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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sexta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2010

    Tomou, Papuda!

    (Campinas, SP)
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     Por esses dias rola a convenção do PT
    celebrando seus 30 anos e lançando a "sua" candidata à presidência.
    Nos EUA rola uma convenção quase tão bizarra
    promovida pelo Comitê de Ação Política Conservadora americana.
    Dois jornalistas blogando sobre as sandices dos reaças de lá:

    Live from Right-Wing Central
    it is a psychotic distortion, a step towards a cult-like mentality of ideological purity under siege from the outside world, i.e. anyone who disagrees with them on anything.
    daily beast

    Para comemorar seu 85º aniversário, a New Yorker, através de sua diretora de arte Françoise Mouly, encomendou quatro capas diferentes, com o tema Evolução, e fazendo referencia a borboletas. Os artistas foram Chris Ware, Ivan Brunetti, Adrian Tomine e Dan Clowes.

    new yorker

    The New Yorker 85th anniversary covers 
    In each of the new covers, the cartoonists look at how the image of Tilley and the butterfly may, or may not, have come about.
    creative review

    ilustrações de Ivan Brunetti e Chris Ware 

    Karl Rabeder, Austrian Millionaire, Wants To Give Away Fortune 
     "It was the biggest shock in my life, when I realised how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is," he said.

    Put the book back on the shelf: Literary works that should never be adapted to film or TV again

    Put the book back on the shelf: Literary works that should never be adapted to film or TV again
    The world doesn’t need a fifth Indiana Jones movie, or any more big-screen retreads of ’80s cartoons that weren’t that great to begin with. And it especially doesn’t need yet another weak reconceptualization of Romeo And Juliet, or yet another stuffy screen version of Pride And Prejudice to join the wave of them that started back in 1938.
    av club


    quarta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2010

    Charge de Cinzas


    (Belém, PA)

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    segunda-feira, fevereiro 15, 2010

    Charge Carnavalesca

    (Curitiba, PR)

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    Lost, Scanners, Frisbees, Haiti & Capitão America

    2007 file photo: James Mitterling of Lansing, Mich., leaps from the sand of South Haven's South Beach to catch a frisbee as the sun sets in South Haven, Mich. (AP photo/Kalamazoo Gazette, Jonathon Gruenke)

    Morreu o inventor do Frisbee
    Should Everybody Grab Their Frisbees To Honor Its Inventor?

    foto de Jonathan Gruenke

    Parece que realmente tinha coisa nessa história dos gringos que queriam salvar crianças haitianas...
    Adviser to Detained Americans in Haiti Is Investigated 
    a man suspected of leading a trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls is also a legal adviser to the Americans charged with trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without permission.
    ny times


    Podiam doar umas tendas dessas pro governo brasileiro também. Tem tudo a ver!
    Donated Circus Tents To House Haiti Government
    Cirque du Soleil tents are en route to Haiti to serve as a temporary headquarters for Port-au-Prince government

    Video comparando o voo Oceanic 815 da primeira temporada com o voo Oceanic 815 de ultima temporada, no roteiro circular de Lost. Bom para notar as diferenças.
    Lost: a side by side comparison

    Airport body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslims say
    The decision could complicate efforts to intensify screening of potential terrorists who are Muslim.

    Marvel Comics' depiction of anti-tax protesters inspires anger, apology 
     Captain America investigates a right-wing anti-government militia group called "the Watchdogs". Hoping to infiltrate the group, Captain America and his African-American sidekick The Falcon observe an anti-tax protest from a rooftop.  The protestors depicted are all white and carry signs adorned with slogans almost identical to those seen today in Tea Party rallies.


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