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    sábado, fevereiro 02, 2019

    Ninguem solta a mão de ninguem


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    Joe Cocker - Just Like A Woman (Dylan)

    You take just like a woman
    You make love just like a woman
    And then you ache just like a woman
    But you break just like a little girl



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    Mutant bears, flying heads and chainsaw duels: the best movie moments of 2018

     "“Astonishment is that state of the soul in which all its motions are suspended with some degree of horror,” wrote Edmund Burke in his treatise on the sublime. “The ocean,” he added, “is an object of no small terror.” Witnessing those final scenes of Alfonso Cuarón’s Roma, as the domestic worker Cleo struggles through a violent and thunderous rip current to retrieve her employer’s drowning children, you feel touched by astonishment, terror and the sublime all at once. It’s the most aural and harrowing sequence in the year’s most remarkable film, an embarrassment of sensory and emotional riches."
    read them here>>>

    Mutant bears, flying heads and chainsaw duels: the best movie moments of 2018 | Film | The Guardian

    Steve miller – red top (lionel hampton)

    Wielding Rocks and Knives, Arizonans Attack Self-Driving Cars

    “People are lashing out justifiably," said Douglas Rushkoff, a media theorist at City University of New York and author of the book “Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus.” He likened driverless cars to robotic incarnations of scabs — workers who refuse to join strikes or who take the place of those on strike.

    “There’s a growing sense that the giant corporations honing driverless technologies do not have our best interests at heart,” Mr. Rushkoff said. “Just think about the humans inside these vehicles, who are essentially training the artificial intelligence that will replace them.”

    Noticiário Barra Pesada


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    sexta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2019

    Nick Cave - Nobody's Baby Now

    I loved her then and I guess I love her still
    Hers is the face I see when a certain mood moves in
    She lives in my blood and skin, her wild feral stare, her dark hair
    Her winter lips as cold as stone, yeah, I was her man
    But there are some things love won't allow
    I held her hand but I don't hold it now
    I don't know why and I don't know how
    But she's nobody's baby now

    Não estava tudo dominado

    "Fosse o episódio de menor relevância, seria o caso de perguntar o que andam fumando os advogados de Flávio Bolsonaro — junto ou em separado do cliente. O pedido de suspensão pelo STF da investigação sobre movimentações financeiras atípicas de Fabrício Queiroz, o encrencado ex-assessor do então deputado estadual e hoje senador, mais parece fruto de uma bad trip do que uma estratégia de defesa de causídicos para o filho 01 do presidente da República. Ficou escancarado que tem uma nau à deriva."
    leia a coluna de DORRIT HARAZIM 


    Lavou, tá novo


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    Sergio Moro se posiciona sobre crime ambiental em Brumadinho

    It was 50 years ago today

    Na cabecinha



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    quinta-feira, janeiro 31, 2019

    The Ting Tings - Soul Killing

    It's soul killing
    That's what you need now

    Impedindo que lama chegue


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    Os 500 dias de Raquel Dodge e o enterro da Lava Jato

     Raquel Dodge e Jair Bolsonaro Foto: Fotomontagem baseada em foto de Isac Nóbrega / Presidência

     " Quando o atual Congresso se despedir na semana que vem, a turma dos enrolados na Lava Jato poderia puxar uma salva de palmas para Raquel Dodge. Aliás, Michel Temer certamente homenageá-la-ia se lá estivesse. Os gestos seriam pouco para o que, em seus 500 dias à frente da Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR), Raquel Dodge representou para a Lava Jato.

    A curva descendente em que a operação mergulhou da segunda metade de 2017 para cá não foi só culpa dela, claro: a habilidade de Temer e o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) ajudaram. Mas Dodge foi fundamental. As delações desapareceram, as prisões minguaram, a cooperação internacional implodiu e o relógio de alguns prazos passou a bater no ritmo do interesse de alguns tucanos e de um certo emedebista com assento no Planalto. "

    mais no artigo de Guilherme Amado​

    Os 500 dias de Raquel Dodge e o enterro da Lava Jato - Época

    quarta-feira, janeiro 30, 2019

    Vai sobrar alguma coisa?


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    Remembering The Beatles' Rooftop Gig, 50 Years Later, With Someone Who Was There :

    "It was a tense time for The Beatles, having just completed a 30-song double album (the self-titled "White Album") and then jumping into making a film with hardly a break. But as Ken Mansfield says in our conversation, the performance made everyone forget everything, if only for a while. "John [Lennon] looked over at Paul [McCartney] and Paul looked over at John — and I saw this look on their face it was like, 'This is us. It doesn't matter what's going down and all the problems and everything that's happening, this is who we are. We're mates. We've been together for so many years, we've been through things no body else has experienced. We are a good rock and roll band and that's what we are and that's what we're doing right now.' And you look at that performance, and man, they started having a good time, like a live show. John's throwing out these one-liners and they're just rocking out.""

    listen to the program>>

    Remembering The Beatles' Rooftop Gig, 50 Years Later, With Someone Who Was There : All Songs Considered : NPR

    A Maldade Não Tem Fim - Velha Guarda da Portela

    Tenho visto com esses olhos

    que a terra há de comer
    Coisas que a minha carne chega a tremer

    terça-feira, janeiro 29, 2019

    Operação bem sucedida


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    Behold Moebius’ Many Psychedelic Illustrations of Jimi Hendrix

    "Moebius had illustrated album covers since the early seventies, mostly those of European artists. But his creations as a magazine and comics illustrator (and film scenarist) have the most enduring appeal for much the same reason as Hendrix’s music. They are both unparalleled masters and natural storytellers whose imagined worlds are so richly detailed and consistently surprising they have birthed entire genres. The two may have crossed paths too late to actually work together, but I like to think Moebius carried on the spirit of Hendrix in a visual form."

    see the gallery>>

    Behold Moebius' Many Psychedelic Illustrations of Jimi Hendrix | Open Culture

    Ministro de Meio Ambiente fala em 'excesso de demarcações' e é rebatido por indígena

    Ricardo Salles, ministro do Meio Ambiente

    "“É uma política na qual as comunidades indígenas constroem um processo de gestão do território e a partir disso decidem seus projetos de futuro, defendem o que querem. É fazer a escuta dos povos e o estado ter a sensibilidade, a sensatez, de fazer essa escuta. É discutir essas politicas ambientais junto aos povos indígenas. Isso não passa por ideologia. É parte de construção de uma política séria para o país. O país é reconhecido pelo seu potencial ambiental. É preciso valorizar esses princípios.”"


    Joana Dark | Videoclipe oficial | Ava Rocha | "Trança" (2018).

    Sou eu queimando na fogueira do pecado

    Problema nosso


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    Nova era para o baixo clero

     "É triste, mas a Lava Jato, até agora, não levou ao poder os honestos. Levou ao poder os malandros que eram insignificantes demais para serem pegos primeiro."

    leia coluna de CELSO ROCHA DE BARROS 

    EBC ordenou silêncio sobre ameaças a Jean Wyllys

    Deputado do PSOL abriu mão do mandato e vai deixar o país Foto: Reprodução / Youtube

    Funcionários afirmam que receberam comando para ignorar o caso

    leia mais>> 

    EBC ordenou silêncio sobre ameaças a Jean Wyllys - Época

    A vida?


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    domingo, janeiro 27, 2019



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