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    sábado, janeiro 06, 2018

    Brazil seethes as man jailed for sexual abuse of teenager joins congress | World news | The Guardian

    "Documents submitted to court described Nahim, 60, as a regular client of a prostitution ring in the Rio town of Campos dos Goytacazes between 2008 and 2009, in which underage girls were kept behind bars and forced to consume drugs in order to have sex with clients. According to prosecutors, Nahim had sex with two 15-year-old girls at a country house he owned. He denies the allegations.

    “There was a chain of sexual exploitation in Campos,” said Ludimila Rodrigues, one of a group of prosecutors who worked on the court case. “He was one of the clients of this network of prostitution.”"

    read article by Dom Philips

    Brazil seethes as man jailed for sexual abuse of teenager joins congress | World news | The Guardian:

    pela cochlea:: Baco Exu do Blues - Esú

    A dor some ao ver que os deuses têm inveja dos
    O mundo é fruto da nossa imaginação
    Será que somos deuses ou sua criação

    2017, um ano para esquecer

    SAL - O que sempre há são nostalgias de antigas formas de sociabilidade

    "O que sempre há, porém, são nostalgias de antigas formas de sociabilidade. Fim de ano e férias, por exemplo, são momentos em que encontramos as pessoas em mesas de bar, almoços e festas. Abraçar, cantar, dançar, gargalhar ou brigar em uma conversa sem ajuda de emoticons, são fatos que nos lembram: tudo acontece ao mesmo tempo — mesmo que tais formas presenciais sejam cada vez mais escassas pelo ritmo frenético da vida e, principalmente, por nos acostumarmos a saber dos outros através de aplicativos. E como quase sempre o compartilhamento da vida são de momentos positivos, alegres, vitoriosos, espalha-se uma sensação de bem-estar opressivo, já diagnosticado por muitos especialistas desses temas. Estamos todos sorridentes, reluzentes, quentes, crentes no compartilhamento do melhor que temos. Ou dos vazios que não podemos deletar. Mais uma foto. Mais um vídeo. Mais um mar sem gosto de sal."


    sexta-feira, janeiro 05, 2018

    50 milhões de pessoas abaixo da linha de pobreza

    (Joinville, SC)

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    pela cochlea<< Tatá Aeroplano em "Uma janela aberta"

    Uma janela aberta

    Me bate uma saudade
    De te ver sã

    E salva nessa cidade
    Onde mora o outono

    Nos jornais
    De domingo

    Espalhados no chão

    Onde mora esse homem
    Que já morreu em mim

    quinta-feira, janeiro 04, 2018

    Ivanka seeks the presidency – and other big claims from explosive new book

    "No one in the Trump campaign expected to win the presidency, Wolff writes, and most including Trump saw his run as leverage for careers in television or politics. Melania Trump, Wolff claims, was horrified by the prospect of victory. When on election night it became clear Trump could indeed beat Clinton and take the White House, according to the book “Melania was in tears – and not of joy”. 

    read more

    Ivanka seeks the presidency – and other big claims from explosive new book | US news | The Guardian: Wolff writes: “Bannon was telling people something else: he, Steve Bannon, was going to run for president.

    2018 preso!

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    Discriminação Racial

    da coluna do ancelmo

    Tem que manter isso, viu

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    Ano Nuevo

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    Balanço do Ano

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    oela cochlea>> Elvis Presley.... Thats Alright (Mama)- First Release - 1954

    Mama she done told me,
    Papa done told me too
    'Son, that gal your foolin' with,
    She ain't no good for you'
    But, that's all right, that's all right.
    That's all right now mama, anyway you do

    Meu botão é maior do que seu botão

    (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

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    Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book | US news | The Guardian

    "You realise where this is going,” he is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”

    The meeting was revealed by the New York Times in July last year, prompting Trump Jr to say no consequential material was produced. Soon after, Wolff writes, Bannon remarked mockingly: “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers.

    “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

    Bannon went on, Wolff writes, to say that if any such meeting had to take place, it should have been set up “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people”. Any information, he said, could then be “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”.

    Bannon added: “You never see it, you never know it, because you don’t need to … But that’s the brain trust that they had.”

    read more>>

    Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book | US news | The Guardian: Former White House strategist quoted in Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff, as saying: ‘They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV’

    pela cochlea>> The KVB – Sympathy For The Devil

    Temer teve ano de recuos para salvar governo


    "Sob pressão da opinião pública e da equipe presidencial, entre outras medidas ele revogou um decreto com impacto ambiental, não realizou reforma ministerial ampla como se esperava e desistiu da regra para afastamento de auxiliares investigados.

    O próprio presidente defendeu, no ano passado, sua já notória atitude de recuar. "Quando houver equívoco, tem de rever a posição. Se o fizer, consertá-lo-ei", disse."

    leia recuos na reportagem de Gustavo Uribe​ e Camila Mattoso​

    Temer teve ano de recuos para salvar governo:

    quarta-feira, janeiro 03, 2018

    Aumente seu botão nuclear


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    pela cochlea>> Choo Choo Ch'Boogie - Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five

    Headin' for the station with a pack on my back
    I'm tired of transportation in the back of a hack
    I love to hear the rhythm of the clickety-clack
    And hear the lonesome whistle, see the smoke from the stack
    And pal around with democratic fellas named Mac
    So take me right back to the track, Jack

    'Satire has had a busy year': how to laugh at the year that was | Life and style | The Guardian

    "Barely a year goes by these days without some kind of major news event occurring. Time was, not so long ago in the grand scheme of things, when nothing much would happen for a couple of centuries. Some historians (OK, Wikipedia) note that in the year 1317, there were only four events. It must have been a testing time to be a newsreader or topical panel show comedian; but was the planet happier, unencumbered by things that were happening, and people’s reactions to things that were happening, preoccupied as they were by humble pursuits such as avoiding death? Who knows.

    Now, however, news never sleeps (which might explain why it has become so short-tempered and erratic). As the first year in history in which the most powerful person in the world has been an internet troll with access to a Twitter account, 2017 has been even more newsically unrelenting than its predecessor, role model and inspiration, 2016.

    It has been a year of nuclear brinksmanship with a North Korean loon-child, of celebrity sexpestilence being belatedly confronted, of accusations, denials, counter-denials and conspiracy theories, of tension, anger, bafflement and confusion at a planet being tugged simultaneously forwards into an uncontrollable future and backwards towards a largely fictitious past. The medieval and the futuristic have proved uncomfortable bedfellows."

    read article by Andy Zaltzman

    'Satire has had a busy year': how to laugh at the year that was | Life and style | The Guardian:

    Tem que manter isso, viu

    terça-feira, janeiro 02, 2018

    Largando para o novo ano

    (Recife - PE) 

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    pela cochlea>> Neil Young + Promise of the Real - People Want to Hear About Love -

    Don't talk about the corporations hijacking all your rights
    People want to hear about love

    Don't mention world poverty talk about global love
    People want to hear about love

    Don't say pesticides are causing autistic children
    People want to hear about love

    Don't say people don't vote becaus

    Tropicalia Music Still Speaks To Young Marginalized Urban Brazilians : NPR

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    Brazilian music has always reflected the country's mood, from the fast-moving rhythms of samba to the soulful sound of Tropicalia. A few decades ago, when Brazil was a dictatorship, music was a way of speaking out. Now a massive corruption scandal casts a shadow over Brazil's government, the economy is in turmoil, and the music captures today's worries and frustrations. NPR's Philip Reeves reports from Rio de Janeiro.

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    Tropicalia Music Still Speaks To Young Marginalized Urban Brazilians : NPR

     : In Brazil, there's been a resurgence of Tropicalia — the anti-authoritarian, anarchic music that emerged under the military junta of the 1960s. It's back and fused with rap and lyrics fighting for Brazil's poor and marginalized.

    Happy New Year

    (Salvador, BA)

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    pela cochlea:: Claudio Arrau Chopin Nocturne 19 Op. 72 No 1

    No primeiro ano de governo, Crivella cumpriu apenas 9 de 54 promessas


    Fontes da própria administração municipal citam decisões equivocadas que causaram prejuízos à prefeitura ou à qualidade dos serviços públicos. Erros que teriam começado antes mesmo da posse: Crivella demorou a montar uma equipe de transição e participou pouco do processo, já que optou por exercer o mandato de senador até meados de dezembro de 2016. Em janeiro deste ano, exonerou todos os ocupantes de cargos de chefia, mas a substituição dos demitidos levou meses e houve situações constrangedoras, como o caso de dois assessores cujas nomeações saíram depois que já haviam morrido.

    Na área de saúde, a decisão de retardar o repasse de recursos para fornecedores e organizações sociais responsáveis pela administração de cerca de 170 unidades levou ao desabastecimento de hospitais. Profissionais terceirizados entraram em greve e começaram a faltar remédios.

    Ao longo de 2017, Crivella colecionou polêmicas. Eleito com o apoio de dirigentes de escolas de samba, não apareceu na Sapucaí no carnaval e cortou pela metade a subvenção das agremiações. Eventos tradicionais como a Parada Gay e a procissão em homenagem a Iemanjá também ficaram sem recursos. O prefeito teve ainda o desgaste de ver a nomeação de seu filho Marcelo Hodge para a Casa Civil anulada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), que a considerou um ato de nepotismo. Também foi alvo de críticas por afrouxar a fiscalização de ambulantes — o alto índice de desemprego foi usado como justificativa.

    Mais na reportagem de Luiz Ernesto Magalhaes

    Oferenda Yemanjá

    (Curitiba, PR) 
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    segunda-feira, janeiro 01, 2018

    Sete Ondas

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