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    domingo, maio 19, 2024

    There’s something happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Joe…?

     Jeffrey St. Clair >>

    Momma, we’ve found the “outside agitators”… The Daily Beast reports that before the violent attack on anti-war demonstrators at UCLA, Jessica Seinfeld (wife of the comedian) and Bill Ackman (billionaire husband of the plagiarist Neri Oxman) gave thousands of dollars for a pro-Israel demonstration on campus.

    + UCLA professor Danielle Carr: “It’s hard to overstate the degree of outrage & betrayal on behalf of all the faculty now, especially after what happened last night, after about 200 very violent pro-Israel protesters descended on the camp and were shooting fireworks and acting real violent. And it took the university several hours to respond and secure the students’ safety. The irony that in the name of student safety the encampment will be facing a militarised police invasion tonight, probably including tear gas, it’s just hard to say fully how disgusted many of the faculty are finding this.”

    + As Professor Carr predicted, the day after the pro-Israel mob assaulted UCLA students and faculty, the California Highway Patrol arrived on campus, not to protect the students from “outside” assailants, but to open fire on them with tear gas and rubber bullets…

    + During the CHP crackdown on UCLA student protesters, at least 5 students were shot in the head with rubber bullets, the cops fired flash-bang grenades directly into the crowd and more than 130 students were arrested.

    There’s something happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Joe…?

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