Anitta Butt Tattoo Part of Debate Over Brazil Taxpayer-Funded Shows

""Public contracts show that at least four small-sized cities hired Lima for shows with public money — at rates that sometimes exceeded his market value. One of those was São Luiz in Roraima State, in the isolated far north of the country. Roraima’s Prosecutor’s Office is examining a contract for 800,000 reais ($163,000) for a Lima show scheduled for December – an exorbitant amount for a city with just over 8,000 residents, which is the second-poorest city in Roraima, with an annual GDP of around $30 million. (Lima’s contract is 77% more than São Luiz’s yearly budget for school lunches, school busing and health surveillance services put together, according to public figures reported by the Brazilian media.)"
readnewstory by beatriz miranda
Anitta Butt Tattoo Part of Debate Over Brazil Taxpayer-Funded Shows – Billboard: