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    quinta-feira, novembro 14, 2024

    Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing: any lessons learned from Trump 2.0 will be immediately forgotten


     "Right now, the Democratic party should be looking back at the past few months and wondering how a lot of stuff slipped their minds. Picture their trip down memory lane. “We should definitely run a coastal elite woman against Trump and call his supporters weird. I forget how that goes for us. We should definitely go heavy on the culture war stuff. I forget how that goes for us. We should definitely present the choice as being between darkness/fear/hate and moral superiority. I forget how that goes for us. We should definitely not present the choice as being between his economic plan and our clear and better one. I forget how that goes for us.”

    Anyway, you get the general idea. And look – in fairness, I’m sure they did want all this stuff to be true. Meanwhile, I note various howling liberals are already casting the election result as having immediately triggered a mental health pandemic. (I forget how that goes for them.) And they’re also sneering at some people for “voting against their economic interests”, as opposed to considering that valuing some things more than money isn’t actually sad and stupid, even if you think those particular things are the wrong things"

    more in the article by Marina Hyde

    Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing: any lessons learned from Trump 2.0 will be immediately forgotten | Marina Hyde | The Guardian

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