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    sábado, setembro 28, 2024






    Marcadores: ,

    Mulheres Distraidas



    Don L - auri sacra fames (part. Tasha & Tracie)

    O ouro afunda no mar, no marMadeira fica por cima, por cimaOstra nasce do lodo, do lodoGerando pérolas finas

    No leito de um rio





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Jacques Brel - Jojo

    Voici donc quelques rires, quelques vins quelques blondesJ'ai plaisir à te dire que la nuit sera longue à devenir demainJojoMoi je t'entends rugir quelques chansons marinesOù des Bretons devinent que Saint-Cast doit dormirTout au fond du brouillard



    Whisper Not - Benny Golson (in memoriam)

    Maggie Smith, Grande Dame of Stage and Screen, Dies at 89

     Maggie Smith wearing a bonnet and sitting in a white chair while wearing old-fashioned clothing and smiling slightly.

    "Behind the quick wit, though, lay the heart of an introvert. On the CBS News program “60 Minutes” in 2013, when it was suggested that she had no interest in celebrity, Ms. Smith said: “Absolutely none. I mean, why would I?”

    She had long described herself as painfully shy. Much earlier, in a 1979 interview with The Times, she confessed, “I’m always very relieved to be somebody else, because I’m not sure at all who I am or what indeed my personality is.”

    In the 2018 documentary “Tea With the Dames,” an interviewer asked Ms. Smith if the first days on a movie set were still scary for her."

    “All days are scary,” she said.



    Anita Gates and

    A MAGA Judicuary


     In <i>Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization</i>, the conservative justices cited historical facts that strengthened their arguments while ignoring those that contradicted them.

      "Thanks to Donald Trump’s presidential term, the conservative legal movement has been able to realize some of its wildest dreams: overturning the constitutional right to an abortion, ending affirmative action in college admissions, and potentially making most state-level firearm restrictions presumptively unconstitutional. That movement long predates Trump, and these goals were long-standing. But, like the rest of conservatism, much of the conservative legal movement has also been remade in Trump’s vulgar, authoritarian image, and is now preparing to go further, in an endeavor to shield both Trump and the Republican Party from democratic accountability.

    The federal judiciary has become a battleground in a right-wing culture war that aims to turn back the clock to a time when conservative mores—around gender, sexuality, race—were unchallenged and, in some respects, unchallengeable. Many of the federal judges appointed during Trump’s presidency seem to see themselves as foot soldiers in that war, which they view as a crusade to restore the original meaning of the Constitution. Yet in practice, their rulings have proved to be little more than Trump-era right-wing punditry with cherry-picked historical citations.

    The 2016 Trump administration was focused on quickly filling the judiciary with judges who are not just ideologically conservative but dedicated right-wing zealots. But that administration “didn’t have all of the chess pieces completely lined up” to get right-wing ideologues into every open seat, Jake Faleschini, of the liberal legal-advocacy group Alliance for Justice, told me. More restrained conservative jurists filled some of those seats. Trump and his allies will be better prepared next time, he said. “Those chess pieces are very well lined up now.”


    sexta-feira, setembro 27, 2024

    Aceitamos Bolsa Familia



    Marcadores: ,

    Viver por escrito: o país e a política na obra de Armando Freitas Filho


     O poeta Armando Freitas Filho em sua casa, na Urca

     Bernardo Mello Franco

     No início dos anos 1950, Armando Freitas Filho surpreendeu o pai com um pedido inusitado. Queria que Carlos Lacerda fosse seu padrinho de crisma. O fundador da Tribuna da Imprensa já havia trocado o comunismo pelo direitismo. Tempos depois, o menino faria o caminho inverso. “Eu o imitava em sentido contrário e passei a ler a Última Hora, de Samuel Wainer. Meus pais conservadores não me recriminavam”, recordava.

    Quando lançou o primeiro livro, “Palavra” (1963), o jovem poeta já se identificava como militante de esquerda. No ano seguinte, o golpe interromperia os sonhos de sua geração. “Tomei um nojo dos militares por 21 anos”, recordou, em ensaio publicado em “Só Prosa” (2022). 

     Ao longo da ditadura, os poemas de Armando ecoaram o clima pesado no país. Em “Sociedade Anônima” (1970), ele desafiou a censura ao retratar a repressão: “Pressões e prisões/ pessoas perdidas protestam,/ o povo pulsa no asfalto:/ pop — população palpita e explode/ punhos de pólvora e pânico, no ar”.

    Em “Corpo de Delito” (1979), misturou as estrofes do Hino Nacional com a dor dos presos políticos: “Daqui escuto os passos dos gigantes/ pisando, impávidos, a paisagem./ Escuto a marcha dos colossos/ por cima dos ossos”. Em “As Paredes Têm Ouvidos” (1982), ligou o ufanismo canarinho à brutalidade dos porões: “E salve a seleção/ salve-se quem puder/ pois de repente/ é aquela corrente/ nos pés”.

    A política não definiu a vasta obra de Armando, mas é impossível compreendê-la sem conhecer suas ideias. Devorador de jornais, o poeta nunca deixou de usar o noticiário como matéria-prima. Nos últimos anos, escreveu versos engajados contra o impeachment de Dilma, a prisão de Lula, a ascensão de Bolsonaro.

    No livro “Arremate” (2020), também desabafou sobre a violência do Rio. “Nenhuma bala é perdida./ Todas alcançam o alvo mais imprevisto — útero/ escudo, esconderijo escuro/ onde uma criança cresce”, escreveu, quando o menino Arthur Melo foi baleado na barriga da mãe.

    O autor de “3x4” (1985) envelheceu sem jamais perder a capacidade de indignação. Ao completar oito décadas de vida, refletiu sobre o passar do tempo: “Fazer 80 anos é terrível./ Uma espécie de mistura/ de alegria e tristeza/ de um beijo e de um adeus”. Ele doou seu acervo ao Instituto Moreira Salles, onde esperava “continuar vivendo por escrito”.

    Armando partiu ontem, aos 84 anos, celebrado como um dos maiores poetas brasileiros. Carioca da Urca, deu o último suspiro no alto da Gávea, no mesmo hospital em que morreu seu padrinho de crisma. 






    Five Years - David Bowie

    I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlorDrinking milk shakes cold and longSmiling and waving and looking so fineDon't think you knew you were in this songAnd it was cold and it rained, so I felt like an actorAnd I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back thereYour face, your race, the way that you talkI kiss you, you're beautiful, I want you to walk



    19 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1972



    Marcadores: ,

    Alice no pais das bets





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    Chrissie Hynde - How Glad I Am

    My love has no beginning, my love has no endNo front or back and my love won't bendI'm in the middle Lost in a spin Loving youAnd you don't know, you don't knowYou don't know, you don't know How glad I am

    i Remember Clifford - Benny Golson IN MEMORIAM

    With Israel’s Airstrikes, Beirut Plunges Into Panic



    “Our apartment block was hit shortly after we left,” Fnesh said of Israeli airstrikes, which came after Iran-backed Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel in support of Hamas. “I was scared they would hit the road, too,” she said, explaining that the family didn’t receive any prior warning. “We left in a rush, barely taking any [belongings] with us. On our way out, we saw constant strikes in the distance. We saw injured on the main highway to Beirut. My children cried for hours. We were all so scared.”

     Standing outside a classroom-turned-shelter, Fnesh told Foreign Policy that her family had nowhere to stay long-term in Beirut. “All of our family lives in the south, but I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to return. We have no home to return to.” She was holding her nearly 2-year-old daughter, Rayana. The shelter is chaotic as more people arrive and a few classrooms have been turned into functioning shelters. Most people are exhausted; some sleep on the floor in corners, others on the few mattresses that have already been provided."




    Trump’s on Truth Social MAKING NO SENSE AT ALL AGAIN |



    "Ladies, are you DEPRESSED and UNHAPPY? Do you feel POORER and LESS HEALTHY than you did four years ago? Do you pray one day your little woman brain will NO LONGER BE THINKING ABOUT ABORTION all the time? Well, don’t worry, Donald Trump is going to FIX ALL OF THAT."}

    read column by Arwa Mahdawi

    Trump’s on Truth Social MAKING NO SENSE AT ALL AGAIN | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian

    What does it feel to be Palestinian now?







    "Palestinians are certainly not the first people to
    endure genocide, but they are most certainly the
    first to have it broadcast in real time. How pathetic
    that we can’t stop this. Every night I make a single
    wish: Please let us wake to news of a cease-fire. But
    in the morning, when I pick up my phone, I already
    know what I see will keep me up another night."

    read article by NOURA ERAKAT

    quinta-feira, setembro 26, 2024

    Nathalia Urban



    Marcadores: ,

    Jogo do Tigrinho ganhou na loteria ao tratar os brasileiros como otários




    Não existe dinheiro fácil. Mesmo enganar internautas para roubar senhas de contas bancárias em uma quadrilha em Goiás exige alguma dedicação. Mas há quem ignore essa máxima e acredite que todo mundo pode ficar rico, basta ter o “mindset” adequado. Neste caso, jogar compulsivamente.

    O Brasil está a um passo de regulamentar a jogatina digital, o que vai incluir caça-níqueis viciados como o Jogo do Tigrinho e outras enganações. Neles, a máxima do cassino convencional (“a banca sempre vence”) é elevada à enésima potência porque está acessível a um celular de distância. Vai ser um massacre.

    Quem diria que uma sociedade com milhões de pessoas com pouco dinheiro no bolso e despreparada para a jogatina se viciaria na promessa de dinheiro fácil, não é mesmo? Piores do que os bingos, que levaram ao adoecimento psíquico de muita gente, as bets e jogos de azar online já estão demandando os nossos serviços de saúde, despreparados para lidar com essa dependência.

    A Justiça em SP determinou o bloqueio de 15 sites de jogos de azar virtuais, como a farsa do Tigrinho, que prometem retornos rápidos aos jogadores. A ação, por mais que queira colocar ordem no galinheiro, vai apenas enxugar gelo. Em outro caso, a influenciadora Deolane Bezerra, que foi presa e, agora, vai cumprir prisão domiciliar, teria aberto uma bet parta lavar dinheiro de jogos ilegais.

    Com a regulamentação na boca do forno, essas plataformas vão poder operar legalmente a partir do começo do ano que vem. 

    Muitos estão de olho nas receitas que vão vir dos jogos de azar e dos cassinos que serão erguidos. Dizem que isso trará empregos, impostos e anúncios, praticamente ignorando o tamanho da encrenca em saúde pública que a epidemia em jogos já está trazendo. Os brasileiros que estão se endividando e até cometendo suicídio? Fodam-se.

    No final das contas, as bets e casas de apostas vão lucrar dezenas de bilhões, sugando os trabalhadores com uma promessa vazia, até transformá-los em bagaço para o Estado cuidar.]


    Pablo Marçal nao está fora do jogo


    Na natureza...



    Marcadores: ,



    Nelson Rodrigues e a Burrice



    Mateus Aleluia e Thalma de Freitas - Cordeiro de Nanã |

    Fui chamado de cordeiro, mas não sou cordeiro não
    Preferi ficar calado que falar e levar não
    O meu silêncio é uma singela oração a minha santa de fé
    Meu cantar vibram as forças que sustentam meu viver
    Meu cantar é um apelo que eu faço a Nanã

    Desmatamento vai crescer






    Marcadores: , ,

    CHICO CHICO = Acorda Zé

    Neil Gaiman screen adaptations halted after allegations of sexual misconduct


     Neil Gaiman screen adaptations halted after allegations of sexual misconduct | Neil Gaiman | The Guardian

    Lula na ONU



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    ‘The Penguin’ Waddles Onto HBO


     A man in a black leather jacket holding a pistol scowls in the rain

    "“The Penguin” continues a decades-long trend toward bleak tones in both superhero storytelling and Batman media. Its creative team said that this is an inevitable consequence of trying to reflect the real world in their comic-book adaptation. As LeFranc put it, “My taste is that I think life is funny sometimes in its darkest moments, and I love mixing those tones.”

    read review by DAVE ITZKOFF

    ‘The Penguin’ Waddles Onto HBO – DNyuz

    Did you know climate change made the entire Earth wobble for nine days! What?

     read it here> 

    Did you know climate change made the entire Earth wobble for nine days! What? | First Dog on the Moon | The Guardian

    quarta-feira, setembro 25, 2024

    Mirante da Graça, Lisboa


    Extrema Barbarie





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    Para mim, a desfaçatez impregnada pela cultura do estupro no Brasil é uma aberração. E, quando eu me deparo com a repercussão angustiante e conservadora da sociedade, é um choque ácido e violento em mim.

    Vejo uma sociedade conservadora, chocada e apavorada, mas com todo mundo praticamente com os olhos fechados, sem querer abrir os olhos e enxergar a amarga e urgente realidade.

    E é vital que nesse momento tenhamos força para reagir.

     Porém, quando se é indicado finalista para uma premiação como o Prêmio Vladimir Herzog, que trata da questão dos direitos humanos, da liberdade de expressão, dos direitos das minorias excluídas, então, considero que já é uma grande conquista.

    Agradeço à equipe da Editoria de Opinião e da Editoria de Arte, por me permitirem ter o poder de me expressar (a charge de minha autoria foi publicada no dia 14/06), de me indignar, dentro deste espaço no jornal A Tarde, que é fundamental para ampliar as minhas ideias gráficas.

    Espero que isso dê repercussão também, porque a questão é emergencial, essa cultura do estupro que impera desde os anos 70, e que vem sendo denunciada desde então, agora é mais grave ainda, mais violenta e aviltante nos dias atuais. Quando você se dá conta dos absurdos casos de abusos, do número crescente de crianças estupradas, a revolta e a vergonha são sentimentos que dizem muito sobre o Brasil perante o mundo.

    Então, o povo todo precisa sair desse estado de choque, aprender a denunciar e a cobrar das autoridades para que isso não aconteça nunca mais. E que os culpados sejam rigorosamente punidos, sem leniência.

    Então, esses desenhos que eu tenho produzido geram em mim uma satisfação muito grande, em poder colaborar e dar eloquência a essa indignação social nesse momento.

    E, mais ainda, em saber que outros grandes cartunistas como o Quinho, do Estado de Minas e o Benett, da Folha de S. Paulo, estão finalistas nessa premiação em outubro, e que estão engajados nesta verdadeira cruzada para banir a violência contra mulheres e crianças.



    Jack White - Old Scratch Blues

    Jackie said she warned youSo tell me how you're gonna beShe's acting like she owned you, dethroned youBut nothing in the world is free

    Exploding Pagers in Lebanon, Another Israeli Terrorism Blunder?


      "In essence, it appears that Israel had initially prepared to order the evacuation ahead of a planned military action on the 16th. At the same time, the pagers were programmed to detonate during the initial phase of the war, 24 hours later, to disrupt communication channels, create confusion and disarray in the midst of war.

    However, the overextended Israeli army that failed in preventing the release of the evacuation leaflets on May 16, when the war was likely delayed. It also did not halt the premature detonation of the pagers on September 17. The last oversight, the second within 24 hours, may have resulted in a missed strategic opportunity for the Israeli army, and another blunder for the Israeli leadership."

    read article by JAMAL KANJ

    Exploding Pagers in Lebanon, Another Israeli Terrorism Blunder? -

    Dia do Sorvete



    Marcadores: ,




    Inverno em Paquetá


    A meta do partido é...


    Marcadores: ,

    Paulinho da Viola — Coisas do Mundo, Minha Nêga (Memórias Cantando, 1976)

    As coisas estão no mundo só que eu preciso aprender

    Israel Is Losing




    "Israel’s military will likely oust Hamas from governing
    Gaza. But analysts like Tareq Baconi argue
    that Hamas has sought to break out of the shackles
    of governing a territory sectioned off from the rest
    of Palestine on terms set by the occupying power.
    Hamas’s gambit may have been to sacrifice the
    municipal governance of Gaza in order to cement its
    status as a national resistance organization.

    Hamas sees victory not in one year or five, but
    from engaging with decades of struggle that
    increase Palestinian solidarity and increase
    Israel’s isolation. In this scenario, Hamas rallies
    a besieged population in Gaza around it in
    anger and helps collapse the Palestinian Authority
    government by ensuring Palestinians
    see it even more as a feckless adjunct to Israeli
    military authority. Meanwhile, Arab states
    move strongly away from normalization, the
    Global South aligns strongly with the Palestinian
    cause, Europe recoils at the Israeli army’s
    excesses, and an American debate erupts
    over Israel, destroying the bipartisan support
    Israel has enjoyed here since the early 1970s."


    O mindset da facada



    Marcadores: ,

    No End to Israel’s Killing Machine and U.S. Complicity]


      ""U.S. silence in the wake of the deadly explosions of pagers and walkie-talkies across Lebanon is one more indication of U.S. unwillingness to condemn heinous Israeli acts of terrorism. U.S. diplomats and National Security Council spokesman Kirby continue to claim that their efforts have prevented a “full-blown war” between Israel and Lebanon, but this simply has not been the case. The fact that hundreds of innocent Lebanese have been killed and injured, including children and health-care workers, doesn’t appear to count as “acts of war.” Meanwhile, Blinken is in Egypt urging “all parties” to avoid steps that could “further escalate the conflict that we’re trying to resolve.” Obviously, Blinken seems to have no idea that he is being ignored by the Israelis, and that his feckless statements have only embarrassed the United States in the Middle East as well as the larger global stage.

    Meanwhile, government watchdogs in the Departments of State and Defense are about to issue statements that will document the export of billions of dollars of U.S. weapons that are in violation of laws that prohibit the transfer of military assistance to countries that commit violations of human rights and block the movement of humanitarian assistance. "


    "No End to Israel’s Killing Machine and U.S. Complicity -

    Maria Gadú - Nuvem Cigana (Lo Borges- Ronaldo Bastos)


    Chegada da Primavera





    Marcadores: ,

    Cat Scratch Political Fever


    Jeffrey St. Clair>>

    Miss Sassy started the biggest political fire since Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over a lamp and burned down Chicago. Last month, Miss Sassy disappeared from the sight of her owner, Anna Kilgore, a Trump-Vance fanatic in Springfield, Ohio. After a couple of days, Kilgore called 9-11, claiming that her Calico cat may have been stolen and devoured by her Haitian neighbors, who she’d never bothered to get to know.

    Someone sent this unverified police report to Ohio Senator and Trump sidekick JD Vance, who tweeted out his racist alarum that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were stealing cats and eating them. A day later, Donald Trump amplified this bigoted slur during his debate with Kamala Harris. Soon, Springfield’s city hall and schools were hit with bomb threats.

    This week, the Vance campaign sent the Wall Street Journal a copy of the police report as proof of an epidemic of pet-eating by Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. Later that evening a Journal reporter knocked on Kilgore’s door to inquire about her missing and allegedly gormandized cat. Kilgore said Miss Sassy wasn’t missing; after all, she’d been hiding in the basement and reappeared a couple of days later. Kilgore said that she’d already apologized to her Haitian neighbors, something JD Vance is unlikely ever to do.
    + The alleged Haitian “geese-napper” in Springfield, Ohio, wasn’t in Springfield, but Columbus, 40 miles away. Didn’t steal the geese, he was shown holding, they were roadkill. And, alas, isn’t Haitian. Close, but no cigar, MAGA…

    + Give JD Vance credit for being honest about his pathological dishonesty: “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

    + Still even after admitting he was telling racist fairy tales, a majority of Trump supporters believe the Haitian immigrants are stealing-and-eating-pets lie, while independents disbelieve it more than 2-to-1, though.

    terça-feira, setembro 24, 2024



    Frank Zappa - Willie the Pimp

    I'm a little pimp with my hair gassed backPair a khaki pants with my shoe shined blackGot a little lady, walk that streetTellin' all the boys that she can't be beat

    Brasil em Chamas





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