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    quarta-feira, setembro 04, 2024

    Will an Oasis reunion be a success? Definitely. Will it be worth it? Maybe


     Will an Oasis reunion be a success? Definitely. Will it be worth it? Maybe  | Oasis | The Guardian1,200 × 630

    "Back then, it felt like a rush of sneering vocals, distorted guitars that were equal parts Slade and the Sex Pistols circa Never Mind the Bollocks and tunes that seemed undeniable and immediately familiar, sometimes because you did actually already know them. Now, I find it weirdly moving. The cocktail of oddly wistful, melancholy lyrics and melodies and the seething, barely contained frustration and aggression in their delivery sounds like a perfect evocation of a desire for escape, for something better than the circumstances in which the songs’ narrators find themselves, undercut by uncertainty: they sound like songs about loudly expressed big plans made by people unsure whether they have the wherewithal to pull them off. I also suspect a certain nostalgia has potentiated my view of (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?’s epic closer Champagne Supernova. Nearly 30 years later, it sounds like the 90s equivalent of the rash of celebratory, elegiac songs that documented the waning of the glam rock era – Mott The Hoople’s Saturday Gigs, T Rex’s Teenage Dream, Slade’s How Does It Feel – which seems pretty exalted company to keep."

    more in the artice by ALEXIS PETRIDIS

    Will an Oasis reunion be a success? Definitely. Will it be worth it? Maybe | Oasis | The Guardian

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