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    domingo, março 02, 2025

    In Showdown With Zelensky, Trump Takes Offense on Putin’s Behalf

     President Volodymyr Zelensky and President Trump sitting in yellow chairs, talking to each other and gesturing.

     "But what really seemed to get under Mr. Trump’s skin during the discussion-turned-donnybrook were Mr. Zelensky’s harsh words about President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Mr. Trump, who had nothing but good things to say about the master of the Kremlin, seemed offended on his behalf and scolded Mr. Zelensky for hostility toward the man who had invaded his country.

    “He hates us,” Mr. Zelensky told Mr. Trump, trying to explain that Mr. Putin was the aggressor, not the victim. “It’s not about me. He hates Ukrainians. He thinks we are not a nation.” While Mr. Trump last week falsely said that Ukraine “started” the war, Mr. Zelensky made clear that the president had that exactly wrong. “Putin began this war,” the Ukrainian leader said.

    Mr. Trump did not concur, and proceeded to chide Mr. Zelensky for being mean. “It’s wonderful to speak badly about somebody else,” said Mr. Trump, scorn in his voice, “but I want to get it solved.”

    Mr. Trump, who has been known to speak badly about plenty of somebody-elses, including Mr. Zelensky, whom he called a “dictator” just last week, offered no sympathy for the Ukrainian view.

    “This is not a love match,” he said, making clear he considered Mr. Zelensky to blame. “This is why you’re in this situation.”"

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    In Showdown With Zelensky, Trump Takes Offense on Putin’s Behalf – DNyuz

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