Trump didn't bother to show up in Situation Room for botched Yemen raid

"The raid ended with not just the death of U.S. Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens and the wounding of three others, but the killing of an unknown number of civilians.
Military insiders are pointing the finger at Trump, who apparently gave the mission the thumbs up after a dinner discussion with noted military experts Steve “leave no white man behind” Bannon and Jared “totally not nepotism” Kushner.
What did these experts on the world accomplish over a nice dessert?
US military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.
By this point in a Hillary Clinton administration, we would already be onto the third announcement of committees dedicated to investigating this tragedy and daily desk thumping for a special prosecutor. Yemenghazi!
But this really shouldn’t be called Yemenghazi. Because this looks like a situation where people really did die because of a miserable, thoughtless decision carried out by people who couldn’t be bothered to get up from dinner to give it serious study, or come down from the bedroom to see the results of their action."
read more by Mark Sumner>>>
Trump didn't bother to show up in Situation Room for botched Yemen raid: