I'm the leader of the White Walkers and here's why we're taking so long
"That's right, me and the White Walkers are nowhere near the action right now. We are so far up north it is ridiculous, and you would not freaking believe how slowly we are moving. And you know what? We have no plans to change anything, because we're having a great time.
Look, I'm here to kill all the living people and animals I see and reanimate their corpses to help me kill more people and animals. That's my main thing, that's my passion. But I'm also here to have a good time and to encourage a sense of play and joy in my army, you know?
I'm a wrinkly guy who is made of ice, loves to murder, and rides a dead horse, but I'm not a monster. So before you JUMP down my THROAT, maybe take into account that we all only get one life (except my soldiers who get several lives via dark, mysterious forest magic) and NOBODY should take themselves so seriously."
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I'm the leader of the White Walkers and here's why we're taking so long