Another friend tells us that he had an argument with his hosting family, which led to him moving out. Every now and then the same scenario happens over similar details. It has been four months now, four long months.
I can never blame any hosting family for asking people to leave. Hosting another family means more food consumption, less space, more stress, less stability.
After all this period, having disagreements, disputes and problems is the normal result. Everyone is stressed out, everyone is not OK, everyone is extremely upset.
I contacted a friend to check on her, her family were staying at her best friend’s house. “We had to move,” she said. “Things got really bad, and I don’t want to lose my best friend over this. Half of my family went to the house of my father’s friend, while the rest, including myself, are staying in a tent.”
For the last three months at least, finding a separate place is almost impossible, and if you are super lucky, you will have to pay crazy amounts of money. Days ago, a friend of mine told me they found an empty apartment that has only walls (no kitchen or utilities like basins, taps, etc). The owner asked for $1,400 a month and asked for three months’ payment in advance.
Our hosting family are incredible people, they never made us feel unwelcome, even at the worst of times. But I am always terrified that something might happen, and we will be asked to, or have to, leave before this is all over.