”

    Brazil Combats Slowdown With Even More Stimulus - T

    Charge Centenaria

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    'Mad Men' And 'Game Of Thrones' Comparisons: Are The Characters Separated At Birth? (PHOTOS)

    Both shows feature perfectly constructed costumes and elaborate sets meant to transport us to other worlds -- and they do so successfully, week after week. But these fine cable dramas are so much more than the sum of their exceptional production values: They're complex and realistically contradictory explorations of the games people play to get ahead or to just hang on to what they've got.

     Both "Mad Men" and "Game of Thrones" spend a lot of time meditating on the nature and use of power -- how those who don't have it try to get it, the wise and unwise ways in which those in authority wield it, how those with lower status fight to preserve a scrap of autonomy, and how people can give the impression of having control even when they're unsure of where they stand. To be a character on either drama is to face constant flux and change -- not all of which is bad, mind you.

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    'Mad Men' And 'Game Of Thrones' Comparisons: Are The Characters Separated At Birth? (PHOTOS)

    domingo, julho 08, 2012

    Pela COCHLEA: Ouvindo Jerry Garcia & Nicky Hopkins - Positively 4th street (Dylan) - Live 1975

    School bans 9yr old student´s blog about her daily lunch hour

    When nine-year-old Martha Payne set up a blog six weeks ago, to show pictures of her daily school lunch – sometimes meagre, often fried – it was meant as a writing project that would be seen by few others than her close relatives.

    But word spread over social media, and in just over a week more than 100,000 people had viewed Martha's stark photos of her food, sitting on a white, prison-style tray.

    Still, she could have been little prepared for the deluge of publicity on Friday, when Argyll and Bute council was forced into a humiliating climbdown over a decision to effectively close the blog, by banning photography in the school dining hall.

    By 11pm, her blog, NeverSeconds, which has drawn the support of Jamie Oliver, had attracted more than 4m page views and she had managed to raise more than £52,000 for the charity Mary's Meals

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    World gets second helpings of girl's school dinner blog as ban is overturned | Education | The Guardian

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