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    sábado, agosto 26, 2017

    Six Game Of Thrones Hidden Details You Missed From ‘Beyond The Wall’


    why does arya dislike sansa?
    where did they get those chains?
    what is bran up to?

    Six Game Of Thrones Hidden Details You Missed From ‘Beyond The Wall’

    Proprietários de terra devem quase R$ 1 trilhão à União -

    Relatório da Oxfam revela dívidas astronômicas, que, se pagas, assentariam  214 mil famílias; e governo Temer quer anistiar setor

    Temer comemorando aliança com bancada ruralista durante almoço com a Frente Parlamentar Agropecuária (FPA) / Imagem Brasil247

    "Dados da Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional mostram que 4.013 pessoas físicas e jurídicas detentoras de terra devem R$ 906 bilhões, uma dívida maior que o PIB de 26 estados.

    O montante é equivalente a metade do que todo o estado brasileiro arrecadou em 2015. Ou aproximadamente 22 petrolões.

    Cada um dos 4.013 devedores tem dívidas acima de R$ 50 milhões. Segundo dados do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra), há um grupo ainda mais seleto de 729 proprietários que declararam possuir 4.057 imóveis rurais, somando uma dívida de R$ 200 bilhões. "

    leia reportagem de Cauê Seignemartin Ameni​

    Proprietários de terra devem quase R$ 1 trilhão à União - De Olho nos Ruralistas

    pela cochlea>> Can - Bel Air (1973)

    Coming down to this speeding life,
    You’re coming down to this waiting goal,
    Making down to this speeding life,
    I’m breaking down to this walking goal.
    Breaking down, you know, speaking down, you know,
    Waking down, you know, you spin alive.

    sexta-feira, agosto 25, 2017

    Game of Thrones, "Death is the enermy"

    "This show is no longer Game of Thrones; it’s now a tribute to Game of Thrones, like the point in classic rock band’s career where you really, really, really don’t want to hear any new songs (Euron) because the only reason anyone is paying for tickets is to hear retreads of the old favorites. Season seven is every Rolling Stones tour after Steel Wheels. Or maybe it’s a spin-off series where we get to see all of our favorite characters inhabiting an imaginary timeline where George R. R. Martin actually finished the damned books."

    read review by Aaron Bady

    Game of Thrones, "Beyond the Wall" - Los Angeles Review of Books

    Reforma de fachada

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)
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    pela cochlea>> Susanna Hoffs Matthew Sweet - You're so vain (Carly Simon)

    you probably think this song is about you

    Temer e o Capeta

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    quinta-feira, agosto 24, 2017

    Game of Thrones season 7: we have 27 questions about the White Walker battle in “Beyond the Wall”


    "“Beyond the Wall” was one of the most purely spectacular Game of Thrones episodes to date, but if you think about it for more than a few minutes, the whole thing comes crashing down faster than King’s Landing under a scorned queen’s wildfire siege. More than any other episode of season seven — or really, the entire series so far — the hour glossed over so many logistical hurdles and relied on so many convenient twists to arrive at its endgame that it didn’t make much sense at all.

    In an effort to highlight the glaring moments of “Beyond the Wall” that just didn’t make any sense, we came up with 27 basic questions that the episode failed — or more accurately, didn’t even try — to answer. "

    read them here:::

    Game of Thrones season 7: we have 27 questions about the White Walker battle in “Beyond the Wall” - Vox


    O tempo é um rio que me arrasta, mas eu sou o rio;
    é um tigre que me destrói, mas eu sou o tigre;
    é um fogo que me consome, mas eu sou o fogo.

    - Borges


    "1. Ele acorda e sabe que suas vontades serão lei. Ele é a lei. Ou ao menos a lei que só ele e seus pares conhecem. Lei que ignoramos, pois não sabemos dos incisos, das exceções, das brechas. Mesmo com chuva e frio, tudo ocorrerá como se um sol (de eclipse?) brilhasse sob os seus passos. Reuniões poderosas agitam seus fins de semana. Sentados em belo sofás, vivem a sensação rara de saberem que suas decisões alteram destinos nacionais. Como não sucumbir ao devaneio do ego? Como não se sentir acima de tudo? Ele é a lei. "

    leia coluna de FRED COELHO

    Cobrindo o rombo

    (Santo André - SP)
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    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    pela cochlea>> Alvaro Lancellotti - Canto de marajó



    Maggi reduz fiscalização sanitária: "É o mercado que vai punir quem faz coisas erradas"

    "Entre as áreas que perderão fiscalização estão a inspeção vegetal, a área de lácteos, os abates na avicultura. Uma das 69 medidas imediatas anunciadas pelo governo, por exemplo, foi a redução da temperatura de congelamento da carne suína, de -18°C para -12°C. Outra, a isenção de registro para estabelecimentos comerciais de produtos veterinários. Para facilitar o comércio exterior o governo enumerou algo genérico, a “revisão de regras de certificação fitossanitárias”, e determinou o “fim da reinspeção nos portos e carregamentos vindos de unidades com Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF)”."

    leia reportagem de Alceu Castilho​

    Maggi reduz fiscalização sanitária: "É o mercado que vai punir quem faz coisas erradas" - De Olho nos Ruralistas

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    pela cochlea>> Blood Orange - E.V.P. - live FYF Fest

    See you want a place that's still
    Place to cure your ills
    A place to save your face
    And keep you calm when you're uphill

    You'll never be the best
    She'll never turn you on
    And scars remain from running away
    And hiding where you're from


    (Belo Horizonte, MG) 
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    quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2017

    PSDB no divã

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)
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    People Can't Stop Laughing At Gendry On "Game Of Thrones"


    see the memes here:

    People Can't Stop Laughing At Gendry On "Game Of Thrones"

    terça-feira, agosto 22, 2017

    A game-changing Thrones spectacle buckles under the pressures of a shortened season


    ” I struggled to figure out what precisely the plan had actually been in this case. Why didn’t they send scouts ahead to better understand the size of the White Walkers’ army and plan their raid accordingly? Why didn’t they bring a raven with them to send a message back to Eastwatch should they run into any kind of resistance? Why wouldn’t they have had Daenerys bring at least one of her dragons to Eastwatch on standby in case something went wrong?

    Now, I’m not suggesting that these are “plot holes,” in the sense that these decisions could never make sense: I’m not nitpicking the “accuracy” of a fantasy television series, and fully acknowledge that this is a work of fiction that can push the bounds of logic however it pleases. However, as with the Battle of the Bastards (where Sansa’s decision-making remains completely unclear to me), we have a situation here where a series of events engineered for action and suspense effectively sells out the characters involved. How can we take Jon seriously as a military leader when he devises a plan that falls apart so easily, and contains zero contingencies? Did he never even ask Daenerys about the possibility of using the dragons? It would be one thing if we had seen a sequence of Daenerys offering the dragons as support in “Eastwatch” and Jon stubbornly refusing, or Jon asking for the dragons but Daenerys refusing to offer them, but neither happened. Instead, the show gives the impression that Jon Snow barreled into the north without much in the way of a plan, bailed out by a sprinting Gendry and Daenerys being compelled to rush to his aid by her love for him. And while there is a certain thrill to those moments of peril and split-second decision-making, they come at the expense of the characters, who are temporarily rendered idiots because the action demands it."

    read review by Miles McNutt

     "Beyond The Wall" · Game Of Thrones (experts) · TV Review A game-changing Thrones spectacle buckles under the pressures of a shortened season (experts) · TV Club · The A.V. Club

    segunda-feira, agosto 21, 2017

    Under the Hood | Sob o capuz

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    pela cochlea>>Klaus Nomi - Total Eclipse 1981


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    Na era Temer, todo o poder aos ruralistas


    "“O atual governo está decidido a destruir a Funai, e faz isso por dentro e por fora. Por fora, permitindo que lideranças de sua base ataquem diretamente a Funai, e internamente, reduzindo os recursos e enxugando o corpo de funcionários de tal maneira que inviabiliza o processo de demarcação de terras indígenas”, critica o subprocurador-geral da República e coordenador da Câmara de Populações Indígenas e Comunidades Tradicionais do MPF, Luciano Mariz Maia.

    Maia se refere ao Decreto nº 9.010/17, que extinguiu 347 cargos da Funai e 50 coordenações técnicas locais (CTLs)."

    leia artigo de Renan Truffi

    Na era Temer, todo o poder aos ruralistas — CartaCapital

    Arya vs Brienne Lightsaber Duel | Game of Thrones + Star Wars


    Eu, dez anos, parado à beira de uma estrada, interior dos EUA, vendo através de películas de fime cobrindo os olhos o sol desaparecendo lentamente.

    Quando foi engolido e a corona resplandeceu um silêncio profundo caiu sobre tudo, no meio de uma escuridão estranha.

    Naquele momento, lamentei não estar num caldeirão fervente atiçado por canibais africanos, para ser salvo pelo alinhamento dos astros, em meio ao pavor incutido pelo estranho fenomeno entre os selvagens. Me ergueria esbravejando da água, como se eu mesmo mesmo estivesse comandando as esferas celestes, enquanto as hostes tremulas se prostravam ao chão como se eu fora uma nova divindade.

    Aí o sol voltou a brilhar. Foi o pensamento que me ocorreu, garoto encharcado pelos livros de aventuras, quando vivi meu primeiro eclipse total.


    (Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

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    pela cochlea>>> Pink Floyd - Eclipse

    All that you touch
    And all that you see

    All that you taste
    All you feel
    And all that you love
    And all that you hate
    All you distrust
    All you save
    And all that you give
    And all that you deal
    And all that you buy, beg, borrow, or steal
    And all you create
    And all you destroy
    And all that you do
    And all that you say

    And all that you eat
    And everyone you meet
    And all that you slight
    And everyone you fight
    And all that is now
    And all that is gone
    And all that's to come
    And everything under the sun is in tune
    But the sun is eclipsed by the moon


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    Return to Rapture: Celebrating the Legacy of BioShock on its 10-year Anniversary

    "In BioShock we discover the city of Rapture; an Art Deco dystopia at the bottom of the sea. Rapture remains a watermark of “environmental storytelling”: a story told through the setting as you encounter it. Few fictional cities in any medium have ever been so lovingly rendered with such immaculate detail and history.

    Imagine Rockefeller Center, with its imposing busts and Modernist frescoes, expanded into a glittering metropolis, decorated with flickering neon, and dropped to the ocean floor. The walls creak and moan like a ship’s hull. Aquamarine views greet me through every sweeping bay window and glorious domed glass ceiling. Dreamy light spills in, muted by the crush of water above. Schools of fish flash by. Bobby Darin’s “Beyond the Sea” echoes from a distant radio. Debris litters the corridors. Shops have been looted, beds overturned, and the abandoned remains of 1959 New year’s eve party tells me that something here has gone horribly wrong.

    Rapture is the site for creative director Ken Levine’s unique critical perspective: a vision of Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, taken to hysterical extremes. "

    read article by Renee McDougall

    Return to Rapture: Celebrating the Legacy of BioShock on its 10-year Anniversary


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    Governo paralisa combate a trabalho escravo e infantil por falta de verba -


    "Isso inclui fiscalizações para verificar irregularidades no trabalho rural, em grandes obras de engenharia, no trabalho urbano em cidades menores, com seus portos e canteiros de obras da construção civil. A paralisação afeta até a checagem de ocorrência de acidentes que resultaram em mortes e da situação de emprego de pessoas com deficiência. Remanejamentos internos devem ser realizados para garantir a continuidade das operações em andamento, mas não há como iniciar o atendimento a novas denúncias ou mesmo manter a inspeção de rotina.

    leia postagem de LEONARDO SAKAMOTO

    Governo paralisa combate a trabalho escravo e infantil por falta de verba - Cotidiano - Cotidiano

    Terror em Barcelona

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    domingo, agosto 20, 2017

    pela cochlea>> Kraftwerk Autobahn (1974)

    Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn

    Game of Thrones, "Eastwatch" - Los Angeles Review of Books

    "The Desperate Mission to Steal a Zombie makes no goddamn sense at all. Literally not one single part of it. And it makes a hash of every character it touches. It is the greatest threat to Westeros as we know it.

    With that in mind, I present to you the following bill of particulars. J’accuse, Game of Thrones. J’accuse. You are being stupid again."

    read article by Aaron Bady

    Game of Thrones, "Eastwatch" - Los Angeles Review of Books

    A marca do terrorismo

    (Campinas, SP)

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    Reabilitando o sono

    "Não dormir envelhece. Esta, a principal conclusão de todos os estudos sobre o tema. A outra desventura, ainda que não mencionada em nenhum desses estudos, é que quem não dorme, não sonha. Sendo um grande dorminhoco, eu sonho muito. E sonhar, como tento explicar em entrevistas e nos encontros com os meus leitores, é parte do meu ofício: costumo sonhar com enredos, com personagens, com diálogos e até com os títulos dos meus romances. Privado do sono, privado dos sonhos, não só me arrisco a envelhecer rapidamente e sem glória, como, ainda pior, definharei enquanto escritor."

    leia a coluna de JOSÉ EDUARDO AGUALUSA



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    This Is The Worst Part About 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7

     "Last night's episode 'Eastwatch' tried to recapture the sense of intrigue and politicking that so dominated the earlier seasons of the show, but however hard the showrunners tried, they've failed for several pretty major reasons. Let's take a look at these one by one."

    This Is The Worst Part About 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7


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    ’24×36′: See the History of Movie Poster Art

    " The new documentary “24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters” explores some of the world’s best visual art, and IndieWire is exploring this craft by presenting some of the film’s finest posters. Be it daring original work from some of film history’s most sought-after artists, or bold new voices reenvisioning films for Mondo, these dynamic images leap off the page. Check out some of the key poster art through the years in this gallery, alongside quotes from the documentary"

    ’24×36′: See the History of Movie Poster Art | IndieWire

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