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    Fragmentos de textos e imagens catadas nesta tela, capturadas desta web, varridas de jornais, revistas, livros, sons, filtradas pelos olhos e ouvidos e escorrendo pelos dedos para serem derramadas sobre as teclas... e viverem eterna e instanta neamente num logradouro digital. Desagua douro de pensa mentos.

    quarta-feira, janeiro 08, 2025

    É claro que a extrema direita está incomodada





    Marcadores: , , ,


    Seu Ferreira conserta bicicletas em Paquetá
    e sua oficina é repleta das mais inusitadas quinquilharias

    acompanhadas das historias que ele conta.



    O mundo está pior



    Marcadores: ,

    Sete ou Nove Vidas?



    How to Know If You're Living in a Doom Loop


     Image of Gertrude Stein

    "In other words, generation loss is built into many of the key technologies of the digital age. The freshness of the original disappears, and is replaced by a degraded copy.

    Sometimes the decline happens so slowly, most people don’t even notice it.

    This problem is almost impossible to fix in a culture that relies heavily on algorithms. The algorithm is, by definition, a repeating pattern that always looks backward. It does something in the future based on what worked in the past.

    So the algorithm that recommends music or videos on a web platform will never deliver a totally fresh and new experience for you. It always gives you something similar to what you consumed last week—or last month, or last year.

    This is a simple example of a cultural doom loop."


    ow to Know If You're Living in a Doom Loop - by Ted Gioia

    Democracia Sempre



    Marcadores: ,

    The end of Generation Rock


     "In the 2020s, it’s easy to feel at a precipice in the antique rocker story. Enough of the biggest names from a 1960s hit parade – including artists like Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder and Joni Mitchell, as well as the two surviving Beatles – are active today in a way that feels unlikely to be the case in a decade’s time. They are sufficiently old, in their late seventies and early eighties, for this to feel striking. They are old in a way that is very new.

    read analysis by Fergal Kinney

    The end of Generation Rock - New Statesman

    Amazon’s Global Warming Counterweight Threatened



    "The Amazon is at the most vulnerable of its remarkable history of stability. A key study was posted in the prestigious publication Nature, finding that 75% of the Amazon rainforest is losing “resilience,” or the ability to recover from droughts and fires

    How to fix it? But when and what to do? And why wasn’t it addressed much sooner?

    There are no answers to those questions. The Amazon rainforest, Antarctica, and climate change are not highly ranked in public polls, e.g., according to a Gallup Poll, Dec. 12, 2024, the top concerns include immigration, inflation, the economy, healthcare, and poor government leadership. Climate change didn’t make a showing. It’s of little surprise there is not an effective effort to quantify the risks and recommend what should be done, assuming anything is actually possible, probably not, re anthropogenic destruction of life-supporting ecosystems. But scientists know all about it. Just ask them. Oh yeah, almost forgot, the incoming administration doesn’t believe in science."

    read artiole by Robert Hunziker

    Amazon’s Global Warming Counterweight Threatened -

    Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

    Oh (ow) crime is (woo) increasingTrigger happy policingPanic is spreadingGod knows where we're headingOh, make me want to hollerThey don't understand

    terça-feira, janeiro 07, 2025

    Desejo um 2025 em que golpista seja preso e superrico pague mais imposto



    A promessa de democracia presente na Constituição Federal de 1988 nunca foi totalmente cumprida, pois somos todos iguais perante a lei apenas no papel. A República brasileira ainda é um pai superprotetor dos super-ricos e uma mãe compreensiva para quem planeja golpes de Estado. Há uma chance de mudança, contudo, o que renova as esperanças de um 2025 melhor.
O Supremo Tribunal Federal deve julgar em 2025 a cúpula da tentativa de golpe de Estado que pretendia manter Jair Bolsonaro no poder à revelia da vontade expressada nas urnas. Por enquanto, são 40 indiciados pela Polícia Federal, dos quais 28 militares, entre generais, almirante, coronéis e grande elenco.A questão dos militares é especialmente importante. A falta de punição de militares de alta patente por causa do golpe de 1964 e pelas consequentes sacanagens cometidas durante a ditadura ajudou a semear a tentativa de golpe ao final do mandato de Bolsonaro. O fato de um general quatro estrelas, ainda que da reserva, como Braga Netto, pague por seus crimes contra a democracia ao lado de Bolsonaro, significaria que, enfim, o país conseguiu encerrar a noite que começou em 31 de março de 1964.
Ao mesmo tempo, um país em que rico paga, proporcionalmente, menos imposto que a classe média não pode ser considerado íntegro. O Brasil tem uma chance de corrigir isso, em 2025, com a discussão da segunda etapa da reforma tributária, sobre a tributação de renda e riqueza.
Isso inclui a volta a taxação sobre dividendos recebidos de empresas, o reajuste da tabela do Imposto de Renda (criando alíquotas maiores, acima de 30%, para os que ganham realmente muito) e a taxação de grandes fortunas e de grandes heranças. No Brasil em desenvolvimento, propostas como essas são chamadas de comunismo, na Europa desenvolvida, de justiça social.
A chance de os parlamentares passarem uma reforma tributária que inverta a regressividade da cobrança sobre a renda, é, hoje, menor que o tal camelo passar pelo buraco da tal agulha. Afinal, o Congresso tem dono e não é a maioria dos brasileiros. Mas o debate precisa ser feito sob o risco de o Brasil continuar sendo, eternamente, o país de um futuro que nunca chega.

    Meta Now Lets Users Say Gay and Trans People Have 'Mental Illness'

     Mark Zuckerberg Electrical Device Microphone People Person Body Part Finger Hand and Accessories

     By Kate Knibbs-WIRED


    Meta announced a series of major updates to its content moderation policies today, including that it’s “getting rid” of restrictions on speech about “topics like immigration, gender identity and gender” that the company describes as frequent subjects of political discourse and debate. “It’s not right that things can be said on TV or the floor of Congress, but not on our platforms,” Meta’s newly-appointed chief global affairs officer Joel Kaplan wrote in a blog post outlining the changes.

    In an accompanying video, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg described the company’s current rules in these areas as “just out of touch with mainstream discourse.”

    In tandem with this announcement, the company made a number of updates across its Community Guidelines, an extensive set of rules that outline what kinds of content are prohibited on Meta’s platforms, including Instagram, Threads, and Facebook. Some of the most striking changes were made to Meta’s “Hateful Conduct” policy, which covers discussions on immigration and gender.

    In a notable shift, the company now says it allows “allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like ‘weird.’”

    In other words, Meta now appears to permit users to accuse transgender or gay people of being mentally ill because of their gender expression and sexual orientation. The company did not respond to requests for clarification on the policy.

    Meta spokesperson Corey Chambliss told WIRED these restrictions will be loosened globally. When asked whether the company will adopt different policies in countries with strict regulations governing hate speech, Chambliss pointed to Meta's current guidelines for addressing local laws.

    Other significant changes made to Meta’s Hateful Conduct policy Tuesday include:

    • Removing language prohibiting content targeting people based on the basis of their “protected characteristics,” which include race, ethnicity, and gender identity, when they are combined with “claims that they have or spread the coronavirus.” Without this provision, it may now be within bounds to accuse, for example, Chinese people of bearing responsibility for the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • A new addition appears to carve out room for people who want to post about how, for example, women shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the military or men shouldn’t be allowed to teach math because of their gender. Meta now permits content that argues for "gender-based limitations of military, law enforcement, and teaching jobs. We also allow the same content based on sexual orientation, when the content is based on religious beliefs.”
    • Another update elaborates on what Meta permits in conversations about social exclusion. It now states that “people sometimes use sex- or gender-exclusive language when discussing access to spaces often limited by sex or gender, such as access to bathrooms, specific schools, specific military, law enforcement, or teaching roles, and health or support groups." Previously, this carve-out was only available for discussions about keeping health and support groups limited to one gender.
    • Meta’s Hateful Conduct policy previously opened by noting that hateful speech may “promote offline violence.” That sentence, which had been present in the policy since 2019, has been removed from the updated version released Tuesday. (In 2018, following reports from human rights groups, Meta has admitted that its platform was used to incite violence against religious minorities in Myanmar.) The update does preserve language towards the bottom of the policy prohibiting content that could “incite imminent violence or intimidation.”

    The updates similarly preserve a number of older restrictions that Meta has had in place for years. The current version of the policy maintains prohibitions on Holocaust denials, Blackface, insinuations about Jewish people controlling the media. It also adds a specific ban against comparing Black people to “farm equipment.”

    Meta also preserved its previous list of what it calls protected characteristics, which include race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, and serious disease, as well as its policy about “protecting migrants, immigrants, and asylum-seekers” from what it characterizes as “Tier 1” or “most severe” attacks, such as content targeting people or groups of people based on their protected characteristics or immigration status.

    In keeping with the previous version, Meta continues to ban calling immigrants, as well as people in “protected characteristic” groups, insects, animals, pathogens, or “other sub-human life forms” as well as alleging that they are criminals or immoral. It appears that some of the most xenophobic remarks made by high-profile figures—like President Trump’s 2023 statement about undocumented immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country”—may still violate Meta’s policies if posted to its platforms. Meta did not respond to WIRED’s question on whether that specific statement would be permitted.



    Carter e a diplomacia da convicção


    Puff, the Magic Dragon - Peter Paul & Mary

    A dragon lives forever but not so little boys Painted wings and giant's rings make way for other toys One gray night it happened Jackie Paper came no more And Puff that mighty dragon he ceased his fearless roar







    Marcadores: ,

    Lavar as mãos transformou-se num conflito dramátivo


    Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam

    Hound dogs on my trailSchool children sitting in jailBlack cat cross my pathI think every day's gonna be my last
    Lord have mercy on this land of mineWe all gonna get it in due timeI don't belong hereI don't belong thereI've even stopped believing in prayer

    Fernanda Eunice Torrres Paiva





    Marcadores: , , ,

    Menina, amanhã de manhã - Mônica Salmaso (Tom Zé)

    Menina , amanhã de manhã
    Quando a gente acordar quero te dizer
    Que a felicidade vai desabar sobre os homens
    Vai, desabar sobre os homens

    Lula 2026


    Marcadores: ,

    Não é o mero anúncio de uma nova política de moderação de conteúdo



    O anúncio de Zuckerberg não é o mero anúncio de uma nova política de moderação de conteúdo da empresa Meta. O que ele anuncia é um dos maiores fatos políticos - senão o maior - desse tempo em que vivemos.

    Eu pesquiso no doutorado as políticas de regulação da internet no mundo e a relação disso com as ideias de liberdade norte-americanas. O que Zuckerberg diz, com todas as letras, é que a liberdade defendida pela extrema direita, as ideias de Trump e Musk, serão as suas e de sua empresa. Ideias que ameaçam instituições e democracias. Ideias de violência e tortura.
    para isso, zuck operará em parceria explícita com o governo dos Estados Unidos. E o Velho excepcionalismo americano: a ideia de um povo predestinado a salvar todos os povos. O custo disso testemunhamos com as guerras promovidas por esse Império, o que mais guerreou da história.

    O anúncio soa mesmo como uma declaração de guerra ao mundo. Ele menciona China e América Latina e ao se referir a regulação europeia, refere-se a Alemanha, protagonista da construção da regulação daquela região. Ao mencionar o X como sua referência, ele menciona a rede cujo proprietário opera direta e explicitamente ameaças a vida democrática de diversas regiões do planeta.

    E um fato imenso. Não errem tentando coloca-lo no âmbito da “internet”. Não imaginem que se trata de algo afeito a comunicação ou moderação de conteúdo. Não subestimem acreditando que pode ser resolvido pelas secretarias de comunicação dos governos. Essa é a agenda central da geopolítica do nosso tempo. Só uma resposta institucional organizada poderá nos permitir enfrentar essa ameaça.

    Zuck arrisca transformar redes da Meta num X mais caótico

     Com fim de checagem, Zuck arrisca transformar redes da Meta num X mais caótico


    "Zuckerberg anunciou o fim do sistema de moderação de conteúdo das redes da empresa (Facebook, Instagram e Threads), que envolvia a atuação de agências e empresas jornalísticas, supervisionadas por um conselho independente."




    "Trocando em miúdos: Zuckerberg subordina a Meta aos interesses políticos de Trump e do governo dos EUA, alinhando de forma explícita as plataformas da empresa a um tipo de funcionamento mais semelhante ao do X de Elon Musk. Com a derrubada dos filtros de conteúdo, especialmente nas publicações sobre imigração e gênero, direitos individuais e coletivos serão mandados às favas, para o delírio da militância de extrema direita ao redor do planeta"

    leia artigo de Bernardo Cotrim

    NO COLO DE TRUMP - ICL Notícias

    David Bowie - Maid Of Bond Street

    Thos girl is made of lipstick
    Powder and paint
    Sees the picture of herself
    Every magazine on every shelf

    This girl is maid of bond street
    Hailing cabs, lunches with executives
    Gleaming teeth sip aperitifs
    This girl is a lonely girl

    Essa jornalista tem que ser aniquilada


    Marcadores: ,

    Meta is ending its fact-checking program in favor of a ‘community notes’ system similar to X

     The word Meta and its logo displayed on a white sign.

     "Zuckerberg’s announcement comes as CEOs and business leaders across sectors are currying favor with the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump. Meta, along with other tech companies, donated $1 million to Trump’s inaugural fund, and ahead of the election, Zuckerberg praised Trump in an interview with Bloomberg Television without offering an outright endorsement. Ahead of Trump’s inauguration, Meta has reportedly appointed Republican Joel Kaplan to lead its policy team, and on Monday, the company announced that UFC’s Dana White, a long-time supporter of Trump, would join its board."

    read more>>

    Meta is ending its fact-checking program in favor of a ‘community notes’ system similar to X – DNyuz

    Jean-Marie Le Pen, Rabble-Rousing Leader of French Far Right, Dies at 96


     A black and white photo of a gray-haired man standing on a city street — his shoulders thrown back, his chin up — with a crowd behind him, including three men close by in trench coats. He wears a dark suit, white shirt and striped necktie.

    "He insisted that “the races are unequal,” that anyone with AIDS was “a kind of leper” and that “Jews have conspired to rule the world.” He called America “a mongrel nation,” dismissed Hitler’s gas chambers as “a detail” of history and said that the wartime Nazi occupation of France was “not especially inhumane.”"

    Read obit by Robert McFadden

    Jean-Marie Le Pen, Rabble-Rousing Leader of French Far Right, Dies at 96 – DNyuz

    André Salvador Petite fleur fanée (1951)

    In The Basement (Part 1& 2 )-Sugar Pie DeSanto & Etta James-'1966

    ohh, now tell me where can you party, child, all night long?
    In the basement, down in the basement, yeah.
    Oh where can you go when your money gets low?
    In the basement, whoa down in the basement
    And if a storm is taking place, you can jam and still be safe
    In the basement, down in the basement, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    domingo, janeiro 05, 2025


    Quantas formas nesta foto!

    É a cara de São Cristóvão, bairro cortado por um viaduto, passando sobre as lojas de peças de automóveis... 



    Que no Ano Novo...



    Marcadores: ,

    O lado obscuro do Globo de Ouro -


    "Tenho amigos no Globo de Ouro. Sei que a profissão não anda fácil e que acesso a lançamentos e coletivas de imprensa pode ser uma grande diferença no fim do mês.

    Mas não podemos tampar o sol com a peneira e achar que tudo é lindo. É preciso contextualizar tudo. E tem jornalista esquecendo alguns “poréns”, só destacando o oba-oba das indicações do filme brasileiro."

    leia artigo de Rodrigo Salem

    (e assine a newsletter Desafiador do Deconhecido!)

    O lado obscuro do Globo de Ouro - by Rodrigo Salem

    David Bowie fora David Jones



    Gotham City - IV Festival Internacional da Canção (1969) - Jards Macalé & Capinam

    Aos 15 anos eu nasci em Gotham city
    Era um céu alaranjado em Gotham city
    Caçavam bruxas nos telhados de Gotham city
    No dia da independência nacional

    Cuidado! Há um morcego na porta principal
    Cuidado! Há um abismo na porta principalAos

    Virada do Ano






    Marcadores: , , ,

    Emicida - Paisagem

    Cheira pólvora, frio de mármore
    Vê que agora há quantas árvores
    Condecora nossos raptores
    Nos arredores tudo já pertence aos roedores

    É hora que o vermelho colore o folclore
    É louco como adianta pouco, mas ore
    Com sorte, talvez piore
    Não se iluda, pois nada muda
    Então só contemple as flores e

    Acende a brasa, esfregue as mãos
    Desabotoa um botão da camisa
    Sinta-se em casa, imagine o verão
    Ignore a radiação na brisa

    e o blog0news continua…
    visite a lista de arquivos na coluna da esquerda
    para passear pelos posts passados

    Mas uso mesmo é o