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    sábado, agosto 03, 2024

    The Hard Zone: At the Republican National Convention


     "I spotted a man who was selling The Collected Poems of Donald J. Trump. ‘It’s a breakthrough in literary development,’ he said, ‘and it’s fun to have out when people come over.’ I pondered on this. Maybe I needed new friends. The man was from Nashville and said I could have Volume One for $45. (Volume Two was coming soon, and, if Trump got elected, there would be a third volume provisionally titled ‘The Return of the King’.) ‘I think he’s the greatest poet of our generation,’ the man said.

    ‘Why?’ I asked.

    ‘I think he has done more to call attention to the use of the English language than anybody else in our time and he has been more creative with the usage.’"!


    Andrew O’Hagan · The Hard Zone: At the Republican National Convention

    Israel has all but declared war in the Middle East – a conflict it cannot hope to win

     Israel has all but declared war in the Middle East – a conflict it cannot  hope to win | Simon Tisdall | The Guardian465 × 279

     "Will a humiliated Iran hit back directly over the Haniyeh killing? Will Hezbollah escalate? Will a divided Israel, its reputation further disfigured by the torture and alleged sexual abuse of Palestinian detainees, plunge deeper towards national disintegration as far-right zealots, backed by Netanyahu’s ministers, storm army bases to free the alleged abusers? Quite possibly. No outcome is off the table in a region where the so-called rules of the game that hitherto prevented an all-consuming conflagration are being burned page by bloody page."

    read column by SIMON TISDALL 

    Israel has all but declared war in the Middle East – a conflict it cannot hope to win | Simon Tisdall | The Guardian

    Soon ~ Yes, from the album Relayer

    The sun will lead usOur reason to be here





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    Admiravel Terceiro Mundo



    The New World Singers - Blowin In The Wind (Bob Dylan)

    foi a primeira gravação desta música




    Imagem de um jogo de futebol onde o jogador Neymar, com a camisa amarela e o número 10, está sendo puxado pela camisa por um jogador adversário com a camisa vermelha e o número 10. Neymar usa um grande topete loiro, com a lateral da cabeça raspada

    Terapia que o futebol brasileiro precisa fazer inclui ajustes de linguagem

     Sérgio Rodrigues

     No domingo escrevi na Ilustríssima, a propósito do aniversário do 7 a 1, que o futebol brasileiro precisa de terapia se quiser retomar o caminho virtuoso que transformou nossa seleção na mais vitoriosa da história.

    Escrevi aquilo antes da eliminação na Copa América, onde mais uma vez a equipe de amarelo apresentou um futebol ralo e inseguro, com raros lampejos individuais e jogo coletivo pobre. Mas ninguém precisa ser profeta para ver que o futuro não anda sorridente.

    Se houver alguma verdade na tese de que recalcamos o 7 a 1, evitando o necessário luto à base de piadinhas histéricas, a eventual superação da fase braba vai exigir revolver traumas e reorganizar a linguagem que construímos em torno do jogo.

    Esta coluna tenta dar início ao processo com outra hipótese: a de que o futebol brasileiro, cujo estilo já foi chamado mundo afora, com intensa admiração, de jogo bonito ("beautiful game"), se transformou no "jogo dos bonitos".

    A origem da expressão jogo bonito é controversa. Há quem diga que o primeiro a usá-la foi o genial Didi, meia do Botafogo e da seleção que em 1958 conquistou a primeira Copa para o Brasil. De todo modo, nunca pegou realmente por aqui. "Futebol arte" é um equivalente próximo, mas não idêntico.

    O comentarista inglês Stuart Hall também reivindicou a paternidade da expressão, dizendo que a empregou ao analisar uma partida do Manchester City no mesmo 1958. É possível que "jogo bonito" já estivesse em circulação antes disso.

    O que parece incontroverso é que o maior responsável por sua popularização foi Pelé, numa autobiografia publicada em 1977 em inglês e que teve o jornalista Robert L. Fish como ghost-writer — "My Life and the Beautiful Game" (Minha Vida e o Jogo Bonito).

    "O jogo bonito", com artigo definido, nasceu para designar o próprio futebol, praticado por jogadores de qualquer nacionalidade. No entanto, acabou associado principalmente ao estilo vistoso, ao mesmo tempo lúdico e cheio de autoridade, da seleção pentacampeã do mundo.

    Faz tempo que nosso jogo não anda lá muito bonito, como se sabe. Acredito que não por coincidência, nesse mesmo período histórico nossos jogadores, mais ricos do que Didi e Pelé jamais sonharam ser, se tornaram pródigos em sinais de vaidade, ostentação e deslumbramento.

    Um marco fundador do "jogo dos bonitos", consistente com o diagnóstico de que o 7 a 1 foi um trauma mal-elaborado, data de 2018. O ano do inacreditável penteado com que Neymar entrou em campo em nossa partida de estreia na Copa da Rússia, contra a Suíça, no dia 17 de junho.

    Sem moralismo algum, aquele frondoso topete louro escovado talvez fosse ridículo em qualquer campo de futebol, em qualquer época. No momento em que a camisa mais pesada da história fazia sua reentrada numa Copa depois da completa humilhação de 2014, era também um sintoma de grave desconexão cognitiva e emocional.

    Quem poderá dizer que tanta boniteza capilar não teve influência no fato de que Neymar saiu daquela partida marcado para sempre, aos olhos de grande parte do mundo, como um fanfarrão, um cai-cai desprezível? O Brasil empatou em 1 a 1, com gol de Coutinho, mas nosso maior craque teve ali seu 7 a 1 particular.

    O jogo dos bonitos nunca mais foi embora. É algo que está na alma, na mentalidade, pairando sobre questões técnicas, táticas e físicas. Esse tipo de coisa muda lentamente, mas muda. Que não demore muito.






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    Hipocrisias e emoções olímpicas


     Torre Eiffel decorada com os anéis olímpicos


    A Rússia está fora dos Jogos em Paris, mas Estados Unidos e Israel... não! Pode? 

    Juca Kfouri


    De duas, uma: ou esporte e política não se misturam ou se misturam.

    Embora seja óbvia a mistura, se o Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI) separa uma coisa da outra e repele a política, a Rússia deveria poder estar em Paris com sua bandeira, seus atletas uniformizados e entrar na contagem das medalhas, além de ouvir seu hino tocado sempre que um russo fosse contemplado com medalha de ouro.

    Já que o COI rechaça a relação entre esporte e política, o que explica a punição que atinge muito mais os atletas russos que o país?

    Como é evidente a relação, a próxima pergunta é: o que Israel está fazendo nos Jogos OlíMpicos?

     Israel faz com Gaza o que a Rússia faz na Ucrânia, massacra seus habitantes, crianças inclusive, muitas, mais de 15 mil, segundo se estima.

    Há outra pergunta: por que os Estados Unidos nunca foram punidos pelo COI se é o país mais intervencionista desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial?

    A resposta, rara leitora e raro leitor, está ventando em nossos rostos: os financiadores dos Jogos nunca foram e jamais serão punidos.

    Ou, numa palavra, devido à hipocrisia.

    Daí, se tem e terá Estados Unidos sempre, se teremos Israel, deveríamos nos locupletar todos e permitir a presença da Rússia.

    Afinal, que culpa tem o atleta russo se o novo czar Vladimir Putin resolveu expandir as fronteiras?

    Nas últimas Olimpíadas, em Tóquio, a Rússia mandou 335 atletas. Em Paris estarão apenas 15, a convite do COI.

    Tudo isso ou nada disso impedirá, a partir desta sexta-feira (26), o deslumbre mundial com o que promete ser a mais bela festa de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos, porque pela primeira vez fora de estádio, à beira do Sena.

    Daí por diante o turbilhão de emoções produzido por esportistas fabulosos permitirá esquecer o horror das guerras, verdadeira moeda de duas faces.

    A cara mostra a alegria das disputas entre os melhores, noves fora a ausência dos russos (e dos belarussos).

    A coroa revela as nossas contradições: a diversão supera a indignação com a guerra entre os exércitos russo e ucraniano —e com o genocídio promovido por Israel na Palestina.

    O que fazer além de desejar boas Olimpíadas a todos?


    Richard Gadd, criador 'Bebê Rena', diz que stalker o atacou e lhe enviou calcinhas


     "A série não identifica Harvey, mas é aberta com um aviso de que a história contada é real. Em uma entrevista com o jornalista britânico Piers Morgan, a mulher deu as caras e disse que seu retrato como Martha, a stalker do seriado, é exagerado."



    Richard Gadd, criador 'Bebê Rena', diz que stalker o atacou e lhe enviou calcinhas | Diario de Cuiabá

    Maduro x Milei



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    5 perguntas e respostas sobre caso de boxeadora argelina no centro de debate sobre gênero

     Lin Yu Ting, de Taiwan, à esquerda, e Sitora Turdibekova, do Uzbequistão -  (crédito: Joel Carrett/EPA)

     Qual sexo consta na certidão de nascimento de Khelif? Ela nasceu biologicamente masculina ou feminina?

    Como é a carreira dela no boxe até o momento?

    Por que a vitória de Khelif contra Carini foi controversa?

    O que mudou na regulamentação e governança do boxe olímpico desde a decisão da IBA?

    Quais testes são realizados no boxe?

    5 perguntas e respostas sobre caso de boxeadora argelina no centro de debate sobre gênero

    Política de vexame



    A imagem mostra dois homens brancos sorrindo e se cumprimentando calorosamente. Ambos estão vestidos com ternos escuros. O fundo é escuro com uma iluminação azulada.

    Muniz Sodré

     Ainda circula nas redes a cena em que Bolsonaro entrega a Milei sua medalha de "imorrível, imbrochável e incomível", com um dos filhos tentando traduzir os termos para o espanhol. Pode-se perguntar por que reportar uma baixaria dessas, quando a memória coletiva já está saturada dos episódios repugnantes a cargo de ambos. Mas o ato recente ocorre num quadro de estresse de variáveis essenciais da vida política, levado além do que seria normal chamar de zona crítica, e pelo visto peça de uma estratégia.

    Antecedentes: Milei trocou a cúpula do Mercosul pelo festival em Camboriú, numa provocativa violação dos protocolos de Estado. Isso soa irrelevante na Argentina de hoje, onde se normalizou um hiato entre a atividade de uma camarilha de estrategistas políticos e a obsessão presidencial em transformar a economia num laboratório de ciência própria, supostamente para tirar o país da crise. Nada a ver com resgatar da miséria o povo, que nela mergulha cada vez mais, e sim assegurar a continuidade do sistema à hegemônica correlação de forças financeiras.

    Nas crises, o ecossistema capitalista admite uma "fascioesfera", um buraco negro da moral, que oscila entre a violência e o grotesco. Daí o cambalacho de dar corda à alucinação protofascista de um presidente com boa ressonância popular, desde que fixado em seu real interesse: a experiência de uma economia neoliberal extremista, vigiada de perto pelo FMI. A principal estrategista política, além de um jovem conselheiro, é sua irmã, mediadora do diálogo com Conan, o cachorro já falecido. Os estrategistas econômicos fingem de cachorro morto.

     O problema da armação publicitária é a fadiga do recurso, que transborda da zona crítica da política, inteligível no âmbito de relações diplomáticas, para ofensas pessoais a autoridades de países como Brasil, Bolívia, Colômbia e Espanha. Milei adora xingar. Mas a vinda ao Brasil, além de mostrar que existe uma política do vexame, sinalizou que a exportação da palhaçada já não obtém a repercussão esperada.

    O que resta é o vazio da mobilização, pontuado por eventos horripilantes como a entrega da medalha. O vídeo deixa evidente que o argentino apenas fingiu entender o significado da inscrição. A pobreza do espanhol falado teria levado um dos presentes a abaixar as calças e gesticular com o dedo para traduzir "incomível". Uma variante do "golden shower". Mas de nada importa qualquer entendimento racional, porque na fascioesfera o grotesco escatológico afirma-se sozinho. Incompreensível mesmo a olhos públicos é que governadores de estado acolham, pagando, a patuscada, e que uma parcela da população vibre contente.




    I Fought The Law Bobby Fuller Four

    I fought the law and the law won

    in memoriam JEREMY MILLER 








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    J. D. Vance is a voice for monstruous outlets



    + Vance opposes divorce, even in cases of spousal violence: “This is one of the great tricks the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, the idea that well okay these marriages were fundamentally, uh, they were maybe even violent, certainly unhappy, and so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term. And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads though I’m skeptical but it really didn’t work out for the kids in those marriages.”

    + Does Vance’s opposition to divorce extend to gay marriages?

    + In 2022, Vance openly called for a national abortion ban, using overtly racist language: “I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally. Let’s say Reo v. Wade is overruled. Ohio bans abortion, you know let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately black women to them to go have abortions in California. And, of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity. If that happens, do you need some federal response to prevent it from happening because it’s really creepy? I’m pretty sympathetic to that, actually. Hopefully, we get to a point where Ohio bans abortion and California and the Soroses of the world respect it.”

    + According to documents unearthed by The Lever, JD Vance recently tried to pressure regulators to allow police in anti-abortion states access to women’s private medical records in order to track down and prosecute women seeking legal abortions in other states.

    + JD Vance at the National Conservatism conference, “By the way, I have to beat up on the UK one last time. I was talking with a friend and were talking about, you know, one of the world’s big dangers is nuclear proliferation, though of course, the Biden administration doesn’t care about it. And I was talking about what is the first truly Islamist country to get a nuclear weapon, maybe Pakistan kinda already counts, and then we finally decided maybe it’s actually the UK since Labor just took over.” This is as stupid as it is bigoted.

    + Gabriel Winant on the Vance schtick: “J. D. Vance is the senator from the unconscious, a voice in Washington for unprocessed trauma, psychic repression, and the monstrous outlets such potent forces can find.”

    + Cleveland journalist Pete Kotz on Vance: “A man so willing to torch his self-respect should not be underestimated. The new J.D. is still under renovation. His acting will improve. And with no soul to weigh him down, his options are limitless.”

    + Mitt Romney on Vance, likely buttressing Vance’s appeal to the current GOP: “I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J. D. Vance.”

    sexta-feira, agosto 02, 2024

    Os fins de tarde igneos de agosto


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    The Freedom Singers perform "We Shall Not Be Moved" at the March on Wash...


    }Oh I, shall not, I shall not be movedI shall not, I shall not be movedJust like a tree planted by the waterI shall not be moved


    Atletismo Brasileiro





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    quinta-feira, agosto 01, 2024

    Pink Floyd - Live in KQED studios in San Francisco April 29, 1970

    . Atom Heart Mother (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 2. Cymbaline (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 3. Grantchester Meadows (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 4. Green Is The Colour (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 5. Careful With That Axe, Eugene (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 6. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED) 7. Astronomy Domine (An Hour With Pink Floyd, KQED)

    quarta-feira, julho 31, 2024

    ‘Conditions were perfect’: how the breathtaking image of Olympic surfer Gabriel Medina was taken |


    "On a distant reef 16,000km from Paris, surfer Gabriel Medina has given Olympic viewers one of the most memorable images of the Games yet, with an airborne celebration so well poised it looked too good to be true.

    The Brazilian took off a thundering wave at Teahupo’o in Tahiti on Monday, emerging from a barrelling section before soaring into the air and appearing to settle on a Pacific cloud, pointing to the sky with biblical serenity, his movements mirrored precisely by his surfboard."

    read more>>

    Conditions were perfect’: how the breathtaking image of Olympic surfer Gabriel Medina was taken | Paris Olympic Games 2024 | The Guardian

    Reuniões sobre aquecimento global


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    Destaque a acervo afro pode estar por trás de exoneração de diretor do Museu da República





    "A exoneração intempestiva, nesta quarta-feira, 17, do diretor do Museu da República, no Rio de Janeiro, Mario Chagas, está sendo vista como um episódio de autoritarismo na esfera da museologia federal. Algumas manifestações de servidores de museus apontam ainda para evidências de intolerância religiosa. Isso porque Chagas tem se empenhado em dar visibilidade (e mudar a abordagem museológica) no Museu da República ao Acervo Nosso Sagrado, a mais importante coleção afrorreligiosa do país, com 512 peças históricas da umbanda e do candomblé. Chagas foi acusado de estar desalinhado com a atual gestão do Instituto Brasileiro de Museus e do Ministério da Cultura."

    leia reportagem de Jotabê Medeiros

    Destaque a acervo afro pode estar por trás de exoneração de diretor do Museu da República - Farofafá Museologia

    Bolsonaro surfa na olimpiada



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    IOC defends allowing boxers who failed gender tests to compete at Paris 2024 |

     Paris 2024: IOC Clears Two Boxers To Compete As Women Despite Failed Gender  Eligibility Tests - Complete Sports

     ]"Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu‑ting of Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) were disqualified from the 2023 women’s world champion­ships with the International Boxing Association president, Umar Kremlev, saying DNA tests had “proved they had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded”.

    “Obviously I am not going to comment on individuals,” the IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said. “That’s really invidious and unfair. But I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules. They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case.”"

    read more>>

    IOC defends allowing boxers who failed gender tests to compete at Paris 2024 | Paris Olympic Games 2024 | The Guardian

    Hendrix, Clapton & Ginger Baker




    Olinda já está tão colorida
    Contrastando com a minha palidez
    Os blocos vão passando pelas ruas
    E eu olhando pra tudo o que deixei
    Desilusão é saber que eu não tenho mais lugar no carnaval
    Me fecho num cordão de isolamento
    Sozinho, sem ninguém pra conversar
    E faço desse frevo o meu lamento

    domingo, julho 28, 2024

    Eleanor Rigby (Lennon/ McCartney) por Cristiano Pinho


    The Triumphant Comeback of the Kamala Harris Meme

     An image of Kamala Harris smiling and waving, with a green filter placed over it.


    The same unflattering supercuts and Photoshop jobs once used to denigrate Harris have now been flipped into celebratory artifacts of her candidacy.

    Kamala Harris is a highly memeable presidential candidate. She dances in a loose and enthusiastic manner. She has an idiosyncratic speaking style. She laughs easily, including at herself. This has not always worked in her favor.

    When Harris said, in a May 2023 speech, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?,” a Republican YouTube channel snipped the clip from its context and tossed it to commentators, who used it to compare Harris to a daffy talk show host or to joke that she sounded high. Videos of Harris dancing at campaign events were labeled “cringe.” The stickiest anti-Kamala meme of the 2020 election — that the former prosecutor Harris “is a cop” — united leftists, Black Twitter and Republican trolls in an internet-wide project of framing Harris as either a reactionary or a hypocrite.

    Now these images have been reversed. Since President Biden bowed out of the race and threw his support to Harris, the familiar old Kamala memes have risen again. It’s their interpretation that has changed.

    In the hands of her online fans, Harris’s word salad has been replated as hypnotic internet speak. Her confounding coconut tree quote — “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you,” she went on to say — now circulates as a symbol of the giddy high produced by her dizzy rise in a destabilized campaign. Her dance moves have been set to Charli XCX songs and filtered through Charli’s lime-green “Brat”-era branding, bathing Harris in her chill hot-mess pop star glow. Even “Kamala Harris is a cop” has been reclaimed, with an exaggerated wink, by supporters eager to fashion it into a winning general-election pitch.

    The measure of a candidate’s charisma used to be, “Would you have a beer with her?” Now it’s more like, “Are you willing to spend your evening editing a fancam-style video that sets her idiosyncrasies to pop music so effectively that they produce a pleasant narcotic effect?”

    All of it feels like a fun house mirror to the online energy that vibrates around the other party’s presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. The Trump fandom stands ready and willing to spin any potential weakness, up to and including a felony conviction, into a triumphant meme. The MAGA stan proves his loyalty and ingenuity by processing even the gravest concerns into pro-Trump grist, thus maximizing his satisfaction at triggering the left. It once seemed as if the Democratic Party could never produce a candidate who could inspire an internet response quite that powerful and strange. Now, improbably, it has.

    The mantra of Harris’s online converts — “I’m coconut pilled” — riffs on the symbology of “The Matrix” to signal that their perspective has undergone a reality-altering shift, one with enough chaotic power to upend the presidential race. Part of Harris’s viral energy feels generated by the topsy-turvy motion of the campaign itself. The pent-up excitement at Biden’s decision not to seek a second term, after months of mounting concerns, accrues to her. It helps that the Harris memes booted up shortly after Biden’s disastrous debate. It makes it feel as if the internet manifested her candidacy. Her boosters are now tipsy with their collective power.

    The undercurrent to many of the anti-Kamala memes was the accusation that she occasionally appeared smugly unintelligible. One viral supercut, which showed Harris passionately delivering the catchphrase “what can be, unburdened by what has been” over and over again, was circulated by the Republican National Committee before it was reclaimed by Harris supporters. The mild incoherence of her phrasing only makes it more interesting as a hook on TikTok, where fans chop up and remix a candidate’s speech like D.J.s working a goofy soundboard. Now, in a bizarre reversal, right-wing influencers are trying to imbue Harris’s nonsense with meaning. One has floated the theory on X that the “unburdened” line is “a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that’s easily seen.”

    The redemption of the “unburdened” meme is also a reaction to the legitimately concerning gibberish generated by the elder statesmen in the race over the past few months. Harris now presides over a post-coherence landscape, one where her occasionally meandering phrasing feels refreshingly low stakes. It’s a quirk, not an existential threat to American democracy. The “unburdened” supercut shows a candidate who can memorize a line and capably deliver it on command — not something that could be said of Joe Biden, in the end.

    Biden always fared poorly on TikTok, the platform that he hoped to ban from American phones even as his campaign dutifully opened an account. The use of a warmed-over “Dark Brandon” meme as Biden’s avatar — where he’s styled as a secret mastermind, lasers shooting from his eyes — failed to capture the audience’s imagination. Instead it was captivated by videos of Biden seemingly wandering, stumbling and freezing during numerous presidential appearances.

    The campaign sought to dismiss these depictions as the distortions of a disinformation machine and flooded the app with its own videos. In many of them, anonymous youthful Biden surrogates made concerned faces and soliloquized talking points. The campaign seemed to think that it could fix its TikTok problem by posting lots of TikToks, but TikTok’s fixation on his possible cognitive decline was an early signal of a deeper issue — one that Biden, and many of his supporters, only seriously acknowledged after it was showcased on live television during the first presidential debate.

    Shortly after Biden stepped down on Sunday, James Medlock, a pseudonymous social democratic Twitter power user, reposted a leftist meme of Harris that first circulated in 2019. In the image, Harris is Photoshopped into a police uniform and superimposed in front of the thin blue line flag. She is made to laugh and handcuff a Black child.

    “Remember,” Medlock wrote on X, “now we pivot to not mentioning Kamala’s sterling left wing voting record and her cool Marxist dad, and instead loudly say she’s a cop who will lock up all the criminals. It’s time to win this election.” Another user Photoshopped a picture of Donald Trump in the child’s place. Then someone Photoshopped Charli XCX in instead.

    When internet users make Kamala Harris appear to arrest Charli XCX, or splice her coconut tree line into a Taylor Swift track, it’s not clear how firmly their tongues are in their cheeks, or where their sincere politics lie. But their sincerity is not required. With Harris, a meme alliance has emerged between the Democratic Party’s irony-pilled leftists and its #resistance-core centrists, and now this ragtag crew has come together to try to lift her into the White House. For very online members of the left who view Harris as insufficiently radical, the playfulness of her memes is protective. The ironic distance stands in for their own political distance from their new favorite candidate.

    On the internet, the project of electing an establishment Democrat like Harris can feel almost subversive. Or at the very least, mildly entertaining.




    Vance & Usha



    + Vance’s wife, Usha Chilukuri, clerked for both Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts. Usha was born in San Diego to parents who’d recently moved to the states from the Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Usha is a practicing Hindu. Her interfaith marriage to JD was blessed by a Hindu priest. All this came as bracing news to many hardcore MAGA-trons, including the execrable Nick Fuentes who said on his white nationalist podcast: “Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?”

    + Here’s JD Vance (Yale Law grad) ranting about the corrupting influence of higher education: “When I think of this movement of national conservatism, what we need more than inspiration is wisdom and there is a wisdom to what Richard Nixon said approximately 40 or 50 years ago, he said, and I quote, ‘The professors are the enemy.'” Professor diss aside, Nixon would be seen as both a cultural and economic Marxist by this group of fascist clowns.

    + Re: Vance’s assertion (quoting Nixon, approvingly) that “professors are the enemy.” Vance’s wife, Usha, has two degrees from Yale and one from Cambridge. Both of her parents are college professors. As a lawyer, she represented the Regents of the University of California and Usha herself taught American history at Sun Yat-Sen University in…wait for it…Guangzhou, China.

    + Vance on what he would’ve done on January 6: “If I had been VP, I would’ve told the states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and so many others that we needed to have multiple slates of electors, and I think the US Congress should’ve fought over it from there.”

    + Vance on retaliating against the Left (meaning anyone to the Left of Joe Manich, I presume): “We should seize the institutions of the Left. And turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program … And when the courts stop you, stand before the country, and say, ‘the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”

    + Fox News’ Brit Hume on J.D. Vance: “Did [Vance] get it because he was really the best qualified to be president or did he get it because he sucked up effectively to the nominee?”


    One Night of TV Canceled a President


     President Biden looks down at his lectern, PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE in capital letters behind him

    "President Biden’s decision to bow out after a disastrous debate confirms that in a TikTok era, TV is still the biggest political arena.""

    read analysis by James Poniewozik

    As soon as TV sets landed in American living rooms, media critics worried that television would dominate politics, and the medium wasted no time proving them right. Richard M. Nixon lost in 1960 to the glamorous John F. Kennedy after a shaky, sweaty debate that played better for him on the radio. After Ronald Reagan zingered his way to a second term in 1984, Neil Postman wrote that in the TV era, “debates were conceived as boxing matches.”

    But not until now had a president KO’ed himself in one round.

    On Sunday, President Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 campaign, ending an astounding disintegration that began with Mr. Biden’s discombobulated debate against Donald J. Trump late in June. Mr. Biden released his decision on X, formerly Twitter, but the moment recalled when Lyndon B. Johnson made a similar announcement on TV in 1968, or perhaps when Mr. Nixon resigned the presidency 50 years ago.

    This collapse, however, was not the result of an overseas war. There was no break-in and coverup. There was simply a horrendous TV outing — less than two hours that changed history.

    Yes, Mr. Biden, at 81, suffered doubts about his age, vigor and acuity before the debate. Yes, his mini campaign afterward to redeem himself with speeches, interviews and a news conference did not help either. Mr. Biden had a hand in his fate. So did Father Time.

    Still, it took a single, horrifying prime-time failure to crystallize the problem. As he and his allies argued, 14 million people voted for him in the primary. But 51.3 million people saw his faculties fail him on live TV, and that’s before it was clipped and ricocheted and repeated.

    Certainly the relentless digital-media cycle played a part too; maybe a pre-Twitter president could have ridden this out. But in a TikTok era, it still takes TV to concentrate that many eyes simultaneously on the one, unignorable, everybody-saw-it moment that starts the avalanche.

    Mr. Biden was hardly the first president to have a bad debate. Gerald Ford declared there was “no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe” in 1976; George H.W. Bush looked at his watch and essentially called time up on himself in 1992; Barack Obama checked out at his first debate against Mitt Romney in 2012.

    Mr. Obama won his election, and Mr. Ford nearly did. Mr. Bush’s moment was arguably more a symbol of his woes than a cause. The most damaging debates cement an existing and eventually fatal perception of the candidate.

    This happened dramatically in a Republican primary showdown in 2011. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, considered a top contender for the nomination, said that as president he would eliminate three federal agencies, and began to name them. “Commerce, Education,” he said. And paused. And paused. And looked through his notes. And after 53 excruciating seconds, said: “Sorry. Oops.”

    Mr. Perry’s mistake was not a big deal, practically. If elected, people with briefing books could remind him of the third department. It was a big deal politically because of an existing perception, which his opponents had seized on, that he was too dim for the presidency. On national TV his bulb flickered, and it was lights out.

    Likewise, Mr. Biden’s verbal disaster, as he insisted for weeks after, did not undo any accomplishment of his, nor any of his opponent’s offenses. But it manifested in living video the concern among the public (shown in polling) and in his party (whispered in private) that he had lost too many steps with age.

    After that night, every appearance he made, every conversation about him, was framed by the memory of him exposed under the stage lights wearing the gaping mask of mortality. You could even say, and some did, that the debate did not simply reinforce an impression of mental decline but starkly exposed the thing itself.

    People can argue whether Mr. Biden’s downfall shows the value of TV debates or proves them a curse. However imperfectly, these productions give voters information. This one is forcing the Democratic Party to make a change that its voters might have demanded had they seen the same thing months ago.

    Then again, TV politicking simply selects for politicians who are good at TV — charismatic-cool like Mr. Obama, provocative-hot like Mr. Trump — and being telegenic does not necessarily mean having good policy or judgment or decision-making instincts.

    But it is a false dichotomy to claim that there is TV, an artificial arena for fake performance, and then there is the real world, where a president does important business. TV is part of the real world. It is where presidents inspire, console, advocate, persuade, create an identity, make connections, seize attention, build support — and, yes, win elections, without which they can achieve nothing at all.

    We may be better off for that or worse. But try to argue against what people have seen with their own eyeballs, as Mr. Biden discovered, and you will lose that debate too.


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