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    sexta-feira, agosto 15, 2014

    Sabe 2014?

    Tempos muito malucos

    (Belo Horizonte, MG)
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    A Tale of Two Tinkerers: Is J.K. Rowling Becoming This Generation’s George Lucas? «


    "I can’t remember the first time I saw the original Star Wars trilogy, but I do remember watching the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition on VHS and the uncomfortable feelings of slowly uncoiling nerd-rage that followed forthwith. It’s a feeling shared by many. The releases of Episodes I-III, starting in 1999, with all of their kindergarten clumsy character beats, scenes of Force-powered domestic abuse, and problematic Jar Jar/Trade Federation racial-anthropomorphism, only added insult to my inner child’s injury..

    Lucas, it seemed, could not stop himself, years and decades after the fact, from defacing his original masterpiece whenever a new technology allowed him to satisfy his ur-vision for ever more Stormtroopers, X-wings, random dinosaurs, Jabba just walking around, and brand-new sound effects. Lucas’s method of handling his film legacy is more in line with the way jam bands approach writing setlists than with conventional filmmaking.

    I mention this because, with the surprise release of a new Harry Potter story, it’s tempting to wonder if J.K. Rowling is on her way to becoming her generation’s George Lucas. Like Lucas, she’s creator of a pop-cultural fantasy phenomenon, with a veritable ocean of money in the bank and the industry clout to get anything she writes published. Like Lucas, much to the consternation of her fans, she can’t let go of the world she built, constantly redefining characters, straightening the portraits in the hallways, and dropping in on thirtysomething wizards who are just trying to enjoy a Quidditch match."

    read the article by netw3rk > 

    A Tale of Two Tinkerers: Is J.K. Rowling Becoming This Generation’s George Lucas? «: by netw3rk


    A pintura é um longo processo, e cada quadro só parte desse processo.
    Cada quadro não importa tanto, o que importa é o percurso.

    (John Nicholson)

    pela cochlea: A Pobreza (Paixão Proibida) - Fernanda Takai

    Todo mundo tem
    um amor na vida
    e por ele tudo é capaz

    Eu tenho uma paixão
    que é proibida
    só porque sou pobre demais


    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    Gaza in cease-fire: What Palestinians think of Hamas now, and what that means for Israeli policy.


    "If Israel relaxes its grip on Gaza’s borders and gives the people of Gaza a sense that the war paid off, they’ll be more likely to credit and support Hamas. From the standpoint of deterrence—the principle that has always driven Israel’s thinking—that’s a disaster. So Israel has every reason to concede nothing. Let Gazans absorb the pain. Maybe they’ll turn on Hamas.

    The best argument against this response, with respect to Israel’s strategic interests, is that the cost of granting concessions is less than the cost of not granting them. Yes, if Gaza’s borders are opened, its people will celebrate. Yes, they might applaud Hamas, and they might conclude that belligerence works. But if the borders aren’t opened, the people might radicalize and explode. That’s the warning in those prewar surveys about the political effects of the blockade. Hamas and its violent inclinations might gain more support from the blockade than from its relaxation."

    read analysis by William Saletan > 

    Gaza in cease-fire: What Palestinians think of Hamas now, and what that means for Israeli policy.:

    Sininho, criadores e criatura

    "As palavras da mãe de Sininho fizeram o sino que existe dentro de minha cabeça tilintar também. Até pouco menos de um ano, ninguém jamais havia ouvido falar dessa jovem gaúcha, criada no estado do Rio. Mas, de lá pra cá, a “temível” Sininho ganhou uma dimensão impressionante no panorama político-social brasileiro. Fiquei a pensar no porquê dessa ascensão meteórica; no que fez dela um ícone. Com o aval de quem, teria se transformado numa suposta representante-mór dos jovens manifestantes? Por que passou a ser apontada como a face descoberta dos mascarados Black Bloc" 

    leia o texto de Rafael Casé

    Sininho, criadores e criatura - Reproduzido do blog do autor, 31/7/2014; título original “Criadores e criatura” | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

    Não é hora de pensar em eleição

    (Joinville, SC)

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    Escritores se unem contra a Amazon em batalha por preços e lucros

     Book Wars: escritores se unem contra a gigante varejista Amazon

    "A Amazon está construindo um monopólio que vai terminar por destruir o mercado editorial como um todo ou promove, com sua agilidade, eficiência e baixos preços, uma difusão sem par da leitura? "

    leia materia de Marco Rodrigo Miranda Almeida

    Escritores se unem contra a Amazon em batalha por preços e lucros - 15/08/2014 - Ilustrada - Folha de S.Paulo:

    As chaves para entender a tensão racial no Missouri


    Há quatro noites, o condado de St. Louis, no estado de Missouri, nos Estados Unidos, vive uma onda de protestos. O gatilho para essas manifestações aconteceu no último sábado, quando Michael Brown, um jovem afro-americano de 18 anos, foi morto pela polícia da cidade de Ferguson. O incidente trouxe à tona as tensões entre a população negra e as forças policiais, que são majoritariamente brancas.

    leia mais
    O Globo - As chaves para entender a tensão racial no Missouri:

    Entreouvido lá em cima

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    Pessoas boas fazem coisas boas e pessoas más fazem coisas más.
    Mas para pessoas boas fazerem coisas más é preciso a religião.

    (Steven Weinberg) 

    Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?

    "Unfortunately, the patterns that we've been seeing recently are consistent: The police don't show as much care when they are handling incidents that involve young black men and women, and so they do shoot and kill," says Jones-Brown, a former assistant prosecutor in Monmouth County, New Jersey. "And then for whatever reason, juries and prosecutor's offices are much less likely to indict or convict."

    Police shootings of unarmed black people aren't limited to poor or predominantly black communities. Jones-Brown points to examples where police officers have shot unarmed black men and women in Hollywood, Riverside (California), and Prince Georges County—a Maryland suburb known as the most affluent US county with an African-American majority. "Part of the problem is that black people realize that you don't have to be poor, you don't have to be in your own community...and this can happen to you," she says. These killings occur against black people of varying socioeconomic backgrounds: "Actors, professional football players, college students, high school grads. They happen to black cops, too.""

    read analysis by Jareah Lee > 

    Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men? | Mother Jones


    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    quinta-feira, agosto 14, 2014

    pela cochlea: Tiger Darrow - Lost in translation

    she's one of those girls who's got everything and more
    you've given her all your love but she keeps shutting the door
    you keep coming to me for help and it all just breaks my heart
    but i guess that it's my own fault that I didn't tell you from the start

    because she's too perfect and she's too pretty and she'd be happy with you
    and you can't see what I've been hinting at I don't know what to do
    I think we're missing a page here
    something lost in translation

    click to listen:
    Tiger Darrow - Lost In Translation | Listen for free at

    Eduardo Campos

    (Campinas, SP)

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    North Korea's creepy fake civilian village fools no one


    Alastair Bonnett welcomes you to a fake place. The lights go on and off, and the roads are periodically swept clean, but the windows have no glass and there are no residents behind them. Kijong-dong, also called Peace Village, was built in the 1950s to lure potential defectors to North Korea, a display of the communist state’s progress and modernity. The question is, what remorseless logic keeps it going? 

    North Korea's creepy fake civilian village fools no one - Boing Boing

    Criança ganha arma de presente dos pais em livro infantil americano -

     Ilustração de livro infantil americano mostra pai portando arma ao fazer compras com a filha no mercado

    Em um livro infantil que tem gerado polêmica nos Estados Unidos, a protagonista Brenna Strong, 13, ganha dos pais uma arma de fogo por ter notas altas na escola.

    Brenna não estranha a rotina dos pais, que, sempre antes de sair de casa, retiram suas armas de um cofre e checam se estão carregadas antes de colocá-las na cintura.

    Criança ganha arma de presente dos pais em livro infantil americano - 13/08/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

    Estrelas mudam de lugar

    (São Paulo, SP)

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    segunda-feira, agosto 11, 2014

    "What will your verse be?" Robin Williams made me want to seize the day

     Robin Williams

    Williams tells his students that “we don't read and write poetry because it’s cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.” He goes on to quote Walt Whitman’s “O Me! O Life!,” a poem that ends by speaking directly to its readers: “the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.” Williams then turns to his students and asks the mother of all inspirational questions: “What will your verse be?”

    Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society: "What will your verse be?" (VIDEO)

    Robin Williams Was a Great Silent Comedian, Too

    Williams' finest roles displayed his quiet side, too. His gentle comedic touch could be overwhelmed by sentimentality on one hand and wackiness on the other, but the films in which he gave his most affecting performances were the ones in which he found a happy medium between antic verbal energy and elegant physicality.

    read more
    Robin Williams in The Fisher King: Silent comedy from the fast-talking star.

    Robin Williams’s Genie in Aladdin was one of his greatest performances.


     "Aladdin allowed Robin Williams to become what he so often was: a cartoon. When he first emerges from the lamp, he runs through more than a dozen different impressions in a single minute, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to a Scot in a kilt to Ed Sullivan. He keeps this rate up for the rest of the runtime of the movie, even when he’s also carrying a song. The animators somehow kept up, managing to morph the character from line to line just as Williams did with his voice-over. Williams didn’t get an Oscar nomination for the role, but it allowed him to fully become what he so often seemed—superhuman.  "

    read more
    Robin Williams’s Genie in Aladdin was one of his greatest performances. He became the superhuman cartoon he often was (VIDEO).

    pela cochlea: Dr John Getaway

    Strung out on thrills, livin' wild
    On a crooked road
    Wearing a cockeyed smile
    Never cared where I'd been
    Only that I'd see you again

    I was always ready to make a play
    Loved you so, made a getaway
    Dues I paid, was my greatest sin
    Will I ever see you again?
    See you again

    E o Fuleco? O que foi feito do Fuleco?

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    Photos: International street artists transform Tunisian village

     A child walks past a mural by Belgian artist ROA which decorates a wall in the village of Erriadh, on the Tunisian island of Djerba, on August 7, 2014, as part of the artistic project "Djerbahood". Artists from 34 diffrents nationalities were invited by France-based Tunisian artist Mehdi Ben Cheikh to take part in an initiative to turn Djerba's Erriadh district into an "open sky museum". AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET= RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE, MANDATORY MENTION OF THE ARTIST UPON PUBLICATION, TO ILLUSTRATE THE EVENT AS SPECIFIED IN THE CAPTION =        (Photo credit should read JOEL SAGET/AFP/Getty Images)

    A child walks past a mural by Belgian artist ROA which decorates a wall in the village of Erriadh, on the Tunisian island of Djerba, on August 7, 2014, as part of the artistic project "Djerbahood". Artists from 34 diffrents nationalities were invited by France-based Tunisian artist Mehdi Ben Cheikh to take part in an initiative to turn Djerba's Erriadh district into an "open sky museum". AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET

    see the gallery 
    Photos: International street artists transform Tunisian village

    Garota de Gaza vira sensação no Twitter com postagens sobre guerra

    Farah Baker, de 16 anos, mostra conflito com fotos, vídeos e a intensidade de uma adolescente

    Não é sempre fácil superar seus medos para enviar um tuíte, mas ela se sente obrigada a fazer isso. “Eu vejo isso como o único jeito que posso ajudar Gaza, mostrando o que está acontecendo aqui. Às vezes, eu mando um tuíte enquanto estou chorando ou com muito medo, mas eu digo a mim mesma que não devo parar”, disse Farah.

    Garota de Gaza vira sensação no Twitter com postagens sobre guerra - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital -

    Paulistas estão na menor água

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    Em que século estamos?

    Funcionários da unica Vara de Execuções Penais (VEP) do Rio em meio aos muitos processos acumuados em estantes e mesas : são 110 mil ações referentes a presos do estado à espera de solução.

    foto: Domingos Peixoto

    Without Realizing It, Russian Soldiers Are Proving Vladimir Putin Is Lying About Eastern Ukraine

     View image on Twitter

    "In the age of social media, many people seem to have the urge to share everything about their lives: Heading to concerts, birthdays, or maybe even what’s on the reading list.

    But in the case of some Russian soldiers, their urge to share has serious geopolitical consequences, as a few have been revealing their presence in or near eastern Ukraine without even realizing it.

    It’s an open secret that pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine are linked to Russian intelligence. There’s further evidence they are receiving intelligence, training, and sophisticated weaponry. But Russia has repeatedly denied having any of its actual military forces deployed there.

    “It’s all nonsense, there are no special units, special forces or instructors in the east of Ukraine,” Putin said in April, according to AP.

    But his soldiers are proving him wrong."

    read the article at Global Voices >

    Vanity Military Selfies Are Spoiling Russia’s Attack in Ukraine · Global Voices

    Unicef: conflito em gaza matou 392 crianças e feriu 2502

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    pela cochlea: Luiz Melodia - Moça bonita ( Álbum Zerima )

    Quem é essa moça bonita
    Vestida de renda e de chita
    Toda dengosa e faceira
    Traz com ela o perfume do mato
    Traz com ela as cores da feira

    Lost in Westeros? Use the Game of Thrones rail network map


     Graphic designer Michael Tyznik has created a rail map for the vast set of kingdoms in George RR Martin's fantasy book saga

      Game of Thrones subway map View larger picture

    The map, by graphic designer Michael Tyznik, suggests that dragons are not the only rapid transportation option in Westeros. It wittily reimagines the chaotic political upheaval of the kingdom as having settled down to the point where a transit system, complete with complex interchanges, has been hashed out – the river of red running down its spine is the only hint at the rampant violence. 

    There are little in-jokes like the boxed-out apology by Harrentown station: "Please pardon our dust as Harrenhal is restored". But you can forget about ever getting even a bus past the Wall, where the services definitely terminate.

    see it here
    Lost in Westeros? Use the Game of Thrones rail network map | Books |

    Cats Stealing Dog Beds: The Supercut 2013 Compilation

    domingo, agosto 10, 2014

    Dia dos Pais no Rio de Janeiro

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    Salomão e a Rainha de Sabá

    Tudo o que você queria saber sobre a inauguração do Templo do Rei Salomão, mas não tinha ninguém que lhe contasse

    Levitas carregando a réplica da Arca da Aliança (Foto: Divulgação) “Eu fui à abertura do Shopping Paulista e do Shopping Pátio Higienópolis. Lembro-me do susto que tomei quando entrei no estacionamento do shopping Paulista. Foi um dos primeiros shoppings a ter estacionamento sem janelas. Era uma coisa horrorosa. Depois entendi que esses lugares que pretendem sequestrar você do mundo real, apartar você da realidade, obrigatoriamente suprimem as janelas. Pode ver. Os shoppings são assim. Os bingos eram assim. Os cassinos são assim. E o Templo do Rei Salomão é assim. Não tem uma janela.”

    “O mais legal foi ver que Jesus acabou expulso do Templo do Rei Salomão. É muito engraçada a ironia. Justo quando inaugurava uma réplica do Templo de Jerusalém, construído por Herodes, do qual Jesus teria expulsado os vendilhões da fé, o bispo Edir Macedo resolveu expulsar Jesus.”

    leia a reportagem de LAURA CAPRIGLIONE
    Tudo o que você queria saber sobre a inauguração do Templo do Rei Salomão, mas não tinha ninguém que lhe contasse | Laura Capriglione - Yahoo Notícias

    Tem terra pra todo mundo

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    Projeto multimídia do ‘Guardian’ reconta Primeira Guerra Mundial

    O jornal britânico The Guardian lançou um projeto multimídia para relembrar os 100 anos da Primeira Guerra Mundial. O projeto, disponível em sete línguas, conta a história do conflito, desde o seu início, em 1914, até as consequências que surgiram com o seu fim, quatro anos mais tarde.

    Para contar a história de diferentes pontos de vista, o jornal procurou 10 historiadores de regiões que tiveram um papel importante na guerra. A narrativa é contada com a ajuda de vídeo, áudio, fotos e poemas pesquisados em diferentes acervos ao redor do mundo, com boa parte vindo do Imperial War Museums.

    veja aqui
    Projeto multimídia do ‘Guardian’ reconta Primeira Guerra Mundial - Tradução: Pedro Nabuco, edição de Leticia Nunes. Informações de Francesca Panetta [“Telling the story of the first world war with 2014 technology”, The Guardian, 23/7/2014] | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito:

    pela cochlea: Taraf De Haidouks - Turceasca

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