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    sábado, janeiro 25, 2025

    We never had an arms embargo


    Jeffrey St. Clair>>

    + In an exit interview with Reuters, Biden’s ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, disclosed some uncomfortable but undeniable truths about the Administration’s total complicity with Israel during its genocidal assault on Gaza…

    The questions about targeting are real. There are many questions about many incidents, as there are after every war. There’s been a process internally of looking into things that might have gone wrong in different places that haven’t been resolved. When the secretary says there are still questions to be answered, there are still questions to be answered. In the IDF, there are still questions to be answered. But fundamentally, nothing that we ever said was, just ‘stop the war.’

    You never heard criticism from the United States for Israel carrying out strikes for almost a year in southern Lebanon, attacking Hezbollah and diminishing Hezbollah.

    You have not heard a word of criticism from the White House, the State Department, the Defense Department, from the United States, of the operation in Rafah. It’s a mistake when people say, as they sometimes do, “You told us not to, and we did.”

    We never had an arms embargo. Not in May. Not since. Never. We did have a public disagreement about 2,000-pound bombs. Why did that get blown into Israel’s closest ally, which has been supporting it every day since October 7, with extraordinary flows of material and support? Why characterize it as an embargo? It wasn’t.

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