Crooks fits the profile of every young, alienated white mass shooter
As for Trump’s would-be assassin, Crooks didn’t seem overtly political. His politics were the politics of the gun. He searched online for the names of Biden and Trump, equally, it seemed and was likely to have pulled the trigger on the first one who entered the sights of his AR-15. There was just a dime’s worth of difference between them as far as he was concerned. Crooks is the next variation on Kyle Rittenhouse, a fucked up white kid, working a dead-end job in a shabbily run nursing home, who ventured forth bound for glory with a semi-automatic rifle in the Republic of the Shooter.
+ Crooks fits the profile of every young, alienated white mass shooter since Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into the lunchroom at Columbine looking to settle scores with anyone who’d bullied, laughed at or ignored them in gym class–only now the semi-automatic rifles can be bought more easily, openly carried nearly everywhere and amped up to full-auto with a bump stock.