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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sábado, agosto 17, 2024

    Ukraine’s Push Into Russia Met Early Success. Where Does It Go From Here?

     A sign pockmarked with bullet holes directs drivers toward Ukraine and Russia. Two military vehicles are on the road.

      " Ukraine’s forces could try advancing farther on Russian soil, or return to the front line, where Moscow is making gains. There are arguments for various options."

     read report by Kim Barker and Constnt Meheut


    Millõr foi o maior


    mario baggG

    misia = hurt (trent reznor)


    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that's real

    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    quarta-feira, agosto 14, 2024

    Olimpíadas: mulheres são maioria entre medalhistas do Brasil,


     "Taffarel aponta que as estruturas esportivas brasileiras estão impregnadas de "machistas, conservadores, que não têm interesse nenhum em alterar relações de dominação" e cita como exemplo a destituição de Ana Moser do Ministério do Esporte, para "beneficiar forças políticas de um homem".

    "A estrutura esportiva reproduz a base material das relações de produção e reprodução da vida, ou seja a opressão, a exploração da mulher. O que encontramos no âmbito da ciência, do esporte, nos poderes Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário é a predominância de homens, brancos, conservadores, preconceituosos, machistas. Vivemos na pré-história das relações sociais possíveis à humanidade.""


    Olimpíadas: mulheres são maioria entre medalhistas do Brasil, | Geral

    terça-feira, agosto 13, 2024

    Lágrima - MISIA (in memoriam)

    heia de penasCheia de penas me deitoE com mais penasCom mais penas me levanto





    Marcadores: ,

    Calexico - Alone Again Or

    Yeah, I heard a funny thingSomebody said to meYou know that I could be in love with almost everyoneI think that people areThe greatest funAnd I will be alone again tonight my dear
    And I will be alone again tonight my dear





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Capela de Sao Roque








    Marcadores: ,

    Aracy de Almeida - BOM DIA TRISTEZA - Adoniran Barbosa e Vinícius de Moraes

    Bom dia, tristeza
    Que tarde, tristeza
    Você veio hoje me ver
    estava ficando até meio triste
    De estar tanto tempo longe de você
    Se chegue, tristeza
    Se sente comigo
    Aqui nesta mesa de bar
    Beba do meu copo
    Me dê o seu ombro
    Que é para eu chorar
    Chorar de tristeza
    Tristeza de Amar

    segunda-feira, agosto 12, 2024

    paquetá é de tirar o chapeu


    Trump na olimpiada



    Marcadores: ,

    Pra casa agora eu vou



    Mísia-" Dança De Mágoas " (Saramago)

    Como inútil taça cheia
    Que ninguém ergue da mesa
    Transborda de dor alheia
    Meu coração sem tristeza

    Sonhos de mágoa figura
    Só para ter que sentir
    E assim não tem a amargura
    Que se temeu a fingir

    Ficção num palco sem tábuas
    Vestida de papel seda
    Mima uma dança de mágoas
    Para que nada suceda


    Pai Medalha de Ouro



    Marcadores: ,

    Buddy Rich Big Band - The Beat goes on.

    Charleston was once the rage, ah-huhHistory has turned the page, ah-huhThe miniskirt's the current thing, ah-huhTeenybopper is our newborn king, ah-huh
    And the beat goes on, the beat goes onDrums keep pounding a rhythm to the brainLa-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da

    domingo, agosto 11, 2024

    Girls, ignore the sexist rhetoric. Revel in everything that upsets the haters |



    "Khelif’s crime – in the eyes and relentless social media feeds of the “let us tell you how women should look, act, reproduce, breathe and exist on this earth” brigade – lies in choosing not to portray herself as an aspirational Sports Illustrated swimsuit model when her job as a professional athlete is, literally, to punch other people in the face. There’s an online community of “transvestigators” who spend their days with Adobe Photoshop filters and an alarmingly fragile sense of personal identity determining every prominent woman who takes her work seriously must secretly be a man, lest the confections of gender that they cling to collapse in the face of, um, concrete evidence to the contrary. They’ve been going on about Michelle Obama in this way for years.

    Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric into thinking that Khelif terrifies because of her height or strength. It’s taking the sport of boxing seriously enough to pop her opponent’s nose rather than flailing about like a hapless doily in a boxer costume that’s the issue. There is, you see, a preferred model of femininity for those in the yelping far right, and it’s of the pretty, homebound, jobless kind that spawns children in the quantities of a brood animal. This demand reflects a masculinity so delicate it relies on the economic and physical dependence of a partnered woman to provide the comparative illusion of strength – it’s packaged online as a fantasy product for weak men by the “tradwife” accounts."

    more in the article bY VAN BADHAM

    Girls, ignore the sexist rhetoric. Revel in everything that upsets the haters | Van Badham | The Guardian

    New wars, old wars, famine, panic everywhere. So much for a quiet August


    "The world this month is experiencing an extraordinary peaking of volatility, instability and insecurity, unprecedented in recent times. It’s scary, it’s shocking, it’s a wild ride.

    Sudden revolutions, wars current and imminent, terrible crimes, high-stakes feuding, famines, cost of living crunches, violent riots and unfathomable market panics come not as single spies but in battalions. In a world where mutual destruction, steeped in cruelty and despair, is a favoured human pastime, grim vistas of Eliot’s The Waste Land beckon anew."

    read article by SIMON TISDALL

    New wars, old wars, famine, panic everywhere. So much for a quiet August | Simon Tisdall | The Guardian

    Donald Trump, Prince of Self-Pity


    Frank Bruni

    The size of the crowd at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in Atlanta last month rivaled the turnout for Donald Trump days later only “because she had entertainers,” Trump told the audience at his event, referring to the rappers Quavo and Megan Thee Stallion. “I don’t need entertainers.”

    Translation: Harris cheated. Even so, she didn’t get the better of him.

    She isn’t really Black but “happened to turn Black” over the course of her political career. That’s what Trump said at a meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists, insinuating that Harris had performed a melanin metamorphosis and was falsely improvising identities to contrive some perk unavailable to him.

    Poor Trump. Always forced to compete on an uneven playing field.

    Of all his feats of projection, which is psychology’s term for seeing your own methods and motivations in someone else, none fascinates me more than his incessant insistence that every one of his adversaries — that everyone, period — is the beneficiary of some scheme or scam that puts him at a disadvantage. If he triumphs nonetheless? It’s a testament to his peerless might. If he doesn’t? It was never a fair fight.

    He’s the prince of self-pity, the bard of bellyaching, reportedly worked up over the imagined injustice or trickery of Harris’s late replacement of President Biden on the Democratic ticket. According to an article in The Washington Post this week, he told an ally: “It’s unfair that I beat him and now I have to beat her, too.”

    The more assertively Trump presses a complaint, the more you know it’s bunk. He operates on the theory that if you’re selling falsehoods, peddle like the wind; your audience might well assume that you’d never speak that extravagantly and be that audacious if there weren’t some legitimacy to your claim.

    So it is with his underdog yap — his pantomime of Cinderella when he’s really her wickedest stepsister.

    He was born to a rich family. His father’s money and connections greased the start of his career. Legions of lawyers helped him skate away from bankruptcies and bad behavior. The moral cratering of the Republican Party gave him license to do and coup as he pleased. Friendly judges — including on the Supreme Court — afforded him impunity.

    And, of course, he’s the schemer. I direct you to the “perfect phone call” that prompted his first impeachment. To the Big Lie that prompted his second. To lesser shadiness galore. Cutting corners is his cardio.

    But woe is Trump! The Justice Department targets him as it does no one else. (That would be news to Hunter Biden.) The media simply blows kisses at Democrats. (News to Joe Biden, now cheering Harris from the sidelines.)

    According to Trump’s public statements or emails sent by his campaign, top Republicans in Georgia are conniving to ensure his defeat there, Democrats from coast to coast are rigging the vote, plutocrats are showering Harris with such a deluge of campaign contributions that she’s basically buying the election, and on and on.

    The forces arrayed against him are infinite and omnipotent. And Harris, as a Black woman, has a first-class ticket to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She can bask in tokenism and entertainment-industry love while he struggles for a mere sliver of the spotlight.

    When children exhibit persecution complexes this severe, they’re sent to their rooms or to a therapist. Trump may be sent to the White House — for a second time. Woe is us


    WADO = Depois do Fim (feat. Patrícia Ahmaral) - (Wado - Zeca Baleiro)

    Quando eu não tinha talheres Eu soube comer com a mão O céu era o nosso teto A lua tocava o chão

    Quase não tínhamos posses E era bem grande o vão O nada era um latifúndio Nada nos faltava, não

    Foi meu pai quem pagou as minhas primeiras viagens



    Marcadores: ,

    Meu pai tambem nao falava palavrão



    JOHN MAYALL - Mama Talk To Your Daughter

    in memoriam JOHN MAYALL 

    The Trump Revival



    To a growIng contingent of right-wing evangelical Christians, Donald Trump isn’t just an aspiring two-term president. He’s an actual prophet

    "With Trump’s rise, however, new possibilities for the direct seizure of state power became clear—principally under the tutelage of the loose band of charismatic figures and prophets of worldly rule clustered around the NAR. The charge is sealed, Wallnau argues in Invading Babylon, in a passage of the New Testament: Jesus’ announcement to the apostles that he sends them “as sheep in the midst of wolves.” For Wallnau and the NAR, this is another parable of worldly leadership—to convert the profane wolf kings in the fallen world to the cause of Christ: “When wolf kings honor the King of glory, they do not become weak kings. Quite the contrary, they become truly great, and more so, they have authority to reveal the glory hidden within their sphere of authority.” Wallnau has since captured this message in the name of the self-publishing outfit behind his tracts of Trump-centric prophecy: Killer Sheep Media, Inc.

    Where Washington’s old evangelical establishment operated on the well-worn grids of transactional dealmaking, favor-trading, and strategic compromise, the charismatic MAGA world pursues a much more direct and Promethean path to spiritualized power: substitute your networks of influence for Satan’s, plug in the relevant state actors and faith impresarios, and prepare for the thousand-year reign of Christ. Elections and their faith-averse outcomes are strictly optional."

    Artistas e atletas, divas e divinas


    Ao centro um tronco de mulher segura nas mãos uma cabeça com peruca rosa. O corpo de mulher decapitata está vestindo um vestido vermelho e e bufante.  O fundo é preto.

    A rainha, o peixe e a opulenta sobem ao pódio da obra de arte total

    Mario Sergio Conti

    Thomas Jolly: O diretor da abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos tornou realidade o delírio de Wagner —a obra de arte total, a que combina música, dança, pintura, canto e teatro. Até a tempestade contribuiu para o drama ao lembrar que a natureza tem ritmos próprios, alheios aos desígnios humanos.
    Estima-se que 1,5 bilhão de pessoas viram as 12 cenas do show romântico-patriótico que, ancorado em tradições estéticas, fez com que um rio e uma cidade insuflassem o presente. Debussy, Zidane e a Vênus de Milo dialogaram com Ravel, Simone de Beauvoir e a Gioconda de Leonardo da Vinci.

    Há uma década, no Festival de Avignon, Jolly juntou numa montagem inconcebível as três peças de Shakespeare sobre o rei Henrique. Uns 150 personagens declamaram 10 mil versos durante 18 horas de espetáculo. Sem saber, o diretor treinava para as Olimpíadas.

    Lady Gaga: Tem seus encantos e caprichou no sotaque para dizer "bonjour, Paris". Mas nem de longe esteve à altura da festança. Foi bom vê-la porque não é todo dia que uma divindade ianque se prosta diante da empáfia francesa.

    Maria Antonieta: Reza a lenda que a rainha tocava no cravo a melodia que deu origem a "Ça Ira", canção-símbolo da Revolução Francesa. Foi enjaulada na Conciergerie, à beira do Sena, e seguiu dali, de carroça, para a guilhotina, enquanto o povoléu apupava: "puta austríaca!".

    A Conciergerie espirrava sangue quando Maria Antonieta reapareceu com a cabeça debaixo do braço, como manda o humor negro do grand guignol. Tocada à toda por uma banda heavy metal, "Ça Ira" curto-circuitou o Sena com os versos burlescos de 1789, endereçados a 2024:

    Agora vai, agora vai!

    A cabeça de gente fina

    Da guilhotina agora cai!"

    Léon Marchand: A natação engendra o panteão das lendas: Johnny Weissmuller, Mark Spitz, Michael Phelps e, agora, Léon Marchand. Para o Le Monde, a natureza explica sua hipervelocidade: com ombros e quadris estreitos, o longilíneo desliza como peixe. A cultura aquática também elucida a destreza: a mãe, o pai, um tio e seu irmão foram nadadores olímpicos.

    Aya Nakamura: Vinda do Mali, é a mulher da hora na França, a cantora mais opulenta e popular. De dourado, a ultrapoderosa levou a sisuda Guarda Republicana a requebrar com malemolência. A extrema direita fez campanha contra ela durante meses, e foi sapateada pela performance.

    Willian Lima: O judoca deu um belo ippon, levou prata e, buááá, chorou feito um bezerro desmamado. Ganhando ou perdendo, os brasileiros costumam esguichar lágrimas. Têm um bom motivo (são brasileiros), mas não deviam exagerar. Poderiam se espelhar em Rebeca Andrade e Flavia Saraiva; uma ganhou, a outra perdeu; ambas gargalharam.

    Axelle Saint-Cirel: Seus pais nasceram em Guadalupe e ela passou a infância na Malásia. Vestida de gala com a bandeira tricolor, a meio-soprano cantou a "A Marselhesa" no topo do Grand Palais. Teve a bem-sucedida ousadia de aposentar o arranjo do hino feito por Berlioz. Em matéria de símbolos, as ex-colônias ganharam medalha de ouro.

    Argelinos: Mas nem tudo é símbolo. Há 61 anos, a polícia parisiense matou cem imigrantes numa manifestação pela independência da Argélia. A delegação argelina não topou o oba-oba e jogou rosas vermelhas no lugar do Sena onde seus compatriotas foram afogados. O passado não passou; imperialista, a França intervém "mano militari" na África até hoje.

    Leni Riefenstahl: Vale a pena rever "Olympia", o filme dirigido pela cineasta nazista sobre os Jogos de 1936, em Berlim. Além de uma ode a Hitler, que aparece torcendo feito doido, a obra homoerótica antecipa os cortes e cenas subaquáticas ainda em vigor. Ao se iniciar com imagens de ruínas e escombros, "Olympia" estetiza a destruição que viria.

    Macron: A República foi esculachada por um aspirante a Bonaparte, o presidente-banqueiro que do Corso tem só a estatura. Enquadrado pelo protocolo, levou uma tunda na vaidade napoleônica: só pôde dizer que a Olimpíada começava.

    Yves Saint Laurent: O costureiro vestiu as 300 modelos que desfilaram na abertura da Copa do Mundo de 1998. O conglomerado que comprou sua maison pagou os tubos para inserir um grotesco anúncio de malas no cortejo olímpico. Ninguém está a salvo dos malas da mercantilização.

    Céline Dion: Com um vestido branco de broderie, ornado com pérolas e paetês, a cantora transformou o primeiro andar da Torre Eiffel num palco planetário. Ao soltar a voz em "Hymne a l’Amour", de Édith Piaf, Céline Dion provou que uma vez diva, sempre diva.



    João do Vale & Alceu Valença - Pisa na Fulô

    Um dia desses
    Fui dançar lá em Pedreiras
    Na rua da Golada
    Eu gostei da brincadeira
    Zé Cachangá era o tocador
    Mas só tocava
    Pisa na fulô



    Narrar a História sempre foi um ato político, formatado não só pela escolha das histórias incluidas, e como são moldadas,  como pela escolha das histórias descartadas. Há vozes ouvidas e vozes silenciadas. A História é sobre fatos , mas também, e mais importante, é sobre poder - exercido pelo apagamento ou reconhecimento desses fatos, assim como pelas tentativas de reivindicar esse poder através de contares al- ternativos. 

    - Rania Abouzeid 

    (tradução Ricky) 

    israel na Olimpiada





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Beatles - The Night Before

    When I held you near
    You were so sincere
    Treat me like you did the night before


    Here's my story, it's sad but true
    It's about a girl that I once knew
    She took my love, then ran around
    With every single guy in town

    Misinformation about Southport attack suspect spreads on social media

     "Tommy Robinson – who is believed to be somewhere in Europe after leaving the UK on Sunday night on the eve of his scheduled appearance at the high court in alleged contempt of court proceedings – has been exploiting the deaths of the children to push an anti-immigration narrative on channels including the X account that Elon Musk recently restored to him."

    read more>>

    Misinformation about Southport attack suspect spreads on social media | UK news | The Guardian

    Musk clashes with Starmer after posting ‘civil war is inevitable’ in UK

      A car burns on Parliament Road in Middlesbrough, England, August 4 2024. Picture: IAN FORSYTH/GETTY IMAGES


    "As rioters clashed with police in some towns and cities, Musk joined the debate on his X platform, posting that “civil war was inevitable” in Britain."

    read more>>

    Musk clashes with Starmer after posting ‘civil war is inevitable’ in UK

    Ukraine’s Push Into Russia Is a Surprising Turn in the War

    "Konrad Muzyka, a military analyst for Rochan Consulting in Poland, writing in Ukraine Conflict Monitor, said Ukraine could benefit if the attack reduced Russian attacks in the Donetsk region of Ukraine and allowed Kyiv to maintain a presence in the Kursk area, and thus improve its negotiating position. But Ukraine would be the loser if its troops were pushed back with high losses, he said.

    “There is no middle ground here,” Mr. Muzyka wrote. “The operation is daring. Let’s see what the next few days bring.”

    Military analysts say they are skeptical that Russia, which has a vastly larger army and arsenal of weapons than Ukraine, would be forced to divert forces from the fighting inside Ukraine to defend its border. Russia has reserves of conscript soldiers it is prohibited by its policies from deploying into Ukraine, but could on Russian soil."


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