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    segunda-feira, outubro 14, 2024

    I Was Trump’s Ghostwriter. A New Biopic Gets the Most Important Thing Right.

     A photo illustration of two actors portraying Roy Cohn and Donald Trump with fiery cartoonish scribbles above their heads.

    "What struck me from the first day I met Mr. Trump was his unquenchable thirst to be the center of attention. No amount of external recognition ever seemed to be enough. Beneath his bluster and his bombast, he struck me as one of the most insecure people I’d ever met — and one of the least self-aware. He’d crossed the bridge from Queens to Manhattan but he remained the product — and even the prisoner — of his childhood experiences. As he told a reporter in 2015, “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same.”

    When children can’t get what they need from their primary caretakers, they eventually turn to other means. For Mr. Trump, that seemed to manifest in relentlessly seeking attention and recognition from an early age, and measuring his value comparatively and by the numbers — whether it was his net worth, the height of his buildings or the number of people who attend his rallies. Early on, Mr. Trump figured out that sufficient bravado and bold assertions — even if they were false — could often substitute for actual accomplishments, especially if he repeated them often enough."

    read more.>

    I Was Trump’s Ghostwriter. A New Biopic Gets the Most Important Thing Right. – DNyuz

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