'I am going to say quiet words in your face just like I did with Trump': a conversation with the Zuckerbot

"Since Zuckerberg won’t speak to the Guardian, we built a Zuckerbot that will.
We worked with Botnik Studios, the team behind Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash, to create a predictive keyboard trained on three years of interviews, speeches, blogposts and testimony from the Zuckerberg Files – more than 200,000 words of Zuckerverbiage in all. Guardian and Observer journalists then provided the questions, and Botnik used the Zuckerbot to produce the answers.
The result is this exclusive interview, which we feel confident is more revealing of the man behind Facebook than anything else you’ll read this year."
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'I am going to say quiet words in your face just like I did with Trump': a conversation with the Zuckerbot | Technology | The Guardian