Border Patrol detains 9 year old U.S. citizen for 36 hours after falsely accusing her of lying about her identify

"In San Diego, the United States Border Patrol grabbed a girl who is 9 and a U.S. citizen and on her way to school, accused her of lying about her identity, then detained her for 36 hours.
Many families in the San Diego-Tijuana area cross the border routinely for work, school, and shopping. The child and her mother live on the Mexico side, and school is on the U.S. side
They were reunited after the kid had been held away from her parents for 36 hours, when the Mexican consulate got involved.
It's hard to imagine this sort of thing routinely happening under Trump's white supremacist presidency to families who look differently. Say, blonde and white and wealthy."
Border Patrol detains 9 year old U.S. citizen for 36 hours after falsely accusing her of lying about her identify / Boing Boing