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    sábado, dezembro 24, 2016

    Star Wars Watch Chewbacca sing 'Silent Night' as only a Wookiee can


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    Feliz Navidad- Jose Feliciano lyrics [HQ]

    Natal em tempos de Herodes | Leonardo Boff

    "Zeloso por seu poder, ouviu que nascera em seu reino, a Judéia, um menino-rei. Foi quando ordenou degolar todas os meninos abaixo de dois anos (Mt 2,16). Ouviu-se então uma das palavras mais dolentes de toda Bíblia:”Em Ramá se ouviu uma voz, muito choro e gemido: é Raquel que chora os filhos e não quer ser consolada, porque eles já não existem”(Mt 2,18).

    Essa história do assassinato de inocentes continua de outra forma. As políticas ultracapitalistas impostas pelo atual governo, tirando direitos, diminuindo salários, cortando benefícios sociais básicos como saúde, educação, segurança, aposentadorias e congelando por 20 anos as possibilidades de desenvolvimento têm como consequência uma perversa e lenta matança de inocentes da grande maioria pobre de nosso país.

    Aos legisladores não são desconhecidas as consequências letais, derivadas da decisão de considar mais importante o mercado que as pessoas."

    mais no artigo de LEONARDO BOFF 

    Natal em tempos de Herodes | Leonardo Boff

    Neste Natal, cuidado

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    Hydra: a pilgrimage to Leonard Cohen’s Greek island retreat

    "Head to the port – there are no street names on the island – and you’ll find Roloi, Cohen’s old favourite, under the clock tower in the harbour, which is a great place to stop for an ouzo. The Pirate Bar, also in the port, used to be called O Peiratis and was another haunt of Cohen’s and his friends, and it’s still very popular – chic but not too exclusive. For cocktails, while you’re watching the sunset, the bars along the cliff are the place to go for sea views, which are always more dramatic out of season.

    The colder weather feels more atmospheric and romantic, and it is easier to imagine how it used to be when Cohen bought his home here, a few days past his 26th birthday. The older bohemians may have all but disappeared yet the island is still delightfully out of time, isolated from the rest of the world. It is car free and mules do a lot of the carrying.

    Cohen’s description of life here, now a famous quote in Greece, still feels relevant: “There is nowhere in the world where you can live like you can in Hydra, and that includes Hydra.”"

    read the article by Yannis Baboulias

    Hydra: a pilgrimage to Leonard Cohen’s Greek island retreat | Travel | The Guardian

    Mantendo a inocencia no Natal

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    pela cochlea: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - 'Magneto'

    Mostly I never knew which way was out
    Once it was on, it was on and that was that
    The umbilicus was a force that they'd found in rabid blood
    Then I spin on my wheel like a laboratory rat
    I was an electrical storm on the bathroom floor, clutching the bowl
    My blood was for the gags and other people's diseases
    My monstrous little memory had swallowed me whole
    It was the year I officially became the bride of Jesus



    sexta-feira, dezembro 23, 2016

    Até o temer reconhece que sua ponte para o futuro virou uma pinguela

    quinta-feira, dezembro 22, 2016

    Building the Great Wall of Vulvas: 21,000 drawings (and 103 Volvos) later

    "We created the Great Wall of Vulvas to accompany the Vagina Dispatches, the Guardian video series on women’s health. The first episode focused on the question: “What does the vagina vulva even look like?” According to one survey, only half of women aged 26-35 were able to label the vagina accurately. As one person featured in the video said: “How can [women] be in charge of their bodies if they don’t even know what they’re called?”

    If they’ve seen them at all, some people have only seen vaginas and vulvas depicted clinically as pink medical diagrams in health textbooks, while penises are frequently found carved into the very desk the textbook sits on (not to mention scrawled on bathroom stalls, tagged on lockers, drawn in snow ... )"

    read more and see the gallery 

    Building the Great Wall of Vulvas: 21,000 drawings (and 103 Volvos) later | Life and style | The Guardian:


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    pela cochlea: The Andrew Sisters - Hold Tight, Hold Tight (Want Some Sea Food Mama)

    I like oysters, lobsters too
    I like my tasty butter fish, foo
    When I come home late at night
    I get my favorite dish, fish

    Volume Morto

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