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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    sábado, abril 02, 2022

    Todos os escândalos têm o DNA dos esquemas milicianos da família Bolsonaro

    "Todos os escândalos têm o DNA dos
    esquemas milicianos da família Bolso-
    naro. Esquemas a conta-gotas, capazes
    de enriquecer individualmente, mas que
    passariam abaixo do radar de investiga-
    ções sobre corrupção no País. O ouro pe-
    dido na propina, por exemplo, equivale-
    ria hoje a algo em torno de 300 mil reais.
    É o tipo de corrupção de quem naturali-
    za a cobrança de taxas de gás e internet
    em comunidades, de quem faz grilagem
    e extorsão a moradores. Enfim, a corrup-
    ção miliciana que Bolsonaro, os filhos e
    amigos como Queiroz conhecem de per-
    to há muitos anos. A diferença é que, ago-
    ra, os milicianos ocupam o Planalto e ne-
    gociam com novas mercadorias."


    sexta-feira, abril 01, 2022

    THE ROLLING STONES - Hoo Doo Blues ( Blues and Lonesome) 09-12)


    Now, when your woman actin' funny, begin to run around
    You better get you somebody, put you down
    Better let her go
    Just as quick as you can
    You know that hoodoo girl
    She a hoodoo the hoodoo man





     "It was one of the moments when Dondyuk broke down. Over the past eight years, he has photographed many aspects of the war between Russia and Ukraine. He has seen and documented it from both sides of the front. For Dondyuk, 38, the story was always personal, but never more than over the past few weeks. His mother has been forced to flee the nation as a refugee. His father lives in a town under Russian military occupation. “My city, where I lived for years, is being destroyed,” Dondyuk says of Kyiv. “I’m not coming at this from afar. This is my pain. This is my country.”"

     read newstory By Simon Shuster
    see Photographs by Maxim Dondyuk



    Bora Conja



    Marcadores: ,

    Lana Del Rey - White Dress (Official Music Video)

    When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress, handling the heat
    I wasn't famous, just listening to Kings of Leon to the beat
    Like, look at how I got this
    Look how I got this, just singing in the street
    Down at the Men in Music Business Conference
    I felt free 'cause I was only 19
    Such a scene



    Moro desiste



    Marcadores: ,

    1 de abril



    Marcadores: ,

    quinta-feira, março 31, 2022

    Why is Russia’s military regrouping and can Ukraine forces disrupt them?

    "On the one hand, the Russian statements also reflects a significant – but temporary – win for Ukraine. A siege of Kyiv, a nightmare scenario for hundreds of thousands, has been averted, by a spirited defence that has seen light infantry harass and destroy Russian armour that tried and failed to bear down on the capital.

    But Russia has a lot to gain from a slowdown in fighting, particularly where it is accompanied by hopeful-sounding rhetoric about reduced military activity around Kyiv – while its forces fight building by building for control of Mariupol in the south.

    Its forces can rest, reorganise, and quietly concentrate mass in the east, now the publicly stated focus of operations. Reinforcements, where they are available, are “mostly lined up for reinforcements in operations in the Donbas”, western intelligence officials said on Tuesday."


    Why is Russia’s military regrouping and can Ukraine forces disrupt them? | Ukraine | The Guardian

    Ditadura nunca mais



    Marcadores: ,

    Willie Cobbs / You Don't Love Me



    Tower Bridge


    31 de março



    Marcadores: ,

    Aceito Ouro



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    quarta-feira, março 30, 2022

    Ucraniano que voltou sozinho a Mariupol consegue resgatar filho e ex-mulher


    O ucraniano Oleg, que conseguiu buscar a ex-mulher, o filho de 15 anos e a ex-sogra em Mariupol
    A ex-sogra, a ex-mulher e o filho de Oleg, que ele conseguiu tirar de Mariupol, na Ucrânia - Arquivo pessoal
    "Ao chegar a Mariupol, ele encontrou uma cidade completamente em ruínas. "É um desastre, um desastre completo", diz. Prédios destruídos, cabos elétricos espalhados pelas ruas, estilhaços por todos os cantos, corpos e pedaços deles, cemitérios improvisados.

    Vizinhos de sua ex-mulher disseram ter caçado pombos e cachorros abandonados para se alimentar. Fosse o relato verdadeiro ou não, Oleg conta ter dado a eles toda a comida que tinha levado consigo, "para apoiá-los de alguma forma"."


    The Kinks - You Can't Win

    What more can you say now?
    What more can you do?
    No need to feel sad now
    'cause times are pretty thin
    And you can't win
    You can't win
    You can't win




    Marcadores: ,

    João da Baiana - Batuque na cozinha (João da Baiana)

    Não moro em casa de cômodo
    Não é por ter medo não
    Na cozinha muita gente
    Sempre tem alteração
    Batuque na cozinha sinhá não quer
    Por causa do batuque eu queimei meu pé

    Montando Ziraldo


    Montando Ziraldo

    Entrega do Oscar foi tentativa inglória de reverter a decadência

    "Como programa de TV e também como ápice da temporada de cinema nos EUA, a 94ª cerimônia de entrega do Oscar sinalizou claramente que as coisas em Hollywood andam esquisitas — e nada mais representativo de um certo vazio criativo e da perda acelerada de relevância do que conceder o prêmio principal a um filme fofinho americano que é... refilmagem de um filme fofinho francês."


    Ministros demitidos



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    Os fantasmas de Arthur Lira

    "Djair, o Queiroz de Arthur Lira?
    Arthur Lira e Djair Silva se conheceram em 1989, quando o político promovia vaquejadas no parque Arthur Filho, no município de Pilar (AL) e Djair trabalhava na TV Gazeta de Alagoas. O empresário contratou Djair para cuidar dos eventos no parque e, ao longo do tempo, ele foi se transformando em um “faz-tudo” do político. “O Djair toma conta do escritório de Arthur Lira em Maceió. Pensão alimentícia de Arthur Lira, quem paga é Djair, ele pagava o colégio do filho do Arthur Lira quando o menino vivia em Maceió; cartão de saúde, quem renovava era ele, tudo! Até quando o pai tinha que comparecer no colégio, quem ia era o Djair”, revelou uma pessoa próxima a eles que prefere não se identificar.
    Em 11 de maio de 2020, Djair Silva foi nomeado secretário parlamentar no gabinete de Lira no Legislativo Federal, com salário de R$ 7.509,50 e auxílios no valor de R$ 982,29 e é “encarregado pela parte financeira”, segundo Luciano Lessa."
    Em três mandatos, deputado federal empregou 7 parentes de assessor acusado de operar esquema de “rachadinha” em Alagoas; indícios mostram que um deles seria “funcionário fantasma”
    çeoa reportagem de Alice Maciel

    Os fantasmas de Arthur Lira - Agência Pública

    João Gilberto - Eclipse

    Eclipse de luna en el cielo
    Ausencia de luz en el mar
    Muy solo con mi desconsuelo
    Mirando la noche, me puse a llora

    We will Rock you



    Marcadores: ,

    30 de março



    Marcadores: ,

    terça-feira, março 29, 2022

    Let's talk about mud, the greatest friend Ukraine ever had

     Ukrainian servicemen ride on tanks towards the front line with Russian forces in the Lugansk region of Ukraine on February 25, 2022. - Ukrainian forces fought off Russian troops in the capital Kyiv on the second day of a conflict that has claimed dozens of lives, as the EU approved sanctions targeting President Vladimir Putin.  Small arms fire and explosions were heard in the city's northern district of Obolonsky as what appeared to be an advance party of Russia's invasion force left a trail of destruction. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP) (Photo by ANATOLII STEPANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

    Before the invasion, I posted a 7-day weather outlook for Ukraine and wrote, “Those are above-freezing temperatures, meaning that grounds are already thawing out, creating a soft mushy mess that would bog down any Russian incursion deep into Ukraine.” It wasn’t a particularly novel observation.

    A brief from the Center for Strategic and International Studies on January 13 noted that, “An invasion that begins in January or February would have the advantage of frozen ground to support the cross-country movement of a large mechanized force [...] Should fighting continue into March, mechanized forces would have to deal with the infamous Rasputitsa, or thaw [...] In March, the frozen steppes thaw, and the land again becomes at best a bog, and at worst a sea of mud.”

    The National Interest devoted an entire story on February 10 to the topic:

    It has been said that Russia's weather helped save the motherland from numerous invasions. While harsh winters played a major role, so too did the Russian mud that came from the fall rains and spring thaws. “Rasputitsa” is the Russian term for the two seasons of the year—spring and autumn—when travel on unpaved roads across the vast plains of the country becomes difficult due to the muddy conditions.

    The term literally translates to "thaw," but it has come to mean "time without roads."

    The lack of passable countryside is a problem for two reasons. One, mechanized units need space to maneuver. There’s a reason we’ve seen so many videos of Russian equipment bogged down in, well, bog. That’s what they’re supposed to do, spread out, and attempt to flank the enemy, attacking it on its sides, attempt to surround them. They’re called “maneuver units” for a reason. When the countryside is swallowing tanks, well, there’s no maneuvering happening. 

    The second reason is the obvious one—by forcing Russian units to remain on roads, it makes it easier to funnel them to ambush points, makes it easier for aircraft and drones to find and hit, and limits their progress toward key objectives to wherever the roads may take them. 

    Russia supposedly invaded as late as it did so it wouldn’t step on China’s Olympics. Whatever the actual reason, it has cost Russia dearly, in time, in material, in lives, and in treasure. Apparently, it’s Russia’s time to learn what Napoleon and Hitler discovered the hard way.


    Both Ends of the Earth are Burning:



    Jeffrey St. Clair

    + Last week the Arctic was 50 degrees warmer than average  and Antarctica 70 degrees warmer than average–50 degrees warmer than average in March in Portland, Oregon would be 106F, while 70 degrees warmer than average in Sydney, Australia in March would be 147F.

    + The Antarctic heat wave was quickly followed by the collapse of the entire Conger Ice Shelf, an area about the size of Los Angeles.

    + This week more than 175 wildfires erupted across Texas,  burning more than 100,000 acres, incinerating hundreds of structures, including homes, barns and businesses, and much of the town of Carbon.

    + In order to keep the 1.5C warming threshold alive, carbon emissions need to be cut in half by the end of this decade. Instead, CO2 emissions are set to rise by 14%.



    segunda-feira, março 28, 2022

    Milton Ribeiro



    Marcadores: ,

    Rex Orange County - 10/10 (Official Video)

    I had a think about my oldest friends
    Now, I no longer hang with them
    And I can't wait to be home again
    I had a year that nearly sent me off the edge
    I feel like a five, I can't pretend
    But if I get my shit together this year
    Maybe I'll be a ten


    What's at stake in Ukraine is the direction of human history,


    "AT THE HEART of the Ukraine crisis lies a fundamental question about the nature of history and the nature of humanity: is change possible? Can humans change the way they behave, or does history repeat itself endlessly, with humans forever condemned to re-enact past tragedies without changing anything except the décor?

    One school of thought firmly denies the possibility of change. It argues that the world is a jungle, that the strong prey upon the weak and that the only thing preventing one country from wolfing down another is military force. This is how it always was, and this is how it always will be. Those who don’t believe in the law of the jungle are not just deluding themselves, but are putting their very existence at risk. They will not survive long.

    Another school of thought argues that the so-called law of the jungle isn’t a natural law at all. Humans made it, and humans can change it. Contrary to popular misconceptions, the first clear evidence for organised warfare appears in the archaeological record only 13,000 years ago. Even after that date there have been many periods devoid of archaeological evidence for war. Unlike gravity, war isn’t a fundamental force of nature. Its intensity and existence depend on underlying technological, economic and cultural factors. As these factors change, so does war.

    Evidence of such change is all around us"

    read the article:

    What's at stake in Ukraine is the direction of human history, Opinion - THE BUSINESS TIMES

    The Digital Sleuths Tracking Russia’s Weapons and War Crimes in Ukraine

    "Russia’s incursion into Ukraine is playing out in real time for the world to watch, with a steady firehose of (largely unverified) video footage and social media posts flooding the internet with material for open-source analysts, professional arms wonks, and armchair detectives to scrutinize for clues about how the tools and tactics of modern warfare are shaping the conflict."


    The Digital Sleuths Tracking Russia’s Weapons and War Crimes in Ukraine

    Biden Speeches


    Marcadores: ,

    Odete Amaral - SEI LÁ, MANGUEIRA - Paulinho da Viola e Hermínio Bello de Carvalho

    Vista assim do alto
    Mais parece um céu no chão
    Sei lá,
    Em Mangueira a poesia fez um mar, se alastrou
    E a beleza do lugar, pra se entender
    Tem que se achar
    Que a vida não é só isso que se vê
    É um pouco mais
    Que os olhos não conseguem perceber
    E as mãos não ousam tocar
    E os pés recusam pisar



    Marcadores: ,

    Montando Ziraldo


    Montando Ziraldo

    Putin didn't have the army he thought he had, because of corruption he allowed


     KYIV, UKRAINE - MARCH 4: Ukrainian servicemen guard the checkpoint in the Independence Square on March 4, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Russia continues assault on Ukraine's major cities, including the capital Kyiv, a week after launching a large-scale invasion of the country. (Photo by Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images)

    Barbara Morrill

    During peacetime, no one cared. The myth of the Russian Bear was enough to strike fear in the hearts of all potential adversaries. But now that they’re locked in a war with an enemy willing to punch back, all that corruption is coming home to roost. Breaking Defense’s Kyiv correspondent, speaking to Ukrainian intelligence sources (which because of shared history, supposedly retain close contact with many of their Russian counterparts), reinforces this point

    Those who have watched the evolution—or rather the deterioration—of Russia’s military and the defense-industrial base that supports it are pointing out that the poor performance of Moscow’s forces has been a process unfolding for years now.

    Today “Russia has no more Kalibr missiles left in strategic reserve,” said a Ukrainian defense enterprise director familiar with the program, “but that is not the end of their troubles. The guidance system, the seeker head and other critical modules [in the missile’s front end] contain about 60% imported electronic components. None of these will be available after the long list of sanctions being imposed on Russia now, so it is hard to see where any new missiles would ever come from.” [...]

    The Kalibr is not the only program in trouble. One Ukrainian intelligence officer tells Breaking Defense that there are “numerous shortages of [Russian] weapon systems. The famous KBM plant in Tula and other factories controlled by longtime Putin allies the Rothenberg brothers are unable to physically fulfil orders for infantry weapons and ammunition.

    “Weapons that are officially on the books and should be available for delivery to active-duty units are missing and the next production runs will be complete only in three to four months,” the officer said. Even that estimate assumes that the raw material inputs have not been pilfered as well and are still available—if not, the time frame could be considerably longer.

    The end result? Equipment that breaks down at its most basic level. Check out these two threads (one and two) on how tires are failing on Russian vehicles. When I was in Cuba a few years back, I was able to buy cigars from a guy who worked at the official state factory making them. Everyone pilfered a certain amount, which they would then sell on the black market. That’s what’s clearly happening here: the Rothenbergs and other arms manufacturers pilfer; the steel-, iron-, and component-manufacturers pilfer; the plant managers pilfer; the employees pilfer; the unit commanders pilfer; the supply officers pilfer; the soldiers pilfer. It’s a wonderful grift. Everyone benefits! Well, except when war is called. Suddenly, all that equipment that was supposedly in the field turns out to have been an illusion, long sold off for Italian villas and bottles of vodka. That’s likely why we haven’t seen much of a Russian Air Force in action. I bet they can’t even get their birds in the air.

    The poor 18-year-old conscripts dragged off to a war they didn’t ask for get f’ed as a result. But it’s hard to feel sorry for anyone else. 

    Madeleine Allbright is dead


    Jeffrey St. Clair :

    + Albright may be dead. But her policy of “hands-off” killing through sanctions continues to function as the most lethal weapon in the US arsenal. Look no further than Afghanistan where upwards of 175 newborns are dying every day as a consequence of crippling sanctions. The moral stench of her policies is made more ghoulish by the fact that Albright justified the deaths of children, women, the old, the infirm and the destitute on humanitarian grounds. Few people in history have overseen the deaths of so many civilians they claimed they were acting to protect.

    + Although the first line in Albright’s obituary should be her shocking lack of conscience about consigning 500,000 Iraqi kids to death, her lifelong obsession was not the Middle East but Russia. She never stopped pushing for NATO expansion right to Russia’s borders, sparking an antagonism that has only intensified ever since.

    + Given the black hole opening in Ukraine, threatening to suck all the major European powers into it, it’s instructive to recall that it was Bill Clinton, NATO Supremo Wesley Clark and Madeleine Albright’s failure to negotiate in good faith with Milošević that led to the Kosovo War–a war all of the above desperately wanted and got–heedless of the still convulsing consequences.

    + Jason Motz: “She’ll be greatly missed…at The Hague.”



    Miles Davis - Générique

    Los Lobos "Love Special Delivery"

    I been just walkin' down the street
    Just a-looking for my baby
    And if I don't find her, Lord knows
    That I'm gonna go crazy, yeah

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