There's a new heir to the Iron Throne, and nobody on 'Game of Thrones' noticed

"But the most important death is the one that barely got any attention: the poisoning of Princess Myrcella Baratheon, sister to King Tommen and official heir to the Iron Throne. She was the last Baratheon in Westeros — legally speaking, at least — and her absence has the potential to create even more of a power vacuum in Tommen's already ineffectual reign.
If Tommen were to die without producing any offspring, there'd be no official heir apparent — a fact that doesn't seem to have occurred yet to his mother Cersei or biological father Jaime. So far, apparently, neither has thought to do what any real-life monarchy would do in this situation: assure the world loudly and often of a secure succession.
So who is next in line to the Iron Throne of Westeros on the show, presuming Tommen's death leads to a peaceful and legal transfer of power? The answer might surprise you. But buckle up, because we're going to need to do some serious time traveling through Westeros history. "
read the analysis by Chris Taylor>>
There's a new heir to the Iron Throne, and nobody on 'Game of Thrones' noticed