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    quinta-feira, julho 13, 2023

    The Magical Mystery Tour known as the RFK, Jr campaig


    Jeffrey St. Clair>>

    + Let’s check in on the Magical Mystery Tour known as the RFK, Jr campaign. This week the New York Times profiled Bobby’s wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, most well known for her role as Larry David’s ex on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Jr. intruded on Cheryl’s story by announcing that he “felt a lot of love and support from most of her friends, including Larry.” This provoked a response from David, who texted the Times: “Yes, love and support, but I’m not ‘supporting’ him.”

    Next Bobby, whose father once marched with Cesar Chavez, took a night trip to a border crossing near Yuma, where he deprecated immigrants in language almost indistinguishable from Ted Cruz:

    We’ve watched about 150 people come across in the last hour. They’re released into our country, and most of them are never seen or heard from again. There are people being drawn here. They’re being abused. This is not a good thing for our country.

    To reinforce these rancid sentiments, Jr. then met with a group of Big Irrigators, and reiterated their outrageous claims about a “tsunami of migrants” defecating on their fields of arugula, broccoli and iceberg lettuce…

    I met with local farmers Cory Mellon, Alex Mueller, Hank Auza, and Robert Barkley in Yuma, Arizona. Yuma County provides 90% of the green leafy vegetables, like iceberg lettuce, arugula, spinach, and broccoli, to American tables between November and April. The tsunami of migrants walking across farm fields and defecating in irrigation canals threatens the safety of that food supply. Last year, one of their neighbors had to plow under 88 acres of broccoli and personally absorb the $10k per acre cost after migrants tainted irrigation water.

    Did Jr. stop for a moment to think that one of the reasons migrants are crossing the border to plant, tend and pick the crops grown by the Big Ag irrigators he’s palling around with is because they’ve sucked the Colorado River so dry in the American Southwest it no longer reaches the sea in Mexico?

    Edward Abbey said some offensive things about migrants over the years, but never in the defense of desert grown arugula and the profits of Big Ag irrigators…

    “Like a drunk Netanyahu.” That’s how our friend Sam Husseini described Kennedy’s performance during an appearance on Glenn Greenwald’s “System Update” show on Rumble, where his hawkish views on Israel (much like his father’s) popped out as aggressively as the monster in Alien. “Glenn’s questions were moderate,” Sam wrote. “Kennedy’s answers came off like incoherent propaganda. Like if Netanyahu were drunk. Arabs want to kill all Jews. No one ever claims Israel kills Palestinians intentionally. It comes off like a purpose of his campaign is to divide people skeptical of Covid propaganda from serious critics of US-Israeli axis.”

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