Watchmen Episode 3: Questions and Easter Eggs

"“She Was Killed By Space Junk,” the third episode in HBO’s Damon Lindelof–created extension of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’s classic graphic novel, makes the world of the show much bigger. It was already big, even though the focus has largely remained trained on Tulsa (and wherever Adrian Veidt’s castle is located) and geographically, this episode only offers a peek at Washington, D.C. But it adds some new characters and, with their addition, expands the scope of the show, bringing in one of the comics’ central figures and filling in some blanks concerning the history of the world post–squid drop. So it would be fair to expect that it also answered more questions than it raised, too, right? Wrong! Here are a few items worth pondering at episode’s end."
read the answers here>
Watchmen Episode 3: Questions and Easter Eggs