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    sábado, fevereiro 13, 2021

    Of Course Trump Will Get Away With Criming While Wealthy and White

    "What’s happening in the Senate, as the House impeachment managers present compelling and powerful evidence of the former president’s culpability for the deadly events that transpired on January 6, can be seen as a microcosm of what happens when wealthy white people are put in the position of holding one of their own accountable. Even with a shoddy defense and clear evidence of wrongdoing, the facts of the case matter much less than the identity of the perpetrator.

    This commitment to upholding the racial hierarchy and the continued solidarity Trump inspires boggles the mind. It is encapsulated by a comment from Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) on the eve of the impeachment trial. “Look, everyone makes mistakes,” he said on Fox News. “Everyone is entitled to a mulligan once in a while.” There’s a lot going on here. First, this is an exquisite pander to the former golfer-in-chief who, no doubt, was glued to Fox News. But then, let’s look at the metaphor. According to the New York Times, in golf, a mulligan means “allowing an opponent to take a second shot after an errant first swing without incurring any penalty on the official scorecard.” This is the language of elites enjoying themselves at country clubs. What a perfect shorthand for generations of white privilege."

    read article by Nathalie Baptiste​

    Of Course Trump Will Get Away With Criming While Wealthy and White – Mother Jones

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