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    sábado, outubro 07, 2023

    Before the War


    Jeffrey St. Clair >:

    + Israel now holds at least 1,264 Palestinians in administrative detention, the since the Intifada 30 years ago. That means one quarter of Palestinians currently in Israeli custody are being jailed without trial.

    + A comprehensive new UN study on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories concludes that the 56-year long Israeli occupation is illegal, having breached fundamental norms of international law.

    + Doubling down on his imposition of apartheidist methods, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose views of Black Africans are to the right of DeSantis, said he wants Eritreans involved in a violent clash in Tel Aviv to be deported immediately and has ordered a plan to remove all of the estimated 25,000 African asylum seekers in Israel.

    + The Netanyahu government has plans for “13,000 new settlement units” during 2023, almost three times that of last year, in what amounts to a de facto annexation of the West Bank.

    + Gideon Levy on the latest round of “forcible transfers” in the West Bank: “Never before, in all the years of the occupation, has there been a Palestinian abandonment of villages in such proportions… This is the beginning of a real ethnic cleansing. You’ve been warned.”

    + Netanyahu is also pushing to build 300 kilometer-long wall on the Israel and occupied West Bank border with Jordan.

    + This week IDF soldiers made at least five Palestinian women strip naked in front of their children during a raid on their home in Hebron. Such strip-searches are becoming routine.

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