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    sábado, fevereiro 24, 2024



    Out of all the reasons why I couldn’t sleep, severe cold was the strongest. No matter what I do, it goes directly to my bones. I remember a few days ago, how heavy the rain was. When I went out, the water was running in the street, creating a barrier. You could go deep into water almost up to your knees. All I wanted was to cross the few steps to reach the other side, but could not. So I decided to walk, hoping I will find a way across. I kept walking for a long time until I reached an area far away. I saw a guy I know on the other side trying to come into mine. We started screaming at each other.

    “Isn’t life funny?” he said. “I want to come into your side while you are trying to come into mine.”

    “Do you remember those riddles about crossing the river?” I yelled. “It seems that this is one of them.”

    We kept walking until we reached an area where the water level was low and some people have placed big rocks for others to step on to cross. When he finally reached my side, I asked him what he was doing.

    “Well, some of our relatives are staying in a tent,” he said. “I want to go get them to stay with us until the rain is over.”

    “Haven’t you told me that you have seven families with you right now?”

    “Yes, but we have no other option.”

    I moved aside to let a man holding a child in his arms cross. I kept anxiously looking at him while he stepped over the rocks to the other side, hoping the child wouldn’t fall. After he passed, I exchanged a few words with the guy and then crossed to the other side myself.


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